Knocking on Heaven's Door (45 page)

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We know a lot about what the Higgs boson’s interactions should be because the Higgs boson and Higgs field, though different entities, interact similarly with other elementary particles. So we know about the Higgs field’s interactions with elementary particles from the size of their masses. Because the Higgs mechanism is responsible for elementary particle masses, we know the Higgs field interacts most strongly with the heaviest particles. Because the Higgs boson is created from the Higgs field, we know its interactions too. The Higgs boson—like the Higgs field—interacts more strongly with the Standard Model particles that have the biggest mass.

This greater interaction between a Higgs boson and heavier particles implies that the Higgs boson would be more readily produced if you could start off with heavy particles and collide them to produce a Higgs boson. Unfortunately for Higgs boson production, we don’t start off with heavy particles at colliders. Think about how the LHC might make Higgs bosons—or any particles for that matter. LHC collisions involve light particles. Their small mass tells us that the interaction with the Higgs particle is so minuscule that if there were no other particles involved in Higgs production, the rate would be far too low to detect anything for any collider we have built so far.

Fortunately, quantum mechanics provides alternatives. Higgs production proceeds in a subtle manner at particle colliders that involves virtual heavy particles. When light quarks collide together, they can make heavy particles that subsequently emit a Higgs boson. For example, light quarks can collide to produce a virtual W, the first picture in gauge boson. This virtual particle can then emit a Higgs boson. (See the first picture in Figure 51 for this production mode.) Because the
boson is so much heavier than either the up or down quarks inside the proton, its interaction with the Higgs boson is significantly greater. With enough proton collisions, the Higgs boson should be produced in this manner.

Three modes of Higgs production: in order (top to bottom), Higgs-strahlung,
fusion, and

Another mode for Higgs production occurs when quarks emit two virtual weak gauge bosons, which then collide to produce a single Higgs, as seen in the second picture of Figure 51. In this case, the Higgs is produced along with two jets associated with the quarks that scatter off when the gauge bosons are emitted. Both this and the previous production mechanism produce a Higgs but also other particles. In the first case, the Higgs is produced in conjunction with a gauge boson. In the second case, which will be more important at the LHC, the Higgs boson is produced along with jets.

But Higgs bosons can also be made all by themselves. This happens when gluons collide together to make a top quark and an antitop quark that annihilate to produce a Higgs boson, as seen in the third picture. Really, the top quark and antiquark are virtual quarks that don’t last a long time, but quantum mechanics tells us this process occurs reasonably often since the top quark interacts so strongly with the Higgs. This production mechanism, unlike the two we just discussed, leaves no trace aside from the Higgs particle, which then decays.

So even though the Higgs itself is not necessarily very heavy—again, it is likely to have mass comparable to the weak gauge bosons and less than that of the top quark—heavy particles such as gauge bosons or top quarks are likely to be involved in its production. Higher-energy collisions, such as those at the LHC, therefore help facilitate Higgs boson production, as does the enormous rate of particle collisions.

But even with a big production rate, another challenge to observing the Higgs boson persists—the manner in which it decays. The Higgs boson, like many other heavier particles, is not stable. Note that it is a Higgs particle, and not the Higgs field, that decays. The Higgs field spreads throughout the vacuum to give mass to elementary particles and doesn’t disappear. The Higgs boson is an actual particle. It is the detectable experimental consequence of the Higgs mechanism. Like other particles, it can be produced in colliders. And like other unstable particles, it doesn’t last forever. Because the decay happens essentially immediately, the only way to find a Higgs boson is to find its decay products. The Higgs boson decays into the particles with which it interacts—namely, all the particles that acquire mass through the Higgs mechanism and that are sufficiently light to be produced. When a particle and its antiparticle emerge from Higgs boson decay, those particles must each weigh less than half its mass in order to conserve energy. The Higgs particle will decay primarily into the heaviest particles it can produce, given this requirement. The problem is that this means that relatively light Higgs boson only rarely decays into the particles that are easiest to identify and observe.

If the Higgs boson defies expectations and is not light, but turns out to be heavier than twice the
boson mass (but less than twice the top quark mass), the Higgs search will be relatively simple. The Higgs with a big enough mass would decay to the
bosons or
bosons practically all the time. (See Figure 52 for decay into
s.) Experimenters know how to identify the
s and
s that would remain, so Higgs discovery wouldn’t be very hard.

A heavy Higgs boson can decay to
gauge bosons.

The next most likely decay mode in this relatively heavy Higgs scenario would involve a bottom quark and its antiparticle. However, the rate for the decay into a bottom quark and its antiparticles would be much smaller because the bottom quark has much smaller mass—and hence much smaller interaction with the Higgs boson—than the
gauge boson. A Higgs heavy enough to decay into
s will turn into bottom quarks less than one percent of the time. Decays to lighter particles would happen less frequently still. So if the Higgs boson is relatively heavy—heavier than we expect—it will decay to weak gauge bosons. And those decays would be relatively easy to see.

However, as suggested earlier, theory coupled with experimental data about the Standard Model tell us the Higgs boson is likely to be so light that it won’t decay into weak gauge bosons. The most frequent decay in this case would be into a bottom quark in conjunction with its antiparticle—the bottom antiquark (see Figure 53)—and this decay is challenging to observe. One problem is that when protons collide, lots of strongly interacting quarks and gluons are produced. And these can easily be confused with the small number of bottom quarks that will emerge from a hypothetical Higgs boson decay. On top of that, so many top quarks will be produced at the LHC that their decays to bottom quarks will also mask the Higgs signal. Theorists and experimenters are hard at work trying to see if there is any way to harness the bottom-antibottom final state of Higgs decay. Even so, despite the bigger rate, this mode probably isn’t the most promising way to discover the Higgs at the LHC—though theorists and experimenters are likely to find ways to capitalize on it.

A light Higgs boson will decay primarily to bottom quarks.

So experimenters have to investigate alternative final states from Higgs decays, even though they will occur less frequently. The most promising candidates are tau-antitau or a pair of photons. Recall that taus are the heaviest of the three types of charged leptons and are the heaviest particles aside from bottom quarks that a Higgs boson can decay into. The rate to photons is much smaller—Higgs bosons decay into photons only through quantum virtual effects—but photons are relatively easy to detect. Although the mode is challenging, experiments will be able to measure photon properties so well once enough Higgs bosons decay that they will indeed be able to identify the Higgs boson that decays into them.

In fact, because of the criticality of Higgs discovery, CMS and ATLAS put elaborate and careful search strategies in place to find photons and taus, and the detectors in both experiments were constructed with a view to detecting the Higgs boson in mind. The electromagnetic calorimeters described in Chapter 13 were designed to carefully measure photons while the muon detectors help register decays of the even heavier taus. Together these modes are expected to establish the Higgs boson’s existence, and once enough Higgs bosons are detected, we’ll learn about its properties.

Both production and decay pose challenges for Higgs boson discovery. But theorists and experimenters and the LHC itself should all be up to the challenge. Physicists hope that within a few years, we will be able to celebrate the discovery of the Higgs boson and learn more about its properties.


So we expect to soon find the Higgs boson. In principle, it could be produced in the initial LHC run at half the intended energy, since that is more than sufficient to create the particle. However, we have seen that the Higgs boson will be produced from proton collisions only a small fraction of the time. This means that Higgs particles will be created only when there are many proton collisions—which means high luminosity. The original number of collisions that were scheduled before the LHC would shut down for a year and a half to prepare for its target energy was most likely too small to make enough Higgs bosons to see, but the plan for the LHC to run through 2012 before a year-long shutdown might permit access to the elusive Higgs boson. Certainly, when the LHC runs at full capacity, the luminosity will be high enough and the Higgs boson search will be one of its principal goals.

The search might seem superfluous if we are so confident that the Higgs boson exists (and if the pursuit is so difficult). But it’s worth the effort for several reasons. Perhaps most significant, theoretical predictions take us only so far. Most people rightfully trust and believe only in scientific results that have been verified through observations. The Higgs boson is a very different particle from anything anyone has ever discovered. It would be the only fundamental scalar ever observed. Unlike particles such as quarks and gauge bosons, scalars—which are particles with zero spin—remain the same when you rotate or boost your system. The only spin-0 particles that have been observed so far are bound states of particles such as quarks that do have nonzero spin. We won’t know for certain that a Higgs scalar exists until it emerges and leaves visible evidence in a detector.

Second, even if and when we find the Higgs boson and know for certain of its existence, we will want to know its properties. The mass is the most significant unknown. But learning about its decays is also important. We know what we expect, but we need to measure whether data agree with predictions. This will tell us whether our simple theory of a Higgs field is correct or whether it is part of a more complicated theory. By measuring the Higgs boson’s properties, we will gain insights into what else might lie beyond the Standard Model.

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