Read King of New York Online

Authors: Diamond R. James

King of New York (17 page)

BOOK: King of New York
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“I don’t want to
make love, Sierra. This room is for a deep and acquired pleasure, one I only
wish to experience with you. I want to teach you what it feels like to crave
more of me. I want to teach you how it feels to want me the ways in which I
want you. You’ll take my pain and I yours. In this room I’ll show you some of
my darkest and deepest desires for you if you let me.”

Chad laughs
calmly as he senses that Sierra is confused but also excited at the unknown.

“Tell me that
you will, Sierra. Tell me you want me the way I want you.” His voice is low and

“I want you the
way you want me, babe.”

“Good girl,” he

“I’m not sure if
I’ll enjoy it though, it sounds too intense,” Sierra tells him.

“Oh but you will,
Sierra. I guarantee that you’ll love every minute of my sweet torment of your
body. Do you not trust me, my princess? Tell me that you trust me, tell me,

“I do …”

“Then hush, and
allow me to do to you as I please.”

“Fine, but please
make it feel like lovemaking if you can, my king.”

Chad looks up at
her, his eyes half-closed with lust.

“Whatever you
say, my love.”

He gets up and
switches off all the lights in the room. The moonlight peers through the windows,
subtly invading the forbidden bedroom of Chad’s penthouse suite. As he turns
back round, he sees that Sierra’s clothes are on the floor. Her naked body
stands glistening in the moonlight. All she has on is a diamond necklace and a
black lace thong.

Her body is
perfect even in its imperfection. Skin soft like butter; her breasts are well
placed. He licks his lips as he tries to remove his designer shirt, but because
the fabric is being stubborn he rips it apart and smiles sexily at her.

“Dance for me,
Sierra.” She hesitates and looks at him awkwardly. “I want to see you dance,
babe. I want to enjoy your body without touching it.”

Sierra smiles
shyly. “Alright, Mr Perry. I shall dance for you.”

He thanks her
for her cooperation and plays some sensuous music. The singer only says a few
words about her lover and lets the beat speak about all her passions for him. Sierra
looks entranced by the music. Her body begins to move in accordance with the
beat. Chad stands by the window and admires the beauty before him. Sierra’s
breasts heave up and down as her breathing becomes heavier. Her eyes are closed
but her body is open to him. He sees every movement her body makes, hoping that
she will look at him. She doesn’t, so he commands her to open her eyes.

“Open your eyes,
my love. Look at me!”

She stops, and he knows
that it’s because she’s afraid to open her eyes. Slowly, she opens her eyes and
her warm brown gaze immediately meets his arctic-blue gaze. He smiles
seductively at her. The music continues to play sensuously in the background.

“Why are you
afraid to look at me, Sierra? I hope I don’t remind you of your past?”

She immediately
stops him. “You no longer remind me of Tom, baby. That is why I love you,
because you are all I want and desire in a man.”

Chad looks at
her with sexual hunger in his eyes. Like a lion in the wild focusing its gaze
on his prey, Chad’s hunger is potent.

you want me to take control tonight, my beautiful lover?”

answers with a yes. Chad reaches out and reveals a silver handcuff, one that
only he can take off.

me you want to be restrained by me, my lover. Tell me what you want, Sierra.”

want you to restrain me with the handcuffs, ones that only you can remove,
Chad.” The look in her eyes is poison and he loves it.

voice is sex to his ears. He licks her neck and bites her lips before securely
closing the handcuffs on her slender wrists. He rubs his fingers across her
body and she immediately gets goose bumps all over. His touch is hot and cold. He
feels the passion that brews within the restrained Sierra. He allows the
natural light to settle in his ice-blue stare as she looks at him hungrily.

do not like when you look at me like that, Sierra. It makes me want to take you
right now. Why do you try to seduce me so easily with those chocolate eyes of


will have to blindfold you, because I cannot take the sexual torment that brews
within your eyes.”

takes the little light in the room away from Sierra as he blindfolds her. He
hears her heart beat excruciatingly fast as he senses her fear of the unknown.

you trust me, Sierra? Do you trust that I will do as I say?”

roughly grabs her delicate neck, leaving a mark of red on the pale flesh. Chad
tightens the handcuffs on her wrist. She pleads with him to stop.

that really what you want, Sierra. If it is I will stop right now and we can walk

no, I don’t want you to stop, Chad, but I’m scared about your intentions.”

what do you want, my dear lover, tell me what it is that you desire from me.”

she can speak, he rubs the full length of his stiffness all around her lady
lips. Ever so slowly he enters her from behind. Sierra shakes as he teases her.
Chad stops about one and a half inches inside her, pulling her hair back and biting
her neck. She screams out his name.

do not want you to speak, Sierra. Please, only enjoy what I do and allow your
body to do the talking.”

feels an incredible sensation as Sierra’s body shakes with want for him. Her
back is arched inviting him to go deeper. Sensing her desire, he removes
himself completely from within her.

must learn how to control your desire, my love,” he says in a deep, soft tone.

are you doing this to me? Please don’t stop. I need you inside me, Chad,” she whimpers

laughs wickedly at her pleas before re-entering at the same depth over and over
again. He continues to laugh gleefully as he sees Sierra getting sexually
frustrated, begging him to go deeper but he refuses. He holds her hips firmly
and rams himself inside her multiple times before stopping once again and
leaving her in sexual disarray.

Roughly, he rips
the lace thong off her skin, causing her to wince in agony. He bites her
nipples, loving the sound of her passionate screams of pain.

“Tell me you
love it, Sierra. Tell me you love my pain.” He bites her nipples harder to get
an answer.

“I … I love it,
baby,” she says tearfully.

He feels between
her thighs with his fingers; she is dripping wet. He tastes her juice on his
fingers. He holds her thong to her nose and tells her to smell herself as his
forefinger and middle finger enters her walls. He fingers her cruelly until she
is swollen and panting with desire. “Do you love my pain, Sierra? Please, tell
me, my princess,” he says as her legs shake uncontrollably. Her knees buckle
and she falls to the ground. “Tell me, princess, tell me how my pain feels.”

“It feels like
pleasure, baby. Your pain is the most pleasure I have ever felt”

“Tell me that
you need my pain, Sierra.” He looks at her blindfold as it becomes wet with her
tears. “If it only hurts, rather than also cause you pleasure, tell me and I
will stop, princess. I only want to pleasure you. I will never do anything that
you do not approve of, my love.”

“I need your
pain, baby, I need you, Chad. I need you,” she moans softly.

He pushes himself
into her mouth roughly, gagging her with his manhood. Her saliva is hot,
burning him with desire as he growls her name relentlessly as she sends him to
the brink of pleasure. She is untamed and he loves the roughness of her mouth
on him. “Ahh, fuck, Sierra,” he groans loudly.

Unable to take
any more of her sweet torture, he unleashes himself in her mouth.

“Do not spit,
princess. Swallow what I have given you,” he whispers softly. He sees her
discomfort but urges her. “Swallow it baby … slowly, slowly … that’s a good
girl,” he says as she takes in every last drop. She looks ashamed as he removes
himself from her mouth and binds her knees. “Don’t be ashamed, my princess. I
am the only man you will do this for, so do not be ashamed,” he says

Her eyes
blindfolded, wrists cuffed, and knees bound turns him on.

“Can I ask you
something, my princess?”

“Yes, ask me
anything you wish, my king.”

“Does it excite
you when I treat you like an object for my desires?”

She looks
humiliated at his question.

“I know you love
the shameful things I do to you, because the wetness and your multiple orgasms do
not lie. But I need to hear you admit your love for the darkness of my desire.”

“I love the
sordid things you do to me, Chad,” she says quietly, with a need for more in
her voice.

He watches her
in a depraved manner, loving the way she acknowledges him as the master of her womanhood.
“Tell me how much you love it, Sierra. Tell me you love the way I make you feel
embarrassed as I blindfold you and stick my cock in your mouth, forcing you to
swallow.” His blues eyes ignite in the dark room as he waits for her answer.
But before she can answer he stabs his hugeness back inside her.

The darkness is
set alight by the flames of their passion. He softly pulls her hair and kisses
her neck, easing the discomfort of her restraints.

“Yes, baby, yes,
Chad. Please don’t stop … harder … please go harder, baby, make it hurt!”

Chad pushes
himself deeper inside her femininity; he roughly pulls her neck up and pulls
her hair back. Before she can catch her breath, he sticks his tongue inside her
mouth and makes the sweetest love to her womanhood. His movements are intricate
and pleasure-giving. Sometimes he goes extremely hard and stifles her breath,
almost making her orgasm, then he suddenly slows down to keep her pleasure
going. Sierra begs him to stop his sweet torment, but he knows what she wants,
so he doesn’t stop until she is fully satisfied.


The following day they go to
Sierra’s new apartment. He holds her hands gently.

“Come away with
me,” he whispers.

“I’ll follow you
to the ends of the earth if you ask me to, babe.”

He laughs softly
at her remark, and stares at her intensely as he takes in the profoundness of
her words.

“You love me
that much, huh?” he asks.

“Yes I do, Chad,”
she admits quietly. “I love you beyond my own comprehension. I’ve never felt
this way before.”

He holds her
close to his heart. “Neither have I, princess. Neither have I,” he says
quietly. She brings warmth to his heart as he gently holds her close and kisses
her hair. He closes his eyes and deeply inhales the soft scent of her hair.

 He tells her
that they will be going on a week’s vacation to both Hawaii and Russia. Sierra
screams excitedly

“Are you kidding
me?” she asks.

“No, no, I am
not. I want to show you the world, baby, and we can start from those two

She jumps into
his arms and kisses him passionately.

“Pack your
suitcase, baby, because we are going on a vacation,” he says in a fake Texan
accent. She laughs at him and he laughs with her. She quickly packs her
suitcase and they head out the building.

Chad’s driver
opens the door for Sierra, and Chad gets in through the other door.

They are driven
to JFK Airport and then make their way to Chad’s private jet. The jet takes off
and heads for Hawaii.

Arriving in
Honolulu is like a breath of fresh air. The journey in his private jet was
lovely and he’d slept like a baby for the few hours it took until they got to

“Welcome to the Pacific
island of Hawaii,” the pilot says through the speakers as the jet lands.

The island is
extremely beautiful and tranquil. It feels like a utopian village created for
relaxation and serenity. As they head out of the airport the “alohas” keep on
ringing in his head as everyone says hello and warmly welcomes him and his beautiful
lady to the island. He softly inhales the warm breeze that gently sweeps across
his face. He looks at Sierra and sees the childlike excitement on her face as
she looks excitedly around.

Chad and Sierra
are escorted to their waiting vehicle. They are driven to their hotel and
offered complimentary cocktails upon arrival, and the hotel manager comes to
personally greet them both. Their suitcases are taken to their ocean-view suite
by the hotel staff.

The suite is
amazing, even better than the pictures in the brochure. The bed sheets smell of
fresh air mixed with perfume and linen; the furniture is leather mixed with other
luxurious materials; the space in the living area and the view from the large
windows is breathtaking. The ocean looks peaceful and serene, with the waves
slowly swaying back and forth. He opens the windows and lets the cool ocean
breeze in. It soothes his soul and he takes in all of the ocean’s beauty.

BOOK: King of New York
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