Knox (BBW Bear Shifter Moonshiner Romance) (120 Proof Honey) (105 page)

BOOK: Knox (BBW Bear Shifter Moonshiner Romance) (120 Proof Honey)
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“I forgive you,” she whispered into his skin.

He nipped her ear, kissed the sweet spot where her lobe met her jaw. “I like you.”

“I like you too.”

Then Henry pushed off the door, brought her to the bed, and dropped her squealing on the mattress. He looked at the bedside clock. “We have twenty minutes left in this year, Lila Ellis. What do you want to do with it?”

Lila looked up at him, at his gorgeous flushed cheeks, at the bulge of his pants, the clean line of his belly. “I want you. I want all of you.”

.” He opened the bedside drawer and pawed around until he found a little accordion sheet of condoms packaged in silver foil. “I have some of these, if that’s what you mean.”

A thrill shot through Lila’s lower belly. She put her hands in her lap, as though Henry could see her through her jeans. “I’m kind of hairy. It’s gross.”

Henry dipped down the band of his boxers to show her the tuft of curly black hair nestled between his hipbones. “Me too.” He pinched at the barely noticeable paunch of his belly. “And I get fucking fat in the winter. It’s all that hibernating I do.”

Heat gathered deep in her pelvis at the sight of his exposed belly.

“You’re not fat.”

Lila sat up, grabbed the collar of his shirt, and pulled him onto her.

“I’ll crush you,” Henry whispered, and she murmured back, “No, you won’t,” and he settled over her and covered her mouth with his, kissing her like the world itself was ending in twenty minutes. He slid his hand under her head, grabbed her hair at the root, and pushed her even closer to him, his hot delicious tongue exploring the inside of her lips and the edges of her teeth.

Lila ground her pelvis against his thigh, whimpered into his mouth, tugged the back of his shirt up. She pulled away just long enough to tell him, “Take your shirt off.”

“You first,” he returned, and he sat up, the thick curve of his cock pressing between her thighs. She moaned at the feel of it, her hips rising to rub the aching bead of her clit against him. He growled at the back of his throat, and he wrestled her shirt off and then his own, reached under her to unclip her plain gray bra.

Her tits fit perfectly in the bowl of his hand, and he kneaded them between his fingers, brought his head down to her nipples. He licked one, tentatively. “Is that okay?”

Lila nodded, grabbed a handful of his soft dark hair, and pushed his head back down. Her other hand under the waistband of his sweats, into that incredible electric heat. She rubbed her palm against the smooth head of his cock, slick with pre-cum. He moaned against her breast, made her damp slit even wetter.

“Condom,” she gasped, undoing her pants. “I need you. I need you.”

Henry’s rough enormous hands reached under her, gently pulled her jeans over her hips, down her thighs, onto the floor. He grabbed her ass in both hands and massaged her cheeks, pulled them apart and pushed them together, murmuring, “God, Lila. God. You’re tremendous.”

Lila nodded. “Please fuck me,” she whispered.

“Okay,” he whispered back.

In the dark of the room, Henry dropped his sweats and slipped on the condom. Lila eased out of her underwear, and Henry dipped his finger into her wetness, growled something needy and incoherent, pushed his finger deeper into her opening.

Lila heard herself gasp. She couldn’t think, could barely keep her eyes open. Henry’s finger moved inside her, and she pushed herself down on his hand, drawing him in deeper, until the pad of his finger brushed that sweet spot deep in her cunt, and Lila moaned, reached for Henry and his impossibly hard member.

He climbed on top of her and ran the tip of his cock up and down the length of her soaking swollen lips until Lila pushed her hips up again and again to meet him, whimpering and delirious with need.

And then he pushed his thickness into her, and she spread for him like he’d been made for her. She clutched at his hair, his neck, his back. Her hips collided hard with his. Henry drove into her over and over, inexhaustible, his dick hitting her in her deepest, most sensitive parts.

Her orgasm built up inside her like a storm, her own wetness running down her thighs and ass. She felt him pulse inside her, heard his gasps turn into sublime moans, and suddenly Henry sat up, still firmly inside her, lifted her by her hips, and pounded into her hard and fast, deeper than he’d ever been, deeper than anyone had ever been, some place of profound heat that sent her orgasm thundering from her belly all the way down to her clit, to her tingling pussy lips, and further still, down to the very soles of her feet.

Lila came with a cry of astonishment, and moments later, Henry burst inside her, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of her thighs, his cheeks flushed and his eyes closed.

He withdrew and paused for a second, holding his emptied balls, staring at her nakedness in disbelief.

“What?” she said, shyly.

“You’re tremendous, Lila Ellis.” Henry stood on shaking legs, blinked like a man seeing the world for the first time, and wandered into the bathroom to clean himself up.

Lila stared at the ceiling, her eyes glassy, her head and her pussy pulsing with the eternal thrum of her heart. She didn’t know she could finish like that. She never could before.

But then, she’d never been with anyone like Henry before.

She tilted her head to look at the clock. It was a little after midnight on the first day of a brand new year.

The bathroom door squeaked open, and Henry climbed back under the covers. He drew Lila’s naked body to his and kissed the back of her neck. His stubble made her shiver.

Lila tilted her head to look at him. His soft-lidded, perfectly content smile made her whole being feel lighter. “Happy new year,” she told him. And then she kissed him, gentle and sweet as she could.

“You better come back for the next one.” He held her tighter, and Lila ran her hands up and down his forearms, trying to remember the shape of them.

“Or sooner.”

“Or sooner,” he agreed.

They held each other all night and watched the window, waiting for dawn.

Bearly Protected

Big Paw Security Book II


Becca Fanning

“Beth, listen to me. You've done all you can. It isn't safe for you anymore. Take a few days off, lay low, and you can come back to work when all of this blows over. It will blow over, I promise. Beth, listen to Cheryl and I. Your life depends on it.”

“Beth! Are you listening to me? Beth!”

Beth Anthem shook herself back to reality. Whatever her boss, Jeff Kastner, had just told her had went in one ear and out of the other. If Cheryl hadn't gotten in her face and yelled her name, she didn't know if she would ever have come out of her trance.

“What? I heard you,” Beth replied, though in truth she hadn't. “We're going to lose the case. I got it. We lose cases all of the time. I did the best I could.”

“Did you listen to a word I said?” Kastner asked, getting out of his chair and leaning on the desk in front of Beth and Cheryl. His office was small, much smaller than you would have expected from the founder of Kastner and Kastner Law Firm. The walls were lined with musty old books on law and who knows what else. The room would have been oppressive if not for the large window taking up the whole back wall. Sunlight streamed in, but Beth noticed that storm clouds were slowly blowing in. She wondered if it was an omen of what was to come.

“Beth,” Cheryl said, all traces of joking gone. “This is serious. The drug charges might stick to Hudson. The murder charges won't. And when he's free, he's going to come after the only person who has gotten in his way. That's you. He's coming after you.”

“You don't know that,” Beth stated. In her heart, though, she did. Charles Hudson was one of the most dangerous men in America. The amount of times he'd been in and out of court was almost laughable. He was never charged with any serious crimes.

“We do, Beth,” Kastner said, grabbing her hands gently. His old hands were surprisingly soft for his age. “We all knew the risks involved in taking this case. Every prosecuting attorney who has ever opposed him in the court room has wound up disappearing. It's time that you disappeared, too. Before he finds you and does it himself.”

Beth looked into his face, then glanced at Cheryl. Studying their faces, Beth watched as they cycled between fear, concern, and back to fear again. This is real, she thought.

“Okay,” Beth agreed. Kastner and Cheryl both visibly relaxed. “I'll head back home for a few weeks. Nothing longer than that. You know I can't afford to miss too much work. Plus, what would I do without you two in my life?”

Her levity was appreciated, but it did little to ease the tension in the room. Behind Kastner's bent frame, the storm was really rolling it. It was going to be a long, miserably wet drive all of the way back home. Beth almost let out a shudder. Home. The thought shook her up almost as much as Hudson's threat had.

“Don't worry about that. I'll make sure you still get paid, no matter how long it takes. You're like family, Beth. I don't know what I would do without your help around here,” Kastner said, slowly getting up and embracing Beth in a hug. Beth moved to her friend.

“I'll stay in touch,” Cheryl whispered, clutching her. Tears formed at her eyes. She's more worried about me than I am, Beth thought. Should I be taking this more seriously?

Beth grabbed her purse and started to leave Kastner's office. As her hand touched the door knob, she heard Kastner behind her say, “We'll figure out some way to help you, Beth. Don't worry.”

“No one ever told me that being a lawyer would be so exciting,” Beth said, flashing her best smile, and was out the door. The door slammed, leaving the other two lawyers sitting in silence as thunder rumbled through the sky.

“Shit, shit, shit!” Beth sprinted across the parking lot, finding herself soaked by the pouring rain within seconds. The storm had blown in faster than she had expected. Thunder shook the ground and lightning lit the sky, but she hardly noticed. Her eyes had found a rough looking truck parked directly across from her car. The truck's windshield wipers were on full blast and his lights were on. She couldn't make out who was inside, but it looked like a large man. Almost as if he's waiting on something, she thought. Or someone.

She only faltered for a half a step before regaining her composure, making it to her car in near record time. She tossed her purse into the passenger seat and turned the car on. It purred to life, comfort returning to her. She spent long hours in her car, driving to different court rooms, clients, and everywhere in between. Her car was a bastion of safety. Somewhere she was in complete control. Still, her hands were shaking.

A cup of old coffee sat in the center console. She reached down, taking a big swig of the cold liquid. Gah! She almost spit it up but managed to gulp it down. Beth placed her hands on the wheel to stop her shaking. She was going to take a few days off work, hide out from that terrible man, and stay safe. She buckled up, turned on the lights and windshield wipers, and slowly pulled out of the parking lot.

She kept an eye on her rear-view mirror. The truck stayed put at first, but as she watched, it slowly pulled out of the parking lot and turned onto the road behind her. She took the next right, hoping to lose him in the flow of traffic. Halfway down the next block, she saw the battered truck tailing her.

“Who are you? Why are you following me?” she muttered under her breath, eyes nervously checking his progress. She thought she could ditch him once she got out of the city. The interstate wasn't the only way back home and she intended to take every little back road she could think of. She pressed her foot on the gas a bit more and tried to leave him in her rear-view mirror.

By the time Beth pulled up into the driveway of her old house, she hadn't seen the truck for well over four hours. As she had suspected, once she left the city and turned down a few lesser known highways, she had lost him. She had perhaps driven a bit too fast for what could be considered safe, especially in the rainstorm, but it had worked.

The lights were off, of course. She could see the mailbox, stuffed to the brim with soggy mail, hanging half off its hinges by the front door. The lawn was a bit unkempt and a couple of tree branches had fallen in the storm, but everything else looked to be in good order. Still, she didn't turn off the car and head in immediately. Instead, she sat in silence, radio off, listening to the rain drops ping off the roof of the car.
I haven't been home since Dad passed away
, she thought. It was true. Her father had been dead for nearly a year now. She'd meant to sell the house, more to get rid of the memories than to make any money. She steeled herself. Thinking wasn't going to get her anywhere.

Beth opened the door, sprinting out into the rain. It wasn't as bad as it had been in the city, but it was still coming down pretty good. She fumbled with her keys, unsure of which one opened the house. It took her a few failed tries before she found the correct one, throwing herself past the ruined mail and into the darkness of her old house.

She reached up, hand immediately finding the light switch to the foyer. Light immediately flooded the room, a sharp contrast to the darkness outside. She dried her feet on the door mat before kicking off her wet boots, something her father had always insisted on. She looked up the staircase, covered in perfectly white carpet. She still remembered the time when she'd came in after playing in a puddle of mud, running straight up those stairs. Her father had nearly lost his mind.

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