Koran Curious - A Guide for Infidels and Believers (39 page)

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In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

A Meccan sura of twenty-two verses, the central theme of ‘The Starry’ is Muslims must be willing to sacrifice their lives for their faith, and he uses the story known as the ‘People of the Ditch’ as a metaphor, which refers to a Christian tribe who willingly walked into a ditch of fire, sacrificing their lives, rather than renouncing their faith to the then King of Yemen.

Muhammad’s message is no matter how strident the opposition they face, they must stick together, and ultimately God will reward his people for it.

[85:4] Woe to the people of the canyon.
[85:5] They ignited a blazing fire.
[85:6] Then sat around it.
[85:7] To watch the burning of the believers.
[85:8] They hated them for no other reason than believing in GOD, the Almighty, the Praiseworthy.
[85:9] To Him belongs the kingship of the heavens and the earth. And GOD witnesses all things.
[85:10] Surely, those who persecute the believing men and women, then fail to repent, have incurred the retribution of Gehenna; they have incurred the retribution of burning.
[85:11] Surely, those who believed and led a righteous life, have deserved gardens with flowing streams. This is the greatest triumph.
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

An early Meccan sura of seventeen-verses, ‘The Bright Star’ describes the creation of man. Muhammad also claims that each Muslim is watched over by a heaven sent guardian.

[86:1] By the sky and Al-Taareq.
[86:2] Do you know what Al-Taareq is?
[86:3] The bright star.
[86:4] Absolutely, everyone is well guarded.
[86:5] Let the human reflect on his creation.
[86:6] He was created from ejected liquid.
[86:7] From between the spine and the viscera.
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

An early Meccan sura of nineteen verses, ‘The Most High’ gives glory to God and promises the Hereafter for Muslims.

[87:1] Glorify the name of your Lord, the Most High.
[87:2] He creates and shapes.
[87:3] He designs and guides.
[87:4] He produces the pasture.
[87:5] Then turns it into light hay.
[87:6] We will recite to you; do not forget.
[87:7] Everything is in accordance with GOD’s will; He knows what is declared, and what is hidden.
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

One of the earliest of all suras, comprising twenty-six verses, it was recited at a time when Muhammad had yet given any public addresses, confining his messages to those of his family and close friends. The central theme is of God’s glory and the Hereafter.

[88:1] Are you aware of the Overwhelming?
[88:2] Faces on that day will be shamed.
[88:3] Laboring and exhausted.
[88:4] Suffering in a blazing Hellfire.
[88:5] Drinking from a flaming spring.
[88:6] They will have no food except the useless variety.
[88:7] It never nourishes, nor satisfies hunger.
[88:8] Other faces on that day will be full of joy.
[88:9] Satisfied with their work.
[88:10] In an exalted Paradise.
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

An early Meccan sura of thirty verses, ‘The Daybreak’ describes the destruction of disbelieving peoples, such as the Egyptians who held the Israelites in slavery.

Muhammad also chastises the Meccan’s love for money and their mistreatment of the poor.

[89:6] Have you noted what your Lord did to ‘Aad?
[89:7] Erum; the town with tall buildings.
[89:8] There was nothing like it anywhere.
[89:9] Also Thamoud, who carved the rocks in their valley.
[89:10] And Pharaoh who possessed might.
[89:11] They all transgressed in the land.
[89:12] They spread evil throughout.
[89:13] Consequently, your Lord poured upon them a whipping retribution.
[89:14] Your Lord is ever watchful.
[89:15] When the human being is tested by his Lord, through blessings and joy, he says, “My Lord is generous towards me.”
[89:16] But if He tests him through reduction in provisions, he says, “My Lord is humiliating me!”
[89:17] Wrong! It is you who brought it on yourselves by not regarding the orphan.
[89:18] And not advocating charity towards the poor.
[89:19] And consuming the inheritance of helpless orphans.
[89:20] And loving the money too much.
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

An early Meccan sura comprising twenty verses, ‘The Soil’ is a statement of man’s position in the world and the world in relation to man. Muhammad makes the case that man must choose between good and evil, so as to determine his eternal fate.

[90:4] We created the human being to work hard
(to redeem himself).
[90:5] Does he think that no one will ever call him to account?
[90:10] Did we not show him the two paths?
[90:11] He should choose the difficult path.
[90:12] Which one is the difficult path?
[90:13] The freeing of slaves.
[90:14] Feeding, during the time of hardship.
[90:15] Orphans who are related.
[90:16] Or the poor who is in need.
[90:17] And being one of those who believe, and exhorting one another to be steadfast, and exhorting one another to be kind.
[90:18] These have deserved happiness.
[90:19] As for those who disbelieved in our revelations, they have incurred misery.
[90:20] They will be confined in the Hellfire.
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

An early Meccan sura comprising fifteen verses, ‘The Sun’ tells of cities destroyed because they ignored God’s prophets.

[91:8] Then showed it what is evil and what is good.
[91:9] Successful is one who redeems it.
[91:10] Failing is one who neglects it.
[91:11] Thamoud’s disbelief caused them to transgress.
[91:12] They followed the worst among them.
[91:13] GOD’s messenger said to them, “This is GOD’s camel; let her drink.”
[91:14] They disbelieved him and slaughtered her. Their Lord then requited them for their sin and annihilated them.
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

‘The Night’ is one of the first suras to be revealed to Muhammad. Comprising only twenty-one verses, it contrasts two types of people, the charitable and the miserly.

[92:3] And Him who created the male and the female.
[92:4] Your works are of various kinds.
[92:5] As for him who gives to charity and maintains righteousness.
[92:6] And upholds the scripture.
[92:7] We will direct him towards happiness.
[92:8] But he who is stingy, though he is rich.
[92:9] And disbelieves in the scripture.
[92:10] We will direct him towards misery.
[92:11] His money cannot help him when he falls.
[92:12] We provide the guidance.
[92:13] We control the Hereafter, as well as this life.
[92:14] I have warned you about the blazing Hellfire.
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

‘The Brightness’ is considered to be the second sura revealed to Muhammad. We know there was a lengthy period between Muhammad receiving the first sura and then receiving the second. In fact, he doubted he’d ever receive another, which was until this one broke the long silence.

The sura in its entirety is:

[93:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
[93:1] By the forenoon.
[93:2] By the night as it falls.
[93:3] Your Lord never abandoned you, nor did He forget.
[93:4] The Hereafter is far better for you than this first (life).
[93:5] And your Lord will give you enough; you will be pleased.
[93:6] Did He not find you orphaned and He gave you a home?
[93:7] He found you astray, and guided you.
[93:8] He found you poor, and made you rich.
[93:9] Therefore, you shall not forsake the orphan.
[93:10] Nor shall you reprimand the beggar.
[93:11] You shall proclaim the blessing your Lord has bestowed upon you.

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