KeystoHeavenAll (2 page)

BOOK: KeystoHeavenAll
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“I’m flattered Angel Man, I didn’t know you had it in you.” She arched a perfectly shaped brow and gestured toward the tent he’d made in the sheets with her head. He flushed and looked away.

“Don’t be shy, I like it. I had a girl hard-on the moment I saw that pretty face of yours.” She moaned. “And those brilliant blue eyes.” Her gaze burned him. Sinking down on to the bed beside him she held a glass up to his lips and he swallowed. Cool water coated his dry mouth and slid down his throat into his belly. After a few sips she pulled away and set the glass on the bedside table. Suddenly it struck him.

“Heavenleigh. I’m here for you.”

“I might let you have me, but enough of that, we have to get you back on your feet and adjusted before we have the kind of fun I have planned. What’s your name handsome?”

He reached for it, and it flitted away like a bird. “I don’t know.”

“Hmm, well we can’t just call you Angel?”

“You’ve said that before, why?” He tilted his head

“You have an angelic quality about you.” She winked. “How do you feel?”

“Sore. Confused.”

“It was the fall, don’t worry it’ll all come back to you when you’re ready.”

“I suppose.” He shook his head. “What will I do until then?”

“Stay with me.”

“Why would you do this?” He remembered enough about the world to know kindness

wasn’t in vast quantities.

“Let’s just say I’ve taken a liking to you, besides you came all this way for something to do with me. My name was the first thing you said before you passed out. I’m curious to know why.”

“I am as well.” His stomach grumbled loudly. He blushed and she laughed.

“How about I make you a sandwich?”

“Sounds good.” He knew what the words she said meant, but he couldn’t bring forth any memories that made him feel connected to them.
Surely he had eaten a sandwich before.

“Don’t think too hard, you might hurt yourself, literally. Forcing things before their time’s a bad idea. ”

“You seem to know a lot about this, are you a nurse?”

She laughed, a rich tone that did nothing to ease his erection. “Me? No. I’m a club owner and bartender. My mom had a very similar injury once. It’s important that you let your body and your brain heal and acclimate on their own speed, do you understand?” All playfulness gone she narrowed her eyes and her voice dropped an octave.

“You are saying I could injury myself worse?”

“Yes, maybe even permanently, and trust me … you don’t want that.” She shuddered.

“You’ve seen people who’ve done this.” Fascinated by her knowledge he leaned in.

“Yes, they’re sad shadows of the people they used to be and have more than a few screws loose. It’s sort of like Humpty Dumpty… all the kings horses couldn’t put them back together again.” The words sparked something inside him. He gasped and then he was traveling down a long tunnel, and thrust into a memory. Images of haggard looking men and women shuffling around in filthy clothing muttering to themselves.

“You remember?”

Her voice drew him back into the present. “Yes… I would not wish to be like them.”

“Good. We have an understanding. Now, sit tight and I’ll be back with a sandwich and some soup. I don’t think your tummy’s up to much else.”

Rested and full an hour later his lids began to feel like they had weights on them.

“It’s okay, sleep Angel Man, I’ll watch your back.” Heavenleigh’s voice was the last thing he heard before he succumbed to sleep.

Chapter Two

The jangle of her phone pulled Heavenleigh from her sleep. A glance at her bedside clock told her it was seven in the morning. Rolling over she placed the pillow over her head. The phone stopped.

“Thank God.” On her way back to oblivion the phone rang again. “Ugh!” she snatched the rectangle off the nightstand. “Someone better be dead.”

“Heavenleigh Spirit! I got an interesting call this morning, and I hope to God it was a rumor.”

She attempted to swim up from the surface of sleep. “Mom? What are you talking about?”

Her sluggish brain refused to work.”

“Did you defend an angel from demons last night? How many times have I told you we remain neutral? Fly under the radar and stay as ensconced in protective wards as we can manage at all times.”

Heavenleigh moaned. “It wasn’t an angel it was a fallen angel. I couldn’t let him get eaten alive. He was a sitting duck.”

“He? Heaven, please tell me this is not about a man, an ex-angel at that! He’ll be a mess.”

“Exactly why I had to do something.” Exasperated she blew out a breath.

“Placing him under your protection!”

“It sounded like a good ideal at the time.” Closing her eyes she counted to ten as she allowed her mother to vent. Her skin itched and a million hurtful comments burned bright in her mind. It was the use of the demon blood, always turned her into a raging bitch.

“This is serious!” The boom in her mother’s voice raised her hackles.

“Mom...I know. But what if that had been you all that years ago? How could I walk away?

Even now he’s completely disorientated and has no clue what he actually is.”

“Wait. You brought him home?” She held the phone away from her ear. “What the hell were you thinking!”

“What else could I do with him Mom? Leaving him alone right now would defeat the

purpose of the rescue. I know it’s against the rules, but when he opened his eyes he told me he came down for me.”

“He did what.” Her mother’s voice had gone cold and emotionless, which was so much worse than her angry tone. “What else did he say?”

“Nothing.” Heavenleigh shook her head. “Poor thing can’t even remember his name right now.”

“But he knows who you are? This isn’t good.”

“Do you think you could recognize him Mom?”

“I’m not sure… we look different up there, something akin to big balls of energy. When we come down and take our human form we’re changed. Perhaps I can recognize the lingering presence of his grace. No promises though, it’s been a long time.” Her heart ached for her mother. She could hear the wistfulness in her voice. Even after all this time she missed her brethren.

“I take it you’re coming over?”

“Yes, I am missy and don’t think for a second you’re off the hook. There’ll be


Oh, she wouldn’t dream of it. Mom would be holding this over her head for years to come.

She could hear it now, Little Ms. Neutral took a walk on the angel side…

“I know once you met him you’ll understand.” This angel was special.

“Please don’t tell me you have feelings for this man.” The worry in her mom’s voice hurt. It probably seemed all too familiar, demon falls for angel. After the way her parent’s romance had ended it was probably a slap in her mom’s face.

“Okay, I won’t.”

“Oh, Jesus, Mary and Joseph!” Spoken in angelic tongue the words spoke to her agitation.

Her mother’s absurd outburst made her laugh. “Friends of yours?” After her fall her mother had taken on the name Layla. She came off as a very Catholic, ageing rock and roller.
If only
people knew her real history.

“Did you get his grace?”

“No… I didn’t think I could touch it.”

“We need to go back to the site immediately. If a demon uses a human vessel to get their hands on it…”

“Okay Mom. Meet me at the Palacade Park.” Hanging up she stumbled out of bed, plodded to her closet, and pulled out a pair of stretch black pants, white wife beater, and a black hoodie.

Yeah she didn’t t look conspicuous.
Hurrying to the bathroom she pulled her hair up into a high ponytail, took a gulp of mouth wash, swished it around in her mouth and spat. Jogging back out to her desk, she scribbled a quick note to the mystery angel telling him she’d be right back.

Knocking lightly she entered when he didn’t protest.

It was impossible. Yet, somehow he was even more attractive rumpled by sleep. His mused hair and peaceful expression made her want to crawl under the covers with him and do things that would make his wings ruffle. She melted. The thought of making love to him with his wings expanded made her shiver. Some Fallen kept them and others didn’t, her mother had, and they were beautiful, fluffy, baby pink plumes that wrapped around her when she’d been at her lowest or hurt. Angels had never been her type. They were usually extreme, either, too buttoned up and righteous, or completely off the rails as they reveled in every sin they could find.

Remembering her mother would be left alone until she got there, she placed the sticky sheet of paper on the bedside and left. Grabbing her keys off the kitchen counter she was out the door and driving balls to the walls. She turned into the parking lot, relieved to see her mom still seated in her white truck. Pulling up beside her she parked and hopped down as her mother did the same. Her eyes were golden and power rolled of her.

“What’s wrong Mom? You’re in angel mode.”

“I feel it, his grace sings to me.” Her eyes glossed over with unshed tear. “After so long on earth this way… I wasn’t sure if I would.” Clearing her throat she glanced away. “We should hurry before the others come to collect it.” Her mother nodded her head toward the sky. Sensing her urgency Heavenleigh began to lead her into the forest.


“Yes. Falling to some is the most dishonorable thing an angel could do. They see it as throwing God’s ultimate gift right back in his face. They must be seeking him or the humans would have flooded this site by now.”

“And what does he think?” Heavenleigh jerked her chin upward



Her mother tilted her head. “God is like a Sphinx. In the sense that he won’t choose for you, he rules with love and a firm hand, but not bonds of slavery. ” She shook her head. “It’s hard to describe.”

“Can Fallen return?”

“It’s happened before, but it’s not a normal occurrence.”

Heavenleigh’s throat tightened. “Do you want to go back?” Life without her mother would be a living hell.

“It’s here.” Her mother’s voice changed, distorted to a unisex tone that made her skin crawl.

They approached a hollowed out log. “It hid during the commotion between you and the demon.”

“It can do that?”

“Yes, it works under the will of its master, and even damaged the angel’s subconscious knew this needed to be protected.” She knelt down, held her hands over the log, and closed her golden eyes. “It wants you.”

“I’m sorry… what?” Confused Heavenleigh shook her head.

“You are meant to be the owner until the angel remembers.” The awe on her mother’s face twisted her gut. She was not worthy of an honor like this.

“Why me?”

Her mother glanced up, eyes swirling gold. “He’s bound himself to you somehow.”

“He did what!” Her head spun. Fear, anger, and excitement swirled together inside her. It justified her urge to keep him safe, but it opened the door to a shit load of problems.

“Linked your life path’s… or perhaps it wasn’t him.” She paused, a thoughtful expression painted onto her face.

“Mom, I’m confused why would he do that? Why would anyone?” Heavenleigh threw her hands up in the air and took a few steps back. Even know his grace called to her.

“That’s a good question. Come.” She waved her over.

Unable to resist the pull Heavenleigh moved to kneel beside her mother. Her ears hummed as she reached a calm space amongst the chaos of her mind.

“Hold your hands out. I won’t lie. This will burn.” Her mother’s voice pierced the veil of white space she’d slipped into.

“Wait. What?.” Heavenleigh screamed as a searing pain started in her hands and seeped inside to race through her bloodstream. Time stood still as her body caught fire from the inside out. An undeterminable amount of time later she opened her eyes.


“I’m here.” Power unlike any she’d ever know circled through her body. Flexing her power muscles she gasped. She was full of him, could feel his masculine power swimming inside her.

The intimate feeling hardened her nipples. The boy cut underwear she wore grew damp. “I don’t understand how this is possible.”

“As you’ve marked him he’s done the same for you.”


Her mother shook her head. “That’s something he’ll have to answer. For now he’s in your care.” Her eyes receded to the normal brilliant jade color and she was again her mother. They rose to their feet.

“I think we should leave before something else happens.” Heavenleigh scanned the area for interlopers.

“Agreed. Besides I’m curious to see the one who’s caused so much upheaval in less than twenty-four hours. He’d have to be a trouble maker of epic proportions to handle you though, so it makes sense.” Her mother smirked and they began to move.

“What do you mean handle me? No one’s handling me.” Heavenleigh’s lip curled up.

“Your scent says otherwise.” They hiked through the woods, moving swiftly.

“Mom! Don’t go all… angel on me.”

“You’re broadcasting very loudly and this isn’t about desire. It’s about mating.”

Heavenleigh stumbled over a tree root as they reached the clearing. “Mating?”

“We can talk about it at home.”

“Oh believe me, we will.” They loaded up into their cars and pulled out of the parking lot.

Mate? She was no one’s property. Not even the Angel Man.
She’d lived her life, content with sexual escapades. No, she didn’t have anything against men, or women for that matter, her duality tended to make people nervous, which pretty much left out long term commitment.

There’d been some close calls, times she thought she’d found the right person. In the end it was about
she was, not who. So, tired of pain and disappointment she closed the door on that option. No sense beating her head against a brick wall. Now this man… this angel, literally drops from the sky and threatens to turn the life she’d carved for herself upside down. As much as she wanted to be angry … it excited her. She was twelve kinds of fucked up.

Back at the house Heavenleigh locked the door behind her and leaned against it.

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