Keyboards and Kink (35 page)

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Authors: Danica Avet,Sandra Bunio,Vanessa Devereaux,Carolyn Rosewood,Melissa Hosack,Raven McAllan,Kassanna,Annalynne Russo,Ashlynn Monroe,Casey Moss,Xandra James,Jorja Lovett,Eve Meridian

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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His nearness, the energy emanating from him, and the
woody aromatic scent of his cologne sent her heart racing. “And
those issues would be?”

“First this.” Rick cupped the side of her head and
bent his down, claiming her mouth with his own. Her heart melted as
his lips gently brushed against hers. Slowly, he pulled away. “The
other issue concerns working on our relationship and putting us on
the path to fall in love with each other. And to start, I’d like to
take you out for breakfast. How’s that sound?”

“Sounds great to me. Come on in and make yourself
comfortable while I get cleaned up. Can we go down to the Pyramid
Café?” She headed toward her bedroom and along the way stopped at
her computer. C.O.V.E.N. idled on the screen.

“Sure, darlin’. Whatever you want.”

Beth tapped three letters into the status bar of the
. She glanced over her shoulder. Rick sat on the
couch, smiling, his arms stretched along the top of the cushions.
She returned Rick’s smile and closed out the game.


The End






Xandra James


Copyright © 2012




Chapter One


“If you succeed and make this deal, May, you will be
mortal—a mere human—and that means that you’ll be exactly like
those we’ve been sucking the sexual need out of since life began.”
His distaste was evident, apparent to the room of demons. But May
stood tall. She knew what she wanted and her chin lifted higher as
she nodded towards her supervisor.

“Well, it’s been agreed,” he sighed. The demon’s long
blond hair hung loose and around his shoulders as he lounged back
in the large throne-like chair in his private chambers and watched
her in all his sexy magnificence. May sighed her relief and glanced
around at the others. Many of them were shocked and whispered
between themselves, while others openly stared their contempt at
her. She was beyond caring what they thought. This was what she

May’s Succubi sisters were gathered too, all in their
sultry glory. Each one as gorgeous as the next, each one just as
poisonous to a person’s soul. They would go back to their jobs soon
enough. Not her. She ignored the frightened feeling edging up from
the pits of her stomach and smiled at them.

May Frost couldn’t be like them any longer. She
couldn’t be responsible for sucking the sexual soul out of someone
to leave just a frigid shell—there were too many humans left with
no sexual appetite because of demons like her.

“What are the terms?” This time he smiled his most
serene smile, allowing the light to dance across his eyes. If she
hadn’t seen it a million times before and been immune to his forms
of trickery, she might have succumbed. May knew him much

“All you have to do is make a mortal man fall in love
with you in thirty days.” May let out the breath she’d been holding
and blew her long black hair away from her face. That should be
easy. “Using one of those online dating sites we keep hearing so
much about.”


He continued. “Oh and you’re not allowed to meet him
until that final week—just so he doesn’t feel enamoured by your
demon charms. And if you fail, your soul will be forever His and
you will be demoted to a mere servant of the Court for all
eternity. Do you accept these terms?”

May heard the spatter of laughter as blood rushed to
her ears and her breathing escalated out of control, battling to
remain focused. Could she still do this? She’d always relied on her
looks to get her everything she’d ever wanted.

Her eyes travelled over her higher-ranking demon
sisters. There was an air of pity, and she was sure as soon as her
back was turned they’d be taking bets on the demon who’d never
quite been happy with her lot. May Frost wouldn’t be begging for
forgiveness from these people.

May’s breathing began to slow down and she remembered
all the wonderful things she wanted from being mortal. Most
importantly, she wanted to experience proper emotions for the first

“I accept those terms, Lilu.” He nodded at her words
and the room was hushed.

“So be it, May. Your deal with the Devil has been
made. Good luck.”


Alex picked up the half filled glass of whisky and
took a good gulp of the fiery liquid, his eyes never leaving the
computer screen in front of him.

Shit, he was hot for her.

This wasn’t supposed to happen. He was just supposed
to locate her, not want to fuck her brains out too.

Slamming the glass down on his antique desk, he ran
his fingers through his blond hair and devoured the newest photo
the woman had uploaded of herself.

It wasn’t particularly provocative; her glossy long
black hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail and she was
wearing a suit that said she was all business. But still, it made
him think of naughty times in the office, on the desk and against
the door… Alex rolled his neck and clicked away from the damning
photo and onto her dating site profile. He shouldn’t be going there

Alex read the details for the thousandth time
regardless. Hell, he knew them off by heart. The exotic-skinned
beauty had well and truly gotten under his skin.

His business revolved around finding people and this
girl was one of them. Alex stretched his arms over his head and
leaned back into his large, leather chair.

Asking questions was out of bounds from his
employers, of course. There were rumours about the “agency”—not
that he believed all the otherworldly shit he’d heard. Some things
didn’t add up though, but as long as the money kept appearing in
his bank account, he didn’t care.

So here he was, looking for people for a mystery
“agency.” Money was king in his world—up until now. Alex had found
her three weeks ago and he’d done nothing with her details.

No, that wasn’t entirely true.

The monitor of his high-end computer system flashed
up a chat screen.
was online and ready to chat. He
hesitated. Guilt stuck in the back of his throat, making the
expensive alcohol he’d swallowed moments before bitter on his

What the hell was he doing here? This wasn’t him.

He watched the chat screen cursor blink. May was
sitting there urging him to carry on this charade. Alex glanced
down at the open file next to his keyboard. He’d easily tracked her
to the dating site and now her entire life was neatly printed

And he was betraying the trust he’d earned over these
past few weeks.

was typing he noticed when he
glanced back at the screen. His jaw clenched, knowing he had a
decision to make. The right thing to do was make the call. Stop
whatever the hell relationship they’d developed over these

Alex picked up his phone, his heart rate
accelerating. He knew the number off by heart. He’d contemplated
ringing it countless times these past three weeks, but he’d never
quite made it as far as hitting the dial button.

This time he knew he had to. However much he looked
forward to their chats in the evening about everything and nothing,
however much the mere thought of her made him ache.

The number was typed in and his finger hovered over
the button as he glanced at the screen again. She’d done

Maythirty: I really want to meet you…

She’d never said anything about meeting before. Shit.
Alex slowly put the phone back on the desk, his head following it
down as he rested his forehead on his mouse mat.

The money or the girl.

That was a no-brainer. Alex quickly sat up and
started typing a response, then hesitated before he hit enter. He’d
deceived her. Their meeting was under false circumstances, and this
could be the biggest mistake of his professional life.

Alex glanced down at the bulge in between his legs.
Just at the prospect of seeing her face-to-face, he was rock hard.
There was no way in hell he was giving up this chance, consequences
be damned.

Alex looked at the screen.

Alex_007:Tonight. Where?

Then debated hitting enter.

Mixing business and pleasure was never a good idea.
Especially when the pleasure he wanted happened to be from the one
woman who was out of bounds.

But then again, he was never one to follow the


May was having a panic attack.

What if this didn’t work? Alex was special—something
she’d realized in their chats over the past weeks. Who knew there
could be a connection like this on the Internet? Guilt surged up
from deep within but all it did was remind her of the consequences.
She couldn’t fail.

May chewed on her short, evenly cut nails before
realising they tasted really bad from the anti-chew varnish and
stopped. Her hands lingered at her face as she watched the screen.
If only she could have met him three weeks ago, showed him her
boobs, she’d have had him under her thumb by now.

The bloody Devil liked to have his fun.

May stared at the screen. Alex wasn’t typing. Why
wasn’t he typing? He was always typing. May jumped up from her
cramped corner desk and paced her small flat.

Maybe she should have kept her options open when
looking through the countless profiles of available men on the
dating site? The membership had just been one of the many things
provided for her by Lilu, even down to forged papers.

Excited to get started she’d scoured the site looking
for her perfect partner. Three hours later with her profile and
photo posted, she’d received ten offers of quick sex with married
men, eight penis photos and one message she was passing on to Lilu
that was just plain creepy. Pervert.

And then he’d contacted her… and she’d ignored
everyone else.

Alex was perfection to her with his dirty blond hair
and chiselled, tanned good looks. May hadn’t wanted to keep her
options open at the prospect of meeting him. She’d risked her
future on him.

She stopped and stared at the computer once more.
Gah! What was wrong with the man?

Seconds passed. May pulled her ponytail around and
put the ends in her mouth, something she hadn’t done in years. The
man was bloody killing her.

Then the message appeared on screen and she sprung at
the machine. What was wrong with her? Was she that desperate for
this man’s affections? She knew she was. He was special in ways May
just couldn’t put her finger on. And of course, he was as
scrumptious as a piece of rich chocolate cake in her eyes.

She read the screen, once, twice and then a third


He wanted to meet with her tonight? Was she ready for
this? Of course she was. What was she thinking? She looked at the
thirty-day calendar on her desk and the days already marked off. Of
course she was ready, despite her heart rocketing into her

May glanced at the profile photo of the man she’d
been slowly falling in love with over the past three weeks and knew
she needed to see him. His startling blue eyes seemed fathomless
and his face looked carved by an artist’s hand. And she couldn’t
wait to see the body underneath in the two photos he’d shared with

She wanted this to be special. She wanted this to be
fun and something they’d both always remember. Mind made up, she
made the meet-up arrangements.

This was going to blow his mind. There was no way
after seven days he could possibly not be in love with her, May
told herself, despite the doubts circling in the back of her



Chapter Two


Okay, maybe she shouldn’t have worn something so
revealing in such a public place.

May stood at the entrance of a large bar, in a
popular hotel in the city of London. The Friday night set was
already packing it out and it was getting hard to see anyone except
drunk traders directly in front of her.

May fidgeted in the thigh length, belted leather coat
and tried to make sure it was covering her backside.

Being a Succubus in dreams was a lot easier than
actually doing it in real life. At least then she just had to plant
a sexual fantasy into someone’s head usually or occasionally switch
her appearance for a hard case. Simple. This? Her thong was riding
into her ass as she walked.

Venturing further into the bar, she ignored the
lecherous glances and looked for her date. His face had been in her
dreams for weeks. Yet she couldn’t see him. Hope plummeted and May
wondered if he’d stood her up—

An arm snaked around her waist and pulled her into a
pudgy body. Alcohol and cigarette smoke was pungent as her groper
leaned down and stuck his face close to hers.

“Fancy a drink, darlin’,” she heard as his tongue,
she was pretty sure, darted out and licked her ear.

May wasn’t used to inebriated men who actually had
her pinned to them. Her skills were limited away from Hell and her
mind went blank, for a moment, before she automatically shifted

“Of course.” She smiled sexily into the face of the
man, fluttering her eyelashes, and she saw the moment his eyes
started to glaze over with lust. May knew he was now incapable of
speech for a few moments whilst she “charmed” him, a basic Succubus

He was an average looking man—never in a million
years had he thought he’d have a chance with a beautiful woman. And
though May was reluctant to admit, she was gorgeous. All Succubi
were. Many of her demon sisters would have embarrassed him at this
point but she wasn't them. Sneaking a peek at the gaggle of drunk
friends behind him, they looked on with a new respect for him,
especially a young lady who was now shooting daggers at her. Hmm,
interesting. She leaned in close to his ear, checking his wedding
finger first and whispered a sexual charm.

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