Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods (15 page)

BOOK: Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods
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“Forgive me my lord. I had hoped to bring you good news,” said William. He sounded like he had a lump in his throat.

              King Henry had quickly forgotten he had company.  Hesitantly, he turned his head away from the ladies to face William. “William, I am one of the most powerful kings in Nacune. Some even call me a High King. Do you know why?”

William was stuck, his mind scrambling for an answer. King Henry took the rest of the food the girls were feeding him and threw it in William’s face. William cleaned his face from the wetness of the syrup the girls had. Samuel watched in surprise, he himself was a bit scared of the king.
The man killed people for just looking at him the wrong way.

The King continued, “This kingdom can no longer sustain my ambitions! I had goals for this world! Thanks to King Victor and his father I had to halt my plans! Eve
n my strategy had to be changed! Now you’re telling me you can’t even bring me one man! I am a High King!”

There he goes again, ranting
and raving
. “My lord, if I may,” said William steadily, not wanting to sound bitter.

“But nothing! You will find him or I will kill each and every one of you! For every hour that passes by I’ll send one of my men to kill one of your people! The poor district is where I found you and I turned you into a warrior when you were nothing!” He pointed his finger. “Now go and don’t. Dis—A--Point. Me!” He looked furious.

Samuel could see William shaking in fear. Was it because his people might get killed or was it himself? They bowed their heads and took their leave quickly. Samuel saw William looking back in fear. Samuel had watched his mentor be disrespected in the worst possible way. It wasn’t until he made it outside the throne room he started to relax. Just as they were walking in the hallway, Philip was coming their way. He had no expression on his face, he walked pass them and shot them a look.

For all I’ve done for them and this is how they treat me
? William felt lower than a small bug.





finished his daily reports to the king. He told the king about the food supplies, the military’s progress, and what’s going on in the rich and poor district. King Henry loves to stay inform on what’s going on in his kingdom. The king wondered how his men and the Black Reapers can’t find one man.

“Philip, tell me about the
new noble family, is everything to their liking?” asked the King.

“Yes my lord. They grant an audience with you in the near future.”

“Yes, we do have a lot to discuss. I have big plans for them,” the king smiled.

It was getting late outside and they both needed their sleep.

“My Lord, it’s getting late, you should get some rest.”

King Henry got up, vacating his throne. “Those fools better bring me better news next time!” said the king, still looking furious.

Philip was the only one left in the room with him, not to mention the two guards
guarding the throne’s door. As King Henry was about to leave, he could hear a knock on the throne’s door.

              “Who dares knocks on the king’s door this late!” shouted Philip. “Guards!” As they unlocked the door, it flew opened violently. The guard on the left was caught by the force of the door, sending him flying to the other side unconsciously. Two mysterious people walked in, wearing a black cloak and a red mask. The guard on the right was ready to strike a blow.  Too slow! He was caught with a sword to his chest.

Philip said in surprise
d, “It’s the Black Reapers! King Victor sent them here to assassinate you!”

The two assailants wasted no time going after
King Henry. The one with a chain threw it towards him. Within seconds, King Henry grabbed the chain and yanked the Reaper towards him.  Henry’s strong fist caught its right jaw, sending the Reaper flying to the other side of the room. The other one came from the left with his heavy sword, the King blocked it with one hand. “You’re weak,” said the king with a smile on his face. King Henry didn’t even look worried. The sword’s force wasn’t strong enough to even harm the king’s skin. The assailants were neither strong nor fast.

King Henry was stronger and faster. He kicked the one with the sword with a blow to its head. Philip thought the king had broken its skull with that powerful blow.

“Is that really all that you
have? I’m not even close to being warmed up,” said the King.

The two assailants were down for the kill; the one with the chain grabbed the other one and escaped through the window. The guards quickly rushed in the room, about fifty of them.

Philip went to tend to his king, but he looked fine. “My lord, are you all right?”

Henry unexpectedly began to laugh. “I’m more than fine, I’m marvelous.” A smile crept upon his face.

Philip was not happy about the lack of security. “How could you guards have allowed intruders to get inside the throne room?!” Philip ordered them to go after them through the window; the King raised his hand and said no.

“Philip, I’m going to bed you handle this,” said the King. 

Philip looked to the guards and said, “The ones who came from Victor’s Kingdom tried to assassinate the King!”

A warrant was quickly issued for Sonia and Angelione
’s arrest.





not every day that a group of angry men with abilities and weapons surround you. Well in Sonia and Angelione’s life that would be a different story. They have been on missions before where they had been surrounded by hundreds of men. Now once again they found themselves in the same situation. King Henry’s military surrounded Sonia’s and Angelione’s inn.

“By the order of the King, I am placing
the two of you under arrest!” Shouted a man as he knocked on the door.

“It’s the middle of the night what now,” said Sonia in frustration.

Angelione closed his book and put it back inside his pocket. “It appears we’re being arrested,” said Angelione with no worries.

Sonia looked at him in surprised. “Detained? What did we do?”

The door burst opened, seven guards walked inside the room with swords. Sonia grabbed her chains, ready to fight. Angelione quickly put an arm in front of her.

“Sonia no, we did nothing wrong, so there’s no need for us to fight.”

She put away her chains. One of the men took the chains while one of the other guards apprehended Sonia and Angelione. It’s good that Angelione was the level headed one because if he wasn’t Sonia would have been dead a long time ago.

William walked in. “I should have guessed the two of you were up to no good. You knew Aleister was creating chaos in our Kingdom, so you took advantage o
f that to get to our King.”

Sonia and Angelione looked at each other in bewilderment.

“We did what?” said Sonia.  “What do you mean; we tried to assassinate King Henry!” She was furious at the accusation.

              “Playing the dumb game huh, don’t worry we have a special place for people like you,” said William with a smile. He was happy to lock them away.


Sonia and Angelione were thrown in a triple-steel barred prison cell. Sonia was unable to comprehend what just happened. Their hands and feet were chained up, preventing any attempt of escaping. Now they sat in a cell wondering why they were there.

“Just give me the word, Angelione, and we can escape.  This isn’t like the Furness where they suppress our abilities and strength,” said Sonia. She remembered taking Vincent to the Furness, where his abilities were useless to him.

Angelione only wanted to know where that bad order was coming from. “We can’t do anything irrational, let’s wait,” said Angelione.

Wait for what?
She wondered how he remained this calm after what just happened.

Chapter 8

The Excitaret Quad

between the kingdom’s people and William’s men was escalating. The killing had not stopped; in fact, it had gotten even worse. The people were panicking and feared they would be the next to die. William started losing more control of them. Soon they started a riot and now trying to find Aleister on their own. Now William stands in front of a crowd in the middle of the city, trying to bring them to their senses.

“I’m warning
you all, Aleister is a monster! You will all die if you go after him!” shouted William as he tries to calm the riot. William and his men cannot contain this many people.  He knew what would happen if the king’s men got involved with his army.  They would slowly kill the people; even William’s head would be taken.

Samuel stood next to him, “Let them do as they please. If they want to find out the hard way, who are we to stop them?” said Samuel.

“Because it’s our job to keep the people calm and safe,” said William.
If I can’t contain them, the king will act.

The people were no longer listening. “Everyone, grab your sword or any sharp tools that you have, we will hunt this monster down!” The crowd screamed in approval. “For too long we have been living in fear, fear of Aleister and the king! The time is now for us to stand and fight back!”

“None of you know what you’re doing, get back to your houses and let us handle this!”
What can a group of vampires do against a Pureblood, not just any Pureblood, Aleister
? The riot was too much for William to control. He knew that he must quickly find Aleister to bring peace to his city.

“Look at these fools; they don’t even know where to start. It’s a joke rally, a group of ants chasing after a snake,” said Samuel.

We’re just as lost as they are. We ourselves don’t know where to start
, thought William.

“I’m starting to think the Black Reapers were our best chance of finding him,” said Samuel

“You know what they did, Samuel. King Victor planned all this, to murder our king.”





the prison guard fought with his eyes to keep them open, it was clear this was not his type of job. The temptation of sleeping was longing in his eyes. He got up, drank some water and walked around the room to keep himself from falling asleep. After a few minutes he found it was futile, so he sat back down. “No, I must stay awake. If they escape I’m a dead man.” He mumbles as he slowly closed his eyes.

As he was about to fall asleep he heard a voice.
“Are you sleeping on the job?!”

He jumped back out of his chair, almost falling down on the hard floor. “No sir, sir no, sir I was just--.” He looked up and Samuel was in front of him. He had scared him half to death. He wanted this man dead.

Samuel started to laugh and said, “I hope I didn’t scare you too much!”

  The prison guard bit his lips in anger.
Samuels’s guffaws echoed in the large room, causing strangers to search for the source of the loud bursts of laughter. The prison guard had a look of hatred in his face. Samuel’s laughter finally came to an end and he said, “Let them go, the King has pardoned them.”

This of course was a surprise to the prison guard. “I heard no such thing from the King, or the Warden.”

As powerful as Samuel was, he had no say on freeing prisoners.

The warden came in after Samuel. The prison guard saw the warden coming from the other room. He was a
Strong Arm, much taller than Samuel.

“It’s alright.
The King gave his permission,


said the warden.

The prison guard said, “But sir-.”

“But nothing. Let them go now!’





sat on his bed with his eyes closed; being in prison didn’t even bother him. He started to recall the crime scene with all the dead corpses. Samuel had unexpectedly put a hand on his shoulder as he was getting up. Angelione wasn’t bothered or pondering about that really, there was something familiar about the guy. There was something about him that he couldn’t put his finger on it. His face brought an unfamiliar but yet familiar feeling to him. Angelione and Sonia weren’t guilty, someone was gutting for them. They last Angelione wanted to do was something unpleasant and disturb the peace treaty Atnius had with Odeon under the world’s alliance agreement by the Six High Kings. He knew Sonia was a bit hot-headed at times and that she wasn’t going to sit there for another day and do nothing. He needed more time to figure all this out.

BOOK: Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods
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