Keyboards and Kink (2 page)

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Authors: Danica Avet,Sandra Bunio,Vanessa Devereaux,Carolyn Rosewood,Melissa Hosack,Raven McAllan,Kassanna,Annalynne Russo,Ashlynn Monroe,Casey Moss,Xandra James,Jorja Lovett,Eve Meridian

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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don’t interest me.


But I do?


Yes. Go ahead and ask me

another question.


Ok, here’s a situational question.

What can I expect the first time in

the sandbox, as you call it?


Oh, sweet Mia. The things I would do to you!
He had to be careful not to scare her away.


It all depends on whom it’s with.


For argument’s sake, let’s say it’s you.


I would ensure your first time is

special and unforgettable. It would begin

with a bath.


In a large soaking tub with exotic oils.

I would wash your body with a soft cloth

until every inch of your skin tingled.


I would wrap you in a fluffy towel, comb out

your hair and dress you in a deep red silk robe.


How does that sound so far?


It’s not what I expected.

What’s next?


Next we would move to the bedroom where

I’ve already set up silk wrist and ankle

on my large carved wood 4 poster bed.


So, what do you think now?


It sounds incredible but I’m waiting for the

part where you hurt me.


There’s your first misconception. I would

never hurt you unless you wanted me to and

then only after I have your complete trust.


I need to know more. What’s next?


I think I’ll leave you with that for now.


You’re kidding me.


I rarely kid, Mia. Good night.


Asher felt the blood pump through his body with
record speed, heading straight to the growing thickness that
strained against his pants. Yes, he’d reeled her in and it was time
to let her know what was on his mind.



Chapter Three


“Margaret, please get Kate in Human Resources on the
phone.” He closed the door behind him and waited for the call to
connect. “Kate, I need Mia Lavender’s employment file. Yes. She’s a
possible candidate for an opening at SRE. Yeah, I know she’s new,
just send me the file.”

Asher received Mia’s file later that day and was
pleased with what he found. She’d recently moved from Chicago and
appeared to be single. There were no dependents or signs of a
husband on her medical benefit application. He scanned for her
birth date and calculated that she was twenty-eight years old.
Asher closed the file and leaned back in his chair.

She was the perfect candidate for the new position at
The Satin Rose Experience. If she were to agree to take the job, he
would ask her to agree to another opening as well. The day after
their steamy exchange, Asher decided it was time to show her his

He pushed the intercom button on his phone.
“Margaret, please ask Ms. Lavender to come to my office.”

After a few minutes there was a soft knock on his
door. The way she knocked even turned him on. She opened the door
and peered inside.

“You wanted to see me?”

“Yes. Please come in and close the door.”

Asher watched as her delicate form soundlessly closed
the door and seemed to float into the chair in front of his

“Do you like your job here at Rosebud Resorts?”

Mia’s eyes shifted to meet his. “Yes, very much. Why?
Am I losing my job?”

“No, of course not. I’ve talked with your manager.
Your work is flawless. You’re the ideal Rosebud employee,” Asher
said as he stood, walked around his desk and sat in the chair next
to Mia’s. “I asked you to meet with me today because I have a job
offer for you.” He watched her carefully.

She shifted in her chair, glanced at him and lowered
her eyes to the floor. “Mr. Cane, I—”

He stopped her with his raised palm. “It’s

“Okay, Asher, like I said before, I’m happy with my
job here.”

“I realize that and you are very good at what you do,
which is why you’re being considered for this position. The pay is
more than double what you’re making now.”

The last statement seemed to catch her attention
because she stopped squirming in her chair and looked him straight
in the eye.

He continued. “Have you ever heard of Rosebud’s
specialty division called The Satin Rose Experience, also known as

“I’ve heard the initials SRE around the office but I
wasn’t sure of what the acronym stood for.”

“The Satin Rose Experience is a very exclusive
division here at Rosebud Resorts. There are only a select few
employees who understand the full nature of the division. I would
like to offer you the position of Vice President of Client

“V-Vice President? I think you’ve made a mistake. I’m
a Vice President’s assistant. I don’t have the qualifications for a
VP job. You’re kidding me.”

“I make very few mistakes and—” He paused for a
moment and waited for her to look at him. “I rarely kid, Mia.”

He raised his eyebrows slightly and watched her jaw
drop. They stared at each other for a few seconds before she rose
from her chair.

“I-I have to go. You must have the wrong person,” she
stammered and left his office as quietly as she’d arrived.



Chapter Four


Mia’s Twitter handle was silent during the evening
after their meeting. Asher had the feeling she was waiting for him
to make the first move.


Good evening, Mia.




How was your day?


It was interesting.


How so?


Don’t you know?


Should I know?


Please don’t play games with me.


I think you like games, Ms. Lavender.


Mia’s suspicions were answered: M&A Guy was Asher
Cane. Her body trembled so hard she had to close her laptop. Many
thoughts rushed through her head. Asher. The same man who’d invaded
her dreams since the day she walked into his office. The same man
who intimidated her to the point where she couldn’t even maintain
eye contact with him for more than a few seconds. The same man who
made her panties damp in three seconds flat. The fact that M&A
and Asher were one and the same explained why the DM exchange with
M&A left her hot and bothered. She’d never engaged anyone else
in such an intimate exchange before but he hooked and pulled her in
with an inexplicable force.

After she signed off, she reread the DMs from the
previous nights and couldn’t help but to fill her tiny bathtub and
pour in a little baby oil she found in her small bathroom vanity.
Sure, it wasn’t the large soaking tub and exotic oils Asher
described but she improvised by turning off the lights and lighting
a candle. A towel wedged under her neck softened the hard porcelain
tub where she rested her head. She closed her eyes and thought of
Asher’s strong hands washing her with the cloth. Her skin tingled
as she rubbed the cloth against her arms and breasts. She held the
edge of the tub with her hand as the other swept the cloth down her
torso. She couldn’t stretch out so she pressed her legs against
both sides of the tub with bent knees as she purposely brushed the
cloth up and down the insides of her thighs. Abandoning the
washcloth, she raised her hips to the water’s surface and slid her
fingers over her folds that were slick from baby oil mixed with her
own heated juices. Her fingers traveled back and forth and then
circled her sensitive clit.

After her bath, Mia’s body buzzed with a combination
of excitement and trepidation. She opened her laptop before she
lost her nerve.


What do you want from me, Asher?


I want you to explore your curiosity.

I can help you.

We can help each other.


Ok, I’ll listen to the proposition.

It’s easier to talk to you here,

you intimidate me in person.



I don’t mean to intimidate you.

What made you change your mind?


Mia smiled and typed:


A bath.

That must have been some

bathing experience.


Oh, it was.

Good night, Asher.


Good night, Ms. Lavender.

Bring your iPad to work tomorrow.



Chapter Five


Mia arrived early to work dressed in a black pencil
skirt and a fitted black cashmere sweater. A pearl choker, matching
earrings, black thigh-high stockings and black platform stilettos
completed the outfit. She turned on her computer and opened the
browser of her iPad. As soon as she logged into her Twitter
account, a DM appeared on her screen.


Are you ready to hear more

about the position?




Before we talk about the specifics of

the job, we need to go through

some preliminary details.




Open your email.


Mia signed onto the company’s system to find an email
from Asher Cane with the words “Next Steps” in the subject



You’ll need to sign the attached document that
states you will not tell anyone about our meeting, the job offer,
or about the place I’m going to take you this afternoon. I also
want to mention that if you choose to not to take the position,
your job is safe and you will receive a bonus in your next check
for your discretion.

Please read it over, sign if you are in agreement
and bring it to my assistant, Margaret, before noon today. Margaret
will give you an access card. At one o’clock board an elevator,
slide the access card in the slot and select the button for the
floor. I will meet you




Mia read the instructions twice and printed the
attached document. Her heart pounded and she swallowed hard as she
carefully read and signed her name in loopy letters at the bottom
of the non-disclosure agreement. She placed the signed contract
into a folder and walked toward Asher’s office. Relieved his door
was closed, she handed the folder to his assistant. Margaret smiled
at Mia and pulled the agreement out of the file.

“Everything looks in order, Ms. Lavender. Here’s the
access card.”

“Thank you.”

She returned to her desk to another Twitter direct


You followed the instructions

perfectly. See you at one.


Mia’s heart and mind raced in unison as she
approached the bank of elevators. Thankful to be alone, her
trembling fingers inserted the card in the slot next to the buttons
and pushed 20 as instructed. The doors opened and she stepped out
into a sanctuary. Dim lighting and soft, tantalizing music embraced
her senses. The butterflies in her stomach worked overtime as she
scanned the floor and her eyes met Asher’s. His dark hair hung
loosely to his shoulders and a hint of stubble peppered his
chiseled cheeks and strong jaw. His broad, squared shoulders filled
his perfectly tailored suit jacket. Mia’s gaze traveled from his
deep chocolate eyes to linger on his mouth.

Asher approached her and held out his arm. She hooked
her hand around his forearm and he guided her to what she assumed
to be the reservation area. A beautiful young woman dressed in
black sat behind the large oak desk. Her platinum blonde hair was
pulled tight into a low ponytail and she gave Asher a warm smile as
he approached. She turned her computer monitor toward him. Asher
scanned the screen and nodded.

“Another busy day at SRE. Please confirm the special
reservation for the Rose Room tonight.”

“The reservation is all set, Mr. Cane.”

“Fantastic. Thank you, Courtney.”

Asher gestured to the lounge. “Let’s relax a little
and talk. I’m sure you have quite a few questions.”

Mia smiled at the woman as they left and walked
toward a plush lounge. There were low, upholstered chairs and dark
tables in the middle of the room and what appeared to be cushioned
beds separated by flowing crimson curtains along the wall opposite
the expansive bar. Mia’s heels sank into the plush mocha colored
carpet as Asher led her to the far side of the bar.

“Take a seat,” he said.

It was early in the afternoon and the lounge already
contained a number of patrons. Mia sat next to Asher on a high
stool. The bartender, a man that would pass for an ex-marine with
huge biceps and cropped hair, shook Asher’s hand.

“Jake, this is Mia,” Asher said and turned toward
her. “Jake keeps this lounge working like a well-oiled

Jake chuckled. “Nice to meet you, Mia. What may I get
for you?”

“Water with lemon, thank you.”

“I think you’ll need something a little stronger for
this meeting. Do you drink?” asked Asher.

“Yes, but not during working hours.”

“Order a drink.”

Mia looked into the deep brown eyes that seemed to
grow darker as he waited for her response.

“I’ll have a vodka and tonic. Thank you.”

“The usual for me, Jake.”

Jake served their drinks as Mia looked around the
lounge. There was something peculiar about the place and the
patrons. Since it was the middle of the week, she expected either
tourists or businessmen and women. The people at the lounge didn’t
seem to fit either category.

“You’re curious about this place, aren’t you?” Asher
asked softly.

Mia chose her words carefully. “I get the feeling
there is more to The Satin Rose Experience than meets the eye.”

“That’s an understatement.”

Asher proceeded to explain the inner workings of The
Satin Rose Experience. “You see, it’s an exclusive club. One cannot
simply come in off the street. You must be pre-qualified to even
walk onto the twentieth floor. We have received so many
applications that two staff members are dedicated to the screening
process. Prospective club members must pass a credit check and
health assessment, which includes a psychological profile. There’s
a steep membership fee so the majority of our patrons are
successful business people, professional athletes, and

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