KnightForce Damian (La Patron's KnightForce Book 4) (15 page)

BOOK: KnightForce Damian (La Patron's KnightForce Book 4)
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"We're working on it," Silas soothed.

"I want to know what her connection is to Tara since that's not her mother," Jasmine said.

"Biological mother," Amynta said.

Jasmine nodded. "Right, they could have a different type of relationship."

"Tara could've been her mentor, someone training her in the area," Asia said.

"If Ivona trusted Tara, it would explain how the woman was able to take the child out of the country," Amynta said.

"And why Tara's running scared. Nothing burns like betrayal, especially with your child," Barticus said. Amynta leaned into him and Asia covered his hand.

Angus cleared his throat. "There are several theories on the table, we need proof." He looked at Silas. "How much time did they give you for an answer?"

Silas looked at the clock. "Until eight, we have ten hours.”

"Or what?" Barticus demanded.

"Or they won't wake him. Whatever they did to him can't be reversed after that time."

Chapter 22



Gem's head pounded as if the flat end of a shovel hit the inside repeatedly without breaks. She held the sides of her face in her palms and kept her eyes squeezed tight. At some point the car must've stopped. Damian's arms wrapped around her and somehow he moved her onto his lap, holding her close.

Warmth from the contact chased away the chill invading her legs. Quentin placed her feet on his lap and rubbed them as he sang softly. Even though Gem couldn't make out the words, the melody seeped into her skin. Surrounded by pack, her beast surged and fought Lamia's intrusion with a ferocity that made her back arch. Chills ran up and down her back. A fine tremor wracked her for a few seconds and then it stopped.

The pain eased in her head. She took several deep breaths and pressed closer to Damian's warmth. No one said anything for several seconds.

"What was that?" Quentin asked, holding onto her feet.

"Lamia," she said, and cleared her throat. "She can contact me." Gem kept her eyes closed and didn't look at Damian or Quentin. She didn't need to see the confusion or pity on their faces.

"Contact you? Seemed like she was trying to take over again," Damian said.

Gem thought about it for a few seconds. "No, this wasn't that. When she tried to hijack me, it was swift and brutal. This, this hurt, it was intentional. She's trying to get my attention." Gem was certain Lamia's anger over her not reconnecting was behind this attack.

"You make it sound like she's a real person," Quentin said.

Gem opened her eyes and stared at him. "She is. A really old person who's confused, stubborn, opinionated, proud, bossy, and childish. Yes, Lamia is all of those things," Gem said, her voice rising at the end.

," Lamia said.

"Yes. That wasn't necessary. I told you we would talk later and I'm on my way to you. Plus, you promised not to hurt me. Well, that hurt."

"Okay, okay," Quentin said, holding his palms out. "I believe you. And I didn't mean it the way it sounded. What I meant was you sound as if you know her. Anyway, if you're feeling better, I'll get us back on the road." He lifted her feet, opened the door and backed out while placing her feet gently on the seat.

Damian continued holding her as the car pulled onto the road. Quentin turned to a light jazz station and hummed along with the music.

"The Lamia is inside you?"
Damian asked.

"Not really. We have a mental link and she used it to lash out."

"Can you talk to her?"

"Yes, I can. I don't think she's talked to anyone outside her host or the covens in a long time. She's fascinated that I'm a doctor, who lives alone and does my own thing."

"You live alone?
" Damian asked while playing with her hair.

Yes. You?

"Raoul lives with me. Now that he's mated he'll probably move. Not into Ivona's house, I trashed that one."

"They could live with you."

"No, they cannot. First, he's newly mated, which means he needs a place free of all males and I'm not moving from my place. Second, I cannot stand his witch. I'd probably choke her."

"And he'd fight you over that
," she said.

Yes, and he'd lose again."

She smiled at the confidence in his voice and the hardness between his legs poking her butt.
"You're right, it's not a good idea for them to live with you."
She moved slightly against him, testing his control.

Damian moaned. "
Are you feeling better?"

She understood his question and hesitated. Did she want to have an intimate relationship with him? Yes, she did, but not yet, and not in the back of a SUV.

"Yes, but not good enough for intimacy in the truck."

"Later? After we reach Barticus' den?"

"That would be better. I promised Lamia I would speak with her when we got there.
" He squeezed her tight and she delighted in the sensations flowing through her. "
You smell good."

"I do?"

Head pressed against his chest, she nodded and inhaled again. A few minutes later his arousal continued its assault. "
What are you thinking
?" she asked.

"What I plan to do to you later.

His quick response surprised and delighted her. "
I'm not going to ask anything else, I can tell you want to tell me."

He chuckled. "
I could share with you but I prefer to show you later.

She liked this side of his personality, he seemed more approachable, open.
"Where do you live?"

"Homestead, not too far from US1 and the shops. You?"

"Closer to Naranja. I have a house on pack lands. More things to do, better shopping."


"Have you been there yet?"

"No. Since my assignment to the area I've been hunting rebels and putting out fires, I haven't seen much yet. You should invite me to come see you and that way I'll be sure to make time."

She smiled.
"Does that work for you?"

" She heard the smile in his voice.

That line, you know what I'm talking about."

Damian laughed.
"Believe it or not, I've never used it before. Without sounding conceited, I don't use lines. I'm a straightforward beast. I want you, you want me, we come together see how it goes. Neither of us are mated, right?"

"Right. Your beast would never allow your cock to rise if you were mated."

"And your beast would never allow you to be so wet if you were mated,
" he said, rubbing her arms with his palms.

"Um, feels good.
" She relaxed beneath his massage.


"What Lamia?"

"I am tired."

Gem perked up. "
Get some rest, I'll see you in the morning
." She preferred to hook up with Damian anyway.

No. You speak of sleep. I am tired. Of all of this.

Gem covered Damian's hand. "W
hat's all of this?"

"The continuing demands and no rest. I want to rest."

“Rest as in die?”
Gem wasn't sure.

Is she talking to you
?" Damian asked.

Gem nodded.

"We can talk about it when I get there
," Gem said.

"They are here, waiting for me to serve them."

"Who? The witches?"

"It does not matter, they are all the same, wanting something, wanting more."

Gem wondered if Lamia was confused, she sounded rational.
"You think they will try to hurt us? Stop me from coming inside to see you?"

"No, they will not hurt you, I will not allow it, but hurry. I grow weary and seek to end all of this soon."

Gem met Damian's concerned gaze. "How much longer to get there, Quentin?"

"Maybe 30 or 40 minutes," he said.

Gem shook her head. "Can you cut that time in half, our time's running out."

Damian's brow rose at her comment. "Running out?"

"Yes, she's tired of being Lamia, I guess, and plans to do something about it soon."

"So? If she kills herself what does that have to do with you?"

"I don't know what this connection we have means or how it works. Might be a good idea to get a handle on that before she self-destructs, don't you think?"

He touched the tip of her nose. "Yes, you're right."




Almost 25 minutes later, they pulled up to the gate and security allowed them entry after a thorough scan. Yawning, Quentin drove to the car park area, where a servant opened the door and assisted Gem out of the back seat. Damian took both of their bags and they followed another servant inside.

"Hello, Sir. Lord Barticus informed us of your arrival, if you follow me I'll take you to your rooms." The solidly built full-blood turned and walked through a dimly lit hall. A door flew open. A blond head peaked out, shrieked, and ran toward them.

Gem stopped as the female leapt forward.

Damian dropped their bags and caught her. To his credit he tried to pry the female's arms from his neck, but she held on like a leech. Gem bent to pick up her bag but the servant grabbed them both.  He pointed to an open door and looked at Quentin. "Your room."

Smiling, Quentin stepped inside and closed the door.

"Randi let go," Damian said, sounding aggravated.

"Have you heard anything about Raoul? Daddy told me you were on your way to help, tell me what you know."

Daddy? Raoul? Gem took another look at the female and saw the resemblance. Her chest didn't lighten though, Randi looked very comfortable holding onto Damian.

Frowning, he pulled Randi away and stepped aside. "Back up, you know better, and don't use being upset as an excuse either. We don't have that kind of friendship for that kind of greeting."

Randi's cheeks turned red as she stepped aside. "Still angry I see. I'd hoped you'd have mellowed."

"In two months?" He snorted and looked at the valet. "Where are our rooms?"

"This way."

"Hi, I'm Randi, Raoul's sister." Randi stepped in front of Gem with her hand outstretched.

Gem took it and released it. "Hello, I'm Gem."

Randi frowned. "Gem?" She looked at Damian and then at Gem.

"Dr. Gem Okla," Damian said moving off. "Not that it's any of your business. Gem, I'll put these up, go and do what you need to do."

"Okay." Turning, she inhaled, picked up Lamia's scent, and headed in the direction of the stairs leading down.

"Are you a real doctor?" Randi asked, walking a few steps behind.

"Yes." Gem hoped Randi didn't plan on following her around.

"Do you know my brother? Were you with Damian when he was taken?"

Gem stopped and looked at Randi. "I met Raoul at the clinic where I work. He's been very kind and I hate he was taken. But everything is being handled by our Alphas. I cannot discuss anything with you."

"Is it true he is mated?"

Gem's brow rose. She turned and continued to the door leading downstairs.

"Okay, okay, just one thing. One last thing," Randi said.

Releasing a long sigh, Gem looked over her shoulder at the woman.

"Is Damian still mad at me?"

"I have no idea; he's never mentioned you before."

Randi's face tightened, and she turned and walked off. Gem wasn't sure what had happened between Damian and the female, but she wasn't about to be drawn into those waters. Instead, she followed Lamia's scent until she reached a metal door.



"Where's security? I'm at the entry to see Lamia but no one's here to allow me in."

"One second.

A few moments later, dressed in only his pants and socks, Damian rounded the corner and looked at the door. He typed a code into a panel she hadn't seen, and then placed his palm on the scanner. After a series of beeps, he typed something else, stood back and told her to place her hand on the scanner.

She did and the scanner took her palm print. The door opened and she walked through.

Thank you,
" she called over her shoulder.

No problem, I should've remembered but I didn't. I put your bag in my room. Let me know when you're done. If there are any problems, let me know,
" he said, sounding like a KnightForce agent again instead of the man she'd spend a few hours with later.

Okay, see you soon.
" The door closed behind her and she walked down a flight of stairs and stopped. A security guard scanned her before allowing her inside. Three metal doors with small windows were on the right side in the concrete room. Three large leather chairs, one in front of each door were to the left. Gem walked slowly to the last door and stopped.

"You really did come," Lamia said from behind the door.

Gem looked around and sat in the chair. "I won't lie to you, Lamia."

"All humans lie. It's your nature."

"If that's what you think why do you want to talk?"

"You didn't want anything from me except for me to be well, healthy. Is that because you are a physician? Or your beast?"

Gem wasn't sure how to answer that. All her life she'd been curious how things work, and the human body posed the greatest mystery of all. She'd gotten into medicine because it was such a challenge, somewhere along the way seeing people get better became her goal. "A combination of both I suppose. What do you mean you're tired? How can you rest?" She wanted to be sure the Lamia wasn't thinking of self-destruction.

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