Keyboards and Kink (33 page)

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Authors: Danica Avet,Sandra Bunio,Vanessa Devereaux,Carolyn Rosewood,Melissa Hosack,Raven McAllan,Kassanna,Annalynne Russo,Ashlynn Monroe,Casey Moss,Xandra James,Jorja Lovett,Eve Meridian

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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Suddenly, Godric came flying through the air at her.
From the force of his impact, she slammed into the ground. Breath
whooshed from her body. The last thought she remembered having was
that it wasn’t fair she couldn’t even enjoy having Godric on top of

Then, for the second time that night, her world went



Chapter Three


Men’s shouts and women’s screams slowly filtered into
her muddled mind. Something hard pressed into her back. She opened
one eye, then the other. A gray canopy with millions of LED modules
stretched overhead.
No, it can’t be
. Beth squeezed her eyes
shut, cautiously stretched out her arms and felt cool, concrete
ground beneath her fingers. She cricked her head, peered out one
half-open eye. Godric sprawled on the ground beside her,

No, no, no. I’m not here in this weird version of
my home city. I’m gonna open my eyes and be back in my

She proceeded to blink several times, hoping she’d
find herself on the carpet of her living room, but she remained on
the ground of The Experience. Godric lay next to her. The pale
green, white and yellow lights of one of the casinos cast a sickly
glow on him. Bystanders circled them.

Oh, no, Toto. Looks like we’re not in my apartment
I’m in the game. How the hell did I get in the
Her stomach dropped and churned at the thought she’d been
transported to such a dismal and dangerous world. A chill trickled
down her spine. Supernatural stuff like this only happened in the
movies. Nothing weird ever happened to her. She lived a pretty
plain and boring life.

Bella-Beth rolled to her side, grasped Godric’s arm
and shook him. His golden locks fell across his face.

“Godric? Godric, please, wake up.” Her voice came out
small, weak. She compressed his arm. He felt so solid, so real. How
could that be? He was a character, made up of bits and bytes and
binary code, not human cells and blood. But still. He was the only
one she knew in this strange world. It was one thing to want him so
he could
scratch her itch
, but now she needed him around to
help her keep her sanity. “Come on, Godric, tell me you’re

Bella-Beth sensed the crowd pushing in on them. With
a quick turn of her head, she bared her fangs at the group.
Lightning added a blue-silver backdrop to them, and thunder
accentuated her following words. “Back off and go about your
business.” The husky purr of her voice had disappeared, replaced
with a deep, growling bark.

The characters jumped back as if they were scared of
her. One guy mentioned how she had eight fangs, was a higher level
and needn’t be trifled with. They all dispersed, and returned to
their original huddles.

. The last thing she needed was trouble
from them. She refocused on the man on the ground, shaking him one
more time. To her relief, he roused.

Godric groaned and sat up, holding his head. “What
the hell happened?”

She opened her mouth, about ready to tell him that
lightning had struck both in and out of 3D and she’d gotten sucked
into the game, but then thought better of it. What if nothing had
happened to him? What if he were still a character run by a player
who was…who knows where? He’d think her crazy or that she was a
geek and really into role playing. Neither possibility was an
appealing trait. So she went with the basics. “Um, you saved me
from a sign hitting my head.”

“Huh. Could have sworn there was more to it.” He rose
and offered a hand to help her up. She accepted and wobbled when
she stood. Godric wrapped an arm around her. “Steady there,

His concerned gaze and soft words shot lustful arrows
through her heart. On the one hand, fear that something
supernatural had taken over her life had her nerves on edge. On the
other, she almost couldn’t believe that her wish had come
true—Godric in the flesh, touching her. “Well, there was some
lightning, thunder and strange vibrations in the air. Maybe that’s
what you’re remembering?”

“Yeah, that sounds about right.” His hand caressed
her side, smooth, slow strokes that had her heart racing. “And I
also seem to remember you were happy to find me. That you wanted to
pick up where we left off the last time we were together.” Godric
nibbled on her earlobe.

Her knees bobbled, and she thanked God he had a hold
of her. “You’d be right.”

“Well, then…”

When his words trailed off, she followed the line of
his gaze. “Seems that some of the players here are looking for

“Yes,” he whispered close to her ear. “It’s probably
best if we leave and find more suitable accommodations. Let them
fight amongst themselves if that’s what they want to do tonight,
don’t you think?”

“I agree.” She kept her sight on two of the bigger
men, dressed in all black with swords strapped to their sides, who
appeared to be nearing them with each passing second. Their dark
eyes held malice. She wasn’t sure if their hatred was for Godric
and his clan or her and her clan, but either way, she didn’t like
the looks of them.

Godric squeezed her waist and took a step in the
opposite direction of the men, bringing her with him. “I know of a
nice, cozy, private place we can go to.”

A ball of heat burst low in her gut at the thought of
being alone with him and what they could do together. Warm pleasure
and need radiated down to her pussy, cupped it like a lover’s
touch. “Lead the way.”

He released her, took her hand and threaded his
fingers with hers, then with a smile, started them on a slow jog
out of Downtown.

Several blocks later and down a street in what was
once considered the historic district, they stopped at a huge
wrought-iron gate at the end of a long driveway. She caught sight
of a large white house behind a line of palm trees.

“You have a mansion?” For a while there she’d
forgotten he was the focus of her quest. He could be the warlock
she sought. Warlocks, according to the game developers, were
supposed to be the most powerful characters when it came to
acquiring items. One would need a lot of power to acquire a piece
of property like this. That bit of knowledge didn’t sit well with

“Sure do. Won it in a contest off another player.
Sweet, eh?”

Thank God he didn’t say he conjured it
. “Yeah,

Godric punched a code into a keypad in a box on a
pole next to the gate. She caught the number sequence, and due to
her quirky way with numbers, it quickly filed away in her

Hinges creaked as the barrier opened. He led her
through, and the structure squeaked again behind them as they
strolled up the gravel drive. The imposing building, with thick
white columns flanking the front entrance and a porch spanning the
width of the house, appeared from behind the palms.
revival or southern plantation home
. Either way the house
seemed out of place in the desert city where most of the
cookie-cutter houses were covered in stucco.

“Come. We’re going around to the back.”

She continued to follow him along a slate path. An
old and forgotten flowerbed lay next to the house. Smaller shade
trees dotting the landscape surrounding the mansion looked like
they hadn’t been tended in ages. Godric stepped up three stone
stairs to a screen door, opened it and then a Dutch door, and they
entered a mudroom, then a gourmet kitchen, with all stainless steel
appliances, white counters and black marble countertops she would
have killed for in real life.

“Incredible.” She couldn’t keep the awe out of her
voice. The room was clean, sleek and shiny. Huge, too. It put her
tiny kitchen in her apartment to shame.

“Why’s that?” Godric removed and tossed his trench
coat over the back of a chair.

“The detail of this place. Programmers haven’t
debugged the quest issues, but they had no problems making sure the
decorative detail of the molding’s in place.”

“Uh, the detail’s not from the programmers. I did it.
Once I got this place, I tweaked some things. Don’t tell anyone,
okay?” He unhooked his scabbard and sword from his belt, then took
off the accessory.

As he moved, the flaps of his shirt opened, giving
her a better glimpse of his well-toned chest and the thin trail of
hair on his abdomen leading to private parts she wanted to explore.
Godric turned and placed the items on top of the coat.

She took the opportunity to check out his cute ass in
his tight jeans. There was no way she’d ever snitch and cause her
beautiful man trouble. “I won’t. As long as you teach me a thing or
two.” When he faced her again, she winked. “So, how’d you get into

“I’m not a true hacker. I’m in graphic design. I just
like to dabble in code and do some programming now and then.”

“Looks like we have something in common. I’m in
graphic design, too.”

“Nice.” Godric reached for one of the last two
secured buttons on his shirt and unfastened it, then the other.
“But I don’t think you tracked me down to talk to me about what we
do in real life.” In a flash, his shirt was off, revealing his
torso and muscular arms in all their glory.

A lump formed in her throat. It was one thing to
think and dream about being with him. It was another to finally
face the moment. She swallowed hard. “You’re right.”

He moved toward her. “Then tell me,” he said in a
low, sexy drawl, “why did you want to find me?”



Chapter Four


Here was her chance to have him where she’d wanted,
so why was she hesitating? If she were herself, back in her
apartment, with a guy standing half-naked in front of her, then
maybe she’d understand her reluctance. But she was Bella, a
confident, sassy warrior. She needed to act as such.

His stunning blue-eyed gaze continued to transfix
her. The corner of his all too kissable lips curled into a sexy
half smile. Godric seemed to have the patience of a saint,
breathing slow and even, muscles relaxed, facial expression
unchanging. Gratitude for his serenity filled her. His calm
demeanor put her at ease, gave her a moment to gather her resolve
and decide how to proceed.

She closed the small distance between them. Sizzling,
sexual energy passed between their bodies. Though slight, the rise
and fall of his chest picked up its cadence. The blacks of his
pupils dilated.
So he is affected by me
. Her blood went hot
and thick, carried heavy beats of desire.

“I wanted to find you for this.” She reached out,
wrapped her hand around the back of his neck, grasped the base of
his head, then crushed her mouth to his.

Godric reciprocated the kiss, his lips wandering over
hers, sucking, teasing, licking. He pulled back and gazed at her
with what appeared to be a desperate longing. She smiled, stroked
her palm over his chest, noting the hard nub of his breast pressing
upon her skin. Her insides heated to a feverish pitch. Never in her
life had she felt such desire, such absolute need. It was as if
she’d gone into sexual overdrive, and words that had never passed
her lips before tumbled from her mouth. “This might sound crass,
but I want to fuck you. I want to feel you in my mouth, in my

Godric cocked his head with a devilish grin, stepped
back. “Sure thing, sweetie.” He shucked his jeans and boots, kicked
them to the side. His hardened cock, freed from its confines,
wavered in the air. He slid his hand over it, laid the length on
his palm, presenting it to her. “Here it is. You can have me anyway
you want me. But first I suggest you get naked, too.” He glanced
down at himself then back at her. “It’d only be fair.”

The hormones and lust whizzing through her destroyed
any sense of modesty she would have had otherwise. Before she could
think twice, she removed her leather outfit and dropped to her
knees in front of him.

Licking her lips, she trailed her fingertips along
his legs up to his bulging cock, took his shaft from him and kissed
the tip of it.

“Don’t tease, Bella.” His words sounded on heavy
breath. “Take my cock in your mouth and suck on it.”

“Do you always talk dirty during sex?” Glancing up at
him, she raised an eyebrow, ran her fingernails along his

He sucked in a stream of air. “Not usually. Cyber sex
just seems to call for it, you know?”

Bella-Beth shrugged a shoulder. “Makes sense to me.
Probably why I have a dirty mouth right now, too.” She stroked his
shaft, tightening her grip ever so slightly as she moved along it.
“So you want me to suck you, huh?”

“Yes, please.”

She leaned forward, placed her mouth around the head
of his phallus, rimmed the underside with the tip of her tongue,
then completely took in his silky cock.

“That’s it,” he stated shakily.

With her fingers, she made an
around the
base. She pulled off, licked his cock as if enjoying an ice pop,
then blew a wisp of air along it. He groaned, and pleased that he
liked her technique, she lapped his cock with her tongue and placed
it back in her mouth. His hands molded around her head, fingers
threaded into her hair. He pushed her face closer to him. She moved
up and down his length as well as she could, sucking and stroking
the cock with her tongue, rubbing her hands up the backs of his
thighs to his ass. Grabbing and massaging his butt cheeks, she
parted them, found the puckered hole of his anus and rimmed it with
her fingertip.

“Go ahead, stick it in.”

Eager to fulfill his request but wanting to be
careful since he wasn’t lubed, she only poked her finger into his
ass a little. Then again, for all intents and purposes, they were
cartoon characters in a computer game. Was lube really needed? She
inserted her digit further. Godric tensed under her touch. She
mimicked the motion of her fellatio with her finger: as her mouth
slid up and down, her finger stroked in and out.

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