Knight of Ocean Avenue (20 page)

BOOK: Knight of Ocean Avenue
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He raised an arm over his shoulder and scratched. Felt good so he scratched some more.

“Close your eyes for a second.”

He did.

“Part your lips.

Okay, this was kind of sexy.
Click, click, click

They finished with that outfit, and Ru changed him into some striped pants that didn’t fit exactly right, so he clipped them in the back. Said it wouldn’t show. Then added a great-looking black leather jacket.

When he walked out, Shaz whistled. “I think you have to have that.”

He smiled, but still. Easy for Shaz to say. He didn’t have to live on Billy’s income and outgo.

They changed him twice more. Man, the clothes were gorgeous. He ended up in his own new jeans that fit better than skin and a bulky knit sweater that came up under his chin. Shaz never took the earring off.

As he posed on the stool in the jeans—Ollie had him leaning forward on his hands and smiling, then not smiling—Ru’s voice came from behind the camera. “Shaz, I need to take off for my class.”

“No problem, dear. Ollie and I’ve got this. Have a good class.”

There was rustling and then the sound of the door to the reception area opening. The place got real quiet but for some music playing and the click, click, click.

Getting tired
. At first he’d been scared shitless, then it turned fun, now he was pretty much over it. Models earned their money. It had been a long day before he got here, and there was Little League tomorrow.

“Billy, how about taking off the sweater.”


Ollie walked closer. “I’d like to get some shots with your shirt off. If people can see your body, they’ll be even more impressed with how good you look when properly styled.”

“Shaz, I—”

Shaz stepped into the light. “No need to do it if it makes you uncomfortable. We’ve got great shots without it.”

Oh hell
. He grabbed the bottom of the sweater in both hands and pulled it over his head in one move.

Somebody gasped. Billy sat there with the sweater dangling from his hand. “What?”

“Wow.” Shaz’s voice.

He wrapped an arm across his chest. “I know I’m kind of beefy.”

Ollie started to laugh. “That’s not what we call beefy, man. That’s what we call gorgeous.”

Billy started to put the sweater back on, and Shaz walked across the seamless paper and stopped his arm. “Truly, Billy. You look wonderful. If you don’t want the pictures, I totally understand. But believe it. You look great.”

“Okay. Sure. I don’t mind the pictures.”

Click, click, click
. “Can I see your back, Billy?”

He turned and bent over a little.

“Perfect. Hold that a second.”

Jesus, it was weird. Kind of like posing for porno or something. Except with his clothes on.
Click, click

Ollie turned him around a few times and kept taking pictures. “Hey, Shaz, would you mind if I took a couple of art shots? It would only take a few minutes.”

“Not me you have to ask, darling. Billy has to feel comfortable with it.”

“Actually, I was thinking what a beautiful contrast there would be between your body and Billy’s. If I could persuade you to take off your shirt and pose with Billy, I’d take ten percent off my bill.”

Pose with Shaz?
Every nerve ending woke up.

Shaz walked over beside Ollie. “You’re not trying to lure us into posing nude, are you, you young lech?”

Billy swallowed.

“Hell, if I thought I could, I’d take a much bigger percentage off.”

Billy took a step toward them. “Uh, I don’t think so.”

Shaz nodded. “There’s your answer. But for twenty percent off, I’m willing to show off my masculine pulchritude, as long as I have control of how the pictures are used.”

“Fifteen percent.”

“Deal.” He stuck out his hand, and Ollie shook it.

What would this be like?

Shaz was wearing jeans and a white shirt with a scarf tucked in at the neck. Way tame for the wild man that was Shaz. He grabbed the scarf and slowly pulled it from around his neck. He looked up and saw Billy staring. He winked, then took the scarf, tucked it under his butt, and waggled. Billy laughed. Adding a “dum dum de dum” like a stripper, he swung the scarf and tossed it toward Billy. It floated and Billy grabbed it in midair. Before he realized it, he’d pressed it to his nose. It smelled like the soft citrus-floral scent Shaz wore and, under it, like the man. The sweetness dove straight to Billy’s cock.

Shaz looked over his shoulder at Billy and danced a little as he seemed to be unbuttoning his shirt. Billy glanced at Ollie, but the guy’s eyes were glued to Shaz. No judgment coming from that quarter.

Yeah, glued was the word. Shaz dropped the shirt off his shoulder, smiled, and pulled it back up. Slowly he lowered it again, then pulled the white cloth off the other shoulder and let it fall down his back.
. Billy had seen Shaz’s cock but not his chest. The guy’s skin glowed like milk in soft light. His shoulders were wide. Easier to notice without clothes. But then they narrowed quickly. Shaz lowered the shirt to his butt, showing off his slim waist. He stuck out his arms and let the shirt fall to the floor, then wrapped his arms so that his hands showed behind his back and waggled his fingers at Billy.

Billy laughed. The guy never took himself too seriously.

But this moment was damned serious for his cock. Shaz turned slowly. His pecs swelled slightly over the clearly defined muscle on his rib cage and belly. It was like the body of some Greek statue of a boy god. Clearly male, but so willowy he could have been a girl if he’d had breasts. So beautiful.

Can’t stop staring.

Shaz reached up with one hand and pulled off the band he had wrapped around his ponytail. He flipped it onto the floor as his hair fell like a red curtain at a high-priced strip show Billy had gone to once with Jim and the guys. He hadn’t liked that show much. This one was another story.

Ollie sighed. Billy felt his hands tighten. What exactly did the photographer have going with Shaz?

Ollie kind of shook his head. “Man, you two are perfect. It’s like the extremes of the masculine body. I’m lovin’ this. Go over there, Shaz. You two do whatever you want and I’ll get it on film, okay?”

Shaz kicked off his loafers, showing off his narrow bare feet, and padded kind of slinky-like toward Billy.
Whoa. Cannot breathe
. Shaz got close, turned his back, and wound one arm up Billy’s chest until his hand grasped the back of Billy’s neck.
Click, click, click

Shaz’s butt pressed tight against Billy’s thighs, and the silky hair tickled his nipple.
Holy shit.
He was hard as steel. Easy to see why he never knew in twenty-five years he was gay. He’d never met Shaz. The guy was like fire to his kindling. He’d been waiting his whole life for those flames.

Shaz wound his other arm backward and grabbed Billy’s hand. He intertwined their fingers and pulled Billy’s arm around him. Billy glanced at Ollie. The guy seemed in heaven. Hell, Ollie didn’t care what Billy did. The sexier the better. And right now, he felt way sexy.

Billy wrapped his arm all the way around Shaz’s slim waist, leaned down, and whispered through the veil of hair, “Shit, man. You are amazing.”

“I sure hope so.”

Shaz kind of danced around him as Ollie snapped pictures. He got behind him and peeked under Billy’s arm, then out of sight of the camera, stuck his hand down the back of Billy’s jeans and pinched his ass. “Ow.”

Billy turned, grabbed Shaz by the hair, and pulled him closer. The green eyes sparkled as he pretended to resist. In one swoop, Billy reached down and swept him off his feet, pulled that lean body into his arms, and swung him over his shoulder. Shaz squealed like a girl, and Billy smacked his butt. Oh man, he’d like to pull those jeans off, but the click of the camera screamed they weren’t alone.

Shaz squirmed until Billy slid him slowly down his back. Ollie was having a camera orgy over there, but Billy wanted a different kind of orgy. His erection pushed out the front of his jeans, and there wasn’t one damned thing he could do about it. Shaz’s weight disappeared from his back and Billy heard the soft pad of his footsteps. “Ollie, darling, you have enough, don’t you?”

“Oh sure, Shaz.”

Billy walked over to the water dispenser and poured a cup. He should dip his cock in it. Maybe it would make it go down.

Shaz kept talking to Ollie. “Why don’t you leave your gear set up, and we’ll take the opportunity to photograph some of the girls this week, okay? It seems a shame not to use it while it’s here.”

“That would be great. I think I have some time on Thursday.”

“I’ll have Ru schedule the models.” Their footsteps echoed on the wood floor, and their voices got more muffled. They must be walking toward the entrance. Billy’s heart beat faster.




for the music.

Suddenly the song got louder. Sting’s voice singing “Every Breath You Take.” Billy turned in time to see a flying Shaz launching in his direction. He better catch him.

And he did.

Shaz wrapped his arms and legs around him like a wild monkey. His breath came high, hard, and loud. “Oh God, oh God. Get it out, fast.” Shaz grabbed Billy’s head and pressed their lips together until his tongue dove deep into Billy’s mouth. Like a hot bolt of lightning from his tonsils to his penis in one flash. Still kissing, he started trying to get his hand down low enough to grab Billy’s zipper. That was so not working.

Shaz rode him like a pole. Billy stretched one arm under Shaz’s butt to hold him up, then reached under him and pulled down his own fly. Jesus, his cock was trying to push out of the gap in the denim right through his briefs.

Shaz gasped, “Put me down a sec.”

Billy let Shaz’s legs touch the ground. That man was nude so fast you could barely see the transformation.

Sweet God, look at that body. Wow, no time to look
. Shaz had ripped Billy’s jeans down his hips and knelt staring at his cock. He stuck out his tongue and licked.

“Wait. Get my boots off.”

Shaz unfastened the beautiful ankle boots and helped Billy step out of them. Then he pulled off the socks one at a time as Billy stood on one foot and then the other.

Billy let the jeans fall to his ankles and stepped out. He was mother naked, cock pressed against his abdomen.

Shaz stood fast and threw himself back into Billy’s arms. Billy laughed. “Whoa. I don’t want to drop you.”

“You won’t. Turn me upside down.”


“Come on. I’ve always wanted to try this.”

Billy put one arm under Shaz’s legs and shifted him so his head was down. He propped his arms against Billy’s thighs, red hair flowing like a waterfall, and his feet pointed toward the ceiling.

“This is so cool. Am I too heavy?”

“No. Light as a feather.”

“Good.” And in one swallow, Billy’s cock disappeared into Shaz heaven.

“Holy shit. Warn a guy or you could wind up on your head.”

Shaz said nothing but “umpf.”

Oh God, the position was so disorienting with Shaz’s tongue working from the opposite side and, hanging free, he could bob and weave in a whole new way. Sweet crap, it felt so good with his balls banging around in the breeze.

He glanced down and laughed. Shaz’s dick was pressed down and jammed against Billy’s chest so that the head poked not far below his mouth. Just for fun, he shifted his hold on Shaz, pulling him higher, stuck out his tongue, and painted the tip with moisture. Salty, musky, um, good. He licked again.

Shaz’s voice sounded muffled from somewhere around Billy’s groin. “Oh, baby, this is fun. But you’re doing all the work.”

“I like my part of the bargain just fine.”

Shaz swallowed him again and Billy gasped.
Oh yeah
. Needed a distraction or it was over. He managed to get Shaz’s mushroom head between his lips and sucked. It fit so nice. Shaz pressed his tongue into Billy’s slit, so he did the same to Shaz and got a great moan. This was fun. They bobbed and slurped and moaned for a few minutes. Heat spread through Billy’s legs. Melting was certain.

Suddenly Shaz popped his lips off. “Want to fuck me?”

He froze with Shaz’s cock still in his mouth.
Fuck? Really?
Was he that gay? The idea made him shake—but not with fear. He let the dick slip out. “I think so.” His knees did what they wanted to—folded down to the ground. He made sure not to bang Shaz’s head.

Shaz walked away from him on his hands like a child playing wheelbarrow, then collapsed on his side. “We’ll start. You can tell me at any time if you don’t like it, okay?”

Billy nodded.

“Go get on the couch while I get condoms and lube.”

Running nude across the studio was kind of fun. He’d be chilly if the whole idea wasn’t burning him up from the inside. How did you fuck a man exactly? He’d watched it in the porn movies and they made it look so easy—and so hot. But was it? If you only got one take?

There was a beautiful orangey throw across the back of the couch, and he lay down and pulled it over himself, making an orange tent instead.

He looked up in time to see Shaz running toward him. He laughed. The guy had an impossibly sexy body, but he kind of ran like a girl. Of course, his cock bouncing in front of him was not girly. Shaz dove onto Billy until they were lying chest to chest and cock to cock with the orange throw lying on the floor. Shaz stared into his eyes. His grin reminded Billy of a cat. “I thought you might be cold.”

Billy touched that supersoft hair. “Not anymore.”



“Haven’t you ever ass fucked a woman before?”

“Uh, no.”

“No worries. You’ll pick it up quickly.”

“You think?”

“Absolutely. And if you don’t like it, we’ll go back to sucking.” He kissed Billy’s nose. “Not that we’re ever giving sucking up, you understand.”

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