Killing Time (19 page)

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Authors: S.E. Chardou

BOOK: Killing Time
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Chapter Eleven




would have been dead from the gaze of contempt Rory tossed him alone.

“What the hell does it look like is going on? I accompanied Aurélie up here because she was afraid to come on her own. She’s leaving you and would like to collect her personal effects. Neither one of us wanted this to turn into some kind of ugly confrontation. Let her take what is hers and we will be on our way,” Rory explained in a calm and rational manner.

“You duplicitous, self-righteous prick. How dare you enter my residence and pretend like you have any right to be here. You have your tongue down my fiancé’s throat and your hand down her pants and I am supposed to be okay with this?” Gray’s cold, icy blue eyes met mine. “And
, I trusted you and this is what I get? A trampy little slut who can’t wait to spread her legs for the sick fuck that probably had a hand in her sister’s death. Was it good? Did he fuck you every which way and did it have you moaning out for more? Both of you are so fucking disgusting I can’t stand the sight of either one of you. Get what you came here for and leave my house as soon as possible.”

I wanted to say something but Rory held me to him. “Go pack. I’ll take care of this—”

“But, Rory . . . he hates me.”

“I said I would take care of this, all right? Do you trust me?”

Did I know him well enough to trust him was the most appropriate question but my feelings caved and I nodded in reply.

“Good, then go get your stuff and let me handle Gray, okay?” Rory tilted his head and kissed my nose. “Give me a smile, huh? It’s not the end of the world.”

I laughed softly instead. “Fine. I will go pack.”

“Thank you,” he replied before he disappeared down the hall after Gray who had headed towards the bar on the opposite side from where the bedrooms were located.

It was strange entering the suite, which had belonged to Gray and I but I pushed all the memories to the back of my mind and got to work. I only packed what I had bought or brought and left everything behind Gray had purchased for me. In that case, my shoe collection was paltry since he’d purchased all the pairs of Christian Louboutin, Gucci, Chanel, Jimmy Choo, Manolo Blahnik and Yves Saint Laurent heels in my collection.

He’d also purchased most of my clothes and jewelry as well. I stared at my left ring finger, which still wore the platinum band with a tasteful white diamond surrounded by yellow diamonds. I slipped it off and put it in the jewelry box. It no longer belonged to me, and I didn’t want to be reminded of a failed relationship or the person who gave me the ring to wear.

I was a cheater and worse than that, I had never loved the man I had agreed to marry and become his wife. Furthermore, there was no use pretending there had been something special that’d existed between us when our relationship had been very much like my chosen profession: a fraud and a lie.

Rory walked in just as I was finishing up accompanied by a rather calm yet reticent Gray.

“Your ex-fiancé and I have talked it over and everything is fine,” he commented in a dismissive fashion.

I stood and looked at them both. “Oh, how’s that?”

“Claudette is looking for a way out. She is . . . exhausted by Severin and he has his eye on another woman so she has agreed to be the blame for your relationship’s demise. Gray finds Claudette quite attractive and her bedroom skills are unmatched so he will be quite happy with her. She is ready to settle down in a normal, vanilla relationship. Severin has been trying to find a way to dump her for ages but she is not the type who can be on her own.

“In other words, your fiancé gets an out and officially, he left you, not the other way around. Claudette gets a life of respectability and all the trappings she so desperately craves without the pain involved. Everyone is happy. I didn’t trick Gray into doing anything he doesn’t want to do so please don’t feel guilty. If he is not happy with Claudette then he can leave her at any time. She understands this but she is willing to take the risk.”

My mouth, suddenly dry as the Sahara, failed to work properly as I glanced deeply into Gray’s blue eyes with both shock and awe. “I’m so very sorry this arrangement didn’t work out between the two of us.”

He smiled and approached me in a weary fashion. “It isn’t your fault, Aurélie. We both know you are in no shape to do this and you never really wanted what I could offer you anyway. The money doesn’t mean anything and I always have respected you for that. I will forward your clothes, shoes and jewelry to your future place of residence through our respective attorneys. I don’t know where it is located and Robert will not tell me since it is a deal bartered on your behalf. He and Gabriel will work everything out.”

I embraced him and noticed he was taken aback by my reaction. “I wish you happiness and all the love in the world, my dear. I am just so sorry I couldn’t give it to you. You know that is the truth, don’t you?”

“Of course. Renaud fucked you up royally but you will have to let all that pain go eventually, Aurélie. You deserve to be happy and I know I am much more concerned with how you will be in the end than I am with myself. I am a survivor. I always make it and this is no exception, you know that.”

We separated and I smiled at him again.

Several housekeepers loaded the items, including Trésor’s jewelry box and personal effects into the back of Rory’s Porsche before we took off in the night towards the direction of the Waldorf Astoria. I didn’t know quite what I was doing but it felt good to be out of the duplicitous situation, which in the end, would have caused nothing but hurt and bad feelings for everyone involved.




grand building of luxury, beautiful gothic architecture and sheer opulence. I had stayed there before but never in the Waldorf Towers that were a separate entity from the elegant Waldorf Astoria.

The Historic Suite, which belonged to the Krieger family, had lots of personality and didn’t feel cold or sterile at all. It was large, sumptuous and spacious with every amenity a five star hotel could provide including concierge service and large, airy rooms that overlooked some of the best views in Manhattan.

“This must cost your parents a small fortune. Why don’t they just buy an apartment here?” I inquired as we walked around.

Rory had decided to give me a tour and although I was bone tired, I could barely hide my excitement. Everywhere I turned, there were magnificent displays of old money and old wealth around me. From the precious art works of Monet, Van Gogh, Degas and Vermeer to expensive Baccarat crystal and Dresden china, I was overwhelmed with all the precious works of art surrounding me.

own this place. It was a private transaction worked out with the hotel. They weren’t happy but alas, my father made them an offer they couldn’t refuse,” he explained in a casual manner.

“Please don’t let it have been the head of someone’s thoroughbred horse in the main shareholder’s bed,” I joked.

He instantly made the connection to
The Godfather
and laughed out loud. “No, it was nothing as dramatic as that. We’re Germans, remember? We would never have done something like that. My father probably blew up the owner’s new BMW or something. Much more subtle and it sticks it to one of our prized competitors’ automobiles.”

We sat in the dining room and both of us had a champagne flute full of Cristal. The formal area had a large dining room table, which sat at least eight people and the whole place smelled like fresh flowers which were everywhere in elaborate vases. I could see what the appeal would be to live in a hotel when you didn’t have to worry about upkeep and knew the sheets would be changed on a day-to-day basis.

“I noticed there’s more than one bedroom so if you wish to have your privacy, I can sleep in the guest room—”

“Nonsense.” He smiled at me and although the look in his blue-green eyes tried to appear nonchalant, there was a brief air of neediness right below the surface. “I don’t want to hide anything from you and one day, I won’t. I will be able to tell you all my secrets and some of them are so awful, perhaps they will push you out of my life for good.

“However, you truly make me feel like a better person . . . and I haven’t experienced that feeling in a very long time. It makes me feel rather noble and perhaps I’m not damned after all. I feel a sense of peace when I am around you. More than all the money I have shoved at all your precious causes, to see you smile makes me feel even better. I want you to be happy . . . even if it isn’t with me.”

I set my champagne glass down and reached over to stroke his gorgeous hands. “You’re lovely and much too good for me. I want to be happy again too but I need to do this for my own peace of mind. I won’t lie—you’ll be quite the distraction. As long as you let me have some alone time and allow me to do what I truly feel needs to be done then there is no reason why this can’t work. I will establish my laptop in the guest room and work there during the day. Are you needed at the club any time soon?”

“No. Severin is here so he can check in on the club. Besides, there is a young woman who has caught his eye. She belongs to another but he doesn’t really want her now. She’s too young and inexperienced. She happens to be German and my brother has a special weakness for our women when they are so young and virginal and fresh. He wants to break her himself and he has every reason to hang out at the club until he’s secured her.”

Rory’s sudden talk about the lifestyle jolted me out of my relaxed state. It would always hang over our heads, wouldn’t it? Like dark clouds that refused to dissipate, the community and his various sexual predilections would always color our relationship. He might want to appear like he could just up and leave the life but could he really? How often did people truly change?

I sipped from my champagne for liquid courage and traced the rim of my champagne flute. “How did you do that tonight? With Gray I mean? What exactly did you say to him?”

His aquamarine eyes fixed on me intently before he smiled. “Do you really want to know or are you surprised he gave you up so easily and without a lot of fuss?”

“Both, if I am to be honest with you  . . . and myself. Though part of me doesn’t want to know Gray’s reasoning. I wasn’t happy with him and I know I’m better off without him.”

Rory stood and walked over to me. He grabbed my hand and led me to the sitting room where we sat next to one another on the cream sofa. I wanted to move over if only to reclaim some of my own space but every time he touched me, my skin felt absolutely electric and I couldn’t imagine not being in this man’s arms.

One of his hands clutched my breasts possessively and he nibbled at my neck.

“Stop it. If we continue at this pace then you’ll be tired of me by next week,” I murmured.

“No, I don’t think so.” He continued to suck and bite at my neck—undoubtedly leaving marks I wouldn’t want another soul to see. “I used his weaknesses against him, Aurélie. Can you guess what they are?”

“I wouldn’t have a clue. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be asking you.”

“Would it surprise you if I told you Gray has always wanted to be a part of the life but never had the balls to do it? You’ve been with him in bed. Is he a particularly good lover?”

I scrunched up my face remembering the times we had sex. “No. I thought perhaps I was being selfish and holding back from what he was trying to give me but if I am honest with myself, he was barely adequate at best. I have never had any problems coming with you…or Renaud for the matter.”

Rory leaned on me as his right hand worked its way into my Juicy Couture sweats and caressed my clit over the wispy lace material of my expensive La Perla lingerie and I involuntarily moved towards his fingers. “You mean he never made you do that?”

“N-no,” I stuttered as my breath caught in my throat.

“Or what about this?” He slipped my thong to the side and slid two fingers inside me where I was embarrassingly soaked in my own juices and caressed me gently.

“Oh, God no!” I exclaimed.

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