Krondor the Assassins (14 page)

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Authors: Raymond E. Feist

BOOK: Krondor the Assassins
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James fought off a yawn. ‘‘I don’t. It seems they work for the Crawler, yet it appears they have their own purpose.’’







Locklear found in the sewers when he brought Gorath to the palace?’’

James said, ‘‘I heard the story.’’

‘‘Did we ever establish who they were working for?’’

James shrugged. ‘‘They were dead, so Locky didn’t think to ask them, and at the time I assumed they were working for those who were trying to keep Gorath from reaching the palace. Now I’m more of a mind that they were trying to get you to send your army into the sewers.’’

‘‘Either way, they wanted the Nighthawks to get the blame,’’

said Arutha. ‘‘I have a theory. Suppose the Nighthawks may have worked for the Crawler when it suited their purpose, perhaps to further some agenda of their own, or simply to underwrite their own needs? After all, keeping men fed and armed in hideouts around the Kingdom isn’t done cheaply. Suppose the Crawler became fearful of them for some reason? Then it would make perfect sense that he would attempt to attach blame to them for much of what he and his band of cut-throats were attempting in Krondor.’’


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James said, ‘‘So we can sum up by saying that there’s more than one band of murderers running around the city? These Nighthawks and another band of killers-for-hire?’’

‘‘Apparently,’’ replied Arutha. ‘‘But it’s more like a small army of mercenaries if the numbers we’ve encountered so far are any indication.’’ Arutha sat again. ‘‘I want you to take Jonathan here under your wing and start setting up an information gathering network. I will not tell you how to do it, but I will caution you to pick only people who are smart enough not to be caught out working for you and loyal enough not to sell you out for a pouch of gold. I will underwrite the costs and you only have to report direct to me.’’

To Jonathan, Arutha said, ‘‘Tell your father you’ll be working for me from time to time, but not the specifics, and tell him that if you leave your post or do not show up for your assigned watch, it’s at my order.’’

‘‘Sire,’’ said the young man, nodding. He ventured a slight smile. ‘‘He won’t like it, but he’ll do as ordered by Your Highness.’’

Looking at James, Arutha said, ‘‘You have your company of men, squire.’’

James grinned. ‘‘Now can I get something to eat and a night’s sleep?’’

‘‘Yes, but in the morning I want you about your business.’’

As he moved toward the door, James said, ‘‘How are our guests from Olasko doing?’’

Arutha said, ‘‘I’m sending the duke and his brood on a hunting trip up to the mountains. We’ll be shed of them for a week or so, then we’ll have one more gala and wave good-bye to them as they sail off to Durbin.’’

James bowed. ‘‘Highness.’’


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As he reached the door, Arutha said, ‘‘Before I forget, be here early tomorrow. We’re commissioning the cadet officers and it will be a formal morning court.’’

James kept his grin frozen in place, but inwardly he groaned. By the time he finished eating and bathing, that would leave less than five hours before he had to be up again.

Jonathan bowed to the Prince and followed the squire from the office. As James stood aside for a page to close the door, he said to Jonathan, ‘‘Come to the kitchen and we’ll eat together. That way we can talk and I can steal an extra half-hour’s sleep.’’

With a small smile, the young constable fell in beside James, and they hurried toward the kitchen.






RUMPETS sounded in the courtyard.

Arutha led his court officials to the balcony overlooking the marshaling yard. As he took his place at the very edge, Swordmaster McWirth saluted and turned to order the cadets to attention.

Arutha paused, then said, ‘‘Today you young men are being awarded your offices and spurs. You will be privileged to add the title ‘knight’ to whatever rank you gain. It is an ancient title, its origins lost in the mists of history and lore. It is held that the original band of knights were companions to one of the Kingdom’s earliest rulers, a small company of those pledged to defend the crown with their lives.

‘‘So it is with you, today. Unlike soldiers sworn to the service of their liege lord, your oath is to the crown. You are obliged to show deference to any noble of this land, and if possible to aid him when called upon, but foremost your duty lies to the King in the east, and to my office in the west.’’

James smiled slightly. As long as he had known Arutha, he had never known the Prince to claim personally what he felt 120

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was rightly due the office he held. Other men would have said,

‘‘To me in the west,’’ but not Arutha.

The Prince continued. ‘‘Today, some of you will be dispatched to garrisons along the frontier, or to join households of nobles who are in need of young officers to serve until their own sons are of an age to command. A few of you may rise to the rank of swordmaster in those households, or return to Krondor when those sons are grown. Others of you will be assigned to the castles of the border lords, and some of you will remain in Krondor. But where you serve is of secondary importance.

‘‘What you have chosen to do is serve the nation, and her people, no matter where you are. Never lose sight of that. You may gain rank and privileges over your life, but that rank and those privileges are not rewards. They are, rather, the means by which you may further serve the Kingdom.’’ Arutha paused, then said, ‘‘In the war with the Tsurani, what has become known as the Riftwar, we faced a foe with whom we are now at peace.

But the struggle was terrible and long, for those that faced us on the battlefield were men with honor, dedicated to service.

We met them with the same dedication, and that was the salvation of our nation.’’

Arutha paused, then said, ‘‘I am pleased to welcome you to the service of the Kingdom, young officers.’’

He nodded to McWirth who said, ‘‘At the sound of your name, come forward and accept your spurs.’’ He then called the first name, and the first cadet stepped forward. Two pages stood close by to quickly affix the spurs to the boots of each cadet. Eleven young officers were quickly sworn to service and given their ranks. William was the last of these.

To Arutha’s right stood Knight-Marshal Gardan, in his last 121

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official act before resigning his office. He started issuing orders.

Four of the cadets were heading north, to the border barons. Five were being dispatched to various garrisons and households in the west. Two were to remain in Krondor. William was one of those.

James caught a slight frown from William when this was announced, and wondered at the displeasure. Krondor was the best duty station in the Western Realm, both for amenities and political advancement. It might be different in the Eastern Realm, where constant battles with pesky neighbors close to the nation’s capital could bring one favor from the crown, but in the west all advancement and political favors started and ended in Krondor.

Arutha turned to James and said, ‘‘You have business in the city, I believe?’’

James nodded. ‘‘Ample business. When shall I return?’’

As he headed back inside to his offices, Arutha said, ‘‘When you have something important to tell me. You’re no longer senior squire.’’

James almost stumbled. ‘‘Highness?’’

Arutha turned from the courtyard and gave James a slight smile. He left the balcony and entered the palace as James followed. ‘‘No reflection on you, squire, but I’ve had you running around the countryside so much of late, Master de Lacy and Jerome both complain bitterly they have to make up for those tasks you’re not present to undertake. So, while you’re to remain my personal squire, we’ll elevate someone else to the rank of senior. Besides, spending your days overseeing a squad of boys might seem a little tame after commanding a garrison.’’

James smiled. ‘‘Annoying is the better choice of words.’’

Arutha laughed, one of his rare displays of mirth. ‘‘Annoying it is. One last task, though, before you dash off. The Duke of 122

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Olasko’s party leaves at first light tomorrow for their hunt. For reasons I don’t understand, they’ve requested that Lieutenant William be assigned to the guard.’’

James’s brow furrowed. ‘‘Paulina?’’

Arutha reached his desk and sat. He waved across the room to de Lacy that he should open the door and admit those waiting upon the Prince to conduct the day’s business. ‘‘The Princess, yes. She is to accompany her father and the Princes on the hunt. Why?’’

‘‘She’s looking for a rich or powerful husband.’’

‘‘The son of a duke, in other words.’’

James nodded. ‘‘Though I don’t think anyone has told her that the Duke Pug is a bit of an . . . odd duke by most people’s standards.’’

‘‘But well-connected,’’ added Arutha.

James grinned. ‘‘Well, there is that. Still, I think I’d better spend a little time today preparing William for his duties.’’

Arutha looked from James to the door as the first group of supplicants was escorted in by Master de Lacy. ‘‘I don’t want to know,’’ the Prince said to James. ‘‘You know what must be done, so go do it.’’

‘‘Yes, sire,’’ said James as left the Prince’s offices. He hurried to the marshaling yard, intent on catching McWirth and William before the newly commissioned Lieutenant was assigned a patrol down to the Vale of Dreams or through the bandit-infested scrub grass and woodlands between Krondor and Land’s End. Then he would go hunt up young Jonathan Means and start building his network of agents.

James found William in the Cadets’ Quarters, clearing out his gear from the small footlocker that had been the repository of 123

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his entire wardrobe and other personal belongings for the last six months. McWirth was overseeing the departure of the newly named knights, and his manner was changed. He looked upon the young men as a father would upon his children, thought James. Then he realized that in a few weeks another company of noble sons, ranking Kingdom officers and a few promising young soldiers would come to Krondor and once again the old soldier would be a tyrant who could never be pleased.

William looked up and before James could speak, he said,

‘‘Krondor! Why?’’

James said, ‘‘I have no idea, but any other man in your position would be doing handsprings of joy. Here’s where careers are made, Will.’’

William looked as if he was about to say something, but he held silent for a moment. ‘‘I have to move this over to the armory.’’

James knew that’s where young bachelor officers had small, private quarters. ‘‘I’ll give you a hand.’’

William nodded, his expression still dark. It would have taken him only two trips to carry all his personal belongings to the armory, but he welcomed the help. William strapped on his sword, which was the only item used in training he would take with him, and picked up a bundle of clothing, which he handed to James. He then picked up a second bundle with two pair of boots, a great cloak, and two books, and nodded to James to lead on.

James turned and walked to the door, passing Swordmaster McWirth. As William reached the door he paused and said,


McWirth said, ‘‘Yes, lieutenant?’’ His voice was calm and even.


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James turned and saw William’s surprised expression and realized that it hadn’t sunk in yet that he was now an officer and McWirth wasn’t going to be yelling at him any more.

William hesitated and then said, ‘‘I just wished to thank you for all you’ve taught me. I hope I’ll not disappoint you in the future.’’

McWirth smiled and said, ‘‘Son, if there had been the slim-mest chance of you disappointing me in the future, you never would have been awarded those spurs.’’ He pointed to William’s boots where two new silver spurs adorned his heels. ‘‘You’ll do fine. Now, hurry up and get your things over to the armory before the other lieutenants see you hauling your own kit in and start giving you grief over not having one of the pages or soldiers carry it over for you.’’

James stood motionless for a moment, then laughed. Suddenly William realized that as a knight-lieutenant in the garrison, he could have ordered a page or one of the soldiers to fetch his kit for him. Then McWirth turned to James and said,

‘‘Or you, squire, about being William’s dog-robber. Get along now, the two of you.’’

‘‘Yes, swordmaster,’’ said James.

William hurried along. ‘‘Where did that term come from?’’

‘‘From what I hear, in ancient times knights weren’t so pros-perous and their squires had to be clever in where they got their next meal for their masters.’’

William grinned. ‘‘Should I make you my squire, squire?’’

James returned the grin with a mock frown. ‘‘I’d pay a gold sovereign to see you accomplish that trick,
,’’ he said, sarcasti-cally. ‘‘If you’re certain you wish a personal squire, I can see if one of the less gifted pages would consider a career with almost 125

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no opportunity for advancement. And I’d be interested to see where you get the funds to pay him.’’

They reached the armory and hurried through the large doors, past racks of swords, shields, pole arms, and other weapons. In the rear of the armory they could hear the noises from the smith as he repaired weapons blunted by soldiers in practice. They reached the stairs at the rear of the building and climbed them to the upper floor. William put down his clothing on the floor and looked around. ‘‘That room looks unoccupied,’’

he said, pointing to an open door.

James said, ‘‘I’ll save you a drubbing. You’re supposed to wait for the most senior bachelor knight to assign you a room.’’

He pointed to the apparently empty room. ‘‘That room is almost certain to belong to Captain Treggar.’’

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