Killer Love (23 page)

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Authors: Alicia Dean

Tags: #romance,suspense,anthology,sensual

BOOK: Killer Love
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She heaved a sigh. “I know. I’m sorry. I guess if I’m pissed, it would be at myself. What happened between us was incredible, but we both know it was a huge mistake.”

Well, he didn’t think it was a

“What’s done is done,” he said matter of factly. “We got carried away and gave in to our urges. We can just forget about it and not let it change things between us.” Forget about it, yeah, right. Like
was going to happen. “I’m probably leaving town soon anyway. I’ll keep in touch and you can call me if something happens, but I need to follow up on a few leads.”

He didn’t have any leads to follow up on but there was no reason to stay. The results on the blood outside her apartment had come back and they didn’t match DiMarco’s. She obviously didn’t know where DiMarco was. DiMarco didn’t know where she was, and staying around her was starting to seem like a very bad idea.

“You’re leaving?”

He thought he detected disappointment in her voice.

For God’s sake, who knew what they were thinking?

“Yeah. Probably in a few days. I’ll say goodbye before I go.”

The power flared back on in a blinding glare. Jade blinked against the burst of light. She looked tousled and gorgeous and utterly, devastatingly tempting. His body tensed against the desire worming its way back into his system and he wondered how much of this woman it would take to sate his appetite.

“Well, okay.” She bent to retrieve her purse from the chair. “I’m going to head out. I guess I’ll talk to you soon.”

He nodded. “Call if you have any trouble getting home. You have a cell phone, right?”

“Yeah. I’ll do that. Thanks.”

“Sure.” His heart thudded with dread as he watched the door shut behind her. Even in the light, darkness closed in on his soul and he wondered how he was going to forget what it felt like to hold feel her satiny skin against his...inhaling her scent that still lingered in the room.

The truth was, he wouldn’t, not in a million years.

Chapter Fifteen

Jade sat at the kitchen table, her coffee cup cradled between her hands. She hadn’t heard from Luke since she’d walked out of his hotel room two days ago. Had he left Solitaire already? Left without telling her goodbye?

She should be relieved at the thought but instead, a hollow ache filled her soul. She would miss him. But his leaving was the best thing. For both of them.

A knock sounded at the door. She looked through the peephole. Luke. Her traitorous heart thumped a joyous rhythm.

She swung the door open. “Hi. Come in.” Stepping back, she let him walk past her into the apartment, then shut the door and turned to him.

His eyes swept over her. She was acutely aware of how she must look in her tattered jeans, baggy sweatshirt and lack of makeup. Self-consciously, she brushed a hand over her hair, wishing she’d known he was coming so she could have fixed up a little.

They stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. “How are you?” Luke finally spoke.

“I’m okay. You?”


She nodded. “So what’s up?”

“Can we sit?”

“Yeah, sure. Sorry. Would you like something to drink?”

“No, thanks. I’m fine.”

They sat on opposite ends of the couch but it was still too close for her peace of mind.

“They ID’d the body found at your friend’s house. Do you know a Maureen Anderson?”

She shook her head. “No. Never heard of her.”

“You never heard Bryce mention her name?”

“I’m telling you, it was just Bryce’s way of sending me a message. He probably chose a complete stranger.”

“It was a hell of a message. The girl’s throat was cut. She was lying in a lounge chair next to the Senator’s pool. Nude except for the necklace. Your necklace.”

Goosebumps trickled along her flesh. She’d been
to the man. Good God, what was wrong with her instincts?

“They didn’t find Bryce?”

“No. I’m sorry. Other than the necklace, there’s no evidence linking him to the crime, but they’re working on it.”

“So what now?”

“Follow up on leads, although there aren’t many.”

“What about you?” The words rushed out of her. She’d meant to sound casual but knew she’d failed.

His voice was tight when he spoke. His eyes traveled over her face. “I’m leaving in a few days. Nothing left to do here. I need to see if I can help with the case.”

She was surprised at how much his words upset her. She’d known he was leaving. Knew it was best for both of them. Then why did it feel like he’d reached in and snatched her heart from her chest?

Not trusting herself to speak, she nodded. Damn him, anyway. She wasn’t supposed to feel like this about him. She wouldn’t
herself to feel like this. No way in hell. She’d learned what loving someone could do. She’d learned it as a very small child.

“Thanks for stopping by.” She stood.

Luke hesitated, then stood with her. She didn’t care that she sounded rude. Being around him was just too difficult. If he was leaving, he needed to just go. Now.

“I’ll keep in touch. Let you know if we find DiMarco.”


“I probably won’t see you before I leave but you have my number. Call if you need anything.”

She nodded and led him to the door. He stopped at the open doorway and looked at her. “I’m sorry...about the other night...”

“It’s okay.” She interrupted. She didn’t want to talk about what had happened between them. It was a mistake. It was over. Best to leave it alone.

“Well, then.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I guess that’s it. Goodbye.”

“Bye.” He left and she closed the door.

She went back to her coffee. It was cold. She dumped it in the sink. Through a blur of tears, she watched the dark liquid trickle down the drain.

She sat back at the kitchen table and dropped her head in her hands. Why the hell did it have to hurt so much?

Wallowing in her misery, it took her a moment to realize she heard the sound of angry voices outside her door, maybe coming from the hallway. She thought she recognized Ashley’s but couldn’t make out the words. Was she fighting with her mother again? It was never-ending.

Out of the muffled conversation, one word was distinguishable.
. The sonofabitch was back?

She raced into the bedroom and tucked her Ruger in the waistband of her jeans, beneath the baggy sweatshirt.

She opened her front door and saw Ashley and her mother in the hallway. Ashley’s back was to them as she stalked away.

“You come back here, young lady!” Deb yelled.

“Fuck you!” Ashley shouted, not turning back.

“Ashley!” Jade called after her.

Ashley turned at Jade’s voice. She pointed at her mother. “She’s going to marry him!”

“Dennis?” Jade asked, shooting Deb a look.

Ashley nodded and scrubbed at the tears on her cheeks. “I told her what he did to me and she’s still going to marry him.”

“Ashley,” Deb admonished. “It’s none of her concern.”

“What did he do?” Jade spoke through gritted teeth.

“A few weeks ago, he grabbed my ass. Mom was right there but her back was turned.” She shuddered. “I didn’t tell her then cause I didn’t want to start anything. And then he left, so I didn’t worry about it. But now he’s back and they’re getting married!” Her voice ended on a sob.

An image surfaced in Jade’s mind. She could almost feel Dennis’ hands on her skin...the smell of him...the sound of his hot breath in her ear...

Then she saw him doing the same thing to Ashley. “You can’t marry him,” she told Deb.

“It’s none of your business. You’ve done nothing but cause trouble since we met you. We’re moving away. You won’t be able to butt in any longer.”

“Me and Jon are
going with you.” Ashley stalked over to her mother. “You go with that asshole if you want, but we’re staying here.”

“Watch how you talk to me, young lady. I won’t have it. You
go with me. Dennis didn’t mean anything by what he did. He loves you kids.”

“You’re out of your freakin mind!”

Deb raised her hand as if to strike Ashley and Jade rushed between them.

“Listen, you can’t marry him. He’s dangerous.”

“What the hell do you know about it? You don’t even know him.”

“I know he tried to rape me!” The words were out before she could stop them. As much as she didn’t want Ashley to know what Dennis had done, she knew it was best. They both needed to know what kind of low-life scum he was.

“Oh my God,” Ashley breathed.

“Liar!” Deb whirled on Jade. “That’s a filthy lie and you know it.”

“That’s why he left. I bit a chunk out of his cheek and threatened him with a gun if he ever came around again.”

“That’s how he got that scar?” Ashley asked.

Deb looked away uncertainly. She shook her head and turned back to Jade. “I don’t believe you. You would have called the cops.”

“I didn’t call them because I knew he’d be out in no time. I just wanted him away from the kids.”

“She’s not lying.” Ashley stared at her mother. “You know she’s not.”

Deb crossed her arms around her middle. Tears filled her eyes. “She’s lying,” she said softly.


Sorry motherfucker.
Why couldn’t you play along, Butler? You could save us all a lot of trouble if you’d lead me to my wife. She’s
goddamned wife.

Bryce slammed his fist on the table and Susannah jumped, dropping her fork.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” she asked peevishly.

“Nothing. Just finish your breakfast and stay out of it.”

For once, the woman listened to him. She fell silent.

Bryce pushed his plate away. He didn’t have an appetite. He was sick and tired of them winning. He wanted Jade. He had no clue where she was. He wasn’t any closer to finding her than he’d been the day she left.

He also hadn’t found Butler’s family. He’d gone to Atlanta, watched the house but never saw the woman or the little girl. Just some guy. Probably the ex-old lady’s new hubby. Wouldn’t do any good to fuck with him. Butler would probably appreciate Bryce taking him out.

Jade, where are you? Why are you doing this? You know you won’t get by with it forever. You know I’ll find you and the longer it takes me, the harder you’ll pay.

Fuck her. She wants to play hardball, let’s play.
He stood and tossed his napkin on the table.

“Give me the keys to the Bimmer,” he demanded.

“Where are you going?”

“None of your fucking business. Give me the keys.” She pushed back from the table and fished the keys out of her purse. She handed them to him without another word. Maybe he’d get her trained yet.

Chesterfield on the west side of St. Louis boasted some of the most lavish homes the city. Senator Bomar’s house was set back from the road and guarded by a wrought iron gate, but could still be glimpsed through the leafless trees at the front of the property. The home was a red brick Tudor with large bay windows, a massive chimney and sloping roof. Easily one of the most expensive in the neighborhood.

At one time, Bryce had lived in a home similar to this. Until that bitch had brought his world crashing down around him.

He parked across and down the street from the Senator’s home. He waited for two hours. He’d just about decided he was wasting his time and would have to come back another day when the gate swung open.

A black Mercedes slid out of the drive and onto the street. He caught a glimpse of an attractive fiftyish woman behind the wheel. He’d met her a couple of times. Melanie Bomar’s mother.

Staying a discreet distance behind, he followed her to an office building downtown.

He watched the woman--couldn’t remember her name--go inside the building.

What to do now? It was just past noon so there would be other people around. He’d have to sit out here and wait for her to leave. Try to catch her in a less populated area. Maybe run her off the road on the way home.

He parked beside a meter and settled in to wait.

Five hours and a shitload of quarters later, she still hadn’t emerged. Several others had. The building was dark.

What the hell. He hadn’t gotten where he was without taking risks. He fed the meter once more and whistled as he headed toward the door.


Katherine Bomar sat back and massaged her right hand. In this day and age of computer-generated correspondence, she still preferred the old fashioned method. Gave it more of a personal touch. And, with everything that had been going on, she needed to do whatever she could to ensure her husband’s donors remained confident in him.

This awful business with the poor girl found dead at their home. They had their work cut out for them to live that one down. Even though her main concern was the tragedy of the girl’s murder, she had to think about the way it would affect her husband’s campaign. She didn’t mean to sound callous. But there was nothing she could do to help the poor girl now. She had to concentrate on damage control.

How had the body ended up at their pool? She couldn’t imagine. The police didn’t have a clue. They’d found no connection to anyone in her family or staff. Not a single lead.

The view beyond the fifth story window always soothed her. The silhouette of the Gateway Arch watched over the city like a benevolent keeper. Lights on the buildings seemed to float in the evening sky as the sun descended into the western horizon.

She sighed and picked up the pen once more.

The door behind her opened and she whirled around. Bryce DiMarco stood inside the office door, grinning like a maniac. At that moment, she knew precisely how the girl’s body came to be at their residence. After what this animal had done to poor Jade, nothing would surprise her.

She stood and faced him, shoulders back, head high. “What are you doing here?” she asked, pulling herself up to her full 5’10 height.

He grinned and advanced toward her.

Without taking her eyes off him, she felt around on the desk until her fingers found the letter opener. She whipped it in front of her. “Do not come one step closer.”

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