Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods (63 page)

BOOK: Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods
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the morning that followed, just after Alan tried to kill Albedo, the King sat on his throne. His adviser Dory was inside with him.

“I don’t know what to do old friend. Before all this happened, I was fixed on killing him. But when it comes down to doing it, I couldn’t.”

“If I may say, I think you should inform Dragan and Cecelia. They’re your friends and Albedo’s parents.” 

The King looked up, “I suppose you’re right. Send news to them.”

There was a knocking on the throne room; the guard told him Miss Sonia was here to see him.

Sonia walked in with a fierce look in her eyes. “Victor!” she called to him, no longer calling him King.  “Why is he still chained to a wall? Has he not been proven innocent?”

The King looked at her and felt sorry for her. “There is no innocent in this world young child, you should know that by now.”

He had always called her that name as his student. She always hated it; she bit her lip, and left the throne room.





and Dante had just returned from their mission by King Victor. As they made their way to the throne room, they saw Sonia leaving it. She looked furious. “Hey Sonia, we’re back---”, she walked right by them with an adamant look on her face. Dante looked at Angelione and they both wondered what had happened since they’d been gone. When they got inside the throne room, the King was so exhausted that Dory had to explain what’s been taking place during their absence.

“Calvin is dead!?”

Dante and Angelione were very shocked to learn of the news.

“Angelione, Dante, welcome back, tell me of the situation,” said the King.

Angelione explained of what he saw, how the country was in utter chaos. “There’s no order, the people are petrified and celebrating at the same time. Bandits, thieves, and criminals are running the kingdom. The queen’s army has subsided in fear; the general himself is scared to give orders in fear of Aleister.”

Chapter 31

A Parents’ Love


               Dragan and Cecelia made their way to the throne room after getting news of what’s been taking place. Cecelia was emotional throughout the carriage ride. The King had sent for them. Throughout the ride Dragan had to hold her and tell her Albedo was going to be ok. The guards opened the door to the throne room and they walked in to see the King sitting on his throne. Dragan was going to approach the King as a former Black Reaper, and his friend.

“My lord, how long have we served you and your father? I beg of you, let us talk to him, the love of a parent might just be what he needs.” said Dragan.

“A love of a parent huh, I tried that approach once, it didn’t work,” said the King wistfully.  The King was against the idea; he thought Albedo was too dangerous for anyone to see him.

“I don’t see why not, after all, he knows the two of you best,” said Jarvis.

The King respected Jarvis very highly; his knowledge and wisdom was vast. The King got up and stood in front of his throne, thinking what his father would do. The former King, a man he so highly admired for his wise decisions. His father would have killed Albedo the minute he learned of his identity. He was far different from him from his father. Jarvis admired that about him. In his heart, he knew it was the right decision, but a very dangerous one. One that could cost lives, a decision he had to make.

“Alright, I’ll arrange for the two of you to see him with extr
a protection,” said the king.

Dragan and his wife thanked him for allowing them to see their son.

“Remember one thing, that boy in there is no longer your son. He is now an empty body, there’s no soul in his eyes, his heart only knows darkness,” said King Victor with an intense looked.

Dragan and Cecelia left the throne room, anxious to see their son. Outside of the throne room Sonia was there, she walked up to Cecelia, hugged her and cried.

“I’m sorry, if only I was a little stronger for him, I could have saved him,” said Sonia.

Cecelia wiped the tears from Sonia’s face, “There was nothing you could do.”

Sonia could see the pain in Cecelia’s eyes; as if she knew this would happen one day.  “It must be hard to watch your only son go through this.”

  “He loves you very much. It’s not too late to save him; we just have to believe, that’s all.” She hugged her one more time, and left.





King had long waited for Aleister to come for him one day, if he kills Albedo, Aleister would show him no mercy; he and the others would burn his Kingdom to the ground, kill the women and men, even the children, and make the King suffer for eternity.

“Are you worried about the other ones? After all, if Albedo is dead, Aleister will sense it,” said Jarvis. He noticed that the King looked apprehensive as ever.

“I am not worried about Aleister, I’m worried about Albedo. I knew this would happen one day, but I thought we could find a way to control it.” He was wrong to try to control Albedo’s power; he could not begin to understand the magnitude of the power he possesses. “If it comes to it, I’ll have no choice but to kill the boy. I have to put this world ahead of our selfish needs, it can’t be helped.”

Jarvis had long thought of the King as a son, he was the one who helped him become a King after his father passed away.

“Master Jarvis, what should I do, tell me what to do.” King Victor was a king, and a king must be decisive under any circumstances. This however was a perplexing situation he was facing, one that he has never encountered before. Albedo was his best-friend’s son. Dragan had devoted so much service to this kingdom, keeping it safe from its enemies. 

Jarvis knew this was a decision he alone must make. “I think you should follow your heart, look deep within and seek out the answer that you’re looking for.  You can’t consent yourself to be bewil
dered in a time like this.”

“You have been like a father to me, always known the right wor
ds to say,” said the King. 





and Cecelia walked down to the dungeon of the castle hastily and tranquilly. They walked down the ample stairs and saw that the guards had been increased since the last time they’ve been down here. They presented a permission slip that the King had given them, to allow them to see Albedo. They made it down into his cell. Cecelia was having a hard time seeing her son like this; with chains that bound his hands and legs, as if he was a vicious animal, electricity ready to circulate his body if he tries any attempt of escaping. The guard opened the gate and they walked in and the guard closed it back up immediately.  They walked over closer to him to find him on his knees.

“My son, it’s us,
” said Cecelia.

Albedo did not say a word; he simply stared at the ground.

“Do you remember us? We’re your parents, we raised you and love you,” pleaded Cecelia.

They now understood what King Victor had said. Their son was an empty vessel. Cecelia walked closer to him, so close that she could feel his warmth. She moved her right hand to touch his face, Dragan grabbed her, “No, it’s too dangerous to do that.”

She didn’t care what might happen to her; nor was she willing to heed to what he had to say, she wanted to touch her son. She put her hand on his face, it felt cold, she thought.

Albedo lifted his head to stare at her. It seemed as if he didn’t even recognize who they were. He stretched his hand to touch her face back, but he was so far away from the wall, that the electric chains activated and shocked him. He pulled back his hand from the pain and screamed in pain.

“Turn it off, now!” yelled Dragan to the guard.

“I’m sorry sir, we are under strict orders to keep it on,” said one of the guards.

“Listen up young warrior; do you know who I am? I am Dragan, and this is Cecelia---” The guard scrambled his brain and realized at last he was standing in the presence of the two legendaries. “Turn it off now or I will personally put you in here.”

The guard got nervous, he had heard of their reputation. He knew best not to cross the legendaries. He walked inside the cell and from the wall was a hidden switch deep inside of it, only the guard who guards it knows of its location.

Albedo raised his hand once again and touched Cecelia back; she could remember when she first met him. Just a baby, but she knew this time it was different. He was no longer Albedo, he was changing into … Aleister.

She locked eyes with him, he smiled, but the smile went away as he said to her, “I will kill all of you! When my brethren awake, you will all know our wrath of retribution upon this world!” His voice changed and there was an unsettling smile on his face as he spoke. “This world once locked us away, but we will one day rise out of the ashes once again, and wreak havoc as we curse this world with our blood and our names! There will be no where for you all to conceal and scuttle; the true Kings of the moon will once again bring about our righteousness and order!” he started to laugh with a sinister tone.

“No Albedo, you have to fight it, that’s not you speaking!” she removed her hand from his face.

“Albedo, who exactly is that? I am Dawson.”

“I know you’re in their Albedo, you have to fight the darkness.” Dragan saw the seal in Albedo’s body was being weakened by his power. His Reawakening was too strong for Jarvis’s seal to contain. Dragan heard a laugh, when he looked across from Albedo’s cell he could see Alan.

“Dragan, please help him!” cried Cecelia.

Dragan held her tight; there was nothing that he could do.

Chapter 32

Uncontrollable Power


every King was unhappy about the news of the queen’s demise. King Henry was the opposite of that; he was joyful about her death as he sat with a smile on his face.

“One less incompetent monarch I have to worry about in this world, wouldn’t you say, Aleister?” 

Aleister was now under the radar, every High King was looking for him, every King except Henry, who had alliances with Aleister. Technically Henry was looking for Aleister to avoid suspicions; he had a big bounty on his head, but Henry wasn’t exactly “looking” for him.

“It doesn’t matter to me, just one more useless life that must be done with.” Aleister stood by the window, glaring at the bright red moon. “Soon this world will know the true meaning of death,” said Aleister with a ghastly face.
I need time to fully heal my body before moving forward. Eliminating the High Kings would have to postpone for a while. I may be able to dispose of the Queen easily, but a High King will require my full power at hundred percent, unless that is, Dawson fights along side with me. No. Dmitri has to die first, he no longer has a role to play. I must deal with him.

“Tell me Aleister; when will your brethrens awaken?” asked Henry.

              “Soon,” he responded. Aleister was waiting for the others. For seventy years he had been waiting patiently, the seal was weak but not weak enough for all of them to awake. “Seventy years ago someone weakened the seal that bound me and my brothers.”

“Who could be powerful enough to do such a thing?” wondered King Henry. “The Numeral Society is certainly strong enough and has the resources to do it.”

“Their Society is nothing more but a group of syndicates who integrated together and schemed in the shadows. They use their influence to create things like Battle Arena, making gold to fund their criminal activities. A group like that could hardly be qualified to dent the seal.”

“Well, I must have my perception wrong then. They did manage to
bring down the King of Alvichi. I would think that indicates their qualification.” 

“If I remember correctly, they were defeated by that girl with The Blue Crimson Flame.”

“If I remember correctly, her flame is hotter than yours,” Henry had a smirk on his face.

Aleister walked over to the window, ignoring Henry’
s insult. He stared at the moon and thought to himself,
have to find a way to control this power, Dawson. If you can’t control it, the power will consume you and take control
of your mind

It wasn’t after a minute passed that the King said, “What’s wrong Aleister? It looks like you have something on your mind. Is it someone you’re worried about, has another one been awakened already?” asked Henry.
You’re always staring at the moon Aleister, are you looking for someone in particular?

Aleister had to choose his next word carefully; the wrong word might indicate that Dawson had awakened the same time as he did. He knew how clever Henry was. “It’s nothing,” he lied. He looked at the King now, “Prepare your army, go and march into Conalian. The land is now yours to take.”

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