Kylee's Story (6 page)

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Authors: A. Malone

BOOK: Kylee's Story
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I’m eight months pregnant and can barely move, the babies are out of room. Maddox took the semester off to be here to help me do things like put on my shoes because I can no longer see my feet. Thank goodness I’ve already gotten my GED because if not I wouldn’t be able to concentrate long enough to take the test. Ron has been spending a lot of time with mom since it’s so hard for me to get around. He told me yesterday he doesn’t think she is going to make it much longer. I was hoping she would make it long enough to meet Harper and Talan, but I really don’t know. Ky do you want milk with your toast? No thanks I’m a little nauseous just the dry toast and water please. Her you go babe do you want me to get you ginger ale or anything, no this is fine but thanks. Whatever you want Kylee bear. Putting his hand on my belly while I nibble the toast Maddox could feel our little wiggle worms kicking up a storm. I still can’t believe how strong they are. Me either, do you think we can go see mom today? Sure if you feel up to it well let me change and we can go. Do you need help Ky? No I will wear a long dress, an hour later we are pulling up to the assistant living were my mom is staying. Ron’s car is in the lot already, I’m so happy your dad is here so much he really does love her. Yeah he does he was never like this with my mom hell they were hardly in the same room for long without fighting. Grabbing my hand we walk into mom’s room and Ron is reading a book to her. Her eyes light up when she sees me, oh Kylee Maye look at you. Hi mommy how are you feeling? Better now that you and my grandbabies are here, smiling she reaches over to my stomach. How is Harper and Talan doing today? Good they are squirming around a lot today. They just want out so their grandparents can spoil them rotten. Oh mom you would say that. Here Ky sit down in this chair and relax while you talk to mom. With a very pleased look on her face mom says you are a very lucky girl to have such a caring husband, I know mommy I’m very lucky. Maddox interrupts you are both wrong I’m the lucky one to have Kylee never in my life did I think she would love me but for some reason she does. Ron pats Maddox on the shoulder my son the sap he says with a chuckle. Thanks dad squash my manhood. Sorry son you did that all on your own. I started laughing and then I grab my stomach in pain. Kylee what’s wrong are you ok? I’m not sure Madds I’m having sharp pains I think we need to call Dr. Miller I might be going into labor. Lucy I’m going to help Maddox get Kylee to the truck and then I will be back inside. As I walk out I hear my mom telling me she loves me. Before we get to the exit I stop walking and scream.  Maddox picks me up and runs to the truck. It’s alright Kylee I’ve got you we will be at the hospital in a few minutes. Ok Madds just hurry I think my water just broke. That’s when he floored it. Within minutes we were at the hospital and Maddox was carrying me inside. Maddox please put me down I can walk. Ok Kylee why don’t you sit here and I will find a doctor. He runs off I hear him telling the nurse my wife is in labor with our twins. The nurse takes us to the back. We need to check you out and then we will page your doctor. Handing me a gown Maddox helps me change and then the doctor walks in as I start to scream again. Well Mrs. Kourt my nurse said she think you are in labor. Um hum she is eight months pregnant with twins and her water broke on the way here.  Alright we will get you upstairs what is your doctor name Maddox answers him Dr. Miller. EIGHT HOURS LATER. My mom walks in with a huge smile, congrats Kylee Maye they are beautiful. Thanks mommy, Maddox guides her to a chair to sit. Who would you like to hold first? About that time Talan starts to wail, laughing I think my grandson has answered that for me. Watching my mother holding my son makes me so happy. So the doctors said they are healthy being born early? Maddox nods and answers, yes Sir Dr. Miller said everything looks good they were both over seven pounds and all of their labs came back good. Mom you look tired Maddox let me have Talan. Oh sweetie I’m fine I want to hold Harper before I leave. Alright mom Ron walks over to me I’ve gotten some great shots of Lucy and the kids. Don’t worry I will make you copies of them all. Thanks Ron do you think you can get a picture of mom holding both of them? Sure let me have my grandson and I will get Maddox to take the picture. Wait dad I have a better idea move the chair by the bed and help Lucy over there Kylee needs a picture with her mom and the babies. That’s a great idea Maddox. Having my mom and the babies so close makes me happier than I’ve ever been. A nurse walks in to check on us. Would you like me to take a family picture for you? Ron hands her the camera that would be wonderful. After snapping a few picture Nurse Katie hands the camera back to Ron and checks on the babies and me. Mrs. Kourt if you need anything just use the call button. Well son those babies and your wife look tired we will come back tomorrow. My mom leans in and kisses Harper and Talan then kisses my forehead. Kylee I’m so proud of you sweetie you are going to be a great mother I love you. I love you too mommy. She walks over to Maddox and hugs and congratulates him and whispers something in his ear and they leave. A little whimper comes out of Harper, Maddox walks over and picks her up I think someone needs a bottle and a changing. Well daddy do you want to feed or change her? Oh Kylee bear you rest I will take care of this. Thanks Madds I really am tired. I woke up to crying babies. I walk over to where Maddox is and pick up Talan who is screaming loud enough to wake half the hospital. Shh little man let’s get you dry and fed. After he gets the bottle and I start to rock him he quiets down Maddox is burping Harper and he lays her down. I can already see she has him wrapped around her finger. Talan lets out a big burp Maddox starts to laugh I think he should sleep good now I lay him down and walk over to Maddox and kiss him. What was that for Ky? For being you and for loving me. Ky I will always love you now let’s get some rest while we have a chance. After sleeping a few hours I wake up and pick up a screaming Talan before he can wake his sister and dad. It’s ok little man you don’t have to make all that noise. I feed him and rock him and he’s fast asleep in my arms I must have drifted off because I wake up to Maddox taking Talan and putting him in the bassinet. What time is it Madds? Around nine am, he walks over and sits by me. Thank you Kylee for giving me this perfect life, Maddox we gave this life to each other. He kisses my forehead and Ron walks in with bloodshot eyes. Dad what wrong? Clearing his throat Kylee your mom, she passed away about an hour ago. Tears run down my face, that can’t be possible she was just here holding the babies. I’m sorry Kylee she held on as long as she could all she wanted was to meet her grandchildren before she he pauses fighting back his own tears, passed away. Maddox pulls me in his arms tighter; I’m sorry Ky. Sobbing into his arm I look at Ron. Do you think you can make arrangements I don’t think I can? Yes Kylee your mom planned most of it already. I will finalize everything and set the wake up for when you are released. Thank you Ron, yeah dad thanks we should be going home today. Ron leaves and Maddox attention is back on me. My tears have stopped and I think I’m in shock I knew my mom was going to die but I just thought we would have a little more time. Kylee, Kylee I realize by the look on Maddox face he must have been trying to get my attention for a while. Hmm Madds did you say something? Yes Ky you were staring off into space. Sorry Madds I was just thinking. Don’t apologize Ky I just was telling you that you need to eat the food they brought in you have to keep your strength up. Nodding I nibble on a piece of bacon. Harper starts to fuss I get up and change her a feed her, she looks so much like Maddox she’s beautiful I lay her back down and tend to Talan
  before he has a chance to scream this boy has a set of lungs on him. Looking at him, he has mine and my mother’s nose. A single tear runs down my face. I lay him down and sit back down to eat my breakfast. Kylee I need to go by the house and pick up a few things for you and the babies are you going to be alright for a while? Yeah will you have them take the babies to the nursery while I shower? Yeah I will roll them down there and be back soon. I walk into the bathroom look in the mirror I look rough I shower and before I can get out Maddox is standing there with fresh clothes. Thanks Maddox that was fast. I’ve been gone close to forty five minutes. Oh let me get dressed and I will be out there in a minute. When I walk back into the room Maddox is dressing the kids in the outfits my mom helped me pick out. Walking over I help him with Talan who is making a fuss not wanting to wear the outfit. Shh little man your fine everyone has to wear clothes. The nurse came in while you were showering and said they will discharge us soon. I nod and place Talan back down. You alright Kylee your kind of quiet. Yep I’m fine, if you want to talk I’m here I’ll listen. I know Maddox but I’m fine there’s nothing to talk about my mom’s dead I can’t change that I said that way too sharply. He didn’t say anything else I think he is afraid I’m going to snap. I’m such a bitch I know all he was trying to do was help but if I talk about it I will breakdown and I have to be strong for them. Nurse Katie walks in, alright guys are you ready to take these little angels home all we need to do is sign a few forms and fasten them in their carriers. Ky you sign everything and I will strap them in, ok Mrs. Kourt these are their birth certificates and just sign here by all the highlighted areas. Were all set Ky.


We’ve been home for two days and I’ve been on autopilot trying to stay busy which isn’t hard with two newborns. As long as I’m busy I don’t think about mom. Her service is today and I can see the concerned look on Maddox face he’s been great even though I know I haven’t been easy on him. Kylee I’ve gotten the babies ready and in the carriers you almost ready? Yeah let’s go. Dad wanted to know if you felt like speaking about your mom. I shake my head no, that’s not a good idea Maddox it’s just too hard right now. That fine Kylee he will understand. The service went by in a big blur it wasn’t until we were arriving at Ron’s when I realized that Chloe had the nerve to show up and something in me snapped. I sat Harpers carrier down in the living room walked over to Chloe and slapped her across the face. YOU BITCH HOW DARE YOU SHOW UP HERE AFTER EVERYTHING YOU DID I screamed at her. Fake tears fall down her face I’m sorry ladybug all I wanted to do was pay my best friend her respects is that so wrong? She was not you best friend you need to leave. I felt someone grab me from behind, I knew it was Maddox. Ky calm down I will have her leave. Wiggling out of his grip I take the twins carriers and storm off to Ron’s guest room, I could hear Maddox arguing with Chloe and then a door slam. A few minutes later the door opens and Maddox walks in closing it behind him. Kylee we need to talk. About what I snapped. I know you are hurting but you cannot lash out at everyone. I will not let that women come in here and put on a sob act that is an insult to my mother. It’s not my fault your mother is a horrible bitch. Kylee that is enough Maddox said sternly he’s never spoken to me like that before I know I deserve it but still I hurts coming from my best friend. I sit on the floor an start to bail like a baby Maddox scoops me up and puts me in his lap and rocks me like I’m his child. It’s going to be alright Kylee bear just let it all out. When I’m done drenching my husband shirt I look up at him I’m so sorry Maddox I’ve been so horrible to you. Why are you apologizing Kylee I’m not mad at you I was just worried that you were holding everything in. I look around the room where are the kids? Dad came in and got them over an hour ago, they were starting to fuss and I was afraid to let you go. Maddox I’m such a bad mother I was crying so hard I didn’t hear my own babies cry. Don’t say that Kylee you are a great mother that’s never going to change. I love you, now why don’t you lie down and rest for a while you’ve had a rough week. I’m going to go help dad with the twins.


It’s been a year since my mom died. Harper and Talan are one today the time has flown by. Maddox has ran out to get the candles that I forgot for the cakes while I decorate the rest of the house. No no no mine and then I hear a scream come from Harper. Walking into the living room I pick up Harper who’s upset. Talan Mason no hitting your sister, smiling at me he crawls to my feet. It’s amazing how different their personalities are Harper is very quiet and serious and looks just like Maddox and Talan is loud and likes to make everyone laugh he reminds me of his father but looks more like me and mom. With that smile he gives you there is no way to stay mad at him. Harper squirms out of my arms Dada. She is such a daddy’s girl; Maddox lays the bags in the chair and scoops her up. There’s daddy’s princess she giggles as he kisses her, Talan pulls on his leg Dada mine. Laughing Maddox picks Talan up, Talan sticks his tongue out at Harper and she wraps her arms around Maddox neck. Now Talan who would have taught you to stick out that tongue like that maybe mommy. Oh hush Maddox I would never do that. Dada mine and Talan slaps at Harper, no no Talan you have to share daddy with Harp. Here Madds let me take her you talk to your mini me. Come on Harper let go put on your new dress. As soon as I get her dress on the doorbell rings, KY DADS HERE. OK I WILL BE RIGHT OUT. Harper you want to see pop pop? oh pop pop and she claps her hands. We walk into the kitchen were Talan is laughing like a mad man. Look baby dad bought the kids a puppy he says sarcastically. Dog Harper says I sit her in the floor with her brother and the cutest English bulldog puppy. I hope you’re not mad Kylee but when I took Talan out the other day he saw him in the window and I had to get him. Oh really that explains why he keeps saying dog. Well I might have been hiding him at the house. Oh so dad who is going to train him. Madds, it’s alright look at the kids they love him. Shaking his head Maddox bends down Talan Harp do you like your puppy? All you hear is laughter, I’ll take that as a yes so what do you want to name him? Talan has been calling him Mac at the house so that’s what I’ve been calling him too. Mac Mac Harper and Talan repeat. Don’t worry I’ve already bought everything he needs cage, food, toys, it’s all in the car. Maddox go help your dad set everything up in our bathroom. So guys are you ready for your party. No Mac Harper says in between giggles. Four hours later and two kids crashed from a sugar high I’m cleaning up the kitchen when Maddox walks in from the backyard with Mac he sit the puppy down and he goes straight for his pants leg. I could kick my dad for this little ankle bitter. Well you’re
children love him so you better learn to deal with him. Yes dear, Maddox Mason is that sarcasm I hear, me sarcastic never. So are you almost done I have some work to do in my office. Umm almost why don’t you go to the office and I will finish up in here. I finish wiping down the counter and there is a light knock at the door, I open it and Chloe is there can I help you? Kylee I just came by to apologize to you can I come in? I guess but keep it down Talan and Harper are asleep. Holding Mac I sit on the sofa across from Chloe, that’s a cute puppy. Thanks Ron got him for Talan and Harpers birthday. So let’s not beat around the bush say what you came here to say. Well Kylee I was wrong for the way I treated you and believing Jacob over you. He was arrested for assaulting a young girl while we were in Europe a few weeks ago. I just wish I wouldn’t have reacted the way I did when you told me about him. I’m also sorry for the way I talked to you about your mother and the things I said about you. None of it was true and I was out of line I just hope you can forgive me. I would like a second chance I would really like to be in my family’s lives. You sound sincere but it’s not just my decision let me get Maddox and see what he wants to do because the things you said might have been about me but they really hurt Madds too. Carrying Mac with me I walk into the office. Hey Ky I’m just finishing in here did you need something? Yeah your mom’s here. Alright I will tell her to leave. Madds wait she came over to apologize. I tell him what his mother said and let him know I think we should give her a second chance. If that’s what you want Ky I’m fine with that she’s my mother and I love her. Well you go talk to her I’m going to put Mac in the bathroom and check on the kids. As I walk out of the bedroom I her Talan momma then Harper dada, I pick Harper up and Talan is already walking down the hall to the living room. Oh my goodness is this Talan he so big the pictures you sent don’t even look like him. Talan this is your grandma Chloe. Hi Talan says while waving. Dada Harper says while reaching for Maddox. Hey princess Maddox snuggles her close. Harp this is grandma Chloe can you say hi she hides her face in Maddox chest. Oh Maddox she looks just like you. Kylee they are beautiful, thank you Chloe. Well I don’t want to keep you it’s getting late but I was wondering if we could all have dinner soon maybe Ron could join us. Mom that would be great I will call you and let you know when is good. After saying our goodbyes, Maddox takes the kids back to their room and puts them back to bed. A half hour after wrestling with Talan they are asleep, I’m already in bed relaxing when Maddox walks in and gets in bed with me. He wraps me up in his arms everything is right in the world when I’m in his arm I feel safe like nothing bad can happen. This man has my heart and soul. Whatever I did to deserve this life I’m unsure of, but I’m grateful I have my family even with my mom gone I feel like she is somewhere watching over us. In my heart I feel like she is responsible for Chloe coming around and I’m glad Maddox has his mom back. Kylee bear I love you, I love you too Madds.

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