Kylee's Story (5 page)

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Authors: A. Malone

BOOK: Kylee's Story
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It’s been a month since I found out that mom was here in town and I’ve been to visit every day. Chloe won’t return Maddox or my calls which is probably for the best because I’m furious with her for lying to me. We are on our way to get the first ultrasound. So Ky are you ready to see our baby? Of course I’m ready to see what is making me so tired and fat laughter rolls off of my voice. Kylee bear you are not fat, you are just getting a belly. Thanks Madds that makes me feel so much better. Kylee York the nurse walks us to the back; Dr. Miller will be in soon. Within a minute the doctor walks in Hello Ms. York are you ready to see that baby, yes sir. Are you the father, yes sir I’m Maddox it’s nice to meet you. If you look on the screen you can see the, wait a minute that’s odd. Is everything alright with the baby? Oh yes sorry I didn’t mean to worry you, they are both just fine. Both you mean? Yes sir you are having twins and it looks like you are about nine weeks. Everything looks good I will see you back in a month unless you have any problems. My nurse will print these off for you. When we are back at the house I decide to lay down for a while Maddox was quiet the whole way home, I’m trying to give him some time. I woke up an hour later to noise in the kitchen. Hey babe what are you doing? Just putting your food on a plate I hope you’re hungry with a smile on his face he hands me my plate. How did you know I wanted Mexican? Laughing at me, lucky guess or maybe it was every time you see a Taco commercial you start to drool. I do not I say with a mouth full of food, well you need to make sure you get plenty of food you’re eating for three. Yeah I know so how do you feel about that, you’ve been pretty quiet since we found out. Well I was really surprised but in a good way. Kylee bear I love you and our babies and I can’t wait to meet them. I bought you something. Oh you didn’t have to get me anything Maddox, handing me a small box I open it and has down on one knee. Kylee Maye York will you marry me. Oh gosh Maddox yes I will marry, he slides the ring on my finger. Its beautiful Madds I love you so much. So dad is meeting us in the morning at the courthouse. Why, because I’m not letting you walk around another day without being my wife, so I guess we are getting married tomorrow. Picking me up he carried me to the bedroom Maddox Kourt put me down. I will I’m just practicing for tomorrow he sits me on the bed. How did I get so lucky to have a man as wonderful as you in my life? Ky I’m the lucky one you agreed to marry me, you’re having our children and I want to wake up to that beautiful face every morning for the rest of my life. Oh Madds stop or I’m going to start crying. Well how about you fall asleep in my arms instead. That sounds great I love you Maddox Kourt. I wake up in an extremely happy mood I can’t believe I’m getting married this morning. Going thru my closet was a waste of time my belly has grown too much over the past couple of weeks, nothing can hide my bulging belly anymore I need to shop for maternity clothes soon. As I’m looking in the mirror at my stomach I see Maddox walking into the room carrying a box. Why the long face Ky? Pocking out my bottom lip nothing fit this belly is getting in the way. Chuckling well this will help my dad picked it out. Opening the box it’s a white summer dress oh Madds it’s perfect and my belly will fit under it. Slipping it on I smooth down the bottom, I love it. Wrapping his arms around me he places his hand on my stomach, you look beautiful. Turning me to face him he bends down and kisses my stomach. Now you two I’m going to marry your mom today so don’t give her too much trouble. Wow giving orders while they are still in the womb, he laughs at me it’s good to start early. We walk in the courthouse and Ron is there waiting with my mom, she’s in a wheelchair smiling at me. I lean down and hug her I can’t believe you’re here. Ron came over this morning and asked if I felt like going to a weeding. Ron thank you so much this means the world to me. I told Lucy that our kids would get hitched someday, yeah Ron, I think it was the day we caught Maddox eating a mud pie Kylee made for him you said any man that will eat dirt for a women will marry her someday. Laughing dad I was five I didn’t know better, Ron pats Maddox on the arm sure son you just keep telling yourself that. Everything is signed all you have to do is go in front of the judge. We go and say our vows and my mom keeps smiling I love that she’s so happy she could be here for this. We walk outside the courthouse and Ron snaps a few pictures of us. Dad thanks so much for making this happen. Well the food should be ready at the house lets go eat some lunch. Mom do you feel like coming to Ron's, yes sweetie its nice getting out. We will meet you there in a few dad. Maddox opens the door and helps me in; after he turns on the truck I look over at him he’s so happy. Well Mrs. Kourt, I can get use to that, well you better because it’s never going to change. I love you so much Madds, I love you too Kylee Kourt….. When we get to Ron’s mom is out of the wheelchair and sitting on the sofa. I sit down beside her, congrats Kylee I’m so happy for you and Maddox, thank you mommy. Reaching over and patting my stomach, so when is it due? Umm they are due at the end of March. They you mean twins? Uh yeah we found out yesterday, mom I was going to tell you I just didn’t want you to think that being pregnant was the reason we were getting married. Oh baby I see the way you two look at each other, I married your father when I was pregnant with you and  he never looked at me the way Maddox looks at you. Have you talked to daddy? No the only thing I’ve gotten from him were divorce papers. What he divorced you? Yes honey but I’m fine with it we were never really happy together I know you heard all the fighting even though I tried to hide it from you. What an ass, Kylee Maye don’t make me wash your mouth out. Really Lucy threating poor Kylee on her wedding day. Laughing well Ron dear that’s what mothers do, she will find out soon enough. Maddox dear will you help me to the room so I can lie down for a while. After Maddox and mom are out of the room Ron sits beside me. Thank you Ron for everything especially with mom I don’t know how I can ever repay you. Kylee I would do anything for you and Lucy. There is something you ought to know I love your mother I’ve loved her since we were kids I would do anything for her. I know Ron you’ve always looked at mom in away my dad never did. Does she know how you feel? Yeah I told her but that was about the time she was diagnosed with cancer and she tried to push me away but I’m not going anywhere. She’s really lucky to have you, do you know about the divorce? Yeah that dad of yours is a real piece of work. Do you know where he is? Uh yeah he’s in jail in Washington. Really why? Theft is what the divorce lawyer said he’s in there for five to ten years. Wow karma has a way of coming back around, it serves him right for the way he treated my mom. Maddox walks back in she’s asleep laughter in his tone she told me if I did anything to hurt you or her grandchildren she would have me castrated. I wouldn’t be laughing son she will. Don’t worry I will never do anything to hurt my family. Kylee bear are you and my boys hungry? Uh boys? What makes you think they are boys and not girls? Just a guess, hmm handing me my plate I clear it quickly. He hands me his plate here Ky you can have mine too you still look hungry. Thanks Maddox I am or at least they are. Dad I think we are going to head home I don’t want my wife too tired to register for classes tomorrow. What classes, online high school unless you want to go to a real high school. Answering quickly online sounds perfect. Bye guys come back soon, we will can you tell my mom bye for us. Sure thing, bye dad thanks again. Maddox carries me inside placing me down in bed, there you are Mrs. Kourt. So what did you and dad talk about while I was with your mom? Oh the usual
he’s in love with my mom, how my dad’s in jail for the next five to ten years. Wait what. I kind of had a feeling about your mom but your dads in jail for what? Theft. Are you ok with it? Yeah let that bastard rot for leaving my mom when she’s dying and for not even having the decency to tell me bye before he split. Kylee he doesn’t deserve you or your mom, thank Maddox. Sliding off my dress and letting it fall to the floor and slid back on the bed. So Mr. Kourt it is our wedding night before I could say anything else his lips were smashing against mine. Ripping his shirt off buttons flew everywhere and then he was on top of me. Kissing me with such eagerness we made love for the rest of the night.


We’ve been married for two months now and everything has been wonderful Maddox is so caring and is going to make a great father. He loves when the babies kick and move he can lay there for hours talking to them. I love this side of my husband. I’m waiting for him to get home from classes I had an appointment today that he had to miss because he had a test. The doctor gave me a printout of the twins and he was able to determine the sex of them, Maddox is going to be thrilled. He walks into the study while I’m working on an English essay. Hey Ky how was the doctor? Oh you know Dr. Miller said the babies are right on track and decided to do an ultrasound while I was there here you can look at the picture they printed out. Looking at them he points what’s this. Oh that is just your daughter, MY WHAT. Your daughter, I hand him another one and this is your son. SON looking at both pictures son and daughter. Yep so you were half right WOW…WOW it so real now we can finally decide on names, you have any ideas? Well I was thinking you name our son and I name our daughter. That sounds fair Ky. I kind of like the name Harper, yeah I like that you should give her your middle name, Harper Maye Kourt I like that. Well what about for our son? Hmm I like Talan Mason. Oh I like that so we have baby Harper and Talan. So what were you doing before I barged in?  An English essay I want to try and finish the year before the babies get here. I think I should just get my GED. If that’s what you want I will help you study. Really you won’t be mad I’m not finishing the online stuff. Ky I don’t want you stressing so if you want to get your GED then that’s what you will do. Closing my computer well I’m done writing lets go pick out paint for the baby’s room. Oh I did that already Ky the painters and decorator will be here this weekend. Why didn’t you tell me? I wanted it to be a surprise I was going to take you to San Antonio for a weekend away and surprise you with the nursery. Oh Madds that’s so sweet, hey wait isn’t you birthday this weekend. Yeah so why are you surprising me shouldn’t I be surprising you. Well the weekend is dads treat for my birthday and I wanted to take you to the River Walk so it all worked out. You are such a wonderful husband. Patting my stomach hey you two that hurts, those two must be having a boxing match in there. Grabbing his hand and placing it on my stomach fell this, man what are you feeding them they are getting strong. You should feel them from the inside. They must like your voice they are more active when they hear you. That’s because they know I’m their daddy, well daddy they want you to rub mommies back alright lets go to the bedroom and I will. Lying on my side Maddox gives me a nice long back rub and then moves on to my feet. You’re the best Madds I feel so much better. It’s the least I can do your doing all the work to have my little kick boxers. Very true but being pregnant with our babies make me so happy Maddox. The doorbell started ringing. Are you expecting anyone Maddox? No dad is with your mom and everyone else is at some party. Opening the door Maddox isn’t very happy. Hello mother I didn’t know you were back. Well maybe that’s because you never call, the phone works both ways. Yes I’ve just been traveling a lot. Is it alright if I come in? That up to my wife I don’t want you upsetting her. Its ok Madds, Chloe walks in. oh my goodness ladybug you are growing you must be ready to pop any day now, how rude is she I’m not that big. No still have five more months. Mom Kylee is having twins. Oh twins how exciting her tone was less than thrilled. Yes you would know that if you were around more. Maddox is getting very irritated if looks could kill Chloe would be long gone. Well Maddy I just want to come by and see you before your birthday plus I leave for Italy tomorrow. I just stopped by and seen your mother and Ron was there so I didn’t stay long. Yeah I see her every day now that I know where she is, I know I had an acidic tone to my voice but I just couldn’t hold it back this woman tried to keep me from my dying mother and I hated her for it. Mom we are getting ready for bed did you need something else. Well sorry I’m bothering you I just want to drop off this check for your birthday you know just because she is here doesn’t mean you can’t be civilized to your own mother. The fake tears are about to pour. Mom she has a name and Kylee is my wife and the mother of my children oh yeah and your goddaughter if you forgot. Well Maddox I hate to break it to you but she tried to seduce my husband and then said he tried to rape her I wouldn’t doubt if those babies she is carrying aren’t even yours. I couldn’t help myself I ran up and slapped her across the face. You petty self-centered bitch you need to leave my house you are not welcome here. This is only your house because you brainwashed my son and are good at lying on your back. MOM LEAVE NOW BEFORE I PICK YOU UP AND THROW YOU OUT. Maddy she said crying I’m your mother don’t choose that white trash over me. LEAVE NOW CHLOE YOU ARE NOT LONGER WELCOME HERE, Maddox was screaming now. Fine then I guess you have made your choice. Yes I have Chloe, Kylee and my kids come before everyone else especially you get out and don’t come back. Chloe storms out slamming the door. Maddox is at my side holding me, Kylee you alright I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have let her in. I just never thought she could be so evil. Maddox I’m fine I’m just going to take a warm bath, I need time alone. Without waiting for him to answer I walk into the spare bathroom with the garden tub and lock the door I start running the bath and get in before the tears start to pour.  I don’t know why maybe it’s the hormones but what Chloe said bothered me so bad. Did Maddox think that I was the person his mother described maybe not before but now maybe he would think I was some whore who tried to seduce a married man. Maybe he would want a divorce and throw me and the babies out. I guess I was in the bathroom a long time because the water was freezing. Shivering I get out and dry off wrapping myself in a towel I go into our bedroom to find something to wear to bed. Maddox isn’t here maybe he already left. Pulling on a t-shirt  I walk into the living room which is dark and go into the kitchen to get a drink once the kitchen light is on I see Maddox sitting on the sofa in the dark. Maddox are you alright? Looking at me with bloodshot eyes, I walk over to him. Madds I brush his hair with my hand. Kylee why would you shut me out like that? I’m sorry I just need some time to calm down. I’ve been going crazy out here thinking you would leave me over what my mom said. Leave you Maddox I thought you would want to leave me, that maybe you believed what she said about Jacob. Kylee I would never believe that I know you and I saw how scared and hurt you were that night. Oh Maddox I’m so sorry, don’t apologize Ky. Just please don’t shut me out if you are upset then talk to me. Ok Madds I was just being a little hormonal. That’s perfectly normal Ky I love you and don’t ever want to see you upset. I love you to Madds and to make it up to you I want you to take off your clothes so I can make love to my husband. Yes ma’am.

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