Kinky Claus (2 page)

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Authors: Jodi Redford

BOOK: Kinky Claus
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“Are you intending to spend all day trying to bend that spoon with your mind?”

Marissa blinked out of her mental fog and glanced at Jane. “Huh?”

Her best friend gestured to the utensil suspended between Marissa’s lax fingertips. Grimacing, Marissa dropped the spoon next to her uneaten tiramisu. Her continued brain farts the last couple of days were all Trig’s fault, the rotten rat bastard. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get him and his wicked enticements out of her head.

Of course she wasn’t going to take him up on them. She wasn’t that hard up for a man. Even if said man was sinfully gorgeous and probably skilled in countless ways to make a woman orgasm just by him using his pinky finger.

Resisting a shuddery whimper, she slid a guilty peek in Jane’s direction again. Thank God her friend didn’t possess the ability to read minds. It’d be difficult to explain the random images of her brother engaged in a racy adult version of Naked Twister with Marissa. More than likely that wasn’t exactly what he’d meant by playing dirty, but damn if she could banish the visual. 

“It’s dessert abuse letting that go to waste.” Swiping her own spoon by the handle, Jane scooted closer to Marissa’s tiramisu and scooped up a bite. “So which look for your Christmas party—swanky or slutty?”

Marissa cocked an eyebrow. “What do you think?”

“Do you really want me to answer that? Because we both know which I’d choose for you.” Jane wagged her spoon in the direction of Marissa’s cleavage. “If I owned girls like that I’d be strutting around in corsets all damn day.”

“I’d take an eye out if I wore a corset.”

“Precisely why we’re getting you one, since the eyes you’ll be taking out will be those belonging to the poor shmucks who’ll be rubbernecking in your direction all night.”

Marissa groaned. “I wish Sid was here. She’d protect me from your diabolical wardrobe torture.”

“Aw, you love me.” Jane took another bite of the tiramisu before settling her spoon on the edge of the plate. “Or at least you used to. I have to wonder, considering you’re not letting me go to the party with you.”

Marissa tucked her hands between her knees to keep from fidgeting with her napkin. “It isn’t that I don’t want you to go. But Ed in accounting is already convinced you’re my lesbian lover. I really don’t want to give him more masturbatory material.”

“Is Ed the dude with the bad comb-over?” Jane wrinkled her nose when Marissa nodded. “Yeah, we’re not inviting him into our next lesbian threeway.”

Marissa chuckled, relieved beyond words that Jane didn’t seem too overly hurt about being banned from the party this year. She was also grateful that her friend wasn’t suspicious about the possible reason for Marissa going stag. Not that she was, but she’d had no choice but to let Jane think that was the case.

“I’m on to ya, you know.” Jane propped her chin in her hand and gave Marissa a sly, assessing look. “It’s clear to me why you don’t want me going to that party.”

Marissa swallowed. Although there was no way Jane could know about Trig, she still didn’t want Jane digging for information by playing the ole
I’ll get to the bottom of this mystery by pretending I know your secrets when really I don’t know diddly-squat

“You’re intending to get laid.”

Marissa sputtered on a cough.

it.” Jane’s mouth stretched into a Cheshire Cat grin. “So who’s the lucky motherfucker that gets to pop your born again virgin cherry?”

Oh lord. She definitely didn’t need to go down this avenue with Jane. “No one. It has nothing to do with that.” And there certainly wasn’t going to be any cherry popping involved Saturday night. And sure as hell not with Trig. No matter how skilled that pinky finger and all other appendages of his might be.

“Uh huh.” Jane took a sip of her ice water and squinted at Marissa over the rim of the glass. “So long as it isn’t your boss. I don’t need to lose
of my friends to her bosses’ delectable wieners.”

“Stop it. Sid is blissfully happy, and she hasn’t forsaken you. Or me.”

“I know.” Jane exhaled dramatically. “Clearly I’m a jealous, bitter old hag who’s destined for early spinsterhood.”

Marissa squeezed her friend in a hug. “Never. How about I call Sid and see if we can arrange a girl’s night out on Sunday?”

“Sounds good to me. Speaking of which—” Jane checked her watch. “We better hit the mall before the stores close.”

After they paid their tab at the Capital Grille they headed into the main court of the Somerset Collection. The mall had been overtaken with the sparkle and glitz of the yule tide spirit. She’d always loved the dazzling lit spectacle of the season, so it took every ounce of willpower she possessed not to goggle like a mesmerized toddler who’d just stumbled upon a mountain of presents under the Christmas tree.

Jane chuckled. “Do you want to go get your picture taken with Santa?”

“No.” She did have
dignity and restraint.

“Not even if he’s cute and has a big package for you?” Jane plopped her hands on her hips. “Shit, if that’s the case,
want to sit in his lap.”

Intent on distracting Jane from that idea before they got thrown out by mall security, Marissa snagged her friend by the elbow and steered her in the direction of Macy’s. They passed one of the crowded toy stores at the same time two familiar figures stepped in front of their path.

Marissa’s pulse leapt into high gear as she took in Trig’s gorgeous perfection. She was thrown enough by his presence that it took a moment for her to register the man next to him. Once she did she inwardly groaned and shot a wary look toward Jane. Her best friend was glaring at Jack Brewster like she was debating the drawbacks of prison time for murdering him on the spot. The bad history between those two was the stuff of legends, especially since not many men dumped Jane and lived to tell the harrowing tale. Not that either party spoke of the “incident” much. Or at least not in any great detail where Jane was concerned. Mostly she just mumbled darkly under her breath whenever Jack came up in conversation, leaving Marissa with the suspicion that there was probably a voodoo doll of him stashed somewhere in Jane’s sock drawer.

Jane transferred her fulminous stare to Trig. Rather than appear the least bit intimidated, he calmly glanced at Jack. “Mind if I catch up with you later?”

Jack took his time removing his focus from Jane. He nodded at Trig. “Text me whenever you’re done.” With that taken care of, he shook his head and ambled off in the opposite direction he and Trig had been headed.

The second Jack was out of earshot Jane growled under her breath at Trig. “I can’t believe you’re hanging around with him, you traitor.”

“I’m not punking out on my friend just because you’re still licking your wounds over your lover’s spat. Shit, sis. It’s been a year. Don’t you think it’s time to move on?”

Jane jabbed her fingernail into Trig’s chest. “First of all, Jackass and I were never lovers, so therefore you can’t call it a lover’s spat. Secondly, a year is nothing. Tack on another twenty, and that man will still be an asshole and I’ll still be your sister.”

Trig tossed up his arms. “What the fuck is this, high school? I’m not choosing between you two. Forget it. It’s dumb.”

“Fine. Then
can forget about finding that super sweet software you’ve had your eye on under the tree this year.” Grabbing Marissa by the arm this time, Jane stalked away from her brother.

Helpless to slow Jane’s furious march, Marissa peered over her shoulder at Trig. He was staring after them like he wasn’t completely sure what had just happened. Dropping his arm, he scratched his nape. His gaze locked on hers and that sizzle of awareness she’d experienced when he’d kissed her cheek back at the coffee shop zipped between them again. She killed her shiver before it could rat her out.

Equally as desperate to hide the effect he had on her as she was to
trip and fall into the nearby fountain, she jerked her attention straight ahead and allowed Jane to lead the way to the department store. Jane herded them to the escalator and they rode it to the second floor where they braved the cosmetic counter ladies and their arsenal of noxious perfume spritzes.

Doing her best to contain her coughs, Marissa ducked into the women’s evening wear section and bee-lined for the sales rack. She spotted a zebra-print number that resembled a bandage rather than something a sane woman should be seen wearing in public. Quickly hiding the ensemble behind an oversized sweater before Jane could pounce on it, Marissa continued appraising her choices. A respectably understated emerald green velvet sheath caught her eye and she freed it from its place of honor between a pair of leather skinny jeans and a powder blue cashmere cardigan.

Situating the dress against her front, she pivoted sideways. “What do you think of this?”

“Simple and sexy. I like it.”

She jerked her head up and gaped at Trig’s grinning mug. Before she could get her mouth to function she was interrupted by Jane’s perfectly timed appearance. Spearing her brother with a fierce look, Jane sidled next to Marissa. “What? Your bromance already on the rocks? Guess you shouldn’t have kept him waiting while consorting with us peons.”

“No, Jack texted me that he had an emergency pop up.” Trig propped his elbow on top of the clothes rack and flashed a smile that made Marissa squirm. “Looks like I’m all yours.”

“Lucky us.” Snorting, Jane turned her attention to the dress Marissa was clutching. She clucked her tongue. “Not enough cleavage. Or leg.”

“You’re not dressing me like a hoochie mama.”

Her expression pained, Jane glanced at Trig. “On second thought, you might come in useful. Clearly I need all the help I can convincing Polly the Prude here to wear something that wasn’t designed for Bingo Night at the convalescent home.”

Marissa rolled her eyes.

“Occasion?” Trig inquired. Judging from the wicked twinkle in his irises he knew damn well what the dress was for.

“My office work party,” she gritted between her teeth.

“The game plan is to get her laid while she’s there.”

Marissa was torn between the desire to throttle Jane for that comment or crawl into the security of the nearest clothes rack to hide. That last option sounded like the wiser choice when Trig’s mouth tipped upward at one corner.

“Oh yeah?”

Marissa shook her head adamantly. “Don’t listen to her. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”

“Bullshit.” Jane flicked her wrist. “Everyone knows office parties are for faxing photo copies of your ass to your ex and/or freaky sex with that questionable guy from the mailroom. Preferably you’ll kill two birds with one stone by getting it on atop of said copier.”

“I really worry about you sometimes.” Marissa risked another peek in Trig’s direction. He was still eyeing her with blazing interest. Fairly certain he was mentally calculating the proper alignment required for Xeroxing her naked fanny, she hugged the dress tighter to her chest and inched toward the fitting rooms. “I’m going to, uh, try this on.”

Jane grumbled under her breath and stalked to a display of designer evening gowns on the opposite side of the walkway. Her credit card already cringing in anticipation of what her friend would attempt to foist on her, Marissa scooted around Trig. He surprised her by falling in step next to her, and she slid him a questioning glance.

“Thought you might require some assistance getting out of your bra.” Crooking his arm around her shoulder, he flashed his teeth in a wolfish grin.

She smothered a laugh. “I’m sure you have plenty of experience in that department, but fortunately mine unhooks in the front.” Oh Lord, why did she tell him that? Discussing her undergarments sure as hell didn’t help her situation.

“I’d never live with myself if you broke a nail fiddling with the hook.”

“Your concern for my manicure is touching. Truly.”

“Oh, there will be plenty of touching involved. Most likely some licking and sucking too.”

Her nipples tightened at his teasing promise. She really shouldn’t be enjoying this flirty seduction as much as she was. Clearing her throat, she gave a pointed look to the arm he’d draped around her.

Sighing in exaggerated dejection, he dropped his arm. “You know where to find me when that stubborn clasp gives you problems.”

She stepped forward—and killed her squeak when he delivered a light smack to her ass. Flustered, she slashed a look over her shoulder to ensure that Jane hadn’t caught the gesture. Her best friend was still absorbed with the task of scrutinizing the overpriced dresses in the adjacent department. Gusting a relieved breath, Marissa pointed her finger at Trig. “Stop being so naughty.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet.”

Oh God. Wisely deciding to get out of there before he provided another demonstration of his incorrigible wickedness, she made fast tracks for the fitting rooms and locked herself inside the nearest cubicle. She plunked her purse and coat on the small bench and secured the dress’s hanger on the available peg before wrestling out of her boots and unsnapping her jeans. She caught her reflection in the mirrors and reflexively sucked in her gut. Nothing like having your muffin top broadcasted to you in triplicate.

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