Koran Curious - A Guide for Infidels and Believers (29 page)

BOOK: Koran Curious - A Guide for Infidels and Believers
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[38:25] We forgave him in this matter. We have granted him a position of honor with us, and a beautiful abode.
[38:30] To David we granted Solomon; a good and obedient servant.
[38:31] One day he became preoccupied with beautiful horses, until the night fell.
[38:32] He then said, “I enjoyed the material things more than I enjoyed worshipping my Lord, until the sun was gone.
[38:33] “Bring them back.” (To bid farewell,) he rubbed their legs and necks.
[38:34] We thus put Solomon to the test; we blessed him with vast material wealth, but he steadfastly submitted.
[38:35] He said, “My Lord, forgive me, and grant me a kingship never attained by anyone else. You are the Grantor.”
[38:36] We (answered his prayer and) committed the wind at his disposal, pouring rain wherever he wanted.
[38:37] And the devils, building and diving.
[38:38] Others were placed at his disposal.
[38:39] “This is our provision to you; you may give generously, or withhold, without limits.”
Verses 43 – 88

God will reward the believers and punish the unbelievers.

[38:49] This is a reminder: the righteous have deserved a wonderful destiny.
[38:50] The gardens of Eden will open up their gates for them.
[38:51] Relaxing therein, they will be given many kinds of fruits and drinks.
[38:52] They will have wonderful spouses.
[38:53] This is what you have deserved on the Day of Reckoning.
[38:55] As for the transgressors, they have incurred a miserable destiny.
[38:56] Hell is where they burn; what a miserable abode!
[38:57] What they taste therein will be hellish drinks and bitter food.
[38:58] And much more of the same kind.
[38:59] “This is a group to be thrown into Hell with you.” They will not be welcomed (by the residents of Hell). They have deserved to burn in the hellfire.
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Believed to be a pre-migration Meccan sura, ‘The Troops’ is almost entirely an address to the Quraysh. Muhammad commands the unbelievers to repent and accept Islam as God’s true word.

Verses 1 – 10

Muhammad implores the Meccans to forfeit their belief in false idols.

[39:3] Absolutely, the religion shall be devoted to GOD alone. Those who set up idols beside Him say, “We idolize them only to bring us closer to GOD; for they are in a better position!” GOD will judge them regarding their disputes. GOD does not guide such liars, disbelievers.
[39:4] If GOD wanted to have a son, He could have chosen whomever He willed from among His creations. Be He glorified; He is GOD, the One, the Supreme.
Verses 11 – 22

Follow the word of God.

[39:17] As for those who discard the worship of all idols, and devote themselves totally to GOD alone, they have deserved happiness. Give good news to My servants.
[39:18] They are the ones who examine all words, then follow the best. These are the ones whom GOD has guided; these are the ones who possess intelligence.
Verses 23 – 37

The Koran and the Hadith are from the highest authority.

[39:23] GOD has revealed herein the best Hadith; a book that is consistent, and points out both ways (to Heaven and Hell). The skins of those who reverence their Lord cringe therefrom, then their skins and their hearts soften up for GOD’s message. Such is GOD’s guidance; He bestows it upon whoever wills (to be guided). As for those sent astray by GOD, nothing can guide them.
[39:27] We have cited for the people every kind of example in this Quran, that they may take heed.
[39:28] An Arabic Quran, without any ambiguity, that they may be righteous.
Verses 38 – 75

Muhammad addresses Hell versus Paradise; righteousness versus evil; believers versus unbelievers.

[39:60] On the Day of Resurrection you will see the faces of those who lied about GOD covered with misery. Is Hell not the right retribution for the arrogant ones?
[39:61] And GOD will save those who have maintained righteousness; He will reward them. No harm will touch them, nor will they have any grief.
[39:65] It has been revealed to you, and to those before you that if you ever commit idol worship, all your works will be nullified, and you will be with the losers.
[39:66] Therefore, you shall worship GOD alone, and be appreciative.
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

A Meccan sura containing eighty-five verses, ‘The Believer’ is an address to the Muslims of Mecca to hold firm their beliefs, despite the economic and social hardships the Quraysh had forced upon them as a result of the trade boycott. Effectively, Muhammad tells his followers that while their opposition has all the wealth and power, their power is purely earthly; whereas the Muslims’ power is eternal in paradise.

Verses 1 – 9

An opening prayer for the believers.

[40:2] This revelation of the scripture is from GOD, the Almighty, the Omniscient.
[40:3] Forgiver of sins, acceptor of repentance, strict in enforcing retribution, and possessor of all power. There is no other god beside Him. To Him is the ultimate destiny.
[40:4] None argues against GOD’s revelations except those who disbelieve. Do not be impressed by their apparent success.
Verses 10 – 22

A poem that appeals to the greatness of God.

[40:12] This is because when GOD ALONE was advocated, you disbelieved, but when others were mentioned beside Him, you believed. Therefore, GOD’s judgment has been issued; He is the Most High, the Great.
[40:13] He is the One who continuously shows you His proofs, and sends down to you from the sky provisions. Only those who totally submit will be able to take heed.
[40:14] Therefore, you shall devote your worship absolutely to GOD ALONE, even if the disbelievers dislike it.
[40:15] Possessor of the highest ranks, and Ruler of the whole dominion. He sends inspiration, bearing His commands, to whomever He chooses from among His servants, to warn about the Day of Summoning.
Verses 23 – 45

Muhammad draws on the narratives of the former prophets as a metaphor for the struggles he faces in bringing the Muslims to God.

[40:26] Pharaoh said, “Let me kill Moses, and let him implore his Lord. I worry lest he corrupts your religion, or spreads evil throughout the land.”
[40:27] Moses said, “I seek refuge in my Lord and your Lord, from every arrogant one who does not believe in the Day of Reckoning.”
[40:28] A believing man among Pharaoh’s people, who was concealing his belief, said, “How can you kill a man just for saying, ‘My Lord is GOD,’ and he has shown you clear proofs from your Lord? If he is a liar, that is his problem, and if he is truthful, you benefit from his promises. Surely, GOD does not guide any transgressor, liar.
[40:29] “O my people, today you have kingship and the upperhand. But who will help us against GOD’s judgment, should it come to us?” Pharaoh said, “You are to follow only what I see fit; I will guide you only in the right path.”
[40:30] The one who believed said, “O my people, I fear for you the same fate as the previous opponents.
[40:31] “The opponents of Noah, and ‘Aad, Thamoud, and others who came after them. GOD does not wish any injustice for the people.
[40:32] “O my people, I fear for you the Day of Summoning.
Verses 46 – 65

Muhammad urges the Muslims to convert their friends and family before it’s too late.

[40:49] Those in the hellfire will say to the guardians of Hell, “Call upon your Lord to reduce the retribution for us, for even one day.”
[40:50] They will say, “Did you not receive your messengers who delivered to you clear messages?” They will reply, “Yes we did.” They will say, “Then implore (as much as you wish); the imploring of the disbelievers is always in vain.”
[40:51] Most assuredly, we will give victory to our messengers and to those who believe, both in this world and on the day the witnesses are summoned.
[40:64] GOD is the One who rendered the earth habitable for you, and the sky a formidable structure, and He designed you, and designed you well. He is the One who provides you with good provisions. Such is GOD your Lord; Most Exalted is GOD, Lord of the universe.*
[40:65] He is the Living; there is no god except He. You shall worship Him alone, devoting your religion absolutely to Him alone. Praise be to GOD, Lord of the universe.
Verses 66 – 85

Muhammad claims he too was once an idol worshipper, but thankfully he saw the light and it is now his responsibility to save his people from the fires of Hell.

[40:66] Say, “I have been enjoined from worshipping the idols you worship beside GOD, when the clear revelations came to me from my Lord. I was commanded to submit to the Lord of the universe.”
[40:73] They will be asked, “Where are the idols you used to worship,
[40:74] “beside GOD?” They will say, “They have abandoned us. In fact, when we worshipped them, we were worshipping nothing.” Thus does GOD send the disbelievers astray.
[40:75] This is because you used to rejoice in false doctrines on earth, and you used to promote them.
[40:76] Enter the gates of Gehenna, wherein you abide forever. What a miserable destiny for the arrogant ones.
[40:84] Subsequently, when they saw our retribution they said, “Now we believe in GOD ALONE, and we now disbelieve in the idol worship that we used to practice.”
[40:85] Their belief then could not help them in the least, once they saw our retribution. Such is GOD’s system that has been established to deal with His creatures; the disbelievers are always doomed.
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

The title of this Meccan sura gets its name from the third verse, which reads, “A Book whose verses (signs) are made plain.”

Comprising only fifty-four verses, it was recited during the time the Quraysh were becoming agitated by the growing number of Muslims within Mecca.

There are new laws prescribed within this sura, only a repetition of previous themes, such as reward for the believers versus punishment for the unbelievers.

Verses 1 – 12

Muhammad addresses the Quraysh, telling them his followers’ minds are made up and Islam is here to stay.

[41:2] A revelation from the Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
[41:3] A scripture whose verses provide the complete details, in an Arabic Quran, for people who know.
[41:4] A bearer of good news, as well as a warner. However, most of them turn away; they do not hear.

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