Keeping Meg (Devil's Knights #6) (11 page)

BOOK: Keeping Meg (Devil's Knights #6)
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“More,” I gasped. Lo thrust one more time, his hand reaching between us and flicked my clit. My orgasm slammed into me, throwing me over the edge. His hands grabbed my ass and thrust hard, finding his own release. My pussy milked his cock as my desire rolled through me. He grunted low, grinding his cock into me, and I felt his cum shoot into me.

I collapsed on top of him, satisfied and completely wrung out. “God.” Lo’s body shook underneath me, but I didn’t have the energy to move. “Why are you laughing? You just completely wrecked me, and you’re laughing.”

“You can just call me Lo, babe. No need to call me God.”

“Ha, ha, you’re so funny,” I muttered into his neck.

His laughing stopped, and his hand caressed my ass. “I fucking love you, Meg. I’m fucking balls deep inside you, and you still manage to make me laugh.”

Hmm, what could I say, I was a comedian. “You’re welcome,” I sighed.

“You gonna sleep, babe?”


“You wanna get cleaned up first?”

“No,” I mumbled, half asleep, relaxing into his body.

“I think I might need to though.”

I opened my eyes and looked up at Lo. “What?” Whenever he asked me if I wanted to clean up or not, he let me do what I wanted.

“I think my foot is in the pizza you brought in.”

“Oh fuck,” I laughed, looking over my shoulder. Sure as shit, his foot and half of his leg were covered in pizza. “How the hell did you have sex like that?”

“I didn’t fucking notice it until we were done. Now, all I smell is pizza, and my leg is sticking to the blanket.

I planted my face in his chest and busted out laughing. Only this would happen to me. Phenomenal sex ends with the best orgasm of my life and Lo’s leg in a pizza. “Still the best sex of my life,” I howled, laughing.

Lo grabbed my ass, grinding his dick into me and laughed. “Damn right, babe.”






Chapter 15



“What the fuck is that smell?” I was walking down the hallway to the common room with my arm around Meg’s shoulders. I looked over at her, and she had her hand plugging her nose, and she was breathing through her mouth.

“Oh fuck. I bet Marley is trying to make breakfast,” she wheezed.

“That’s breakfast?” I asked, slowing my pace, not sure if I wanted to go any further. “It smells like a fucking tire fire was roaring in the kitchen with the slight smell of burnt bacon.”

“You just paint a picture with your words, Lo. I can imagine a pile of tires burning in the kitchen with Marley roasting bacon over the flames,” Meg giggled, grabbing my hand and pulling me the rest of the way to the kitchen.

The smell worsened with each step and sinking back into bed with Meg looked better and better.

“Turn back now,” Demon mumbled, walking past us. “I don’t know how a woman that gorgeous has no ability to cook. It was just water.” Demon ran his fingers through his hair, shaking his head.

“It’s like we’re walking up on an accident scene,” Meg mumbled.

“It was just a pot of water with a little vinegar in it. I was trying to make poached eggs for everyone,” Marley wailed from the kitchen.

Meg glanced at me, and her eyes were bugged out of her head. “Poached eggs?” she whispered. “She hasn’t mastered toast, but she’s trying poached eggs? What the hell is Marley smoking?”

Troy stalked out of the kitchen, and I smothered my laugh with the back of my hand. “Shush.” Meg turned into my body, burying her laughter in my chest.

“You didn’t call the fire department, did you?” Troy asked. He was wearing only boxers, and his hair was all over the place, and it looked like he had just woken up.

“Nah, man. Everything OK?” I peeked into the kitchen and saw Marley at the sink, vigorously scrubbing a pot.

Troy ran his fingers through his hair and stepped closer. “Water. Mother fucking water.”

Meg’s body was shaking against me, laughter racking her body. “Did she manage to make any coffee before she tried to burn the clubhouse down.”

Meg slapped my chest and finally unburied her head, and looked up at me, a goofy grin on her face. “She can make coffee. Well, at least this one time she did.”

“Laugh it up,” Troy growled, “but you won’t be laughing when I starve to death because Marley can’t even cook a simple egg.”

“Well, in her defense, poached eggs aren’t exactly simple. I think a plain fried egg would have been her best bet to try to make. Where the hell did she even get the idea to make poached eggs?” Meg turned around, and I wrapped my arms around her, her back to my front.

“Fucking Bobby Flay. She was watching the Food Network last night and got the bright idea to make eggs benedict for breakfast this morning.”

“Eggs Benedict? Holy hell. I barely ever make that. That’s like super hard. Hollandaise sauce is nothing to sneeze at.”

“Well, she didn’t even get to the sauce part. She put water on to boil for the poached eggs and the she decided to bring me coffee.”

“You lost me. How the hell did she burn the water then?” I asked.

“When she brought me the coffee, I didn’t know that she had started the water. We started talking and then she brushed up against me and then one thing leads to another and the next thing I know, the fucking fire alarm is blaring, and I’m trying to get to the stove through a cloud of smoke.”

“I think I know what Marley’s problem is, Troy.” Meg folded her arms over her chest and leaned back into me.

“Tell me. I need to fix this. I. Am. Going. To. Starve.”

“You’re the problem. You keep distracting her. When she burns the pizza, where are you?”

“Well, if we’re at home, usually in the kitchen with her.”

“Doing what?”

“Um, well, you know.”

Meg pointed her finger at him and shook her head. “Keep your damn hands off the woman for more than five seconds and I bet your problem will be solved.”

“You need to leave your girl alone when she cooks, man, otherwise she’s going to burn my God damn club down.”

“I give up. I’m not meant to cook. I was made for pizza and cereal with the occasional pop tart thrown in which I always manage to burn.” Marley walked out of the kitchen her shoulders slumped, looking utterly defeated.

“That’s not true, Marley. We figured out what the problem is. Mr. Can’t Keep His Hands To Himself. You need to stay away from Troy when you cook. He distracts the hell out of you.” Meg walked over to Marley and draped her arm over her shoulders. “Troy is the problem.”

“Wait. What… how… that…” Troy sputtered. “I’m not the one burning everything!”

“If you could keep your hands off of her for more than five minutes, there wouldn’t be a problem.”

“Yeah. She’s right!” Marley said, pointing at Troy. “Every time I burn something it’s because you grab me and have your way with me.”

“I never hear you complain while I’m doing it,” he growled.

“Well, that’s because I can’t think when you touch me,” she scolded him. I shook my head, not believing that Meg was able to spin this onto Troy.

“Lo Daze,” Meg mumbled.

“What the hell does Lo have to do with this?” Troy asked, just as confused as I was.

“Lo does the same thing to me. The second he touches me, I lose all train of thought and can only focus on him. You’ve got the Lo Daze except for not Lo,” Meg said, turning to Marley and put her hands on her shoulders “Troy Daze. Doesn’t have the same ring to it as Lo Daze does, though,” Meg mumbled.

“This is ridiculous. I’m not keeping my damn hands off of you, Marley. If that means every damn meal I eat is going to be burnt, then so fucking be it. You’re at least damn good at ordering pizza.” Troy pushed Meg out of the way and wrapped Marley up in his arms.

Meg walked over to me and crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re looking mighty smug, babe.”

She looked up at me, a smile on her lips. “I just saved us from burnt breakfast, Lo. You should be damn happy, too.”

I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her to my side. “Good job. Although that means you gotta make breakfast now.”

“I know. I’m used to being the one who always cooks.” She brushed a kiss against my cheek and headed into the kitchen.

“We’ll be out for breakfast later,” Troy mumbled, as he and Marley headed down the hall, both of them unable to keep their hands off of each other.

“Oh, wow, what is that smell?”

“That was breakfast until your mom stepped in and fixed shit. What are you doing here?” I asked as Remy walked into the clubhouse.

“Mom told me about Ethel the other day. I tried calling her this morning to see if we could go over there, but she didn’t answer. I figured I would just stop by and talk to her. Is that OK?” Remy asked, looking unsure about coming here.

I didn’t want Remy to think he wasn’t welcome here. He was going to start working in the garage next semester for work study in school, so I, of course, didn’t mind him being here. I was just surprised to see him now. “You’re good. You can come here anytime you want, you know that.”

“Cool,” he said, looking around, taking everything in. I suppose the common room of the clubhouse would look different to someone who had never spent time with an MC. It was basically a bar but more laid back.

“You drive here or did your dad drop you off?” Remy had been staying with his dad more since the whole locking down the clubhouse because of the Assassin bullshit.

“Dad dropped me off. He was going to go hit some golf balls with friends. I told him I would be back later.” Of course, the asshole was hitting golf balls, what a fucking asshat.

“We can hit up Ma’s after breakfast. You hungry?”

“Mom cooking?”

“Hell yeah,” I smirked.

“Then I’m starving.”

“Is that Remy I hear?” Meg asked, walking out of the kitchen wiping her hands on a kitchen towel.

“Hey, Mom. Dad dropped me off, I hope that’s OK. I tried calling you this morning, but you didn’t answer.”

“I’m sorry, sweetie. I just woke up.” She pressed a kiss to Remy’s cheek and gave him a hug.

I really wanted to tell her she was a damn liar because we did not just wake up. Meg had first woken up three hours ago and proceeded to wake me up with an earth shattering blowjob that led into me eating her out and making her cum twice before I made her ride me again and then we came together. Then we fell asleep for another hour. But I guess I wouldn’t say that. “You make coffee, babe?”

“Yeah, I’ll grab you a cup. Sit with Lo, Rem. Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes. Marley was trying to make eggs benedict,” Remy wrinkled his nose, grossed out, “but I think scrambled eggs and Canadian bacon is what I’ll whip up.”

“Sweet. Better than nasty poached eggs. Damn things are weird.”

“Remy wants to swing by Ma’s, Meg. I figured after breakfast we can hit up there and then maybe after we can go to the movies or something.” I knew Meg had been missing spending time with Remy. It was just another reason why I needed to take care of the Assassin situation. Meg needed to spend time with her kid, but with not knowing what the next move from the Assassins was going to be, she had been trying to keep Remy out of everything.

“Could we?” she asked, surprised.

“Yeah, babe. Ain’t got no clue what movies are playing, but you pick one, and we’ll go.”

“Yes!” she shouted and jumped into my arms. “That sounds perfect, Lo.”

“Sweet. I’ll check to see what movies are playing,” Remy mumbled, pulling his phone out of his pocket as he walked over to one of the couches and plopped down.

“You’re going to make this one of the best days I’ve had in a while,” she laughed running her fingers through my hair.

“You deserve it. I feel bad you haven’t had the time you need with Remy since you met me.” Her life actually had been tossed upside down since she met me.

“It’s not your fault, handsome. Plus, I know you’re doing everything you can to make everything better.”

I wrapped my arms around her and pressed her close. “I love you, babe. You need this.”

“Hmm, I love you, too.” She pressed a kiss to my lips, and I stepped back when she tried to deepen it.

“Kid,” I said, nodding over her shoulder. “Make breakfast and then you can have the day with Remy.”

“Alright, Lo. Best day ever, because I get to spend it with my two favorite guys.” She turned to walk into the kitchen, and I grabbed her arm, throwing her off balance, leaving her with no choice but to wrap her arms around me.

“Every day with you is better than the last,” I growled before I claimed her lips, not caring Remy was fifteen feet away.

I kissed her until she was breathless and she stumbled back, her eyes hooded and filled with desire. “You don’t play fair,” she whispered.

“I play for keeps, Meg. Nothing fair about that.”

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