Kinky Claus (10 page)

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Authors: Jodi Redford

BOOK: Kinky Claus
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Marissa spritzed a tiny bit of her favorite scent in her cleavage and fastened her choker in place. Stepping away from the dresser mirror, she inspected her reflection. She had to admit, the dress made her feel incredibly sexy. Of course, that could also have something to do with the perpetual state of horniness Trig effortlessly kept her suspended in.

She hadn’t been able to get him out of her mind all day. Just knowing she was going to see, smell, and touch him soon filled her with giddy excitement. And having him to herself for an entire week? It was the best present Santa could have brought her.

Or maybe she should say the best present
Kinky Claus
could have pulled out of his sack of goodies.

Her goofy grin slowly faded with the stern reminder that this week with him was only due in part to him having the time off to do it. She couldn’t get in over her head with absurd fantasies of him being an actual real boyfriend. She might not be paying him beyond tonight, but that didn’t mean they were going to suddenly shack up together and invest in his-and-hers towels and all of those other things that couples did. He’d made it very clear that he preferred an unattached lifestyle. And she even understood why. The last thing she wanted to do was become too emotional and clingy.

That’s why she had to proceed with extreme caution here. Have fun and enjoy him, and above all else, not let on that he’d steadily crept into her heart.

She sat on the edge of the bed and slipped her new high heels on before making the trip to the living room. The Christmas tree lights offered enough illumination that she decided to forego leaving a lamp on.

The doorbell chimed, and her pulse danced a tiny jig. Hauling in a deep breath, she counted to five and exhaled slowly. Smoothing a hand over her tummy, she went to unlock the door. All moisture evaporated from her mouth at her first glimpse of Trig.

He was so insanely gorgeous, she wanted to pinch herself to ensure she wasn’t hallucinating. He wore an impeccably tailored dark navy suit with a crisp white shirt that showed off his tan. His scruff was gone and his ink black hair gelled and a little spiky.

Forget about pinching herself. She wanted to lick him from head to toe.

It took several beats to realize that while she’d been standing there staring at him like an idiot, he hadn’t moved an inch from his spot on the stoop. With infinite laziness, he raked his smoky gaze from her upswept hair all the way down to her heels and back again, lingering for an endless moment on the swell of her breasts. He dragged his focus upward and looked her in the eyes. “God
, baby.”

It was amazing how two simple words could pack such a powerful punch. Her face hurting from her surely dopey smile, she reached for his hand. Twining his fingers with hers, he crossed the threshold and pulled her into his arms. His free hand molding to her butt, he ducked his head and crashed his mouth over hers.

The kiss was an intense firestorm threatening to consume her in its wicked flames. His tongue parried with hers before thrusting deep, claiming complete possession of her senses. She clung to him weakly and murmured in protest when he slid his mouth from hers. Still holding her gaze, he closed the door behind them. “That is definitely not the dress you bought the other night.”

“Your sister loaned it to me.”

“This entirely redeems her being a brat earlier.”

“Uh oh. What happened?”

“Just Jane being Jane.” He squeezed her ass. “I don’t want to talk about my sister. Not when I’m visualizing all the dirty things I’m gonna enjoy doing with you.”

She sighed. “I’m afraid they’ll have to wait until after the party.”

“Not necessarily.” His expression one hundred degrees of sin, he dug inside the interior pocket of his suit jacket. “Fortunately I had enough time to stop by my favorite shop on the way over. I got you something to make the evening fun and interesting.”

“You did?”

“Yep.” He held out his hand, revealing the small pink bullet vibe nestled in his palm.

“It’s almost exactly like the one I have.”

“With the added benefit of this.” He showed her the accompanying remote. She tried to pluck the device from his grasp but he calmly stuffed it inside his pocket, his eyes glinting with devilish mischief. He buttoned his jacket. “I’ll be in control tonight.” 

The way he said that sent decadent shivers skating down her spine. He knelt on one knee in front of her. “Be a good girl and hike up your skirt.”

Trembling, she did as instructed. He propped her heel on his knee and caressed her stocking-clad inner thigh before tracing a finger along her garter. “Fucking sexy.” Hooking his thumbs in the elastic of her G string, he eased the tiny scrap of silk down. He kissed her mound and pushed the vibe up inside her pussy, aligning it with her G spot. After tugging her panties back in place, he licked his fingers and winked at her.

“I can’t believe I’m going along with this.” She gave him a pleading look as he stood. “At least give me some warning when you’re going to turn it on.”

“Where’s the fun in that?”

Groaning, she accepted his assistance with her coat. He was right about one thing. This night would definitely be interesting. And torturous.

She discovered that firsthand fifteen minutes after they hit the expressway. In the process of minding her own damn business and doing absolutely nothing to encourage any rotten deviousness on his part, the vibe began buzzing. She jolted in the passenger seat, reflexively clamping her legs together. Oh hell. That sure didn’t help. If anything, it only intensified the sensation. Embarrassing noises humming from the back of her throat, she clenched her fists and shifted her weight from one butt cheek to the other. She didn’t want to know how ridiculous she likely looked performing her awkward dance.

“Everything okay over there?”

“Yeah, just peachy,” she responded in a high, breathy pitch.

“You sure? Cause it seems like you might have some ants in your pants.”

“You know damn well that isn’t what’s in my pants.”

His husky chuckle washed over her like warm whiskey. “Mm, yeah. I have personal knowledge of the luscious little honey pot you’re hiding in there.”

Oh Lord. Not with the honey pot again. By the time he proceeded to sweet snatch she’d be freakin’ done for. “How much do I have to pay you to give me that remote?”

“Not happening.”

Damn it.

The vibe puttered to a stop and she was treated to a blessed reprieve for the remainder of the drive to the Carleton Towers, the tech center where she worked. She offered Trig a weak smile. “Sorry we’re not going to a fancy banquet hall or restaurant. My bosses are kind of cheapskates.”

“No need to apologize. I was once someone’s date at a bowling alley wedding. All of the groom’s men wore matching satin shirts and rented shoes.”

“Those wedding pics must be epic.”

“You have no idea.” He killed the engine. “Stay right there.” He climbed from the vehicle and crossed to her side. Cracking her door open, he offered his arm.

It was easy to assume that his good manners and attentiveness were a byproduct of his job as an escort, but the more time she spent around Trig it became clear that it was just the way he was hardwired. That’s partly why his bad boy naughtiness was so enticing. On the exterior he was a gentleman, but deep down he was as wicked as they came.

She swiped her employee badge at the entry, unlocking the glass doors. Trig held the nearest one open for her to pass through and then followed her inside. He glanced around the vast atrium. “I’ve only been here a couple of times when Jane needed a lift to work. Kinda weird being in here after hours.”

“I know. Sort of creeps me out. Guess I’ve seen Die Hard too many times. I keep expecting Hans Gruber to crash the party one of these years.” She crooked her finger. “This way.”

They rode the elevator to the eighteenth floor and she guided them to the interconnected boardrooms where Halcyon Insurance always held their company events. The two rooms had been cleared and set up with a few dozen linen-draped tables. In addition to the cute little mini Christmas tree centerpieces, tiny pots of poinsettias held places of honor at each place setting. White twinkling lights peeked from the silk foliage of the topiaries flanking either side of the bar situated in the far corner.

“Hey, this is actually pretty swanky,” Trig pointed out as he helped her from her coat and passed it to the attendant. He leaned down and brushed his lips over Marissa’s ear. “Only I don’t see a copier anywhere.”

It took several beats to recollect Jane’s advice about the Xerox nookie. “Thank God for small miracles.”

She led Trig farther into the room and stopped to introduce him to a couple of her coworkers. The older ladies goggled over him, blushing like schoolgirls while Trig pressed a gallant peck on the backs of their hands. The instant he turned his gaze toward the bar, the trio of women offered Marissa the thumbs up signal.

He shifted his focus to them again. “Would any of you ladies care for a refresh on your drinks?”

They all accepted his invitation and Marissa followed him to the bar to lend a spare hand with carting the beverages. Once they doled out the cocktails to their proper owners, they made their rounds amongst the remaining guests she wanted him to meet. He managed to charm the pants off of pretty much everyone, including her bosses.

Pulling him off to the side, she clutched her wineglass to her chest and stood on her tiptoes to whisper near his ear. “I think you’ve officially put to rest the rumor that I’m in a lesbian threeway with Sid and your sister.”

He grunted. “Leave Jane out of the equation, and that would be fucking hot.” He swept his gaze over her, his pupils dilating. “Jesus. You are one sexy mama. Do you have any idea how badly I want to bend you over one of these tables right now?”

She licked her lips. “Why? So you can spank me?”

“Yeah. With my big hard cock.”

“Mm, is it hard?”

“As a fucking baseball bat. Want to verify for yourself?” He stepped in front of her so that his back was to the room. Flipping the edge of his jacket up, he leaned forward as if he was going to say something to her, and casually tucked her hand against his fly.

Oh Jeez Louise. He hadn’t been exaggerating. Damn good thing his suit coat was long enough to hide the incriminating evidence. Otherwise he’d really give the ladies something to ogle. Sinking her teeth into her bottom lip, she fondled his rigid length through the fabric of his trousers and briefs.

“Sweetheart, if you keep that up I’m gonna embarrass myself in my pants.”

“Serves you right for tormenting me in the car earlier.”

A sparkle lit his eyes, and she smothered a groan. Why did she go and remind him about the vibrator? Tensing, she steeled herself for the first nerve-frying jolt. Several seconds passed, and still it didn’t appear. Sliding her hand from his erection, she squinted at him. “You’re going to hit me with it when I’m least expecting it, aren’t you?”

“Great suggestion, babe.”

She really needed to learn to keep her mouth zipped. A waiter approached with a platter of steaming appetizers. Snatching one of the small plates, she selected a couple of the bacon-wrapped scallops. Nibbling at one, she offered its mate to Trig in hopes of a peace offering. Grinning, he popped the morsel into his mouth. She had a bad feeling she’d hold him off with tasty hors d’oeuvres only so long.

A motion to the right of them temporarily distracted her and she shifted her focus in that direction. She blinked, her bite of scallop going down hard. Jason, one of the IT guys, was walking toward them. At his side was the McHottie. Judging from the intimacy of their linked pinkies, they were an item.

Oh Lord. This was going to be...weird.

The two men hauled short next to her and Trig. Jason offered her a hug and smiled at Trig before gesturing to the McHottie. “This is my boyfriend, Bob.”

The McHottie’s name was Bob? She probably shouldn’t find that as hilarious as she did. And she definitely shouldn’t ask if he came with batteries. She accepted his handshake. “Err, very nice to meet you, Bob.” Somehow she snuffed her giggle.

His forehead furrowed. “Are you sure we haven’t met before? You look really familiar.”

Crap. Hopefully there wasn’t a mug shot of her somewhere on the Stalkers Anonymous website. Bob snapped his fingers, and her stomach churned. “That’s it. You’re always down in the cafeteria the same time as me.”

“I don’t think so,” she stammered, desperately trying to play dumb.

“Sure. I’ve seen you lots of times with those two other women. The loud one cornered me in line a few months ago and asked if I was strictly a McSausage man or if I ever dined at the Y.” He frowned. “I don’t think they even have McDonald’s at the YMCA.”

She choked on a cough. Fortunately Jason inadvertently saved her any further mortification by spotting someone in his department that he wanted to introduce Bob to. The two men excused themselves, and she fizzled a silent sigh of relief. Trig trailed his fingertips along her nape, making her shiver for an entirely different reason.

He ducked his head toward hers. “Yeah, I’m definitely glad he turned out to like dick. Dude woulda given me a run for my money.”

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