Kept: An Erotic Anthology (14 page)

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Authors: Sorcha Black,Cari Silverwood,Leia Shaw,Holly Roberts,Angela Castle,C. L. Scholey

BOOK: Kept: An Erotic Anthology
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K’marr folded his arms, glaring down at the stupid humans. “Have the three conspirators put in holding until we decide what to with them. From what I’ve seen of human law, I do not trust their justice system.”

“Yes, your Highness, it will be a pleasure.”

V’star issued further orders and K’marr left his men to clean up the dirt.

Right now, he needed to be with his wife and her father.


Sitting in the same luxury suite she first woke in after her ‘less than ideal wedding,’ Ash pressed the whiskey over ice tumbler into her father’s shaking hands. Her heart broke seeing the utter look of devastation on his face.

“Daddy? Are you okay?”

She knelt down as he raised the drink and swallowed the whole thing in one gulp.

He shuddered and lifted his gaze to meet hers. “I don’t know, honey. Are you alright? I mean, things seem so out of control right now.”

She smiled kindly, knowing the feeling well. “I’m fine, Dad. I’m sorry we needed to reveal all the…the stuff downstairs.”

“No, you and your, uh, man did the right thing. I need to thank him for saving us from, well, that nasty bitch. I should have seen it, first. I never
should have married her.”

“She and her daughter are good at acting; you and I weren't to know. If it wasn’t for my husband and his efficient, security team, they would have got away with it.”

He blinked. “Did you really get married?”

“Yes, Dad, but it’s okay, K’marr is a good man.”

Ash's chest ached as it sank in—she would soon be taken away from her father. Who would he have to look after him?

“I kind of suspected Jillian was having an affair…but I never realized she would stoop so low as to try and kill you or me.” His hand gripped hers.

“I would never let anyone harm your daughter, sir.”

Ash turned to see K’marr standing behind her.

Her father stared up at the man.

“What kind of royalty are you? Why would you marry my Ashlyn?”

“I am a king, sir. How could I not fall in love with someone as sweet and caring as your daughter?”

Ben Sawyer's jaw dropped for a moment before his gaze narrowed in suspicion. “A king? Of what? It better not be one of those Middle Eastern countries where women have no rights.”

“I assure you, sir, I am not from any of these, as you say, Middle Eastern countries. Your daughter is now Queen of Spirimya. She has the ability to wield great power in her lovely, small hands.”

Ash blinked with her husband’s revelation. “I do?”

K’marr grinned. “More than you know, my love.”

She tilted her head thinking about it for a moment. “Cool.”

K’marr chuckled. “I see, I will now have to be on my guard, sweetheart.”

“But Ash, do you love him?" asked her father. "Is this what you really want, to be royalty? I’ve never heard of Spirimya.”

“I don’t honestly know about the queen stuff, but I am open to learning. K’marr’s a bit bossy, but I kind of like that. As for love…”

Ash searched her heart, turning to look at her husband. Her breath hitched at the utter vulnerability, and love he held for her in his eyes. It wasn’t only lust or sex, she held the power to devastate his heart, or crush his soul. There was no way she could ever do it, for it would crush her own.

Her heart thrummed in her chest, her own hands shook and she confessed, “Yes, I love him. He’s proven to me, more than once, the nature of his good intentions, even if they did start out a bit rocky.”

“For which I’m sure you will make me pay penance,” K'marr griped good naturedly.

“Oh, I can think of a few things,” she teased.

“Well, then.” Her father rose to his feet. Ash moved back watching the two men she loved in her life. “If you’ve been lucky enough to win my daughter's love, she deserves to be happy, and if you can make it so, all I have left to say is welcome to the family, son.”

A lump formed in her throat and tears threatened when her father offered his hand. K’marr simply pulled her dad into a hug.

“I vow to make it my life’s mission to make sure she is happy.”

“Good, good.” He patted K’marr’s back and pulled away. “Seems it’s the day for losses. My wife, which I’m not that cut up about, now I think about it; Losing my daughter though is harder than…”

Ash saw tears in her father’s eyes. “Oh, Daddy.” She moved in and hugged him.

“Sir, may I suggest something?” Ash and her father looked at K’marr. “There is no need for you to lose anyone. I see how much you love your daughter, and I want her to be happy. Would you object to journeying with us to my home? I can offer you your own place in the palace. My kingdom is at your disposal, sir.”

Ash grinned, falling more in love with her King, moment by moment.

“I have no objections," her father nodded. "My work and my life are nothing without someone to work for. I would give it up for her in a heartbeat.”

“It is settled, you will come with us. Now, the question remains what do we do with those currently in my holding prison? She is under human law still, your wife.”

“No, I don’t consider that woman my wife anymore. Those three have dug their own holes; I say we bury them and never look back.”

K’marr raised an eyebrow and grinned. Ash followed his gaze to where two guards stood by the door, trying and failing to hide their smirks. “I am sure this can be arranged.”

He moved off to talk to the two by the door in hushed tones. They nodded and left the room.

K'marr returned with a knowing smile on which Ash would quiz her husband later.

“We shall depart for the ship now, my men will take care of everything.”

Her father glanced at him. “You have some strange words, son. Where is Spirimya? And what do you mean by ‘ship?’”

Ash grinned.

“Brace yourself Daddy, you’re in for another few surprises.”


Chapter 7

Ashlyn hummed while she hung up another dress.

had been on the ship for three weeks now. 'Ship' was a quaint word for the huge monster of a luxury vessel the size of a football stadium. While it could fold space and be home within a matter of hours, K'marr decided to give everyone a break, and treat
the two of them, especially, to what she called a ‘slow boat to China,’ so they could enjoy a honeymoon, getting to know each other better.

Her father, once over the shock of K’marr being an alien, and travelling through space, seemed more content than he ever was. V’star, the head of the royal guards, took pleasure in teaching the Queen's father about the wonders of Spiri technology.

As for the famous three, when she and her father asked what K'marr ordered done with Jillian, Lillian and Frank, the King grinned and explained how he ordered his guards to leave them in the desert with three bottles of water laced with a truth serum drug which would take hours to wear off. His agents sent the police all the evidence they gathered and the whereabouts of the trio. They were in the exact location where the body of the assassin was buried.

Justice has been served. His agents would also take over the running of Ben Sawyer's global development company, helping to embed the Spiri agents deeper within Earth culture and business.

“You know, you have aides to do that for you?” How she loved the deep rumble of his voice.

Ash glanced over her shoulder at her husband.

“…and die from sheer boredom?”

His moved in close, his hand sliding over her hip.

“I have ways to keep my Queen occupied.” His suggestive tone left her in no doubt of his ‘ways.’ She shuddered, but kept at her task, no matter how mundane or small. She felt the need to keep her feet planted firmly on the ground.

Ash gasped when K’marr spun her around suddenly, pushing her up against the closet wall. He pressed his body into hers.

“What are you doing?” She gasped, still playing coy when he moved his hand down her side, repositioning her, so there was no escape.

“Keeping you occupied with more important things.”

She tilted her head up to gaze into his eyes, swirling with clear lust. She loved these games, and found she was so good at playing the role he wanted—what she wanted.

He took hold of her wrists, lifting them and pinning them above her head. His gaze dropped automatically to how her chest thrust out in this position.

He grinned, licking his lips. “Young maids should take more care when alone in the company of the King.”

Damn, she loved the maid game, and the dungeon game, and the eating food off her body game, and the…heck, she loved everything K’marr did to her and with her.

She wiggled and squirmed, from juices seeping into her wet slit as her body flamed to life.

“But my King, my husband is a very jealous man; what if he finds out?”

“You must fulfil your duties to your King, little maid.”

“Oh, but my King, those duties don’t include—”

He meshed his lips over hers, pushing his insistent tongue against the seam of her lips. Even her mock resistance easily melted, allowing his tongue full entry. He moaned as he skimmed along her teeth and explored her mouth.

He released her hands and they dropped to his shoulders before she remembered…
oh, yes, fight him.

She pushed half-heartedly against his oh, so wonderful muscular chest, gasping when he allowed her to breathe. “Oh, my King, no, you shouldn’t.”

He grinned and slid his hand up under her top until they reached her braless breasts, filling his hands with each one and massaging. She fought to hold back her moans while she wiggled and squirmed, arousing them both further, and she felt his hard cock pressing into her soft belly.

She gasped when he pinched her nipples, crying out from the mix of pain and pleasure. He twisted and rubbed them before lowering his mouth.

“You have no choice, little maid. I could choose to have your husband thrown into the dungeon.”

“Oh, no, no, please, not that. I’ll do whatever you want.”

“I want you naked, and this—” he tore the flimsy material of her blouse—“…is in my way.”

The King had unique and creative ways of slowly destroying all the clothes he acquired for her. The dressmakers on Spirimya were going to either weep in dismay, or with leap with joy at all new dresses they would have to make for her.

He sucked one hardened bud into his mouth, nipping the tip with his teeth before soothing it with the flat of his tongue.

“Your body betrays you, little maid.”

He pushed down her skirt, pooling it at her feet, and giving him free access to her most intimate parts, of which he took advantage, cupping her newly shaved and highly sensitive mound. The device he used on her easily stripped off her fuzz with no pain, and he told her she would be smooth for months to come.

He would make a fortune back on Earth selling this to women

He rubbed slowly up and down, a ghost of a touch sending tremors through her body. Slowly, he started to slide it deeper, making her flood with pure lust.

She struggled to remember she needed to keep acting. “Oh, no, stop, you can’t do this!” Her hoarse whisper was more eager excitement than resistance.

He replied by taking her mouth in a longer, deeper kiss while pushing his finger into her. She gasped into his mouth when his finger slid in to the hilt.

“So wet for me, so tight...” He trailed kisses along the side of her jaw to her throat. “I’ll take care of my little maid.”

She gave up attempting to mock fight, widening her legs to give him easier access. He pulled his finger out and she groaned in disappointment. She felt his chest rumble with a chuckle as he lifted her up.

She tucked her legs around his back while he carried her through the room into the royal suite, placing her down on the oversized bed, spreading his body over hers. Sitting back on his knees, he quickly stripped off his own clothing, tossing them carelessly onto the floor behind him.

She took time to admire his hard, muscular body, and the thick length of the royal cock which brought her so much pleasure.

“You’ll have something to clean up later, little maid.” He grinned wickedly.

“Evil King,” she sassed.

He smacked the outside of her thigh, making her yelp, laying down beside her, entwining their legs, moving his hand between them to take possession of her wet pussy, this time sliding two fingers deep inside her.

“Forget your husband, this is mine and you are mine! Understood, little maid?” He growled.

She trembled with growing passion. Losing her ability to form coherent words, she nodded, only managing to gasp, “Yes, my King.”

“Good, hands above your head, and keep them there. You will take what I give you and thank your King for being so generous.”

Slowly, she obeyed, entwining her fingers with the pillow case and clutching it tight.

“That’s a good girl.”

Her body was his playground, and she loved the way he played with her, his mouth working her breasts, his fingers in a steady rhythm, pumping in and out of her, turning her into molten lava, her breathing rapid while she struggled not to squirm, and he pushed her right to the brink of climax.

“Oh, god, yes, please, more.” Her hips moved of their own accord.

He withdrew his hand, lifting them to his mouth and sucked his fingers. “You're not to come until I’m inside you, understood?”

Evil bastard
. She glared at him, but he grinned, moving over her. “Yes, my King, please. I want you inside me.”

“Good little maid.”

His face was over hers, taking her mouth in a hungry, demanding kiss. She felt the tip of his cock at her entrance, slowly pushing in, causing her to groan into his mouth while he stretched her. He pulled back slightly, holding himself up, before glancing down their bodies to watch as his cock disappeared, and then closed his eyes, groaning in pleasure as more inches were lost inside of her until he could go no further.

Placing his head by her shoulder, he drew out and slid back in, making every sensitive nerve ending flare again. Her legs seemed to have a mind of their own, rising in the air and crossing over his back, opening herself up to him fully. Already so close to coming, it only took a few strokes for her to explode around his cock.

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