Knight of a Trillion Stars (10 page)

BOOK: Knight of a Trillion Stars
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“Well, why don’t you use one of the other pallets?”

“What other pallet? You wish me to sleep with
?” he asked incredulously.

“Of course not! There is another pallet.” She pointed to the bedroll next to the fire.

“That belongs to Rejar.”

“A cat needs a whole bedroll for himself? I don’t—” She stopped, hearing a strange slithering sound coming from beyond Yaniff’s pallet. “Wh-what’s that noise?” She edged closer to Lorgin.

He gazed up at her, eyes innocently wide. “What noise?”

“There—did you hear it?”

“Yes,” he breathed. “I hope it is not…it is!”

She edged closer to him. “What?”

“Look!” He pointed to a strange creature slowly making its way across the floor. It dragged itself along, using a series
of suction cups beneath its wormlike body. Slime oozed out of it, and it made a sickening sucking sound as it traversed the floor.

it?” she hissed, horrified.

“Oh no! A cave zorph.”

That was the creature Lorgin had threatened the mythology professor he could be turned into by a flick of Yaniff’s fingers!

“Are—are they dangerous?”

“Yes, very. At night they slink the caverns looking for prey. You see the fluid they exude? It digests their food for them. I have heard they especially have a taste for human flesh.”

“Oh, God!” Deana was totally backed against Lorgin now.

“Of course, they detest fur of any kind and have a tendency to steer clear of it.” His arm snaked up and dragged her underneath the covers, fitting her backside tight into the curve of his body.

Deana gulped as she stared at the horrid creature. “So—so it will leave us alone tonight?”

Lorgin rested his chin in the crook of her shoulder. “Probably. Do not be frightened if you hear screams in the night.
Human screams.
” Deana shuddered, and Lorgin’s arm came securely around her.

“Human sc-screams?” Deana clasped his arm firmly to her waist.

“After they finish their nightly feedings they return to their homes,” he whispered in her ear. “To a place called Toon Town.”

His teeth captured her earlobe, which he playfully tugged.

“Lorgin! How could you!” His low laughter caressed her ear, sending tremors down her neck.

“Go to sleep, Little Fire. You will be safe here. They are harmless.” He kissed the side of her neck and settled in to go to sleep.

Despite Lorgin’s assurances, Deana remained awake for a while, her gaze trained on the repulsive zorph.

Chapter Six

Deana stretched her stiff muscles as she awoke the next morning.

She vaguely remembered Lorgin murmuring in her ear that he and Yaniff were going down to the main cavern to check out the eating establishment, saying they would be back shortly.

Sitting up, she yawned loudly, reluctantly rising from her bed. If it had been a bit more comfortable she would have been tempted to linger under the covers longer. Without Lorgin’s warm presence, there didn’t seem to be any point. She flushed when she recalled how he had held her all night. For a warrior, he sure liked to cuddle.

Pressing her hands to the small of her back, she turned toward the entrance. She was intending to peek out the door down into the tavern below when she detected a slight movement out of the corner of her eye. It stopped her dead in her tracks.

Even though Lorgin had assured her those wretched zorphs were harmless, she had no desire to confront one alone. As she had pointed out to Lorgin, they didn’t have to actually
anything to you, they could build a reputation on repulsiveness alone. He had found her reasoning quite humorous.

She slowly turned to the source of the movement, stunned to see an intruder in their room.

A man was sleeping on one of the empty pallets under a fur, his naked, muscular back facing her. Apparently, he
must have entered the room after Lorgin and Yaniff had left and had decided to crash in here. Remembering what Lorgin had said about the dangers of sleeping unprotected in the tunnels, she was thankful that all the man wanted was sleep. Anything could have happened to her as she was fast asleep herself when Lorgin left.

She could still be in danger. As that thought occurred to her, the man rolled over in his sleep onto his back. Deana stared unabashedly. She knew now why his chest was bare. He was too sexy for his shirt.

The man was incredible.

His hair was silky black. Thick and long like Lorgin’s, it seemed to have a texture that was…
His face was nothing short of beautiful, the intriguing features so utterly sensual, they were breathtaking. He must have sensed her appraisal, for his eyes suddenly opened.

He turned his riveting gaze directly on her.

Up until that moment, Deana would have had to say that Lorgin was the most handsome man she had ever seen. She reluctantly admitted that this strange man before her was equally devastating, his sleek presence undeniably magnetic. She was captivated by his assessing stare, mesmerized by the fact that he had one blue eye and one amber eye.

One blue eye and one amber eye…

She blinked. It couldn’t be! It just couldn’t be! Her mouth dropped open, aghast at the incredible notion which had seized her.

As if he knew her thoughts, the man’s face curved into a slow, sensual grin, his perfect white teeth gleaming wickedly in the low light. It was a totally sexual smile, the feral potency of which nearly robbed her of her senses. Until his thoughts penetrated her mind.

{Good morrow, my brother’s wife.

“Oh, my gawd!”

Her hands flew to her head as if she could physically prevent his words from reaching her. She began to back away from him, scared half out of her wits, and ran right into Lorgin. His strong hands grabbed her shoulders, steadying her.

“What is it? Has Rejar been bothering you?” Lorgin looked over her shoulder with a thunderous expression.

Deana gazed up at Lorgin, realizing that her incredible notion was quite credible after all; she started laughing hysterically.

Lorgin gently shook her. When that had no effect, he gathered her in his arms, rubbing her back to calm her. “Shhh…it is really all right. We have brought clothes for him.”

Deana stopped laughing and looked up at Lorgin dumbfounded. What? “Clothes for him?”

“Yes. When he embodies himself into his corporeal form, he is always nude. I apologize if his nakedness offended you.”

“His nakedness? What are you talking about?”

“The transformation leaves him in this state. Is this not why you are distressed? I only go by how you have reacted to

She blinked at the ridiculousness of his words. A cat had changed himself into a man, and Lorgin thought it was the guy’s naked chest that was upsetting her! Now that was maddening. Her eyebrows lowered as her patience snapped.

She looked Lorgin straight in the eye and firmly said, “This is a stupid world and I want to go home!”

Lorgin grinned while tenderly removing a lock of her hair that had fallen forward into her eyes.

“Do not be silly,
” He looked engagingly at her. “You would leave me lonely here by myself?”

Deana’s expression was distinctly suspicious. As if a man
like Lorgin would be lonely for a minute! Why, there’d be women queuing up for the privilege of that steamy lavender gaze.

Suddenly she felt very irritated with that particular notion.

It wasn’t as if he belonged to her or anything. But just the same, the thought that he would call another woman by one of the many nicknames he had for her made her feel…bad. Real bad. Especially the way he called her
sometimes—his voice sultry and low as he let his tongue roll the r in the word. That special way he looked at her, as if he really

Not that any of this mattered. She swallowed. She couldn’t allow it to matter. Resolutely she refocused on Lorgin and ignored his last question to her.

Pointing to Rejar, she said, “What

Lorgin had observed the emotions flicker across her face as his seemingly careless words impacted her. He knew with every extrasensory perception he possessed, with every fiber of his being, with every breath he took,
she wanted him.
He felt a responding surge of powerful emotion.

Tonight, he would be only too happy to show her just how much she wanted him. His eyes briefly sparked before he answered her question.

“That is my brother. I believe you have met.”

Your brother
?” Deana swung her gaze around to the incredible man lying on the pallet. His intriguing eyes twinkled with mirth as he watched her confusion. “What do you mean your brother? That man is a cat!”

Lorgin sighed. “Only sometimes.”

“Only…This is bizarre, Lorgin! I mean really bizarre. Why do you have a cat for a brother?”

Lorgin took a deep breath. “He is not a cat!” She raised her eyebrow at him. “Well, he is not
a cat. He is a Familiar.”

Deana did a double take. “What? You don’t mean like…no, no—”

“I will try to explain. Rejar is a what we call a shapechanger. He inherited his ability from his mother, who is also a Familiar.”

Cripes, a Familiar! What next?

Deana tapped her chin. “We have legends of this in my world.” She thought of her earlier conversation with Yaniff regarding the legends in her world. “Does he—” She looked at Rejar and lowered her voice. “Does he work with a witch?”

Lorgin laughed. “No. Obviously your legends are different from our reality. Rejar has the ability to shape-change into the catlike form you have witnessed. This allows him a certain freedom that is unattainable to those not of the Familiar. Familiars walk this plane in two forms, thereby learning and experiencing things that others can not. They have other traits that are different as well. Because of their special abilities they will often align themselves to wizards of the Guild, forming a partnership that is mutually beneficial.”

“So Rejar works with Yaniff?”

“No. Rejar walks alone. He is somewhat different from other Familiars.”

Deana looked at Lorgin squarely. “Do you have this ability also?”

Lorgin shook his head. “I do not have Familiar blood. My father met Rejar’s mother, Suleila, many years after my own mother passed from this plane. My mother was young, and her untimely death a tragic event most uncommon among Aviarans.

“My father grieved deeply and would have no other until he met Suleila. She did not reveal to him her true nature for fear of losing his love. It was not until much later that he discovered she was a Familiar. He was very angry at her
deception, but he forgave her, for he loved her deeply. Besides, she presented him with Rejar, who, despite his”—he looked at his brother—“
we are all quite fond of.”

“Where are your parents now?”

“They live on Aviara. My father is one of the Coven, a council of thirteen which governs the planet. My nextmother, Suleila, has all of us wrapped around her finger. I was young when she came to my father’s home. In truth, she has become my mother.”

Deana tried to digest what Lorgin had told her. She cautiously told him, “Before you came in here, I thought I heard Rejar speaking in my mind.”

Lorgin flicked a glance at Rejar. “He can send his thoughts, when he chooses, to an individual, or he may send thoughts to many individuals at once, at his discretion. However, he cannot receive thoughts in this manner, unless of course, it is another Familiar sending him thoughts. Familiars can converse with each other through their minds, but they cannot read each other’s minds.

“When Rejar was a boy, he used to anger me by sending thoughts to Suleila about mischief that I had supposedly gotten into. Of course I had no idea what he was telling her and could not defend myself. Suleila caught on very quickly to his game, though.”

Deana chuckled at the thought of what growing up in that household must have been like. “So Rejar can’t speak?”

A sizzling, sensuously low voice purred from the pallet on the floor. “
Yes, he can speak.

And what a voice! Dare I drool? Deana looked at the dark-haired man and flushed. They had been talking about him as if he weren’t there.

“He does not favor conversing in that manner.” Lorgin threw his brother a smirk. “I think it is because he is lazy.”

{Smart, dear brother, smart.}

Deana jumped as she heard Rejar’s sultry voice in her mind.

Lorgin walked over to Rejar’s pallet. “Yaniff has left these clothes for you. We will meet you in the tavern below.”

As he was leading Deana down to the eating area, she asked him why he was willing to eat in the common room now when he wouldn’t last night.

“Since the tavern is fairly empty at this early hour, it would be best to save our supplies as there are no other
where we are going.”

They joined Yaniff, already sitting at a table. The first thing the old man said was, “Has the rogue woken up yet?”

Lorgin grinned at Yaniff, sharing the private joke as he nodded.

They ate a breakfast consisting of various fruits and a thick, pasty liquid that was poured freely by a young serving woman every time she passed their table. Deana didn’t like the taste of the drink, and politely declined the refill.

“Not nearly as good as your coffee, but very nourishing. You should try to drink some more.” Lorgin picked up his cup and swallowed another glassful.

“No, thank you.” The stuff was bland and gluey.

Yaniff raised his head from his bowl. “What is this coffee you speak of?”

Lorgin leaned forward, excitement shining in his eyes. “A marvelous elixir, Yaniff. It has an aroma unlike anything I have experienced, and it fills one with strength. It is very popular in Adeeann’s world.”

“Yeah, what I wouldn’t do for a cup right now,” Deana sighed.

Yaniff stroked his chin. “Perhaps I will look into this elixir. I may be able to reproduce the brew from your memories of it.”

Deana’s face lit up. “That would be great!”

Yaniff rose from the table. “I will store the pallets for you, Lorgin.” He headed off to the room, muttering to himself, “I wonder what spell would work best in recapturing such an essence.”

Lorgin fondly watched the old man leave and smiled regretfully at Deana. “Do not get your hopes up regarding that coffee, Little Fire. Yaniff is notoriously absentminded in regards to spells involving recipes. In short, as a wizard, he is a terrible cook.”

Deana giggled. “So that’s why he made the soup the old-fashioned way.”

“At least we did not find a boot in it!” Lorgin and Deana both started laughing.

{Now this is an improvement, Lorgin. Perhaps you have not lost your skills after all.

Rejar had approached the table, and from the look of Lorgin’s lowered brows, had obviously sent a thought to him. Rejar gave his brother a gamin grin, and sat at the table.

While Rejar ate, Deana discreetly observed him. Now that the shock of his existence was wearing off, she was able to note a strong family resemblance between the two men.

They were of a size for one thing—both large men. She thought that Rejar’s sultry features bore a strong likeness to Lorgin’s. Although, where Lorgin had a cool, regally handsome appearance, Rejar possessed a very sensuous, earthy quality.

He was dressed similarly in style to his brother. His shirt and boots were black, his leather pants dark green. His cape was of a simpler design than Lorgin’s, being maroon in color, but with none of the elaborate gold appliqués on it. Rejar must have noticed her perusal of his cape for he gazed over at her.

{I am not a Knight of the Charl, and do not wear their raiment.

Lorgin had heard his words and put down his cup. “You could be of the Charl if you would only focus yourself. Yaniff has been hoping for years that you would change your mind and join us.”

The serving woman came over to fill Rejar’s bowl. His beautiful eyes flicked to the young woman momentarily before he answered Lorgin.

{Then Yaniff hopes in vain.

Deana sat back, listening to the exchange between the two brothers. It was a new experience, overhearing a two-sided conversation where only one person was actually speaking out loud.

“You can deny your true being to yourself, but you cannot deny it to Yaniff. He has sensed something in you.”

{As he has in you, brother. Interesting are the sons of Krue, are we not?}

The serving maid refilled his cup and Rejar fastened his feral gaze on her. She was young and pretty, and more than interested in him. He could sense the difference in her surface temperature as she looked on him.

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