
BOOK: KeystoHeavenAll
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Keys to Heaven

By Shyla Colt

Keys to Heaven Copyright 2012

Shyla Colt

Cover by For the Muse Design

Edited by Christine Kirchoff

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.


To Natasha who watered the seed of hope and self-confidence in myself that needed a bit of TLC. I will always want to be as cool as you, and think of myself as a pseudo little sister. <3


Chapter One

“Mom. I’m going to do a garbage run!” Heavenleigh glanced over her shoulder. The red streaks in her mom’s black hair swayed a she nodded. Knowing she heard, Heaven took the two bags in her hand and walked to the back door. A rush of cool air felt good against her heated skin as she stepped out into the night. The bar was booming tonight. She smiled. Purgatory had been smash hit from the moment it opened, much to everyone’s surprise, hers included. When her mother pitched the concept of a neutral bar for angels, demons, and whatever else supernatural wandered in looking for a good time, Heavenleigh thought she’d lost it. Still, as always she supported the women who’d given up everything for her.

As a being with one foot in hell, and one foot in heaven she wasn’t well liked. Her mother had fallen to earth, leaving her grace behind to pursue a romance with a demon she claimed was ill fated from the start. Her mother never went into details and the look of pure torment that rose in her eyes whenever she spoke of her father kept her from asking for more details. Besides, the asshole had bailed on them, and at sixty, though she looked about thirty by human standards, the last thing she needed was a wanna-be-daddy trying to tell her what to do. Pushing the bitter thoughts away she tossed the lumpy black sacks in the dumpster.

Her stomach lurched like she was on a Tilt-O-Whirl and her ears twitched. Turning to face the dimly light area behind her, she raised her hands. Blue power crackled around illuminating the space between her and the parking lot. She waited, her eyes scanning the blackness as she kept her muscles loose and ready to fight.
Something wicked this way comes.
A shadow peeled itself from the wall and began to take a human shape.
Scarlet eyes stood out against the creatures pale skin, and blue-black hair that fell across his forehead in an angular cut.
Wow even
demons were doing the Emo thing now.
His high cheek bones, an angular chin, and thin, dusky-pink, lips made him look like a runway model. That was their gimmick, good looks, a silver tongue, and a sincere tone.

“In case you didn’t get the memo, this is Switzerland pretty boy.”

“I just had to come and see the freak.” His melodious voice made his words seem wrong.

“Original.” Rolling her eyes she remained stock still, anxious for him to make his move.

The demon sneered. “I can’t wait to see that pretty smile wiped off your face. You’ve been living up in your tower long enough princess, it’s time you made a decision.”

“I haven’t for sixty years. It’s not going to change now. But please do hold your breath.”

His eyes brightened with hell fire.

“He’s coming for you Heavenleigh Spirit. Even your names make me sick.” A snake like hiss filled the alley.
What was this a horror movie? Sorry pal, she didn’t scare easily.

“I’m done talking. Either leave on your own, or I’ll give you a little motivation.”
Here she
thought her novelty had worn off.
When she’d first turned of age they’d come in droves trying to goad her into action with far reaching consequences.
That was the bitch about being Switzerland,
you stepped one toe out of line, and the house of cards fell down around you.

“I’ll be seeing you.”He winked. A puff of black smoke surrounded him. The scent of brimstone seared her nostrils, and he disappeared.

And she’s the freak?
Shaking her head she walked back into the bar. After all this time the pounding bass and muted blue lighting that greeted here felt like home. Normally she’d hang out for a bit after her shift ended, but tomorrow was inventory so she’d need the extra sleep. Striding behind the bar she touched her mothers’ shoulder.

“Okay Mom, you’re all set for awhile. I’m heading home.”

“All right baby, be safe.”

“Always.” Squeezing her mother’s shoulder she left the bar and walked back to the employee room. Removing her black leather jacket from the locker she shrugged it on and left.

That was Cali weather for you ,hot during the day, and chilly by night. Still, she loved living by the ocean. They’d traveled around a lot growing up and this place just resonated. It helped that strange went unnoticed. Starting up the black Jeep she cranked the rock station and pulled out of the parking lot.

She was almost home when a brilliant flash of life lit up the sky. To anyone else it looked like a falling star, or meteor, but she knew better. The high pitched vibrations coming off the light in waves screamed grace. An angel was falling to earth. She should
go home and mind her
own business.
The short lived battled ended when she veered to the left.
This was a once in a
lifetime opportunity, she had to see it!
When she reached the ‘crash’ site smoke billowed from a wooded area. Parking, she leapt down from the jeep, and jogged into the forest, mindful of roots and fallen logs. She neared a giant crater in the center of a glen.

Dark shadows began to slither up from the bottom of the trees. The angel would be disoriented and weak. It wouldn’t stand a chance against an attack of this magnitude, especially with its powers depleted. She had an unspoken rule, she pretended she didn’t see the demons and they did the same to her.
She couldn’t stand here and watch them massacre this poor soul.

Imagine if this had been her mother all those years earlier.
Resigned to the stupid act she was about to commit she dug deep down into her soul, tapping into the part of her she liked to leave alone.

Flames licked at her skin as she walked over to stand in front of the sunken earth. Her eyes burned and she knew they’d bleed. When she was at peak power they glowed. Holding up her hands she admired the flickering, orange fire before she spoke.

“It is under my protection.”

“Since when do you care mid-worlder?” one hissed. There were four to her one, all lesser lever bottom suckers. She could take them with her hellfire, but it’d cost her. Usage of her demon powers always did.

“Does it really matter?” The flames that surrounded her hands grew, lighting up the area like a bonfire. “Who wants to try me first?”

Whispering rose among them.
Time to put on a show.
She formed a ring of fire around her and the fallen angel she’d yet to check on.

“Cross it if you dare.”

“You win for now Spirit.” They slinked back into the night, blending seamlessly and she disconnected from her demon side. If she was lucky there wouldn’t be any ill side effects other than being overly bitchy tomorrow. Threat dispatched she spun and examined the hole. The body glowed with holy light, obscuring the details. She sank to her knees and peered over into the edge.
Crazy, the smoke rolling out of this hole smells sweet.


As the air cleared she made out a shape cloaked in white. The body twitched.

“I’m here to help you. Can you understand what I’m saying?” Falling was painful and traumatic. It wasn’t unusual for the angel to forget who they were and why they’d come to earth for a time until their body mended and acclimated to the new environment. The light began to fade, revealing features. She gasped. The angel was hot. A shock of chocolate-brown hair fell over his broad forehead leading into a strong jaw and a dimpled chin. His eyelids lifted revealing cobalt blue irises.
She’d never had such naughty thoughts about an angel in her life!
She flicked her tongue out to moisten her dry lips and did her best to tamp down her arousal. Her nipples were rock hard and her center throbbed.

“Heavenleigh Spirit. I came here for you.”

Her jaw dropped. “You what?”

His body went limp and his head fell back as he passed out.

“Son of a bitch.” Jumping beside him she hoisted him onto her shoulders and groaned. “Pal you’re a lot heavier than you look, and that’s saying a lot given who I am.” Gritting her teeth, she gave up on trying to drag him out and released her wings. A few flaps of the powerful black monstrosities and they were out of the hole. By the time she reached the car it was all she could do to place him in the passenger seat and buckle him in.

“Looks like I’m taking you home. Not exactly how I’d like, but I suppose beggars can’t be choosers.”

Rounding the car she slipped behind the wheel of her black jeep, peeled out and burned rubber. Chances were someone was looking for him, and it wouldn’t take long before the humans came with their cameras and news crews.

Grateful for her isolated locale she tugged the nameless angel into the beige one story with a Spanish tiled roof, and dark brown shutters. She closed to door behind her using her power.

Then she rolled him onto his back, placed her hands under his arms and scooted him along her beber carpet. Inside her room she took in the gray walls decorated with a white and black border. Her gaze trained on the Queen size bed with black duvet. She snorted, amused by her predicament.

“Shame you’re the only male to cross this threshold, and we’re not even ripping off each other’s clothing.”

Bent at the knees she, wrestled him into the bed.
Who knew a fallen angel would weigh so
She traced his beautiful features with her forefingers.

“Who are you, and why in the hell were you looking for me? It seems a long way to fall for a hodgepodge gene pool splice.” He moaned in his sleep, and she stroked his hair off his brow, the way her mother had when she was sick as a child. “Shhh. Sleep Angel Man, I’ll keep you safe.” Sinking down on to the bed beside him she hummed a lullaby formed from an angelic song. His brow unwrinkled and his breathing evened out.


He woke with a start, unsure of where he was or what had happened. His eyelids fluttered as he struggled to leave the bondage of sleep behind and focus. Gingerly he sat up from the plush surface he’d reclined on. The sound of breathing drew his attention to the right. His vision blurred, blood rushed to his head, and his heart beat double time.

“Shh, easy tiger, you’re safe.” A gentle voice whispered to him, a small, soft ,hand rested on his chest, and eased him back down.
A woman’s hand.
“You’re with a friend.” Her melodic voice soothed him and his tensed muscles began to relax.

“What happened?” His throat was scratchy and raw.

“You had a fall.”

“A fall?” He tried to recall what happened but right now his brain felt like it was full of cotton, everything was fuzzy and white-washed. It was the mental equivalent to white noise.

“Oh yeah, the worst one a person could ever have. I picked you up, brought you home, and dusted you off. I have to say it was very hard not to peak, you’re quite appealing in this form.”

“I’m not sure what you mean.”

“I know.” She sounded amused.

It pleased him. “Have we met before?”

“No, I would’ve remembered, trust me.” The gentle purr did funny things to him. His penis twitched and hardened. He cleared his throat hoping she hadn’t noticed.

“Are you thirsty?”


“I’ll be right back Angel Man.”

Angel Man?
Maneuvering up into a sitting position he winced. Sore and bruised his body protested.
What happened to him?
Vision clear, he breathed deep and tried to make sense of the tangled mess his mind had become. The door opened and the woman with the beautiful voice entered. His jaw dropped. She was perfection. Miles of milk chocolate skin were incased in a pair of black pants, and a black tank top with a black glittery heart. The scoop neck put her full breasts on display. The turgid points of her nipples stood out. His cock hardened further. Unable to look away his gaze traveled up to her heart shaped face. She possessed delicate features, an upturned nose, high cheekbones, thick lips, and long black hair with turquoise streaks.

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