Kiss It Better (12 page)

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Authors: Jenny Schwartz

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Kiss It Better
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‘Perfect. I’ve never had a daughter to go shopping with.’

Gordon’s eyes bulged. Theo’s narrowed in suspicion. Ayesha, again, coughed.

Louise smiled serenely. ‘I’ll introduce you to the others, Cassie. We normally have coffee while we wait out the meeting, but shopping will be more fun.’

‘Because shopping with four generations of Morrigan women is fun,’ Theo said sardonically as he and Gordon escorted the women out of the office. ‘Cousin Paula brought her two-year-old. I heard the screams.’

‘Lunch will be bedlam,’ Gordon grumbled.

‘Can’t be worse than the meeting.’ Louise let go of Cassie’s arm and kissed her son’s cheek, then her husband’s. Her next words were barely whispered, meant for her husband, but Cassie heard them. ‘Think of grandkids.’

Gordon jolted. He stared at his wife, then Cassie.

‘One day.’ Louise smiled. ‘Something to think about.’

Before Cassie could process that neat bit of manipulation, she was swept into the midst of a chaotic mix of women. As Theo had said, there were four generations. From the two-year-old in her pink fairy dress to a ninety-three-year-old woman who wore a caftan in peacock-blue and matching eye shadow.

Awareness of who she was flickered in their eyes as Louise made introductions, but whether it was her improved appearance or Louise’s approval, they all accepted her. Louise murmured something about shopping and the group split.

Cousin Paula handed the two-year-old to her grandmother and announced her intention to shop in peace.

‘There goes our peaceful coffee,’ ninety-three-year-old Great-Aunt Celeste said, but she tickled the giggling child.

Those attending the board meeting trooped into a large conference room. There were sidelong glances at Gordon, Theo and Cassie. She tried to get a read on the mood, but couldn’t. Theo’s expression was impassive.

‘Whatever happens, we pick up the pieces,’ Louise said quietly as the shopping expedition clattered down the stairs, all women. The men in the group opted for coffee or their own private business.

For the first time, Cassie considered the strain Theo’s mum must be under: loyalty to husband or son? And who did she think could best run the family business? ‘Theo loves his dad.’

‘I know.’ Louise smiled. ‘And Gordon is proud of him. It’s difficult because — ’

‘The photographer’s still there.’ Jodie, the receptionist, met them at the bottom of the stairs. ‘If you’d like to use the back door…’

‘A photographer? Why do we have a photographer?’ Paula asked, excited and enthusiastic. She tugged the fabric of her floral dress smooth over her hips.

‘It could be the board meeting, but I think someone tipped them off that I was expected back here,’ Cassie said. ‘You must have seen the news this morning.’

‘And heard it. People were just talking and talking about it. That photo was horrendous.’ Paula seemed cheerfully oblivious to Cassie’s cringe. ‘They must have altered it somehow because you’re actually quite pretty. I love your dress.’

Louise ignored the babble. ‘We’ll go out the front door and we’ll go as a group. Cassie is one of us.’ It was an order.

Everyone nodded, although there were a few sly grins.

Cassie couldn’t understand the grins, until the answer occurred to her as they went past the photographer, Paula spinning for a final pose. To these women, given how Theo had introduced her, Louise had just bestowed on her mother-in-law approval!

She barely prevented her jaw going slack with shock. Now that would have given the photographer a great shot — her gaping like she’d been slapped with a wet fish.

This whole situation was getting out of hand.

Chapter Six

Theo pushed back from the boardroom table, satisfied that he’d laid out his plans for Brigid Care’s future and heads had nodded. His dad had pushed back the vote on the CEO’s role till after lunch, undoubtedly planning to lobby people, but Theo thought his own support was solid.

There had been questions about Leighton’s lies plastered over the media, JayBay and Cassie. However, as he’d hoped, seeing Cassie before the meeting had taken the sting out of the issue. She’d looked gorgeous, full of bright challenge and somehow right. That sense of rightness had stunned him. He’d crossed the office aware that he had an ally. Kissing her hadn’t been an act. It had been natural.

His mum had approved Cassie’s defence of him. Not that he needed defending, but mums were like that.

He chatted easily about nothing much as the board strolled down to meet the rest of the family at the restaurant on the corner. Some were already there, drinking coffee, and there was a general reshuffle of seats before Cassie, his mum and the other women arrived.

Paula shrieked and pounced on her daughter, the pink fairy, who shrieked back.

‘We only just got her quiet,’ Great-Aunt Celeste said to no one and everyone.

‘Did you survive Paula?’ Theo asked as Cassie wove between people to his side.

‘That woman has more energy than a nuclear reactor. But she’s funny. How was the meeting?’

He pushed in her chair. ‘Vote after lunch. It’ll go my way.’

Both of them glanced up and across at his dad, who stared back at them before deliberately returning to a conversation with Uncle Logan.

Cassie ducked her head, shaking out her serviette. ‘Your dad’s still fighting then?’

‘It’s not in his nature to give up.’

‘Nor in yours.’

There was no time for further private talk. Orders were taken, meals served and conversation was general, wide-ranging and loud. He knew his family, though, and beneath the good humour, decisions were being finalised. Cassie and he received a lot of attention.

She answered questions about JayBay, her dad and Jardin Bay, and grimaced at any mention of Leighton.

‘Don’t fuss,’ Great-Aunt Celeste advised her. ‘All families have screw ups.’

‘Why are you looking at me?’ Paula protested.

‘I wasn’t. That’s your guilty conscience.’

Everyone laughed.

People watched Theo’s dad, too. Gordon was well liked and respected. No one wanted to hurt him, Theo least of all.

If he weren’t so stubborn, the old man would withdraw from contention for the CEO position. While most of the table ate rich meals of pasta with heavy cream sauces or roast pork with extra crackling or other unhealthy delights, Gordon had fish dishes, a plain cheeseboard and decaffeinated coffee. He had to watch his health.

By the last spoonful of tiramisu, Cassie was completely relaxed with his family. She pushed aside the scraped bowl and elbows on table, sipped her coffee.

Theo drank his own with an eye to the time. The sooner the board voted and decided things, the better for everyone. He was confident of the outcome, but there was still a twist of anxiety inside him for his dad’s response.

Great-Uncle Patrick, chairman of the board, set down his cup of tea. ‘Lunch was delightful as always, once I turned my hearing aid down.’ The old joke never failed to please. ‘But we have some business to finalise. Members of the board?’

They rose.

Cassie looked up at Theo anxiously. He bent and kissed her. ‘Whatever happens, you’ve helped. Thank you.’

‘Good luck.’

He straightened to see his dad staring at him and his mum faintly frowning beside him. Then she smoothed out the frown. His mum had courage, like Cassie.

As always, with so many family members and some of them old enough to want a post-lunch nap, it took a while to settle everyone around the boardroom table.

Theo would be voting his own small share of Brigid Care stock and his brother Connor’s proxy. Connor had told their dad ahead of time, but hadn’t made it back from Iceland for the meeting. He was studying geothermal energy.

Uncle Pat called the meeting to order. ‘We can vote or Gordon and Theo can say a few final words?’ He looked a question at Gordon.

Theo’s dad stood. ‘You know my track record. Eleven successful years as head of Brigid Care. This company is my life, my heritage and my gift to the future.’ His passion was genuine, but around the table, people avoided his eyes. He placed both hands, fisted, on the table and leaned forward. ‘This is all our heritage, Morrigan heritage. We need to be exploring opportunities, taking risks, creating the sort of company we can be proud of. That is what I did for eleven years and that is what I’ll do again. Theo minded the store for me and I’m grateful, but minding the store isn’t enough. I have the commitment and vision to lead Brigid Care.’

Yet as he uttered the impassioned speech, Gordon saw that he wasn’t taking the group with him. The realisation showed in the abrupt way he sat and the glare he sent around the table before frowning at his son.

Theo didn’t stand. ‘You know what I want for Brigid Care: a refocus on its traditional values. Everyday good health for everyone. Economically, things are uncertain in the world, but people trust our brand and we need to deliver on that promise. We need to be there with reliable products focussed on people’s good health and well-being.’ Heads nodded. ‘We build strong and we build to last.’ He looked at his dad. ‘And we do it together. That’s the Morrigan way.’

‘You’re not a Morrigan.’

‘Gordon!’ Theo’s aunt glared at her brother.

Theo didn’t understand. If the accusation was that he was moving the company away from its heritage that just wasn’t true. ‘Dad.’

‘You’re not my son.’

‘Disowning me is a bit melodramatic…’ Theo stopped.

His aunt was on her feet and shouting. ‘Shut your stupid mouth, Gordon Morrigan. You’ll regret this till the day you die.’

‘I will not let the boy steal my company.’

‘Our company,’ Uncle Pat rumbled.

Theo’s dad scowled at him and everyone. ‘Louise was pregnant when I married her, but not with my kid. You’re no Morrigan.’ Gordon turned on them. ‘Theo’s not my kid.’

The couple of cousins Theo’s age goggled, astounded, but the older generations weren’t shocked. They were uncomfortable, disapproving of Gordon, but not shocked by the revelation.

‘Not by blood, but by every other way,’ Uncle Pat said. ‘We’ve always known.’

‘Too handsome to be your kid, Gordon,’ Aunt Bernice got her jab in.

‘But Theo is family,’ Uncle Pat concluded. He looked at Theo. ‘Always was, always will be. We love you.’ He coughed, embarrassed by emotion. ‘Vote.’

Even those family members Theo had expected to vote for Gordon voted for Theo. Only Theo didn’t vote. He couldn’t.

He stared across at his dad. No, at Gordon.

A stranger stared back, red-faced, frustrated and lost. The man who’d taught Theo to ride a bike and to honour his responsibilities.

‘I’m withdrawing,’ Theo said. ‘I won’t be CEO of Brigid Care.’


He barely noticed the chorus of voices. He shook off a cousin’s grip on his arm. As he walked out, Aunt Bernice was already on the phone. ‘Louise, your idiot husband — ’

The door banged shut behind him. Theo ran down the stairs, taking the familiar steps three at a time.

On the street, he glanced right and saw the family standing outside the restaurant, still talking, some wandering off on their own concerns. His mum was on the phone, Cassie beside her in her bright dress. He was too far away to read their expressions, but he saw his mum’s head come up, looking his way.

He’d go home, get on his motorbike — his own, not some rented ride — and get some distance, some perspective on how a man’s whole life could be a lie.

The tie went as he entered the house. Dropped on the floor. Jacket next, on the kitchen counter.

‘Theo, what’s wrong?’ Cassie.

He didn’t hesitate, but wrenched off his shirt.

She stood in the doorway to his bedroom, shoes in one hand.

Had she run in them, or worse, run barefoot on a city footpath? He shook his head.

‘Your mum said there’s something wrong. Did they vote against you?’

‘Only Dad. Gordon.’ He sat on the bed to unlace his shoes. ‘Is Mum following you here?’

‘I’d think so. She’s worried.’

‘Lock the door.’

‘She’s your mum.’

He brushed past her, socks slipping on the polished floorboards, and locked the door.

When he came back to his room, Cassie stopped him, both hands pressed to his bare chest. ‘Tell me what’s wrong.’

‘Why not? Dad just told the world.’ An exaggeration, but Theo was in no mood to be fair. ‘Apparently I’m not his son. The family knew.’

‘You’re adopted?’

How could he be so aware of her hands on his body when he was lost to everything else, his brain and emotions spinning without a compass? ‘Nope. I’m Mum’s kid, just not Gordon’s. Hence not fit to run Brigid Care.’

‘For hell’s sake. Your dad shared that to win a boardroom power play?’

He unbuckled his belt. ‘I’m changing into leathers, going for a ride.’ That was the only warning he was giving before he stripped.

‘The bike?’ Her eyes narrowed and she shook her head, decisive. ‘No. Bikes give you no margin of error and I bet you have a monster. Take the Chevy.’

The doorbell rang.

Theo stripped.

Cassie stood her ground.

Theo grabbed jeans instead of leathers, silently conceding her reasoning. He pulled on a T-shirt and casual, comfortable old shoes.

‘You should talk to your mum.’

‘Not in this mood.’

Cassie sucked in a loud breath. It was her turn to concede the point. His mood was too raw.

The doorbell went again. ‘Theo, please.’

He closed his eyes a moment at the sound of his mum’s voice. ‘Tell her “later”.’ The garage exited to a rear laneway. He went out through the courtyard and didn’t look back.


Cassie listened to the rumble of the Chevy. She opened the front door.

Louise Morrigan stared past her, listening to the engine. Evidently she recognised it. ‘He’s gone.’

Yes. ‘Come in.’

‘I should talk to Gordon. I never thought he’d do this. No matter how much he wanted to be back at Brigid Care, I never thought he’d do this. He loves Theo.’

Cassie gripped her arm, gently pulling her in off the doorstep. ‘Take a minute for yourself, first.’

The woman looked terrible, pale with shock so that her subtle cosmetics stood out cruelly. Cassie sat her down in the kitchen. ‘Where does Theo keep the hard stuff?’

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