Read King Cave Online

Authors: Scarlett Dawn

King Cave (49 page)

BOOK: King Cave
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An indulgent moan escaped happily as I ran my hands up his chest and around his neck.

And we both froze, hearing Cahal shout from behind the closed door, “
That is not
, son!
” A curse. “
This is all your damn fault!”
I was pretty sure that comment wasn’t aimed at us. “
And don’t even tell me this room wasn’t your doing.”
Nope, not us.

Still clinging to Ezra, I whispered, “Maybe we should give them a few minutes.”

Oh, no!”
Cahal shouted. “
Get your asses out here. You’ve obviously already had your fun.”

My lips pinched, scowling, even as I blushed. “His hearing’s excellent.”

Unlike your timing since you were both supposed to be on the damn beach forty minutes ago,”
Cahal hollered. “
Don’t make me come back there and get you two.”

Ezra sighed, bumping his forehead against mine. “At least yours isn’t treating you like a child.”

True, but I didn’t say that, instead exiting the bathroom with Ezra hovering closely by my side. Grabbing my bag, hoodie, and Bonnie — still appearing like a poodle — I warily walked toward Cahal and Antonio. They both blinked, staring at Ezra…or, more precisely, his shirt.

Ezra’s eyebrows came together. “What?”

Antonio’s lips trembled even as Cahal sighed in exasperation, dropping his forehead into his hands. Antonio’s eyes darted to me. “Mirror?” Biting my lip, I nodded, then he glanced at Ezra, pointing vaguely at his shirt. “You may want to put something over that.”

Ezra blinked, then dropped his head to stare at the shirt. His head cocked. Guess he was just now noticing it. He turned and headed back to the mirror. That’s when Antonio busted up, seeing the back of it.

It was a black long-sleeved thermal with a silver cartoon etching of a Vampire on the front smoking a cigarette, grinning around it. The Vamp looked just like Ezra. At the top were silver letters that said, ‘
Around the Vamp’s foot was a huge shackle with a chain, which hooked around the side to the back…where a cartoon red wolf held the chain in its mouth, teeth bared at anyone looking. Above the wolf’s head, red lettering said, ‘

Ezra paused at Antonio’s deep chuckle, even as Cahal peeked up — only to drop his head back in his hands after seeing the back of the shirt, muttering under his breath. Ezra raised an eyebrow at me, but I fluttered a hand at him, saying, “Go take a look. You’ve got the hoodie to put over it.” When he only stared, I said, “It’s cute. Don’t you dare change out of it.” And yeah, my wolf rode my voice a little. “Now, go look.” And I ignored how I had a hand on one hip, boots dangling from my fingers, and tapped a foot as my mother used to do when she was agitated with Antonio.

Ezra’s lips twitched as he watched me. Wisely, he said nothing else as he turned back around to finish making his way to the mirror. I took a few steps backward so I could follow him with my eyes and make sure he didn’t take it off. And I got to see his reaction. He stared, head cocked and lips twitching, then slowly turned, peering over his shoulder to see the back. He grinned.

Nodding once, satisfied he wasn’t going to discard it, I quickly moved back out of his line of sight. “I think we’re about ready.” I stopped in my tracks when Cahal held up a hand, pointed at my shirt, then made a twirling motion. I cleared my throat. “I’ve got a hoodie, too.”

Again, he twirled the finger. “Now, please.”

Lips pinched, I turned, letting them read,
Property of Zeller

There was silence behind me, and then Antonio stated studiously, “Lily’s was more creative.”

Cahal snorted. Dry words. “Of course, you would think that.” A pause as he cursed. “She’s dressed my son, the King Vampire, in damn cartoon characters to make her point!” Another pause as Ezra came back into view. “And he’s fucking wearing it!”

“Yes, I am,” Ezra murmured, a smile playing at his lips. He stopped next to me, and I stilled as he bent, kissing my mouth softly — right in front of Antonio and Cahal. His lips curved as he leaned back a smidge, staring into my startled eyes. “I knew you’d end up getting me something with cartoon characters on it if I let you pick out my clothes.” Again, he brushed his lips against mine. Just the sweetest touch of heat. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”

Breath escaped me in shock and desire, and I barely managed to whisper, “You’re welcome.” My eyes held his gleaming gaze. And that quickly, love and happiness overrode any emotion as we both started grinning. We were together, like,
-together. In love. And goddamn, if I wasn’t as happy as a clam right now.

“Jesus Christ,” Antonio muttered quietly off to my right, and then more loudly, “You two are going to have to cut that shit out before you get caught.”

We both turned to them, trying to regulate our faces.

Cahal began taking up Antonio’s action, rubbing his temples. “Jesus, this is going to be a trial.” He glared at Antonio. “How long have you known this was going to happen?”

Antonio only shrugged, then turned all business. “Which Elder are you taking?”

My head cocked. “Taking?”

His eyes crossed. A heavy sigh. “To find your Prodigy.”

“Oh,” I said, chipper, sitting on the golden chair and placing my arm fully on the floor, Ezra following suit, sitting next to his dad. Clyde and Bonnie instantly moved back together, lying between us, and snuggled around each other as we put our boots on. “I’m choosing you.”

He nodded, smiling, appearing damn pleased. “I thought you might pick Elder Kincaid.”

I rolled my eyes, ignoring how Cahal was glaring at my cute socks before I could cover them with my boots. “You knew I would pick you.”

“Actually, I didn’t.” A pause. “But I had hoped.” Yeah, he looked a little smug.

Ezra elbowed his dad, lacing up his boots. “I’m picking you.”

Blunt words, no fanfare. “I know.” He wasn’t overconfident or anything. “And we were talking with you two. That’s why you’re so late.” Ezra nodded, pulling his hoodie on and zipping it until only the words
were visible. Cahal glanced back and forth between us. “And try to not look at each other. You two aren’t hiding shit right now.” A direct, gruff order.

My gaze turned predatory as I scrutinized Ezra and his dad. They were too recognizable even if Cahal had put on jeans and layered t-shirts instead of his robe or his suits he usually wore. A quick glance at Antonio. “Can you change Elder Zeller’s hair color to the same as Ezra’s? And maybe make their facial hair grow?” It would hide their features somewhat. Cahal and Ezra both blinked at me in surprise. “You know your pictures have been flashed all over the news.” Any previous Rulers were of high interest in any country right now.

Ezra shrugged his assent, but Cahal glared at Antonio, only finally agreeing when Ezra nudged him. Cahal’s hair was suddenly a boring brown, and both of them jerked and started moving their jaws, their noses scrunching, as their beards started growing.

I waved a hand at Antonio. “Do it slowly. I’ll tell you when to stop.”

Black whiskers shadowed each of their jaws, and I noticed Antonio did an excellent job of keeping them trim and lined fashionably. Head cocked, I watched Ezra’s closely, knowing Cahal’s needed to be longer since his group was at the top of the watch list, thanks to their history in the war. I waved a hand when Ezra’s was just past a quarter of an inch long. “Ezra’s is done.” Staring at Cahal, I waited until his was a half-inch. “Elder Zeller’s is good.”

And then I sat back and stared at Ezra. The beard was sharp and angled in jagged lines, highlighting his jaw and cheekbones even further. The silver glasses didn’t hide his rugged beauty, only enhanced it with a splash of color. I blinked. “I didn’t think it was possible.”

Ezra rubbed his chin, feeling the beard like his dad was doing with his own. “What wasn’t possible?”

I glanced at Antonio, who was fingering his own hair, and stared at it while he put it through a variety of different shades, trying to pick which one he liked best. “Antonio, you’ve outdone yourself.” He grunted, his eyebrows puckering as he altered his hair colour between dark brown and sandy blond.

My eyes went back to Ezra, again shocked at the difference the beard made. Ezra raised a questioning eyebrow, so I waved a flittering hand, mumbling, “It’s, like, you…but, not you. A whole different version of hotness.” Rugged-geek-badass, if there was such a thing. His shirt’s words pretty much summed it up.

Antonio jumped up, moving farther into our room, back to where our bed was and where the room veered to the right — out of sight — mumbling, “I’ll be back in a minute.”

Ezra grinned, drawling, “You like?” He rested back, laying his arms on the back of the couch.

I managed a nod, but quickly cleared my throat, rolling my eyes. Wouldn’t want to pant too much. “You look good.”

The cocky bastard’s grin only increased.

“How do I look?” Cahal asked, which surprised me, still fingering his beard.

I blinked at him, seeing he was seriously asking me. Mentally shaking myself past the astonishment, I cocked my head, trying to evaluate him beyond the fact he was Elder Zeller, Ezra’s dad. He held my gaze unflinchingly just like his son always did. I was shocked when I peered past who he
, seeing him for…
. “Handsome. You look handsome. The beard suits you.” And he smiled. A real one. Flashing those white teeth at me.
“Very handsome.”

He preened almost as his son might have at the compliment. “I may have to keep the beard.”

Ezra chuckled quietly.

I pointed at Cahal. “You won’t pass as being old enough for his father in the Com world. But you look too much alike, so you’ll have to say you’re an older brother if anyone asks.” He nodded in agreement, and then my slightly bewildered gaze returned to Ezra. I didn’t know how to handle his dad. He was scary as shit, but there were moments like this when he seemed almost…

“Okay, how do I look?” Antonio asked behind me.

I turned, and physically jerked in shock. He must have used our mirror because he had changed his clothes, going from a dress shirt and suit pants to dark faded jeans, a thick black belt with a large silver buckle, a soft, thin, fitted silver long-sleeved shirt, and black boots, but really, even though I had never seen him dress quite like this, it was his face that stunned me. His skin was still bronze, which meant he could be taken as someone with an Asian background, but his hair was now brown with blond highlights, and only two inches long, messily spiked on the top of his head and showing his facial features in handsome relief.

“Wow,” I muttered, whistling brazenly. “You look great.”

He smiled, running a hand through his hair and then placing them in his pockets. The action, and this also surprised me, appeared bashful. “You sure? I haven’t had short hair before.” He rocked back on his heels, watching me eagerly for my answer.

Ah, he was a little vain.

My grin grew. “Don’t worry, you look amazing. The Mages will be falling all over themselves.”

And…he flushed.

I blinked. “Are you blushing?” I couldn’t help but chuckle when his blush grew rosier. “Seriously, Antonio? Are you worried what someone might think?”

“No,” he stated instantly, picking up my bag.


My eyes grew large. “Who?” I yelped when he grabbed my ear, hauling me to my feet. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry!”
. “I won’t ask again.” Also a

“Let’s go,” he muttered, literally kicking me in the butt toward the door, then dancing away when Bonnie took notice at me being manhandled. “We’re late.”

My lips pinched, and I couldn’t help but ask, “Is it that ‘talented partner’ you were with when you were late for that meeting?”

“What talented partner?” Ezra asked, watching avidly from the couch. “I think I missed that.”

Antonio’s lips twitched the barest bit. “Lil, just get your ass out the door.”

,” I hummed, eyebrows waggling as I put my hoodie on. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

Antonio sighed heavily, and then griped to Cahal, “Get your son up. We need to go.”

Cahal had been peering back into the depths of our room, but turned narrowed eyes on Antonio, snapping, “Don’t order me.” But he did stand and motioned for Ezra to get up. “We need to get outside instead of fooling around in here. The next Prodigies are more important than figuring out who Antonio’s currently fucking.”

“Precisely,” Antonio grumbled, shooing me out the door. He pointed at me. “My sex life is not up for discussion.”

That was too big of an opportunity. My eyebrows rose as I crossed my arms, rocking back and forth on my feet. “Then…,” I leaned forward as Ezra and Cahal exited the room behind us, Bonnie and Clyde scurrying out with them, “neither is mine.” I punctuated it by tapping his nose lightly, and added a curt nod when his eyes narrowed. “Fair is fair.”

He growled, “You are…”

“Sweet? Innocent? Adorable? Brilliant? Fantastic? Funn—”

He slapped a hand over my mouth. “All of those things,” he groused. “But definitely more infuriating the older you become.”

BOOK: King Cave
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