Kingston, Sara - Grace's Final Submission [Locks and Chains] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Kingston, Sara - Grace's Final Submission [Locks and Chains] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
Kingston, Sara
Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (2011)

Locks and Chains

Grace’s Final Submission

After leaving her unhappy marriage, Grace Sinclair starts a path to self-discovery. Days after joining a BDSM club, she finds herself willingly auctioning herself as a slave to be trained. Never in her wildest dreams a year ago would she have imagined herself here, the ball-busting ice queen becoming a submissive slave for six months.


Michael Cooper and Jason Smith have been long-term friends and are sick and tired of searching for their perfect submissive. They decide to purchase a slave to give themselves six months of peace and relaxation, not to mention a slave at their beck and call to satisfy any cravings or desires they may have.

Together the three discover how not only a relationship between three people can be difficult, but throw in a Dom, a switch, and a slave who thinks she is only a sub, and you have a house full of tension, frustration, and fiery passion.

BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

, words


Locks and Chains

Sara Kingston


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage and More


Copyright © by Sara Kingston

E-book ISBN: –

First E-book Publication: December

Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Grace’s Final Submission
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To my kinky and perverted friends, you know who you are, thank you for your love and support. To all those living the Lifestyle, may the world not judge you for your passions but for your actions as human beings.


Locks and Chains


Copyright ©

Chapter One

I’m divorced
I’m f
inally free!
Grace Sinclair stared blankly down the street in front of the courthouse. Jane Wright, her lawyer, was talking, but all Grace could hear were the words repeating over and over in her head.
I’m divorced. I’m free. It’s finally over!

She thought she’d feel a greater sense of failure at the ending of her marriage
That’s why she’d stayed so long. Instead, a feeling of freedom and acceptance of the mistake she’d made washed over her. The divorce wasn’t a failure. It was a correction of the mistake of marrying Duncan in the first place. “Earth to Grace, are you listening!” Jane waved her hands in front of Grace’s face in an attempt to get her attention. “Sorry,
Jane. I guess I spaced out for a bit,” she replied.

“Understandable. Grace, why don’t you call me tomorrow, and we’ll finalize things. I think you might need some time to absorb everything that’s happened today.” She frowned with concern. Some of her clients thought everything would be great, until the fall of the judge’s hammer, and then they would spiral into a pit of despair and regret.

“You’re right, Jane. I do need some time to myself. I need time to enjoy this feeling of freedom.” She smiled as she saw the concerned look on Jane’s face disappear.

. Well, I have to run. I have a meeting. If you need anything give me a call,” Jane said, offering her hand.

“Will do, thanks so much for everything, Jane.” Grace turned and hailed a cab. It was finally time to begin building her new life, time to abandon the old and start the new. She was going to find herself. This was the beginning of the rest of her life.

Grace sat at her desk and, taking out a pen and notepad, titled the blank page, “My New Life.” In order to have a new life, she needed to take stock of her current one. She was a thirty-year-old divorcee.
Okay, that doesn’t sound that great

She had honestly thought that by thirty, she’d be happily married, maybe with a couple of kids or at least one on the way. However, all she had to show for the past nine years of her life were the memories of a horrible childhood, an unhappy marriage, and a lackluster sex life.
Calling pity party, invitation for one!

Her thoughts drifted to her parents and their unhappy marriage. At least she’d had the sense to get out of her marriage before it became toxic. Maybe she was destined never to be happy. To only ever have the unconditional love of her sister, Sophie? She’d cared for Sophie after their mother allowed herself to die as an escape from their father, when little Sophie was only three. Suicide by lack of medical care. Their mother knew she was sick but she hid it, so she could die rather than face her life. Rather than leave her drunken abusive husband and save her daughters from misery. She had died and left them alone with him. Grace had tried to give Sophie a good life. She had hidden her as much as possible when he was on his drunken rampages. She had taken control of the household, making sure dinner was always on the table and homework done. Structure and routine replaced love and affection. Looking back she knew the reason she caught herself in Duncan’s web was because she was so desperate to escape that life. With Sophie happily settled in college she took the best path out of there, and Duncan was it.

Grace shook her head to rid herself of the negative thoughts.
Now’s the time to be positive. It’s me time. This is the first day of the rest of my life.
Item one of the New Life Plan—
Find my inner vixen, not that I truly understand what a vixen is. It brings to mind thoughts of some horny nymph slithering over men…or women. Mustn’t forget to include same-team players.

For the past five years, Grace had become concerned that her libido had all but disappeared or maybe even died. No matter how hard she tried to get excited during sex, it just didn’t happen for her. There were times with Duncan when she just couldn’t orgasm, no matter how hard they tried.

She never had a problem on her own though, with her fantasies and the help of a couple of toys. Masturbation had become her only source of release in the past two years. Grace’s inner voice screamed,
“Okay, time to get some hunky guy to get you panting with pleasure.”
However, there was the little issue of where to find that stud. She’d tried a few different guys during her separation from Duncan, but none had really done it for her.

Maybe it’s time to bite the bullet, grow a steel backbone, take the risk, and find out what you truly desire, my girl.
Since coming into her sexuality, she had always been fascinated with strong and powerful men who took control, real control. She was excited and fascinated by the idea of being tied down, and her best fantasies centered around images of herself with a shadowy man standing over her doing all sorts of kinky things to her. What she’d actually experienced with Duncan was a vanilla sex life with a tiny touch of kink. In her heart, she knew she wanted something more, a lot more. What she wanted was kink, honest to goodness kink with a little touch of vanilla on the side. She’d been afraid to admit it to herself, but now with her newfound freedom and her resolve to find herself, she was ready…

Grace searched the web for BDSM clubs in her area. She’d read about them, but hadn’t had the courage or the opportunity to try one herself. She wondered if they really existed. Just as she was about to close the search engine in embarrassment and pinch herself for her stupidity, the search results flickered up on her computer screen.
My god, I didn’t know there were so many. Well, I’ll be damned! Who’d have thought there’d be so many people as interested as I am out there?

Scrolling through the results, a little frightened by the nasty-looking sites and dingy club photos, she found one that looked pretty good, at least in the pictures anyway. The Locks and Chains club, a members-only establishment for discerning clients in the Lifestyle. Clicking on the link to their website, it looked pretty
and very safe. The website contained a heap of information on acceptable behaviors, dress codes,
Now this looks like the club for me.

Grace downloaded the application form and the information about the trial night. If her application passed the initial interview stage, she was to attend a trial night, to ensure that the lifestyle was right for her. If she enjoyed it, she’d be welcomed as a full member. She mentally pushed herself to scan the completed application form, her driver’s license, and a photo. She attached everything to an e-mail and sent it off. Grace knew the butterflies in her stomach were as much from fear as excitement at this new adventure. This was the first positive step she’d made to finding herself.

Three days later as Grace was walking to her car after work, her phone rang. “Hello, is this Grace Sinclair?” a deep male voice questioned.

“Yes, it is.” Grace was a tad concerned.
This sounded pretty official.

“Hello, Grace, my name is Craig Blackwell. I just received your application to my club, Locks and Chains.”

“Yes…ah! Thank you for calling, Mr. Blackwell.”

“Ms. Sinclair, I would like to arrange a meeting with you at my club, regarding your membership application. When would you be available?”

“Well, actually, I’m free right now. If you, ah…If that suits you, that is. It would take me about fifteen minutes to get to the club from here,” she spluttered.

“That would suit me just fine. See you in fifteen.” Grace ended the call, staring at her cell phone like it was going to come alive and bite her.
I wanted to find myself, and some adventure, well, here it is! Shit, what have I gotten myself into?

Hurrying to the Locks and Chains club, she was filled with trepidation and excitement, and she made a solemn promise to herself not to back out without at least trying it.

After finishing the call with Grace, Master Craig Blackwell closed her file containing a preliminary security report, application, photos, and so forth. He always got a thrill at the shyness of some of the new applicants. It wasn’t strange for someone Grace’s age to try the Lifestyle. With some, it took many years to reconcile and fully accept themselves before admitting their needs. He wasn’t concerned about a security check. There had been no warning bells in the preliminary one, and after his conversation with her, he was comfortable with the thought of her as a member.

He had to rely on his gut instinct. He wouldn’t have lasted so long in this business if he hadn’t. Or at least the club wouldn’t have anyway. If his gut was correct, Grace would be a great addition to his club. He always needed new submissive members, and the psychological tests within her application showed she was one, even if she didn’t know it yet.

Craig ran through the list of available
in need of a new sub. Grace Sinclair was
good-looking and intelligent. Which was a unique combination for a sub. By the look of her photo, she wasn’t stunning in the classic sense. She had more of a sultry look with curves. Long, dark hair, stunning blue eyes, and those lips. Actually, he could imagine a “come fuck me” tattoo on her forehead.

Yes, she’ll
appeal to a great deal of my Dom members.

Craig, leaning back from his desk, looked down toward his feet at the slave dutifully waiting for his orders. “My little pet, have you been a good slave today?”

“Yes, Master. May Slave K
service her Master?” she excitedly questioned with the eagerness of a puppy.

“Yes, pet, but only with your mouth.” Craig relaxed in his chair and watched Slave K slither up his legs. She then sat on her haunches, putting her hands behind her back, as she unzipped his fly with her teeth. She nuzzled inside his pants until
she found his limp cock and took it in her mouth, teasing it with her tongue and lips until it was ramrod straight and ready for her ministrations.

Petting the top of her head, Craig realized how bored he had become with this slave. She was so compliant and passive. He could do anything he wanted to her, and she wouldn’t make a sound. She lived only to serve her Master, and not that long ago he would get hard just looking at her. The beautiful blonde had excited him with her generous B-cup breasts on her thin frame and with model good looks. He was envied by many for owning her.

They had both entered into this arrangement knowing there was no love between them, but a generous amount of mutual satisfaction. Craig had reached the point in the relationship where he wanted more. It was time for them to part. She needed a new Master who would give her the attention and affection she deserved. He decided he would discuss with her the prospect of being put up for purchase at the next slave auction. He felt a weight lift from his shoulders now that he had consciously made the decision.

He closed his eyes and thought about a new slave, his cock now fully erect as Slave K took him all the way into her throat.
God, I love that she really is an expert at deep-

A few minutes later his orgasm erupted and his cum jetted down Slave K’s throat. She swallowed greedily and cleaned his cock with her tongue. She really was a good little pet. Maybe he should find her a placement with a Master instead of at the auction. “My dear pet”—he stoked the hair from her face—“I think it’s time we had a talk.”

Grace walked into the Locks and Chains club, surprised by the décor. It looked like any high-priced supper club, definitely not the dungeon she was expecting. There were small and larger groupings of contemporary-styled sofas and club chairs arranged around the large room, which had thick neutral carpeting. To the left was a large bar area with stools and more seating, and off to the right what appeared to be a small stage and a dance floor. Overhead was a mezzanine level with a sumptuous dining room just visible from below with wide carpeted stairs leading up to it. There were beautiful modern erotic statues and paintings everywhere. The whole place, from what she could see, was elegant, wealthy, and comfortable.

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