Koran Curious - A Guide for Infidels and Believers (25 page)

BOOK: Koran Curious - A Guide for Infidels and Believers
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Verses 210 – 227

Muhammad urges his followers to convert their friends and family.

[26:214] You shall preach to the people who are closest to you.
[26:215] And lower your wing for the believers who follow you.
[26:216] If they disobey you, then say, “I disown what you do.”
[26:217] And put your trust in the Almighty, Most Merciful.
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Revealed to Muhammad in the years prior to the migration, ‘The Ants’ contains ninety-three verses. The central discourse is that those who submit to the Koran and God will prosper. To underscore this he narrates the biblical story of Solomon.

Verses 1 – 6

Opening address to believers and unbelievers.

[27:2] A beacon, and good news, for the believers.
[27:3] Who observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and they are, with regard to the Hereafter, absolutely certain.
[27:4] Those who do not believe in the Hereafter, we adorn their works in their eyes. Thus, they continue to blunder.
Verses 7 – 14


[27:7] Recall that Moses said to his family, “I see a fire; let me bring you news therefrom, or a torch to warm you.”
[27:8] When he came to it, he was called: “Blessed is the One (who is speaking from) within the fire, and those around it.” Glory be to GOD, Lord of the universe.
[27:9] “O Moses, this is Me, GOD, the Almighty, Most Wise.
[27:10] “Throw down your staff.” When he saw it moving like a demon, he turned around and fled. “O Moses, do not be afraid. My messengers shall not fear.
Verses 15 - 44

Solomon and David.

[27:15] We endowed David and Solomon with knowledge, and they said, “Praise GOD for blessing us more than many of His believing servants.”
[27:16] Solomon was David’s heir. He said, “O people, we have been endowed with understanding the language of the birds, and all kinds of things have been bestowed upon us. This is indeed a real blessing.”
Verses 45 – 53

The story of Saleh.

[27:45] We have sent to Thamoud their brother Saaleh, saying, “You shall worship GOD.” But they turned into two feuding factions.
[27:46] He said, “O my people, why do you hasten to commit evil instead of good works? If only you implore GOD for forgiveness, you may attain mercy.”
[27:47] They said, “We consider you a bad omen for us, you and those who joined you.” He said, “Your omen is fully controlled by GOD. Indeed, you are deviant people.”
[27:48] There were nine gangsters in the city who were wicked, and never did anything good.
[27:49] They said, “Let us swear by GOD that we kill him and his people, then tell his tribe, ‘We know nothing about their death. We are truthful.’”
[27:50] They plotted and schemed, but we also plotted and schemed, while they did not perceive.
[27:51] Note the consequences of their plotting; we annihilated them and all their people.
Verses 54 -60

The story of Lot.

[27:54] Lot said to his people, “How could you commit such an abomination, publicly, while you see?
[27:55] “You practice sex with the men, lustfully, instead of the women. Indeed, you are ignorant people.”
Verses 61 – 93

The main objection the pagan Meccans had against Muhammad’s message was his belief in the afterlife. Here Muhammad addresses their disbelief.

[27:66] In fact, their knowledge concerning the Hereafter is confused. In fact, they harbor doubts about it. In fact, they are totally heedless thereof.
[27:67] Those who disbelieved said, “After we turn into dust, and also our parents, do we get brought out?
[27:74] Your Lord fully knows what their chests hide, and what they declare.
[27:75] There is nothing in the heavens and the earth that is hidden (from God); everything is in a profound record.
[27:76] This Quran settles many issues for the Children of Israel; issues that they are still disputing.
[27:77] And most assuredly, it is a guide and mercy for the believers.
[27:78] Your Lord is the One who judges among them in accordance with His rules. He is the Almighty, the Omniscient.
[27:79] Therefore, put your trust in GOD; you are following the manifest truth.
[27:89] Those who bring good works (in their records) will receive far better rewards, and they will be perfectly secure from the horrors of that day.
[27:90] As for those who bring evil works, they will be forced into Hell. Do you not get requited for what you did?
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Revealed to Muhammad in Mecca prior to the migration, ‘The Stories’ contains eighty-eight verses, and is essentially concerned with rebuking the Meccan’s specific objections to his prophethood.

The sura includes two discourses: the life of Moses in the first half, and the legitimacy of the Koran and his message in the second.

Verses 1 – 14

Moses’ birth and childhood.

[28:3] We recite to you herein some history of Moses and Pharaoh, truthfully, for the benefit of people who believe.
[28:7] We inspired Moses’ mother: “Nurse him, and when you fear for his life, throw him into the river without fear or grief. We will return him to you, and will make him one of the messengers.”
[28:8] Pharaoh’s family picked him up, only to have him lead the opposition and to be a source of grief for them. That is because Pharaoh, Hamaan, and their troops were transgressors.
[28:9] Pharaoh’s wife said, “This can be a joyous find for me and you. Do not kill him, for he may be of some benefit for us, or we may adopt him to be our son.” They had no idea.
[28:10] The mind of Moses’ mother was growing so anxious that she almost gave away his identity. But we strengthened her heart, to make her a believer.
[28:14] When he reached maturity and strength, we endowed him with wisdom and knowledge. We thus reward the righteous.
Verses 15 – 50

Moses’ life as an adult.

[28:15] Once he entered the city unexpectedly, without being recognized by the people. He found two men fighting; one was (a Hebrew) from his people, and the other was (an Egyptian) from his enemies. The one from his people called on him for help against his enemy. Moses punched him, killing him. He said, “This is the work of the devil; he is a real enemy, and a profound misleader.”
[28:18] In the morning, he was in the city, afraid and watchful. The one who sought his help yesterday, asked for his help again. Moses said to him, “You are really a trouble maker.”
[28:19] Before he attempted to strike their common enemy, he said, “O Moses, do you want to kill me, as you killed the other man yesterday? Obviously, you wish to be a tyrant on earth; you do not wish to be righteous.”
[28:20] A man came running from the other side of the city, saying, “O Moses, the people are plotting to kill you. You better leave immediately. I am giving you good advice.”
[28:21] He fled the city, afraid and watchful. He said, “My Lord, save me from the oppressive people.”
[28:22] As he traveled towards Midyan, he said, “May my Lord guide me in the right path.”
[28:25] Soon, one of the two women approached him, shyly, and said, “My father invites you to pay you for watering for us.” When he met him, and told him his story, he said, “Have no fear. You have been saved from the oppressive people.”
[28:26] One of the two women said, “O my father, hire him. He is the best one to hire, for he is strong and honest.”
[28:27] He said, “I wish to offer one of my two daughters for you to marry, in return for working for me for eight pilgrimages; if you make them ten, it will be voluntary on your part. I do not wish to make this matter too difficult for you. You will find me, GOD willing, righteous.”
[28:43] We gave Moses the scripture - after having annihilated the previous generations, and after setting the examples through them - to provide enlightenment for the people, and guidance, and mercy, that they may take heed.
[28:44] You were not present on the slope of the western mount, when we issued the command to Moses; you were not a witness.
Verses 51 – 88

Submit to the words of the Koran and obey God.

[28:51] We have delivered the message to them, that they may take heed.
[28:52] Those whom we blessed with the previous scriptures will believe in this.
[28:53] When it is recited to them, they will say, “We believe in it. This is the truth from our Lord. Even before we heard of it, we were submitters.”
[28:58] Many a community we annihilated for turning unappreciative of their lives. Consequently, here are their homes, nothing but uninhabited ruins after them, except a few. We were the inheritors.
[28:59] For your Lord never annihilates any community without sending a messenger in the midst thereof, to recite our revelations to them. We never annihilate any community, unless its people are wicked.
[28:83] We reserve the abode of the Hereafter for those who do not seek exaltation on earth, nor corruption. The ultimate victory belongs to the righteous.
[28:84] Whoever works righteousness receives a far better reward. As for those who commit sins, the retribution for their sins is precisely equivalent to their works.
[28:85] Surely, the One who decreed the Quran for you will summon you to a predetermined appointment. Say, “My Lord is fully aware of those who uphold the guidance, and those who have gone astray.”
[28:86] You never expected this scripture to come your way; but this is a mercy from your Lord. Therefore, you shall not side with the disbelievers.
[28:87] Nor shall you be diverted from GOD’s revelations, after they have come to you, and invite the others to your Lord. And do not ever fall into idol worship.
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

The main point of interest in this sura is the fact that half of it was recited in Mecca, and the other half shortly after the migration to Medina.

Containing sixty-nine verses it perpetuates the theme of prophets who were wronged by their people, but ultimately God destroyed those people who transgressed.

Verses 1 – 13

Muhammad warns against fair weather friends and that everyone’s faith will be put to the test.

[29:2] Do the people think that they will be left to say, “We believe,” without being put to the test?
[29:3] We have tested those before them, for GOD must distinguish those who are truthful, and He must expose the liars.

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