Kiss of the Blue Dragon (20 page)

BOOK: Kiss of the Blue Dragon
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“She needs you. And speaking as a former psychologist, you’d be a great mother.”

“It’s funny. My mom said the same thing.”

“She was right.”

“You know, Marco, Lola was a lousy mother, but I’d bet she’d be a damned good grandmother.”

When we reached the van, we found the girls curled up on the seats, sleeping contentedly. Mike sat in the middle row, cradling two girls in his lap, watching over them all like a proud uncle. He gazed at me in the loving silence and I knew we were thinking the same thing. The pieces of our strange and wonderful little family were pulling together before our eyes. I nodded at him and smiled, blinking back tears. Life was good. Very, very good.

Marco and I climbed into the front seats and we headed back to the city. My heart raced with excitement, confidence, hope and even faith. The world just might be okay after all. At least our little corner of it would be.

“Marco?” I said over the sound of the tires whirring on the pavement.

“Yes, Angel?”

I waited until he glanced my way, then I nodded approvingly. “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

ISBN: 978-1-4268-5123-0


Copyright © 2004 by Julie Beard

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