Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods (20 page)

BOOK: Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods
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“That’s right. There’s no fish around this ocean remember, so what I did was I send my energy through the fishing rod. Tricking the fish into coming to me, and that’s how I caught them. Remember what I told you: all animals have energy. So all I had to do was release a bit of my energy. Animals have a way of sensing a powerful energy; it’s almost as if they have ability themselves. It’s hard to explain, call it instinct or something,” said Jarvis.

Albedo thought about the
bear he encountered in the woods and how much the bear was afraid of him. When he had told the near to stop it did without hesitating.  “So that must be one of your abilities,” said Albedo. He was very eager and excited about Jarvis’s abilities.  He riddled him with questions and remarks.

Jarvis was pleased that Albedo was so interested in learning what he had to say. It pleased him to know he could still give advice to “young lads” or so he calls them. “So tell me, young lad. I’m surprise
d you’re still in Inferno, it’s illegal for Purebloods to be here you know.”

“It’s a long story. So how about you, how are you able to stay here?” he asked.

“Ah, you’re a very intelligent young lad, if I may say so. I’m sure you can figure this one out,” said Jarvis.

Albedo started to wonder how Jarvis was allowed to stay here. “I’ve got it, since you’re a master of controlling the power of the Elder you must have your senses off to avoid being found out. That’s how you’re still here.”

Jarvis was glad he was able to quickly figure it out. “Bravo young lad, I knew you had it in you.”
It also help that I know the king personally, but he doesn’t need to know that

Albedo was fascinated by Jarvis’ ability to control energy so easily. “So can you teach me how to control the Elder that well?”

“It’s not that simple. It amazes me how someone as young like you has the power of the Elder. But you have to understand that mastering its full potential takes years of training. Your problem is you can’t control your energy at all, it’s on and off at the same time,” said Jarvis.

“What does my energy have to do with my senses?”

“Everything, young lad.”

Albedo smiled. “Ever since Sonia’s been gone I’ve been trying to learn how she managed to use fire.” Albedo started to demonstrate her ability to Jarvis. Around his hand fire started to ignite! Has he really mastered Sonia’s ability while she was gone?  It was not as strong or as powerful as Sonia, but he was determined to make it stronger.

              Jarvis wondered how he could have learned an ability he’d only seen once. Then he thought, maybe he was born with the same ability as her. Was it a coincidence he learned to control his ability at such a young age, not to mention controlling one of the most dominant Excitaret powers known to Purebloods,
, thought Jarvis,
nothing is a coincidence; that’s the Red Crimson Flames Sonia possesses
This boy is too young to learn such ability. I have to train him.
“I will show you how to control the Elder. But I must warn you, it takes time and hard work to master.”

“Alright,” said Albedo with excitement on his face. Not even wondering how long and how much hard work it will take. 

Albedo and Jarvis stayed and waited for the full moon. Its bright red color reflected its beauty in the water.  Jarvis and Albedo planned to meet up at his place for training; he could hardly wait for the next day.

Albedo had woken up early to start his training and made his way to Jarvis’ house. Jarvis noticed he was still wearing his training gear
when he got there.

“You made it, young lad. You’re a little early if I may say,” said Jarvis.
This boy is very dedicated when he puts his mind to do something; nothing will stand in his way

In front of Jarvis’ house was a flower boutique owned by his wife. The rich smell of the flowers surely brought customers. It reminded Albedo of the cherry blossoms. Jarvis introduced Albedo to his wife before they left to go start training. She was an old woman with gray hair, almost as tall as Jarvis.

“Nice to meet you young man,” she said with a warm smile.

They went inside and made their way into the back.
 The backyard was wide and long.
, thought Albedo. He looked around; the backyard was surrounded by a wooden a fence.

Jarvis started to talk, “Not many Purebloods have powerful abilities like fire. This girl named Sonia, if she could grasp its full potential, she will be a formidable warrior one day.” Of course he knew who she was, one of the Black Reapers. But he felt it wasn’t necessary to let Albedo know that he knew. “Young lad, I will show you what separa
tes a vampire from a Pureblood. We Purebloods are born with strength vampires can never grasp. Let me demonstrated for you,” said Jarvis. He took off his shirt and was breathing hard in concentration.

For an old man he was in good shape. Albedo saw the six pack of muscle
he had. His arms were muscles with muscles.              

“That rock over there I’m going to lift it.” The rock was at least ten times Albedo’s size. Jarvis put his hand under the rock and lifted it to his knees. He dropped it and it shook the ground. “A vampire will barely
be able move this,” said Jarvis. He stopped to catch his breath, and looked at Albedo. “Now Albedo, I’m going to show you the difference between a Pureblood and one who controls one of the Excitaret Quad.”

Excitaret Quad, Albedo had never heard of it before. “Exactly what is that, old man?”

“So you really don’t know huh. Let me enlighten you then. You know the difference between abilities and powers right?”

Albedo had remembered Sonia mentioning something like that. He had a little idea.

“Young lad, abilities is something that you’re born with. It sleeps inside of you and waits for you to get stronger so it can emerge. You have to understand, Purebloods at your age having abilities this early and controlling a power is rare. A power is something that you gain. Some Purebloods believe that it is the moon that granted us the power of the Elder; others believe it’s the blood-rain. You gain different powers different ways. So in conclusion, the Excitaret Quad is the strongest power a Pureblood can wield.”

“Master Jarvis, you said a quad, does that mean there are four?”

“Yes, young lad, there are: The Elder, The Twin’s Blood, the Bloodhound, and the most powerful of them all, the Reawakening.”

Albedo remembered how powerful he felt when he used the Elder against Vincent. “Master Jarvis, when I first used th
e Elder, I felt different.”

“Ha, that my friend is what we call the transformation stage, or mode, which ever fits you. They give you extreme strength, speed, and energy, however using them will drain your energy fast. You will need blood to sustain it if you’re planning on using it frequently.”

              Albedo hasn’t drunk blood since he bit Sonia. He couldn’t wait to start learning.

Young lad, there’s something you must know about these powers. As powerful as it makes you feel, these powers are a curse if you don’t know how to use them properly. Those who possess powers will eventually start to seek battles with powerful opponents. That desire to seek battles will consume you if your heart is weak. It will taint your heart and turn you into something you won’t recognize as the killer-lust takes control of you.”

Albedo listened patiently. He smiled and said, “That won’t happen to me.”

Jarvis thought,
I can only hope young lad. Your father almost died seeking battles; I hope the same doesn’t happen to you
. “Just remember, the killer-lust is a malicious desire that drives you to fight and to kill. To overcome it you heart must be strong.”

“So basically I have to be stronger than this power. I think I can manage,” he said with much confidence.

“Alright young lad, let’s get back to training.”

Albedo could
now feel Jarvis’ energy rising and thought
was he using the Elder

Jarvis lifted the rock much easier now thanks to the Elder
’s power. He lifted it all the way to his chest, and soon passed his head.

That was incredible! So this is how powerful the power of the Elder increases your strength
, thought Albedo.

Jarvis dropped the rock and took a big breath while sweat ran down his forehead.
“I’m getting too old for this.” He looked at Albedo, “Now I want you to try it.”

“You want me to lift that?” said Albedo.

“Nope, I want you to use that ability of yours to destroy it,” said Jarvis.

My fire? I thought for sure he was going to ask me to lift it
. Albedo tried to break the rock with his fire, but he was coming short every time. His fire was too small and soft.  He was producing fire but it was the type of fire a human would produce by rubbing two sticks together.  It was not enough force, density, or heat to shatter stone.  It was not yet fire produced by a Pureblood.  He continued to try in frustration.

“Want to give up now young lad?”  Jarvis admired his dedication, but he held no hope of him actually becoming a master in one day.

Albedo didn’t respond.  He was disappointed in himself for not producing. He started to think about what Sonia would tell him; her voice in his head served a mode of motivation.  Jarvis started to walk back towards the house for some of his wife famous lemonade and heard the sudden sound of a swift morphing flame. Whoosh! Jarvis slightly felt the hot wind from the flame.  Albedo pushed himself to create a small flame from his palms what would be the beginning the mastery of Crimson Flame.

  Jarvis looked at Albedo
smiling with pride. “Good job! All right, let’s take a small break. My wife made lemonade.”

Albedo was still frustrated that he didn’t reach the level of mastery. He wanted to control the power of the Elder in one day, but like Jarvis told him it would take yea
rs. First he needed to control the red Crimson Flame.  He hadn’t grasped the notion that greatness requires time. 

They went back to training. This time Jarvis had a different approach.
“Let’s try something new.” He had a beetle in his hand, which Albedo wondered if it was dead because it wasn’t moving. Jarvis put his arms behind his back and asked Albedo which hand the beetle was in.

“That’s pretty easy--this one,” said Albedo pointing to Jarvis’ left hand with a confident face. He got it wrong. He tried and tried again, but he was getting nowhere.

“Breathe, young lad.  Just remember, don’t look with your eyes, feel it. Focus on nothing but the beetle in my hand. There’s nothing else but the beetle.”

Every time
Albedo started to relax the memory of the blue and red eyed young man appeared.

Jarvis saw his frustration and said. “Think about someone you care about. Maybe that might help.”

Sonia! He slowly started to relax. He exhaled and closed his eyes to try once more.

“That’s it young lad. Don’t listen to your eyes. If you do, they can trick you.” Jarvis asked him once again which hand the beetle was in. He focused his mind and shut the world out. His eyes were open now. He heard nothing and felt nothing. He started to see again the way he saw Vincent. A mass of energy was around him. He could see all the humans around this area, Jarvis’ wife in the front of the boutique, and the beetle in Jarvis’ hand. Albedo could sense it all.

“The left hand.” Albedo guessed correctly. 

Jarvis smiled and told him he had got it right. They continued again, and again. He got it right, little by little; Jarvis was beginning to believe Albedo could learn faster than he thought. 

“Now let’s try again, with your eyes opened this time.”

He opened his eyes and got it right. Albedo felt the beetle the same way he felt Vincent. Jarvis was rig
ht, even the smallest animal had energy.

“Now you’re getting it, just keep this up and you will be an expert.”

Albedo’s eyes were getting dull. He yawned. He had been training all morning now.

“I think we’re done for today. You must be exhausted,” said Jarvis. Jarvis opened his hand one last time and the beetle flew away

“I am not tired. I can train all night,” said Albedo with a yawn.

“Remember young lad, a great warrior knows when to rest. We will continue at the same time tomorrow.”

He listened to Jarvis’s advice and went home to rest. The next day he woke up and went back for more training.

“Today we’re going to try something different Albedo, something fun.”

Albedo had no idea what training Jarvis had for him. Jarvis had a cat with him this time.

“Alright, remember how I told you every living thing has their own energy? Well, there’s something else you need to know. Each living thing has its own individual energy that distinguishes it from something else.  Like today, I sensed someone strong coming. I knew it was you because I have memorized your energy pattern.” Jarvis started to demonstrate for Albedo. He closed his eyes and the cat started to move. Jarvis pointed out
each movements of the cat. “Now he’s licking himself!” laughed out Jarvis. 

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