Kerrigan in Copenhagen (35 page)

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Authors: Thomas E. Kennedy

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A Note on the Author

Born and raised in New York, Thomas E. Kennedy has lived and worked in Copenhagen for three decades. His books include novels, story and essay collections, literary criticism, translation, and anthologies.
Kerrigan in Copenhagen
is the third novel in his acclaimed Copenhagen Quartet to be published in the United States, following
In the Company of Angels
(2010) and
Falling Sideways
(2011). The fourth,
Beneath the Neon Egg
, will follow in the near future. His websites are

By the Same Author

The Copenhagen Quartet
In the Company of Angels
Falling Sideways

Crossing Borders
Unreal City
A Weather of the Eye
Drive, Dive, Dance & Fight
The Book of Angels
Cast Upon the Day
A Passion in the Desert
Getting Lucky: New & Selected Stories, 1982–2012
Last Night My Bed a Boat of Whiskey Going Down

Riding the Dog: A Look Back at America
Writers on the Job: Tales of the Non-Writing Life
(as editor, with Walter Cummins)
The Book of Worst Meals
(as editor, with Walter Cummins)
The Literary Traveler
(with Walter Cummins)
Realism & Other Illusions: Essays on the Craft of Fiction

Copyright © 2013 by Thomas E. Kennedy

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information address Bloomsbury USA, 1385 Broadway, New York, NY 10018

Published by Bloomsbury USA, New York


eISBN: 978-1-62040-110-1

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance between the characters and actual persons living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

The quotes and references from Jens August Schade are from
Schades Digte (Schades Poetry
), Copenhagen: Gyldendal Publishers, 1999, and are used with kind permission of Gyldendal and the copyright holders.

Translations of Jens August Schade, Henrik Ibsen, Johannes Ewald, Johan Herman Wessel, and Ole Pedersen Kollerød are by Thomas E. Kennedy Some of this material was previously published in a different form in
New Letters, Epoch, The Southern Review, ServingHouse Journal
, and
Best American Magazine Writing

First U.S. Edition 2013
This electronic edition published in June 2013

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