Kinky Girls Do ~ Bundle Two (6 page)

Read Kinky Girls Do ~ Bundle Two Online

Authors: Michelle Houston

Tags: #erotic, #erotica, #anthology, #short story, #spanking, #fetish, #exhibitionism, #roleplaying, #anal play, #kink, #exhibition, #kink erotica

BOOK: Kinky Girls Do ~ Bundle Two
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Just as he was about to grab her, she ducked
under his outstretched arm and raced away. Panting with her
exertions and the thrill of being chased, she raced back down the
stairs. Shawn pounded down behind her, and succeeded in tackling
her at the base of the stairs. Even as she fell, she registered him
turning to cushion her fall with his body.

Trapped against his chest, she wiggled,
trying to get away. His strong hands clasped her around the waist,
his legs locked around hers, holding her pinned. She wiggled,
thrilled at the sensation of his hard cock digging into her back.
Suddenly, she didn't have the will to struggle anymore. She was
aroused, and she had a feeling that he was more than aware of it.
If she had to bet on it, she would lay her money on her panties
being soaked by now.

"You done struggling now?" Shawn whispered
in her ear, his breath tickling the sensitive lobe. In response,
she renewed her struggles, but soon gave up. She was well and truly

"Good girl. Now I'm going to let you go and
you're going to walk slowly and sweetly up the stairs. If I have to
chase you again, it won't go well for you." There was the briefest
hint of steel to his voice, which only served to cause Lydia's
pulse to flutter. She wanted to protest that she had only made him
chase her because he told her to, but this was what she had been
dreaming of—Shawn bending her to his will. She couldn't have
planned a better birthday if she had tried.

Nodding her head against his chest, she
agreed to behave herself.

His arms and legs relaxed, allowing her to
climb off him. As she stepped away, he rocked up onto his
shoulders, pulled his feet up, and kicked out, thrusting himself
upright. The fluidity of his movements, the sheer power had her jaw
dropping. She had seen him do some interesting moves like that when
they had worked out together and he had taught her to defend
herself, which coincidentally was where she discovered how much she
liked being pinned down—by the right man.

But she didn't have time to drool as she
would have liked because he moved towards her, herding her
backwards. That look was back in his eyes, the one that screamed
dominant male.

As she turned and headed back up the stairs,
she could feel him looming behind her, the heat of his skin
radiating against her. She shivered at the images it evoked: his
nude sweat-drenched body covering her as he held her wrists pinned
in one hand, the other holding him up as he thrust into her.

When she reached the landing, she paused.
Shawn leaned in, his breath hot and moist against her neck. "Having
second thoughts?"

Lydia shook her head and forced a simple
"no," past her parched lips. Licking them, she tried to vocalize
her dilemma. "Do you want me to change? Or just, um, strip."

"I want you to go into the bedroom, and then
I'm going to do what I want to you, when I want. You'll wait,
wondering what I want you to do next. What I will do to you

If Shawn's hand hadn't pressed gently
against her back, Lydia wasn't sure she would have been able to
move, the idea was so delicious. Helpless, completely bending to
his will, his whims.

Shawn stopped her as she reached the bed and
turned her around, pulling her into his arms. "I wanted to go
slow," he growled, "to savor you this first time. But I've waited
so long."

His mouth crashed down over hers, his tongue
taking possession of her mouth. Lydia almost fainted at the sweet
euphoria flooding through her. This was what she had always wanted,
not the lukewarm passion she had settled for. As she submitted
completely to his touch, she felt freer than she ever dreamed she

Shawn cupped her ass, gently kneading the
flesh as he pulled her tighter into his body. His legs bracketed
hers, holding her tucked against the cradle of his body. He tore
his lips from her.

"How I want you," he whispered, his voice
trembling with emotions Lydia couldn't even begin to separate and

Stepping back, he twisted them around so
that his back was to the bed. Slowly, he sat down, his hands
retaining a firm grip on her hips. "Now, strip for me."

Shyly Lydia stepped back and raised her
hands to her hair, pulling the tresses free from the clip holding
them up. As the silken strands settled about her shoulders, she
turned her back to him. Untying the belt of her robe, she quickly
let it slid to the floor. Unbuttoning her pajama top, she let it
dip slightly back, baring the briefest hint of shoulders, before
letting it slip completely to the floor, her breasts bared to the
air-conditioned air circulating throughout the room.

She paused, uncertain. She could hear Shawn
breathing harshly behind her, but even as she knew he wanted her,
she wasn't certain just what to do. Having a fantasy was one
thing—knowing how to carry it out, completely different.

"Turn around."

Lydia obeyed the command in his voice, her
chin tucked against her chest. She could hear the bed creak as he
stood. His fingers were firm and gentle as Shawn cupped her chin,
forcing her gaze to his.


After loosening the tie of her pajama
bottoms, she gave them a soft push, sliding them down her legs, to
pool at her feet. All that was left was her panties, and she would
be bared to Shawn's knowing eyes. Her gaze still locked on his, she
grabbed the ties at the sides of her thong and tugged, sending it
floating to the floor.

As his eyes drifted over her, she trembled,
knowing what he was seeing; the hard beads of her nipples begging
to be touched, the faint tan lines of her bathing suit, her smooth
shaven pussy, and her lips glistening with the beginnings of her
desire. And all she could do was stand there, while he was scanning
her, taking her in.

Unable to stand the suspense, she closed her
eyes. If anything it made it worse. Now she was lost, wondering
where he was looking, unable to see his eyes and know what he was

It was definitely the best, but most
emotionally draining and oddly exhilarating birthday she had ever
had. And from what Shawn had said, it was only the beginning.

Lydia jumped as his knuckles brushed against
her neck, trailing down her shoulder to the upper curve of her
breast. "He was a fool."

Opening her eyes, she smiled at how dark and
deep his eyes appeared. His hand continued its path, trailing down
her ribs to her waist, where it stopped. He applied the slightest
pressure as he stepped back, drawing her to the bed, where he once
more sat down.

"Come here," he said, patting his thighs.
When she moved to straddle him, he shook his head. "No, lay across

He couldn't be asking what she thought. As
she awkwardly lay down across his thighs he made no move to stop
her, and she knew he did mean it. He was actually going to spank

But he didn't. Instead, his hand gently
traced up and down her back and over the smooth curves of her ass.
Lydia relaxed against him, soothed by his touch, even as in the
back of her mind a voice screamed that she was bare-ass naked over
a fully-clothed man's lap—her best friend's lap at that.

Shawn's fingers started to dip and tease, no
longer as soothing, as he gently thrust into her core, massaging
the tiny bud of her clit with his thumb.

Lydia twitched on his lap, her hands braced
against the floor. She could feel the slick inner walls of her
pussy clenching around his fingers, begging him silently for

"Like this?" He asked, his voice husky with

She moaned softly in answer.

"Good. How about this?" And that was all the
warning she received before his palm landed with a solid smack!

She jerked, emitting a faint yelp. Fingers
of fire spread through her ass, trailing directly to her clit. "Do
you want more?"

"Yes," she panted, closing her eyes in
anticipation. Shawn thrust his fingers deep, and then landed
another blow.

Lydia jerked under the sweet sting, raising
her ass slightly for more, which he gave three smacks in quick
succession. Followed by his fingers doing things inside of her she
couldn't describe but caused her toes to curl.

"How old is the birthday girl today,
twenty-five? Should she get a swat for each year?"

Her ass was already on fire, and he wanted
to do twenty more? Oh, God, she would die first. But what a way to

"Yes, please, Shawn." And he granted her
wish, drawing each swat out as he played her body like a fine tuned
instrument, tugging just hard enough on her clit to produce the
most exquisite sensation, before doubling it with another hard

She was sure she wouldn't be able to sit for
a week, but she didn't care. His hot breath sounded harsh between
the swats, a perfect match for her own panting gasps as she twisted
on his lap, eager for more at the same time she questioned if she
could take it.

"Please, Shawn," she panted. Her pussy was
on fire, her ass stung, and she wanted nothing more than to feel
him driving into her, his hard cock claiming her in a millennium's
old ritual of male domination.

"Just one more, baby," he answered, "you can
take it."

As his palm landed the final blow, he thrust
a third finger into her core. Lydia screamed as sensations erupted
through her body, pleasure blending with pain until she didn't know
where one began and the other ended. She floated in the euphoria,
completely pliant to his hands as he moved her from his lap to the

She opened her eyes to find Shawn standing
between her legs, his hands fisted at his side. His nostrils flared
with each breath he took. Tormented need twisted his lips into a
frown, and his eyes were closed.

"Shawn?" She hesitantly sat up, her hands
reaching out to him. "Did I do something wrong?"

"God, no!" he exploded as his eyes flew
open. "I just want…but I don't want to hurt you."

"Hurt me?"

"I want to fuck you." Lydia gasped at his
crudeness. This wasn't the Shawn she was used to seeing, but it was
the one she had always hoped for. "I've been dreaming about it for
weeks, fantasizing about laying you over my lap and spanking your
rounded ass until you come, then slamming into you so hard your
teeth rattle. But if I do, I'm going to hurt you, and you'll never
let me be with you again."

"Shawn, you won't hurt me." But he didn't
seem to be listening; lost in his own fears. Just as she had been
when the fantasies of being dominated had started.

Relaxing back into the bed, she bent her
knees and lifted her feet, pressing her heels against the curve of
the mattress. Parting her legs as wide as they would go, she opened
herself, even as she trembled. She felt completely exposed. Fisting
her hands in the sheets, she waited. Her gaze locked with Shawn's,
she could see his struggle. Although her mind rebelled at what she
was doing, her heart demanded she say it. "Master, please."

Shawn's eyes widened and he seemed to
actually see her for the first time since she laid back.

"I need you."

Shawn's hands slid up her thighs, trembling
as he caressed her. Lydia responded by widening the cradle of her
thighs, offering herself to him. It was the ultimate submission,
beyond any fantasy she had ever had, and she was willing to make it
for Shawn. But only for him.

He widened his stance, his gaze meeting
hers. "Are you sure?"

"As you wish, Shawn. I'm yours."

His hands dropped to his waist, and pulled
his shirt free, tossing it over his shoulder. He unbuttoned his
jeans and pulled then down his hips, but left them on. He gave a
tug to the opening of his boxers, pulling the button completely
off. Lydia trembled as his cock sprang free, as thick and hard as
she had imagined it to be when she was laying over his lap.

"Put your arms over your head." The steel
was back in this voice. She watched in silence as he reached into
her nightstand and pulled out an unopened box on condom. Tearing
the foil with his teeth, he slowly rolled the latex over his
erection. Lydia’s mouth watered at the sight; she wanted to curl
her tongue around his cock-head and suck on the reddened flesh
until he grabbed her hair and held her still, so he could thrust
deep into her mouth. Her pussy clenched at the knowledge that maybe
later he would. But first, she wanted to feel him deep in her core,
claiming her body as his.

With one hand on his cock, Shawn lifted his
other to hers, encircling her wrists, pinning them against the
mattress as he restrained her, the fine matting of hair on his
chest tickling her nipples.

Once more, his fingers did things to her,
things she had never imagined as they manipulated her clit and
lips. She bucked against him, desperate for deeper contact, as he
teased her with his cock head, brushing it against her

Just when she was about to cry out in
frustration, he thrust hard, driving his cock deep within her.
Lydia screamed at the sudden invasion, even as she wrapped her legs
around his waist to hold him there. His hand moved from their
joining, bracing on the bed.

She arched her back, pressing her breasts
against his chest as he started to thrust, pounding into her
willing flesh. His teeth bit into her neck, marking her as his, and
she loved it.

Shawn's sweat mingled with hers, coating
them both, as he claimed her, driving them both closer to the

Lydia's pussy ached, clenching him tight as
he withdrew, then tighter as she thrust back. She lost track of
time, as she was enveloped in sensation. This was her fantasy, and
then some.

And then she thought no more, as with a
savage thrust, Shawn pushed her into orgasm. Hoarse screams filled
the room, and she dimly recognized them as her own, but couldn't,
and wouldn't make them stop.

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