Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2) (30 page)

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He shook his head again. “What the
fuck Luce, you already did it didn’t you? You sent it to Erica and Nick?” he

I giggled. “Well I may have
accidentally sent it to my dad and Sam too.”

“You’re fucking lucky I love you, you
know that?”

I nodded. “I do.”


Five Years Later…


“Stay still!” Erica demanded for the
umpteenth time.

I huffed. “You’re taking
You know I’m not a big fan of makeup and I feel like this is the tenth layer
you put on.” I complained.

“Oh hush it!” she said and I rolled
my eyes. “How have you put up with her all of these years?” she asked Mel.

She shrugged. “I have no idea I’m
actually still trying to figure it out.”

I flipped her off. “That’s fine
because at least Naiyla loves me don’t you?” I asked.

She smiled. “That’s still out for
debate. We all know you’re bat shit crazy.”

I gasped. “Wow, and I thought you
people were my family. I need to start recruiting new friends ASAP.”

“It’s alright honey, I love you!” Sam
said and I smiled.

“Thank you Sam. I love you too, it’s
just the two of us forget these other heffas.”

“Oh puh-lease. You couldn’t get rid
of us if you wanted to.” Erica said and stuck out her tongue. I returned the

There was a knock on the door. “Come
on girls, it’s time to go.”

“Oh don’t you rush us James, we will
take however long we want to.” Sam screamed at him.

We heard him mutter something through
the door. “Do you really need to take this long? We’re already late you know.”

“So they’ll wait no one is going
anywhere. Now unless you want to become enemy number one I would suggest that
you choose sides and you do it now.” Sam demanded and threw her hands on her

He sighed. “Fine woman, I don’t want
any problems with you.” We all giggled.

“I’m so sad that you couldn’t bring
Shakira with you. I can’t believe I still haven’t met her yet!” I fussed at

She gave me a small sad smile. “Me
too, but she was sick so she had to stay home. I wish you could’ve met her

I sighed. “By the way, when are you
setting a date? That ring is just collecting dust on your finger for the past
three years. I couldn’t believe it when he proposed on the stage as he accepted
his diploma. That was fucking awesome and so romantic. I may have swooned a
bit, Roger is such a sweetheart.”

She gave a weak laugh. “Yea he is.
It’s just not the right time you know? We will get married eventually, but you
should be one to talk. Landon put that ring on you how many years ago?”

I laughed. “It wasn’t the right
time.” I repeated. “I can’t believe we did shit so ass backwards. We had babies
getting married.”

She laughed. “Yea I know right. At
least you were engaged before you got knocked up. I was just fortunate that I
was able to take my classes online during that first year so I could still
graduate on time. I can’t believe she’s going to be four next month.”

I laughed. “Tell me about it, Max is
freaking fourteen! And Dean is going to be six in two months. He’s the age Max
was when I met him and I’d be damned if he doesn’t remind me exactly of how Max
was at his age, just not as reserved.”

“Max has a soccer game next week
right?” Erica asked and I nodded. “I’m so happy I’ll be here to see it.”

“Alright, all done!” Erica said and I
let out a long breathe.

“It’s about damn time it only took
you three years. Now let’s do this.” I told them standing up. I took a look at
her work and had to admit she did a damn good job. She made my face look
flawless and the way she did it went perfectly with the rest of my look.

We all headed to the door and
followed James down the hallway until we reached the arch leading outside. I moved
to peer out the French doors to see outside and Erica shooed me away. I huffed
but I didn’t argue I already saw that there was a curtain blocking my view
anyway. The music started and the girls began filing out one by one. James came
and grabbed my hand and I smiled up at him.

The music changed and he whispered.

I nodded. “I’ve been ready for a long
time dad.”

He smiled and we proceeded to exit
through the curtain. I looked around to see that they had transformed our
entire backyard. They even decorated the covered pool, if you didn’t know it
was there you would never have guessed. It was sunny and not a cloud in the
sky. I looked around at all of the filled up seats with our friends, coworkers
and loved ones. Landon was able to make sure that there were no paparazzi or
reporters by hiring one of the best security companies. We had Nick who was one
of the best players in the league now and Landon who was recruited straight out
of college and had an amazing first season. The past three years his status
also ranked into the top and he was bombing on the football field. He decided
to stick with Ohio Cincinnati and thanks to him and a few other recruits they
took the team from being mediocre to one of the top in the league. Some of
their close teammates and their coaches were here so naturally when wind of the
event got out everyone was looking to be here. I caught sight of Dean who was
waving frantically at me and I waved back. Behind him was Max, followed by
Nick, and Teddy brought up the rear. I looked to the other side where Erica
was, followed by Mel, Naiyla, and Sam. We decided that all of the people that
would be standing with us today would all be maid of honors and best men. Like
us Naiyla and Teddy decided to stay in Ohio and Teddy was actually on the team
with Landon. They had become extremely close and he was always over at the

I allowed my eyes to finally land on
Landon and my throat went dry. He was even larger but still not steroid or
gross looking bulky. You wouldn’t hear a complaint from me at all since I still
drool over him like a hungry puppy. He was filling out his tux perfectly and
his eyes were glued to me. I felt my cheeks start to heat up from my blush when
I saw that look I know all too well flare in his eyes. He was practically
removing my dress with his eyes and he was doing it for all to see not that he
ever really cares. When we reached the front, James kissed my cheek and handed
me to Landon. The preacher began talking but his words were drowned out by my
frantic heartbeat. Of all the issues I have with anxiety you would think that I
would be on the verge of a panic attack right now being here front and center
in front of all of these people but I wasn’t. I was in a trance captured
completely by Landon. It was like we were having a silent conversation with
just our eyes.

We heard a throat clear and chuckles
in the crowd. “I asked if you two have prepared your own vows.” The preacher

I blushed and nodded. “We do.” We
decided that we should say our own vows but didn’t write them, we wanted them
to come straight from the heart. “Landon you are the most stubborn, demanding, crazy,
possessive, pain in my ass. You smother us and if it were up to you, you would
keep all of us locked in the house under 24 hour surveillance so you could
watch us. You are a nosy bastard with no regrets, and that’s one of the things
I love about you. If it wasn’t for that I probably wouldn’t have ever been in a
place where I could make a living doing what I love. You’re never afraid to
show or express your love for not only me but the rest of our family even if it
make you a little caveman-ish. You love me with everything and you
make sure that I don’t want or need for anything. What you don’t realize is
that all I really ever want and need is
. There was a time in my life
when I had hopes and dreams of getting as far away from you as possible and
well… now I hate to be apart from you. I will never be grateful enough to Dean
for not only enabling us but by bringing you into this world for me and that’s
why it was so important that we do this on his birthday. Landon, I could go on
for hours and days telling you all the reasons why I love you so much that I
wouldn’t ever consider leaving you even when I want to pull out my hair. Can I
just spend the rest of my life
you why you mean so much to me? I
love you LJ, all of you. Heart, mind,
, and soul.” When I finished I
realized that there were tears running down my face. He never took his eyes
from mine not once. He was fidgeting like he couldn’t wait to talk and I was
dying to hear what he had to say. He was still smiling from me making a
spectacle about his body but you can’t blame me.

He brought his hands up and wiped away
my tears with his thumbs. “Don’t cry baby.” He whispered. He cleared his throat
and spoke louder so everyone else could hear him as he spoke his vows. “Lucy
I’m convinced you’re going to give me gray hair within the next couple of
years. You drive me out of my damn mind and you don’t listen to a damn thing I tell
you. You are the most hardheaded person I know and probably the balls-iest. You
know how much crap you get away with that other people wouldn’t even consider
doing to me?” he asked and I flicked his nose making him growl. “You see? But
Lucy I knew that I was going to marry you one day from the first time I met
you. I still remember how you looked in your pink jumper and these wild blue
black curls shaking like a leaf on top of the monkey bars. I knew then that I
would do anything for you and I meant it when I promised to catch you. I
remember the smile you gave me that day all trusting and grateful. I still
believe that my mother brought you here to me because she knew I was going to
need someone when I lost her. Even when you
me Lucy it was always
about you. It was only ever about you. You’re sweet and pure and caring and
just… I don’t know. You’re just everything good. I can’t sleep if you’re not
next to me, and unless I’m on the field and coach is screaming his head off at
me I’m thinking about you. When I see you I want you and half of the time you
know that and run.” He chuckled. “Baby we’ve been through so much and we
finally made it through it all. The last few years have been the best of my
life even when you do shit like buy pink sheets. You’re not only mine you’re my
family; you’re a part of my
family. You can show me how much you
love me only if you let me do the same both figuratively and literally
speaking. Baby you’re my angel, always have been always will be. I’m never
going to let you forget that. I promise to love you forever, and to only love
you more if that’s even possible anymore.” His eyes were wet and he bent down
and kissed me. The reverend cleared his throat and I jumped back while Landon

“By the power invested in me, I now
pronounce you husband and wife. You may
kiss the bride.” Landon didn’t
waste any time grabbing my arm and tugging me close and fused our mouths
together. His kiss was deep and desperate. When he broke off I was looking at
him both confused and amused while I tried to catch my breath.

“That was the first time I got to
kiss my wife.” He whispered in explanation and I smiled.

We heard Nick clear his throat and I
looked past Landon to him. His eyebrows went up to his hairline but he didn’t
say anything. I frowned because Nick always had something to say. When nothing
happened he cleared his throat again but this time it sounded like he was
hacking. He was giving the reverend this weird look and I watched him amused
wondering what the hell he was doing. The reverend sighed and shook his head
and I was really intrigued. “You may now kiss the best man.”

Landon straightened and gaped at the
reverend while Nick broke out into a huge grin. I laughed along with the crowd,
why am I not surprised that he somehow got the reverend to do this. He opened
up his arms for me, “Come on princess, you heard the man.” I giggled and ran
over to him. He scooped me into a bear hug and swung me around. When he placed
me back on my feet he put both hands on my cheeks and squeezed so my lips were
puckered and placed a wet kiss on my lips. The crowd wolf whistled and cheered while
he grinned like an idiot.

“Would you let go of my wife?” Landon
asked irritated.

Nick threw his hands up in surrender.
“Listen, us best men just wanted to have kisses too. It’s only fair that you
don’t hog her.” He began to backup and when he reached a safe enough distance
he yelled. “And she hasn’t even been your wife for five minutes you stalker.”
He looked prepared to run for his life. Instead Landon shook his head and
muttered something under his breath before grabbing my hand.

Dean came up to me. “Mommy I’m a best
man I get a kiss too!”

I laughed and bent down and gave him
a kiss. When I was done I saw Max standing beside him grinning. He’s become
accustomed to calling me mom even though now he understands the distinction.
It’s crazy but to him I’m the closest thing to one he’s ever had. When I go to
his games and things which is all of them he tells his friends proudly that I
am his mom. It warms my heart and I can understand the need for him to have a
mother figure in his life. “Maxamillion you want yours too?” I asked.

He didn’t respond but came over and
threw his arms around me and I kissed him on his forehead then his cheek. He
looked up at me and smiled. “I’m happy that you and Landon are married. We’re a
real family now, I love you mom.”

I wanted to cry all over again. “I
love you too Max now and always.” I promised. When I let him go he went and
hugged Landon. I looked to Ted who was standing to the side by himself. He was
definitely more comfortable with our entire family, and when he’s over he runs
around the house with the kids and jokes and laughs loudly. In public and
especially in front of an audience he still was very reserved and quiet. He
would only speak if absolutely necessary like in an interview. I knew he was a
bit out of his element being up here but he did it for us. I crooked a finger
at him and he smiled and walked over slowly. “Teddy where’s my best man kiss?”
I asked.

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