Read Koban: Rise of the Kobani Online

Authors: Stephen W Bennett

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Adventure, #Military, #Space Opera, #Colonization, #Genetic Engineering

Koban: Rise of the Kobani (73 page)

BOOK: Koban: Rise of the Kobani
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The planning stage of Krall territory raids was finally underway. Between the Planetary Union scouting reports, and the information from the Torki and Prada, the three most critical weapon production worlds had been selected. However, those targets required separate
preparatory raids, to enable the Kobani to conduct evacuations of the forced laborers from the manufacturing worlds. If they were left behind, the Krall would force them to rebuild the factories and resume production, or probably slaughter them if that wasn’t possible, and start production elsewhere.

Coldar, standing on the Bridge of the Mark of Koban, which was now parked on Haven, described the first preliminary targets, two Torki shipyards, to Mirikami and his mission planners. The coastal shipyards were located on a former Torki colony world, left operational by the Krall after the conquest because their giant ships proved useful. “The only ships now built at Toborkiti colony are the largest ones of a very old design, which can be partly filled with sea water. They now are described only as migration ships.”

He stated an often-repeated truism. “The Krall are very wasteful of ships, lives, and material. From previous reports that reached my lodge, back when dome construction both here and on Koban brought new workers from different Krall clan worlds, we learned that the migration ships were being replaced at a rate of two of them every five orbits of Toborkiti. The maximum rate of construction of one ship, per yard, requires nearly two orbits, so the Krall keep construction in progress at all times. Krall pilots recklessly fly them manually, rather than allow a Torki pilot do so with automation to assist. Therefore, rusting wrecks are to be seen on many worlds. Migration is a dangerous time for us.

“That type of ship design was used at the height of our own spacefaring era, thousands of years ago, and we have never improved the design because the Krall will not let us do so. They normally use them to move a lodge of my people, or several Prada villages, to a new world along with the technology we use, such as tools, instruments, and automated production facilities. If they do not need to fill the water tanks for moving a Torki lodge, they can carry several Prada villages, and one of their modular starter factories.”

“Coldar, do those ships use the faster Krall Jump capability, using T-squared Tachyon Space?” Mirikami asked.

“No. We did not have that technology when we were conquered, and the Krall have permitted no basic modifications since. The Krall pilots and warriors that monitor and insist on flying them always complain of the lack of speed and efficiency. Clan leaders assign low status warriors to guard and fly migration ships. Their loss of time and of ours, or even of an entire ship because of a bad landing, is unimportant to the clans when they fight very long wars.”

Mirikami looked worried. “Well, that low Jump speed creates a logistics problem for us when we raid production planets deeper into Krall controlled space. We can’t safely use our clanships to tow even one ship that large and massive into the T-squared level, nor do we have enough ships anyway. We can’t use our three modified ships to raid, or for pulling multiple migration ships for evacuation, or use them for resupply of those slow boats.

“We need to provide food, water, and sanitation for as many as twelve to fifteen migration ships if we conduct three raids at once. Those big ships will leave an easier to follow wake through Tachyon Space for the Krall, so they can’t travel a direct route. They will have to take a longer more devious route to prevent them from being followed back here. That could take months, on overcrowded ships.

“I have plenty of volunteer Spacers that want to contribute to the war effort, and they can fly the migration ships back here, if we can provide them some resupply. Coldar, perhaps as a demonstration of your new freedom, some of your best qualified people would want the honor of landing them on Haven?”

Coldar bounced his body several times, in apparent excitement. “The capture of our ships from the Krall would make them human property, if we Torki understand your concept of victory and property ownership from warfare.”

Mirikami shook his head, and then in case that wasn’t understood, said “No. Those ships are the product of your people’s labor. They are property that was taken from you, and you are our new allies. They will be yours when they arrive here.”

The bouncing increased for a moment, and then halted. “We will have pilots practicing in a simulator we can build before you depart. This will represent an important event for us. We offer our thanks to you.”

“Helping you is our pleasure, Coldar. How many reserve migration ships do you think are parked in orbit at Toborkiti? You previously told Maggi that perhaps five migration ships would be enough for evacuation at each planet where we will try to rescue Prada and Torki workers.”

Coldar made a left claw twirl as he estimated. “There were previously twenty or twenty-five ships kept in storage orbits in reserve. The usual ship losses, caused mostly by bad, hard surface landings by careless low status Krall pilots, are most often replaced by new construction rather than refurbishing and using an older ship from the reserve. They keep the old ships in reserve except when a massive movement of Krall clans is planned, to move nearer a new war zone. I suspect that may have happened when the war with your species started, and our small neglected population here was not included. Most migration ships used in recent millennia, if intended only for a single planet’s move of a clan are of newer construction. The older orbiting ships are saved, cold and powered down, for when a massive shift of many clan resources is required.” He spoke of a recent use of multiple migration ships that he had heard described.

“Your human named Sarge told us of a world that the Krall captured for a base. If the Krall did as they have in other wars, probably eight or more migration ships would have been used to move warriors, workers, supplies, and factories of the major clans to that Krall base you call K1. Repeat trips would move lesser clans. When the invasions increase to more worlds, more clans will move closer to participate and they will capture other worlds for bases. They will need more migration ships to move the workers and factories.

“Unless human fighting ships attacked and destroyed the migration ships, they all will have been returned to Toborkiti for safekeeping. You will need a minimum of three rescue ships per raided planet, and four or five of them would reduce crowding, and increase speed of loading.”

“Coldar, our information told us that the PU Navy never attacked the giant migration ships when they were at K1. The admirals held the belief that such huge ships would have powerful offences and defenses.”

Waving a claw, Coldar discounted that fear. “They are slow and unarmed. The ships that would most recently have been used at K1 are going to be the easiest to awaken at Toborkiti, and will be the newest built. Those ships should be found in the highest orbits around Toborkiti, because the Krall follow old habits and traditions. The next newest ships will be in slightly lower orbits, where the previously used ships would be stored. The most ancient ships are parked in the lowest orbits, and after a thousand or more years will need many repairs before they can be used. Prada and Torki in suits would be sent to do that dangerous and difficult work.”

“When these ships are shut down, how are they reactivated?”

“They use a different design fusion reactor from human and Krall ships. However, if you have the right mixture of heavy hydrogen for fuel, and a high current external power source, they are started in a similar way to Krall fusion reactors. To start the reactors, you fill their plasma chambers from a hydrogen fuel supply of double heavy hydrogen atoms, with a one percent trace of radioactive triple heavy hydrogen, and provide the starting current to build the magnetic confinement and compression fields. After that, fuel feed and ship systems operation is almost automatic if the computer controls are activated. 

“All clanships have power terminals inside the lowest deck. Long power cables are kept on the migration ships, stored inside a large hatch close to the main reactor and fuel storage. Connect the power cable between the clanship and the main fusion reactor, and I will show you by your Mind Tap how to follow the startup sequence.”

Mirikami touched a hand to a mandible Coldar offered. The information was transferred in seconds.

Mirikami saw one time constraint problem. “The ships can activate the Traps for tachyons soon after the main reactor starts. Heat and power to the rest of the ship can follow after a Jump energy tachyon is caught and a ship gets away. As you know, without reaching into the higher level of Tachyon Space, the time required to catch a random high-energy tachyon with energy for a minimal Jump of such a huge ship can average one or two hours of human time units. It sometimes will go faster, but not always. The fastest possible escape from Toborkiti is important if the Krall learn we are stealing the ships. I don’t know if we can put crews on them quickly enough without their seeing.  After they escape, we can fully supply the ships. I’m sorry, but we will probably be unable to rescue your people on the surface of the planet on this first mission. We can return for them later.”

“That was explained to me by your sub leaders, Tet. Thad, Dillon and Sarge helped us understand how strategic planning decides the order of how the war is conducted. The greater good to my people will be to first save a large number of those on the clanship production worlds, delivering greatest damage to the Krall supply of war material.”

“I’m glad that was explained. We are not abandoning your migration ship builders, but they will not be at great risk from the Krall. We are not going to leave any intact migration ships in orbit when we depart. Therefore, your workers will be needed alive, to make more of the giant ships, which is a slow process.”

“My people understand that logic.”

“I want to take as many of those migration ships as we can. There are many more flight-qualified officers than we need, eager for their chance to go along and bring them back. Particularly now that they have reached TG2 level. They are far less frightened of the Krall.

“Another aspect of the rescue mission is resupply of the migration ships for the long travel time from so deep into and out of Krall controlled space. If we capture unattended clanships from unsuspecting Krall domes first, we can use those to ferry supplies, and rendezvous with the big ships at intermediate star systems. The clanships can then return here faster, carrying some workers to ease the crowding. They would pick up more supplies on Haven or Koban and make repeat trips.”

Coldar considered that proposal a moment. “You say you can’t risk taking Prada or Torki on your three ships for the raids to destroy the shipyards and the hammers, because you had us remove the acceleration restrictors. In the event of space combat, if we were aboard we would not survive the stresses even if you remained within the Krall’s own physical limits. However, I presume operations to capture empty clanships and migration ships will not require high velocity space combat. How will your people arrive to take possession of those ships?” He spread his claws wide.

Mirikami thought he saw where this was leading. “Our existing three ships will deliver the capture forces for taking the clanships, and the flight crews for those, and crews for the unguarded migration ships. Our fighting ships will provide firepower to protect them if needed, and a means of escape if required. However, these are covert operations that should attract as little attention as possible.”

Coldar made the carapace bob that was intended to mimic a human head nod. “Could not representatives of Prada and Torki travel safely with you to Toborkiti, and transfer to the slow migration ships? We would already be present to explain to the workers you wish to rescue. After the fighting raids succeed, we can tell them who you are and where they will be taken. We will be living proof that you can be trusted. There will be trained Torki pilots on board for the more delicate hard surface landings.”

Wister quickly agreed with that proposal, and offered another reason. “The Prada villages may refuse to go with you because the Rulers never told them of a new Krall home world, where they could someday serve them. Older and more senior Prada, such as my sister Nawella and I, might be able to convince them to board the ships if we tell them that the destination is to be the future Ruler home star system.”

“Wister, you surely understand that we Kobani are dedicated to never allowing that to happen. Right?” Mirikami wasn’t going to lie to manipulate potential allies into joining with him.

“I do understand. You also must understand that the Krall Rulers have actually said that Koban
be their future home. That will be the truth as stated by the Rulers. If you Kobani change that truth in the future, we Prada can deal with the new reality at that time.” It was a technical loophole, but one the Prada and Mirikami could each accept.

Showing his agreement, Mirikami said, “We will need to coordinate the migration ship arrivals at the target worlds while the raids are still in progress and suppressing the local Krall defenders. You would have to start the Jumps before our attacks begin, since we can travel faster. Let me talk it over with my staff.”

A quick consensus followed from Thad, Dillon, and Sarge, all in favor of that mission change, and thereby involving both species in directing part of their people’s respective futures, and taking on some of the risk. Mirikami asked Sarge to handle the coordination between the Torki and Prada, and with the Spacers who Mirikami would assign to the migration ship operation.  Sarge and the aliens would have to work out the details of the secondary supply phase for the migration ships with the clanship crews.

BOOK: Koban: Rise of the Kobani
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