Keyboards and Kink (17 page)

Read Keyboards and Kink Online

Authors: Danica Avet,Sandra Bunio,Vanessa Devereaux,Carolyn Rosewood,Melissa Hosack,Raven McAllan,Kassanna,Annalynne Russo,Ashlynn Monroe,Casey Moss,Xandra James,Jorja Lovett,Eve Meridian

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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Drinks sound good.
At that moment, she could
go for an entire bottle of Captain Morgan. It had the perfect
ingredients to drown out her sorrow.

Then tomorrow at eight o’clock?

Tomorrow at eight o’clock.
Tomorrow she would
tell him. She just prayed she had the courage to handle the
situation and whatever backlash came with it.



Chapter Five


Hayley arrived at
early to be certain
she would beat Reese to the hourglass clock. She wanted to see him
coming, wanted to have as much of an advantage over the situation
as possible. Despite all of her planning, she felt as if the wind
had been knocked out of her when he approached.

She watched him progress across the room and tried to
pinpoint evidence to his true identity. She saw it in his gait, in
his mannerisms, and by the all too familiar hair that fell over his
forehead. How had she missed it before? The broad shoulders were
the same, the blue eyes identical in shade.

“Angel,” he said with a wave and a friendly

She stared at him in astonishment, not wanting to
believe her eyes. Everything about him screamed Reese. Yet at the
same time, he was all Ben. “Can we go somewhere more private to
talk?” Lifting her tequila to her lips, she drained the glass of
its contents for an added boost of bravery and tried to ignore how
badly her hands were shaking. “Someplace quiet?”

His expression became thoughtful, and then he
tentatively said, “My car is parked nearby. We can go there if you

She nodded. “Perfect.” She gave her empty cup a
longing look before setting it down on the bar to her left. Then
she led the way out of the club into the fresh night air. “This
just seems more personable,” she said nervously. “I could barely
hear myself think in there.”

Reese held out an arm to her. “I’m not going to
complain about getting some quiet time with you.”

She hesitated but then slipped her arm though his.
There was no sense seeming standoffish for no reason. He would have
plenty of cause to avoid her soon enough. “I think quiet time is
exactly what we need.”

As they made their way to a small parking lot across
the street from the club, Hayley had to fight to hold back her
reaction to the sight of Reese’s truck. She’d known in her heart
that Ben and Reese were the same man, but seeing the evidence
firsthand was still a shocking blow. Swallowing thickly, she
allowed him to open her door and help her into the front seat.

She had only a moment to collect her chaotic thoughts
before he was swinging into the driver’s seat. She’d sat in this
very truck with him a million times, but never before had it felt
so intimate. The air had never been as sexually charged as it was
right now.

“I’m really glad you agreed to meet me tonight.”
Reese’s now unmistakable voice filled the silence. “I haven’t been
able to stop thinking about you.”

“Perhaps it’s the sex you can’t stop thinking about,”
Hayley said dryly. “It could have nothing to do with me.”

“Hey,” Reese said amiably. “It has everything to do
with you. As amazing as the sex was…” He gave a lopsided grin. “You
lured me in with your mind long before you bewitched me with your
lips.” Cupping her face in his hands, Reese leaned forward and gave
her a gentle, relaxed kiss.

Despite her best efforts, a soft sound of contentment
forced its way past her lips. When he pulled back, she closed her
eyes in an attempt to collect herself. “This is wrong.” Her voice
came out a breathy whisper. Even to her own ears it didn’t sound
very convincing. When her eyelashes fluttered open, Reese was
staring at her with those expressive blue eyes.

Finally, he sighed. “I know putting on masks and
meeting in a darkened nightclub is kind of absurd. I just… Listen,
all I know is that I want to be with you.” Reaching up, he grabbed
the string that held his mask in place. “Masks or no masks, it
doesn’t matter. All I know is that I am crazy about you. I want to
be with the fantastic, intellectual woman I met in that chat room a
few months ago.”

His words were like a dagger straight to the heart.
Hayley’s hand shot out to grasp his, stopping him from removing his
mask. “Don’t!” She kept his hand in hers, guiding them both to her
lap. “Leave it. I don’t…” Her eyes swept over his face. “I don’t
want to unmask just yet, not before I try something.”

Taking a deep breath, she took a leap there was no
coming back from. Her eyelashes fluttered closed as she crossed the
distance between them. An instant later, her mouth was on his. She
sank into the sensation of his lips, letting her mind wrap around
the idea that this was Reese, that it was his lips that grazed
along hers and his body that had pleasured her so thoroughly.

His soft groan of approval shot fire through her
loins, warming her entire body. “I shouldn’t want you like this,”
she murmured against his lips. Climbing to her knees on the bench
seat, she scooted closer to him, leaning over his face to deepen
the kiss.

“Don’t fight it,” Reese murmured in encouragement as
his hands ran up her back. “There is nothing wrong with two people
who care about each other meeting like this.”

Hayley sat back to look at him. Her eyes danced over
his face as she realized with surprise that she still wanted him.
Despite who he was, she still had feelings for Ben. She had
feelings for Reese, Charlie’s Reese. In the face of everything, she
still wanted him,
of him.

With a sly smile, she reached down to tiptoe her
fingers along the front of his jeans. “I know you didn’t come here
for sex, but I just can’t help myself.” She scooted even closer to
him, pressing her hand flat against his growing erection. “I can’t
resist you…Ben.” She lifted her eyes to his face, watching as his
eyes closed in pleasure when she rubbed his cock under her palm. “I
want to do something special for you.”

Feeling unbelievably wicked, she unfastened the
button of his jeans and plunged her hand inside. His dick was
already hard, pressing persistently against his boxer shorts.
Easing the fabric out of the way, she freed his erection and took
it carefully in her hands.

His expression of ecstasy was nearly intoxicating,
causing a smug smile to spread across her lips. It was so
extraordinary to see that expression on Reese’s face. It was
something she’d never even considered wanting to see. It felt
naughty to watch as her brother’s best friend dropped his head back
against the headrest and begged in a whisper for her to keep
touching him.

She licked her lips with desire and ran her thumb
along the head of his penis. Her eyes stayed glued to his face as
her fingertips danced down his shaft. She didn’t want to miss a
single second of his reaction. Up and down her hands moved, teasing
him with light strokes and feathery caresses.

When she felt she’d tormented him enough, she dipped
her head down to flick her tongue along the tip of his erection. As
his hips arched up, she took the head of his cock into her mouth,
letting her hand stroke the rest of his length.

Reese groaned, and his body relaxed into the seat as
if boneless. “You don’t have to do that…”

“I know. That’s why I want to.” While her hand pumped
up and down his shaft, her tongue swirled around the top of his
erection. Slowly, her lips descended over him. She took him deeper
and deeper into her mouth until she had nearly his entire length

His exhale came as a shudder. His hand lowered to the
back of her head, and he guided her movements, arching his hips up
with every caress of her hand.

His groans spurred her on, driving her to take him
deeper, to stroke him harder and faster. She wanted to feel him
come while her hand was still wrapped around him. She wanted to
taste him. “Finish,” she encouraged, nipping at the tender flesh on
the underside of his penis. “Finish now.” Her free hand slid down,
and she massaged his balls in tandem to her fist’s movements.

An animalistic growl burst from his lips, and his
fingers tightened in her hair, grabbing fistfuls as his hips arched
up to meet her thrusting hand. He gave a hoarse cry and suddenly
his body tensed.

A moment later, a hot stream of cum shot into her
mouth. Hayley swallowed it down, reveling in the grunts and gasps
she heard. It was hard to wrap her mind around the knowledge that
she’d just given her brother’s best friend a blowjob. She continued
to suck at his trembling cock until she was certain he was

When she sat up, she found him leaning back, eyes
closed. She continued to stroke his balls, loving the expressive
reactions it caused. “Everything about you turns me on,” she

He gave a grunt that she took as agreement.

“I want to fuck you again.” When his arm wrapped
around her waist to pull her to him, she regretfully pushed it
away. “Only I want you to see my face the next time we’re together.
That’s not going to be tonight.” She took a deep breath of
determination. “It will be soon, though.” It would be. She was
certain of that with an obstinate single-mindedness. “I won’t be
able to wait much longer.” She couldn’t. She needed to be with him,
needed to surround herself with his laugh, his humor. It was a
shocking revelation, but she couldn’t deny that she was in love
with her brother’s best friend. All that was left to do was to make
sure he fell in love with her as well.



Chapter Six


Hayley stood in Charlie’s kitchen, shooting
narrow-eyed looks of annoyance to Reese. His indifference of her
had never been a problem before, but now it was driving her insane.
“So,” she drawled in an attempt to get his attention. “Are you
reading anything good?”

Reese lowered the newspaper from in front of his face
to eye her with mild impatience. “I’m reading the sports page. It’s
nothing you’re interested in, just NFL training camp.”

“Hmm,” she said with mild interest. “Football.” She
waited a moment for him to say something else, but he merely lifted
the paper back up. With a noise of aggravation, she pulled at the
corner until she could see him. “It’s a shame you don’t read
anything worthwhile. Men could learn a bit from literature.”

“I know how to read,” Reese said with exasperation.
“I read plenty. In fact, I just finished
Pride and Prejudice
a few weeks ago. Isn’t that one you girls tend to like?”

Hayley let go of the paper and sat back with
surprise. Had he always been so open about his interest in reading?
Had she simply ignored it because she’d never been interested in
? It would be just like her to have Mr. Perfect staring
her in the face while she completely ignored all the signs.

Reese gave a sigh and lowered the paper to the table.
“What’s up, Hayley? You’re acting…weird.”

Panic seized her heart but she quickly forced it
back. She had to handle this smartly. If she was obvious in her
actions, she might ruin everything. “Nothing’s up. I’m just bored.”
Charlie had run out to pick up a pizza, leaving her and Reese alone
for a glorious half hour. If she was going to make a move, now was
the time. “Tell me something about yourself.”

He arched an eyebrow at that. “You’ve known me for
twenty-two years. What’s there to tell?”

“I don’t know,” she said with a huff of frustration.
“Anything! Something I don’t know. Surely you have some secrets.”
She snapped her fingers. “Tell me about this girl you met. Is she

His brows furrowed with bewilderment. “Yeah…yeah,
she’s hot.”

“Is she just a booty call?” she asked, trying to hide
just how interested she was in the answer to that question. “Or is
she like the real deal?”

Reese was looking uncomfortable with the
conversation, but he answered. “No, she isn’t just a hook up. I
really like her. She’s a sweet girl.” He frowned. “Why are we
discussing this?”

“I’m just curious.” A devilish grin touched her lips
as she climbed to her feet and made her way to the fridge. “The sex
is good though, right? Like really good?”

“I’m not answering that.” His eyes narrowed and he
shook his head. “What has gotten into you?”

. She wanted to answer but didn’t dare.
“Nothing. As I said, I’m just bored.” Taking out a pitcher of
lemonade, she set in on the counter and then moved to the cabinet
where Charlie kept cups. “Would you like a glass?” she asked as she
pulled down one for herself.

When he answered in the affirmative, she stood on
tiptoes to grab a second glass. Her fingers intentionally stretched
out to slyly nudge the glass away from her. “I…just…can’t…reach.”
She pretended to struggle, nudging the glass even further away.

“Here. Let me help.” Falling perfectly into her trap,
Reese climbed to his feet.

When he reached her, Hayley didn’t move out of the
way. Instead, she feigned that she was still attempting to get the
glass down from the cupboard. As he stepped up behind her to
assist, she purposely leaned forward to stick her backside out. She
brushed it along his crotch, making a small sound of effort that
came close to a whimper of sexual pleasure.

He froze, and his entire body stiffened up.

Hayley felt his cock stir to life against her
backside and grinned. He wasn’t completely ignorant to her sex
appeal. That was a good start.

When she didn’t move away, Reese jumped back as if
burnt. He clutched the glass in his hand, a panicked expression on
his face. He then turned his back on her and began pouring lemonade
into the two glasses.

“Thank you, Reese,” she said sweetly. After a moment
in which she pretended to be thoughtful, she said,
“Reese…Reese…hmmm. That’s such an interesting name.” Leaning
casually against the counter, she asked, “Did you ever want a more
common name, something simple like John or Bill?”

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