Knight of a Trillion Stars (9 page)

BOOK: Knight of a Trillion Stars
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Deana sighed. He was right about that. No one would believe her in a million years. Worse, they’d probably throw her in Chumley’s if she became too vocal about it. The best she could do was enjoy the adventure, and when she was back in her own living room, convince herself that she hadn’t imagined the whole thing. Perhaps if she wrote it down as a story…

As her thoughts wandered along these lines, something occurred to her. “Yaniff, if your universe is based on magic as you say, why does Lorgin have a translation device?”

Yaniff smiled. “The device is not based on technological principles, Adeeann. It is”—he paused, searching for the right way to explain it to her—“for lack of better words, an intricately contained ‘conjure’ of the Guild. The Guild of Aviara produce many such devices for the Alliance, a useful tool in trade and negotiation.”

“That’s interesting; like what?”

“Well, for instance, the clothes you are wearing.”

Deana gazed dismally down at her drab outfit. “They made this stunning creation?”

“No, but the merchant told Lorgin that the Weavers’ Guild of Aviara cast a spell on it so that it would continually cleanse and renew itself.”

“Terrific,” Deana responded dryly.

Yaniff stroked his chin. “I see what you mean; one might not necessarily want such an outfit to renew itself. But, in spite of the appearance, I assure you Lorgin insisted on the Weavers’ Guild stamp. Such a stamp marks the cloth as being of the highest quality.”

And costly, no doubt.
Devices, Yaniff called them. They would explain many little questions she had, oddities that stuck in the back of her mind; things that didn’t quite jell with the way things worked in the world as she knew it.

Lorgin approached them, leaning down on one knee in front of Deana. “After we eat we will resume our journey. There is an inn about half a day’s journey from this point. I hope to arrive there before evening, so that we may have a more secure place to bed down for the night. Do you think you can make it that far, Adeeann?”

“I don’t know—that’s a lot of walking on top of what we’ve already done today. Are there no places to rest along the way?”

Lorgin smiled sympathetically. “There are a few. I know this will be a hard journey on you,
but believe me when I tell you it is of the utmost importance that we have a safe resting place for the night. We are headed to a region the locals call the Wilderness Reaches. The closer we get to it, the farther away we are from civilized behavior. The area abounds with cutthroats and scoundrels. Your safety is always my first concern.” He reached out and gently stroked her hair.

He’s looking at me like that again.
“Th-thank you, Lorgin. I’ll try my best.”

He leaned forward and affectionately kissed the tip of
her nose. “Good. If you get too tired, you must tell me, Little Fire.”

She nodded, and he abruptly rose to check on the soup.

Deana had been able to endure four hours of the walk before she collapsed and could go no further. Lorgin had been very upset with her, not for tiring, but for not telling him she was tiring. Picking her up, he carried her the rest of the way, berating her foolish pride for not admitting to her dwindling strength. For a good portion of the final part of the journey he told her exactly how he felt about that. If Deana hadn’t been so tired, she would have punched him in the stomach. Instead she had to endure the dressing down in silence.

The worst part of it was that Yaniff showed no signs of being fatigued, and she was embarrassed that she couldn’t keep up. She felt somewhat better when Yaniff approached her later to explain that he had different resources of strength to draw upon when he needed to and she shouldn’t blame herself for her exhaustion.

The “inn” turned out to be a large cavern off which many smaller caves opened on different levels. A rock pathway wound around the walls of the larger cave leading to the various “rooms.” In the center of the cavern was an eating area. Deana mused that a good name for it would be Tavern in the Cavern.

Several unsavory-looking characters were huddled around the few slab tables. Lorgin apparently didn’t like the looks of the riffraff in the main cave, and after putting her down, decided it would be best for them to remain in their room. Yaniff agreed.

Deana looked around their “room.”

It was just an empty cave! No beds. No chairs. No furniture of any kind. It didn’t even have a raised dais, like their other cave had.

“I hope they didn’t charge you too much for this exquisite accommodation,” she murmured sarcastically.

Lorgin turned around from the fire he had started and grinned ruefully. “As a matter of fact, they did. As this is the only lodging around here, they can command what they like for their price and have no trouble getting it. The only alternative is to sleep in the tunnels, a dangerous proposition.”

For their evening meal, Yaniff prepared a stew. Deana dared not ask what was in it. It wasn’t delicious, but it was palatable. After they had eaten, Lorgin retrieved a small vial from his cape and led her through a second doorway in the rear of the chamber.

The hallway twisted down and around a rock formation and opened up onto a small room from which there were no other exits. Deana noted the perennial hole in the rock floor. A natural stream cascaded down the side of the cave, forming a gentle waterfall which flowed into a small pool.

Lorgin removed his cape, saying, “We may bathe here.” He began to take off his shirt. Then his hands went to the waistband of his pants.

Deana was shocked. He was stripping! “Stop!” she yelled.

Lorgin reacted instantly by grabbing the Cearix out of his waistband and whipping around, half crouched. “Something is amiss?”

Apparently he expected an intruder, not an objection. When his eyes could find no threat, he frowned at her. “Why did you yell out, Adeeann?”

“Because you were undressing!” she replied indignantly.

He looked at her as if she had lost her mind. “And how else am I supposed to bathe?”

“By yourself, of course.” She raised her chin at him.

Lorgin leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his naked chest. His dark look seared into her. He remained silent for a few moments, clearly annoyed with her. Then, in a low, firm tone, he said.
“Get undressed,

There was no way she was going to get undressed with him in the same room. “Not until you leave.”

“That is not an option. I have told you there are all manner of criminals lurking about this sector. I will not leave you unguarded. Now get undressed! We waste time with this foolishness.”

“I won’t.”

“You will.”

He came away from the wall and strode purposefully toward her. Deana started backing away from him. Her eyes darted to the hallway, and she made a sudden break for it. Lorgin reached her before she had gone two steps, confirming her earlier assessment of his capabilities.

His arms came around her from behind and he lifted her bodily off the floor. Deana began kicking and yelling, which had absolutely no effect on him. She knew he was strong, but hadn’t realized how strong he was until he shifted her weight to one arm, and while still holding her aloft, squirming and thrashing, he used his other hand to quickly divest her of her clothes, leaving her donned in nothing but her necklace.

She gave a yell of outrage, then a squeal of protest as he unceremoniously dumped her into the cold water of the pool.

Deana surfaced, sputtering, pushing back the sodden hair from her face. “You swine! I’ll never forgive you for—”

He wasn’t listening to her. He quickly removed his boots and pants and jumped into the pool next to her. She could tell by his tightly controlled expression that he was close to losing his temper.

He bore down on her from his great height, eyes narrowed. “You wish to say something to me?” His voice was ominously low.

Deana closed her mouth, knowing not to push him further. She crossed her arms protectively over her chest and, looking down at the clear water, shook her head.

“A wise decision,” he intoned.

Lorgin reached over to the ledge, retrieving the vial. Deana noted that the water was crystal clear and did nothing to hide him from her eyes. She quickly closed them, lest he think she was staring at him. She opened them just as quickly when she felt his hand on her arm.

“Use this oil to cleanse yourself. It works much the way your soap does.” Deana gingerly took the vial, opening the cap. It smelled of sandalwood. “A small amount is all you need. One drop will lather your body. Another for your hair.” Trying not to look at him, Deana quickly soaped her body, noting that when she rinsed off, the bubbles disappeared.

“It does not pollute the water. Something your world should learn about. Turn around, I will help you with your hair.” Deana meekly obeyed. She had just experienced a side of Lorgin she didn’t want to test again. At least for a while. Besides, he seemed totally oblivious to her nudity.

When she turned, Lorgin swallowed in an effort to maintain his control. The feel of her naked in his arms, thrashing about, had almost been his undoing. But when he caught his first glimpse of her, the beautifully formed full breasts, the narrow waist, the sweetly rounded hips, and long tapering legs, he almost moaned aloud. It was all he could do not to lower her to the floor by the edge of the pool and take her right then and there.

The only reason he had been able to maintain some semblance of control was his anger toward her. He had hoped she would be more comfortable around him by now.
But such was not the case. He suspected that her experiences with men were limited, a thing unheard of among his people for women who had reached their maturity.

His earlier thoughts came back to haunt him. He would have to overpower her fear of him when the time was right. Yaniff believed that sooner was better than later, and Lorgin was wise enough not to disregard the mystic’s insight.

But now was not the time. Tomorrow, when they reached the house of the healer…

Deana felt Lorgin’s strong fingers massaging her scalp as he lathered her hair. He did not linger over the task, but briskly went about his business, instructing her to duck under the water to rinse off. With economy of movement, he then took care of his own ablutions, rinsing his hair in the same manner. Then he levered himself out of the pool and leaned over to give her a hand out.

Deana tried to look anywhere but

She must have been obvious, for he smiled slightly at her discomfiture as he helped her out. As soon as she was clear of the water, she ran to retrieve her clothes, but he stopped her by coming up behind her and wrapping his powerful arms around her waist.

Deana froze as she felt his slick skin, cool from the water, slide tight against her.

“Lorgin!” She tried to pry his arms loose.

He bent forward whispering in her ear. “Shh…”

She felt warm air gently caressing her ankles. It traveled up her body, this gentle breath of air. Then the soft breeze flowed around them, drying the cool moisture from their bodies. The feel of the soft, warm breeze combined with Lorgin’s smooth, cool hardness behind her, mesmerized Deana. She didn’t realize that her head had fallen back against his chest, or that she had closed her eyes, overtaken by the sensuality of the moment.

Lorgin stared silently down at her, wondering if he
should take advantage of her lapse. It would not be hard for him to ignite her senses now; this he knew. Just as he thought it, he quickly discarded the idea. The area was too accessible, the surroundings too primitive.

When they were dry, he turned her to face him, raising his hands above and to either side of her head, creating a breeze through her hair. The light wind curling through the tendrils of her hair was a direct extension of Lorgin. As he created and controlled the wind current, drying her locks, Deana couldn’t help but feel that it was his fingers running through her hair, lifting it, caressing it, entwining with it…

It took her a few moments to realize he had finished and was now drying his own hair. She quickly donned her clothes, her back to him. Lorgin soon finished, put his garments on, and silently led her back to their room.

As Deana entered the chamber, she realized that Yaniff had retrieved three pallets from his “spatial” closet. She also noted three furs which she assumed were for blankets. At least she would have her own bed tonight. Although she had to admit that Lorgin had made a very nice mattress last night. She sneaked a peak at him and blushed as she thought of his good morning to her. Better to avoid that happening again. Although after the bathing session they had just shared, she was beginning to wonder why she was avoiding it.

She sank down on the nearest pallet, weary to the bone, as Yaniff called Lorgin over to him. Yaniff grinned cheekily, and something he said made Lorgin actually blush. Deana shrugged her shoulders, too tired to even wonder about it…

Yaniff fed Bojo a strip of meat, smirking at Lorgin.

“When I told you to get on with it, boy, I did not anticipate your enthusiasm.” Yaniff fairly cackled with his mirth. “Try wooing her, Lorgin, not terrorizing the poor child.”

Lorgin flushed, his gaze falling on Rejar, who swished his tale, obviously enjoying the entertainment. He squared his shoulders. “I did not terrorize her!”

Yaniff scratched his head, seemingly puzzled. “No? Half the inn heard her yells, I am sure.”

Lorgin started to object, but the old mystic cut him off. “I admire such technique, my young friend.” Yaniff guffawed. “You must teach me this way you have with women!”

Yaniff’s laughter rang through the cave. Even the cat seemed unable to contain his mirth, rolling onto his side, eyes gleaming.

Lorgin just shook his head and turned to the pallet where Adeeann lay. Sometimes, for all his years, Yaniff could be amazingly juvenile. Removing his cape, he lifted the fur and got into bed.

Deana shot up. “What are you doing in here?”

Lorgin stared at her. Was everyone going to give him a problem tonight?

“Sleeping.” He sighed. “Just sleeping.”

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