King (26 page)

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Authors: L J Dee

BOOK: King
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that’s very honest” I smiled up at him as he winked at me. “I have no intention
of ever being anything else with you Charlotte” he smiled. “Tell me why you
don’t like the word ‘whore’”. I swallowed hard, realising this bonding and
honesty was an important part of what we had. I wasn’t even sure I would hate
the word coming from his lips if the gentle pulsing in my pussy was anything to
go by when he just said it, but he wouldn’t take being fobbed off, so I bit the
bullet. Who knows? Jason King might be able to help me associate even that word
with a positive
it had worked for
‘atonement’. Like therapy through submission, and I smiled at the thought. It
was very possible that this amazing man could even exorcise some minor demons
while making me come like a train.

was twenty one when I saved up enough money to come to London. I was desperate
to break into advertising and had written to all the major players, begging
them to let me work for my tube fare and the price of a sandwich every day. I
didn’t have the qualifications or the experience, so I guessed my best chance
would be to make them have to think of a reason not to hire me, work my
backside off and make myself utterly indispensable” I laughed. “Did you write
to me?” I nodded, looking up at him and flushing slightly at the admission.
“I’m pretty sure I have a’ thanks but no thanks’ rejection letter languishing
in a drawer somewhere from your HR Department” I smiled as he frowned down at
me, seeming to take the whole thing personally. “I’m sorry Baby” he said
squeezing me tightly “maybe King Marketing
a trick. I would have loved to get my hands on you then” he smiled as I
giggled. “I bet you would” I laughed as he winked again, the little gesture
making my stomach flip and my heart flutter.

Simon Jones from RJB advertising took pity on me” I laughed “but because I
wasn’t earning I had to work two other jobs
So there I was, working to the point of exhaustion, just to be able to pay the
rent on a one room rat infested shithole in the armpit of London, and that’s
when I met Gregg”. He was frowning slightly and listening hard to every detail.
“We barely saw each other because I was full time at RJB then waitressing at
, every night from Monday to Sunday, and in the daytime
on weekends, I worked in a shop in Soho, you can imagine” I smiled. “Doesn’t
leave a lot of time for the
” he sympathised as
I nodded gently. “Well after a few months, he suggested I moved in with him. It
would mean that we’d see each other a bit more and to be honest, I was
desperate to get out of the shithole, so I agreed. It was OK at first. He liked
to be in control in the bedroom. Not like you” I laughed, looking up at him as
he smiled proudly “but a little bit. We used to play dirty, and he’d call me a
slut and a whore and stuff and I liked it, it turned me on to be honest”. I
looked up at him flushing as he smiled knowingly, kissing my head gently as I
continued. “But then things changed and he started using it out of the
bedroom.” He was frowning now, his beautiful features etched with concern and I
loved that he cared about my past.

was getting more and more controlling and less and less trusting. I was doing
well at work and I felt like my life was coming together. At first he started
coming to Beyond at the end of my shift, saying that he wanted to see me home
safely. He used to get agitated that I smiled and was really friendly to the
customers, but every idiot knows that if you
want good tips,
the first rule of waitressing. He accused me of flirting with
them and had started to call me names at home. I wasn’t happy and we argued
constantly, but I was trapped financially and because I hardly spent any time
there, I could live with it. I was squirreling enough money away for a deposit
on another shithole of my own and I had a plan” I sighed. “Go on” he urged,
stroking my hair gently as I continued my tale.

night he came to the restaurant and he was drunk. I was waiting on a huge table
of guys on a stag party and they were rowdy and rude and one of them pinched my
arse. Gregg flew over to the table, calling me a bitch and a whore and dragged
me across the restaurant by my hair, in full view of all the fucking diners”. I
flinched at the memory that was surprisingly painful. It was a long time since
I’d thought about it, and without question it had been one of the most
humiliating incidents in my life. He was frowning hard now, cradling me softly
and I responded to the warmth, kissing his beautiful chest. “He blamed me of course,
said it was my fault for being such a ‘fucking whore’ and he punched me in the
face. It felt like my cheekbone exploded and my eye was throbbing. I’d never
been hit before”. “Did no one
Charlotte?” I
nodded silently. “They did then, but not before I kicked him hard in the
bollocks and put him on his arse anyway. The manager had him arrested for
assault but he also fired me. It gave me time to get my clothes and a few bits
from the flat, and I spent the night huddled in Tottenham Court Road tube
station, sheltering from the rain with my huge green army duffle bag, wondering
what the hell I was going to do.

Jones called me into his office the following morning and I burst into tears,
thinking I was going to lose my job. I was dirty, dishevelled and sporting a
huge black eye.” “What did he do?” asked Jason softly as I smiled at him. “He
asked me what had happened and I told him of my plight. I liked
he had always been kind to me. He said I was
indispensable and offered me a full time job. It was the happiest day of my
life” I grinned as he smiled back at me. “One of the girls in the office had a
spare room and he told me to go there, get myself sorted out and gave me £1000
advance on my salary. I never saw Gregg again, and I never looked back” I said
“ So
I’m a bit uneasy about the ‘whore’
word because that’s the last time I heard it”. “I’ll never say it to you” he
paused, running firm hands over my soft skin, as I gazed up into his dazzling
blue eyes “until you beg me to”
smirked and I
couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face. If anyone else had said
that, my first thought would have been ‘and that will happen when hell freezes
over’, but I knew that with King, anything was possible. The man would probably
have me on my knees begging me to say it as I sucked his delicious cock before
the week was out, and the thought made me laugh out loud.

funny Charlotte?” he smiled, mischievous eyes twinkling with lust. “I was
thinking that I just know it’s going to happen” I grinned as he rolled on top
of me, pinning me underneath him. “You’d better believe it gorgeous” he smiled
and fucked me over and over for several more hours until I literally couldn’t
take another ounce of pleasure without passing out.

fed me in bed, a simple sandwich of prawns and rocket, with a gently spiced
mayonnaise and I could barely stay awake, shattered, sated, sore and
deliriously happy. “I don’t understand why we can’t sleep together” I said
gently, probing for some answers as he pulled me closer. It wasn’t that there
was a lack of
it was quite the opposite,
intimacy overload in fact considering the length of time we had been together.

a line Charlotte, a reflection of the Dom/ sub relationship, a degree of
separation if you like”. “So you never sleep with your subs?” I questioned,
hoping silently to get more of an insight into the relationships he’d had
before. “No. I rarely if ever spent the night in the same place, so it’s never
been an issue. Listen” he said, stroking my hair as I nuzzled against him. “I
usually only spend time with subs at the parties and never outside them, so
this is different for me too. You and I have a bit of a sketchy history Smith
and I’ve broken so many of my usual rules already” he prodded me playfully,
grinning as I grinned back, knowing exactly what he meant and thinking I
finally understood. “So you think if I sleep with you it crosses the line from
me just being a sub into being something else”. He nodded. I knew King didn’t
do girlfriends, and I was happy enough with the way things were, so I didn’t
push it any further. “OK, I get it” I said and the truth was that I absolutely
did. “I’ll stay until you fall asleep” he smiled as I gazed up at him, seeming
to be
the closeness tonight just as much as I
did. “Thank you Jason” I smiled, closing my eyes and drifting into a blissful
sleep, dreaming of dungeons, Jason the Dominant and all manner of kink.



woke early, glanced in at him sleeping in a nearby room and left to hail a cab.
I had to get home and changed, ready for work.
I had done
next to nothing yesterday, unable to focus, and bunked off for an afternoon and
evening of incredible sex in Jason Kings bed.
Today I had to make up for
it, right after I had searched the internet to try and find a suitably fabulous
outfit for the advertising awards. Our relationship may be a secret from my
employers, but I wanted him salivating over me all night, before taking me
home, hopefully to celebrate in our own unique way. It was before ten when the
text arrived.

Don’t forget, I want you pitching
without panties this week and thinking about me while you do it. I will pick
you up at seven.

Blurring the
line again, I laughed inwardly, my heart soaring at the fact that I was
obviously in his head. Yesterday had seen us both open up even more, me
especially. It felt like more than sex, intensely intimate and incredibly
special and he was definitely under my skin in the most delightful way. I
smiled, remembering how I used to feel about him, and how much things had
changed, telling Sasha and Katie as much as they came to my office for a mid
morning coffee. “Just be careful Charlotte” Sasha had warned me, no doubt
speaking from experience. “It can get really intense, especially when you’re new
to it. Just try not to let his power extend out of the bedroom, otherwise you
might find yourself in trouble” she smiled kindly and I knew exactly what she
meant. The experience was unlike anything I’d ever had before, a whirlwind of
emotions and feelings and as much to do with my head as it was my body. “The
brain is a powerful thing
just make sure you protect it”. “And your heart” quipped
Katie, going on to recall how Robbie had pleasured her senseless all night in a
powerful display of absolute masculinity and virility that had blown her mind.
“I’ll do anything he wants in the bedroom now, if that’s the pay off” she
laughed as I looked at her knowingly.

pitched out of my skin, in a heightened state of sexual arousal, and by the
time the end of the day came, I had thought of little else but Jason, popping
home and getting an overnight bag just in case, when I heard the soft sound of
his engine outside and ran out to greet him, before he’d even made it up the
steps, running into his arms and almost knocking him off balance.

Christ Charlotte” he laughed as I giggled. “Sorry, I missed you” I smiled
hugging him tightly. It was not good sub behaviour but I couldn’t help myself
and surprisingly he didn’t seem to mind, amused by my need and the strength of
my feelings. “Did you think about me during the pitch” he smirked. “I thought
about you all day” I lifted my face to gaze at him, my stomach sinking at the
small frown that flickered across his face at my sentiment, deepening when he
clocked the overnight bag I had dropped on the stairs in my rush. “Don’t worry,
I’m not assuming I’ll stay, It’s just in case” I frowned, stepping back
slightly, realising I had overstepped the mark. “It’s OK” he said simply, his
frown disappearing, replaced by a beautiful white smile, and my heart flipped
at the response. I loved spending time with him and was getting way too
involved too quickly, carried away by the sheer force of the man and the
extreme lengths I was prepared to go to, to pleasure him and myself. I would
have to heed Sasha’s warning and try to be careful.

“I’m glad I wasn’t pitching against you today
Jason” I laughed. “The thought of you sat in reception with nothing but six
feet of space and a glass window dividing us, and I would probably have come as
I was doing it”. He smiled broadly raising his eyebrows at me. “I’m glad too,
I’m not sure any of my clients would want me presenting ideas for a new
campaign with a raging fucking hard on”. “Oh I don’t know, I can think of a few
who might” I laughed as he chuckled deeply, pulling me in for a heart stopping

we climbed into the back of the familiar black chauffeured car, he pulled out a
beautifully gift wrapped package, smirking as he handed it to me and my stomach
flipped. “I love gifts” I grinned, smiling broadly at him as he raised his
eyebrows at me. “That’s
you didn’t seem to like
the ‘Michaela’. In fact I distinctly remember you being extremely rude in my
office and practically throwing it back at me” he said, his lip curving as I
flushed at the memory. “And I remember you pinning me up against your door and
trying to intimidate me even then” I smiled. “Intimidate you. I think you
wanted me to kiss you Charlotte, in fact I know you did” he smirked as I
flushed deeply. “Your body gives you away” he smiled as I looked up at him,
giggling gently. He was absolutely right. At the time I’d been in such a state
of confusion, I hadn’t known what to think.

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