La Suite (18 page)

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Authors: M. P. Franck

Tags: #erotica, #adult, #glbt, #multiple partners

BOOK: La Suite
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Gaëlle sat
still for a few moments, wondering how she could satisfy her itch.
She didn’t fancy going to all the trouble of changing into
something sexy, just to masturbate at home. She looked at her
skirt, a Scottish kilt, which was just above knee length. She had
bought her pullover on the same occasion, at the Edinburgh festival
with Jérôme. It was he who’d suggested that she could wear
thigh-high socks, rath*er than stockings, with the kilt. He’d
always loved the moment when the pale skin of Gaëlle’s upper thighs
was revealed, as well as the contrast between the formal woollen
cloth and her bare, hairless sex. Gaëlle reached for her sex-chain.
She’d never worn it with the kilt and she wanted to see the

She attached
the clips to her inner labia, went to stand in front of the big
mirror in the spare bedroom and slowly began to lift the hem of the
kilt. She imagined a hidden watcher following her every move. The
dark blue of the knitted socks gave way to skin before the first
links of the chain appeared. By the time she’d allowed her sex to
come into view, Gaëlle was breathing heavily. She not so much
inched her skirt upwards as millimetred it, delaying the proof that
she was bare under the kilt for as long as she could, to make the
final exposure feel sexier.

She felt ready
to take another step. The following afternoon, she walked into town
and up towards the station, where she knew there was at least one
sex shop. It took only a few minutes’ browsing to spot what she was
looking for, an updated version of the remote-control egg that
Jérôme had bought for her and that she’d used in her office with
Gabi. She paid, carried it home triumphantly and unpacked it on the
kitchen table. The new remote was black and looked a bit like an
iPod. It looked rather more stylish than the off-white plastic
original. There were three lights, red, amber and green, to display
the strength of the vibration, which was controlled by a knurled
wheel. Gaëlle dropped her knickers, inserted the egg and turned the
remote to red. The powerful vibration deep inside her vagina made
her knees wobble almost immediately. She experimented for some
minutes, working out that the green light indicated a pleasant
tickle, amber was quite strong and red, as she’d just discovered,
was mind-blowing. She used the red to blast herself to a very
satisfactory orgasm. Her plan was to ask someone else to operate
the remote control in public, and to allow them to decide when and
how much vibration to give Gaëlle.

The next
question was whom she could ask to share the experience. Maya had
said that Gaëlle had an involuntary reaction to attractive women at
the gym, something that Gaëlle hadn’t realized herself. Perhaps she
could persuade Maya to demonstrate what she meant? The thought gave
Gaëlle a warm feeling. She looked at her watch. Maya would be
leaving work shortly. There was no time like the present, Gaëlle
decided. The egg was still in place and all she’d have to do was go
to meet her friend and see whether she’d co-operate. She picked up
her jacket from where she’d dropped it on the floor in her rush to
try out the egg and set off for Maya’s Collège, not even pausing to
put her knickers back on. Outside the school buildings, she checked
to make sure that Maya’s car was still parked, then went up to

“Is Maya still
here?” Gaëlle asked the secretary.

The woman gave
her a disapproving look. “If you mean the Directrice, then yes,
Madame is working in her office,” she said stiffly.

“I’m sorry,”
Gaëlle corrected herself, noting the implied capital letters in
Maya’s title. “Of course, I should have said the Directrice, but
I’m a friend of hers and I think of her as Maya.”

The secretary
was not mollified. She tossed her head as she went through to the
back of the office. Gaëlle heard a murmured conversation, then Maya
appeared, a broad smile on her face.

“Gaëlle! What a
nice surprise! What can I do for you?”

“Do you have
time to come for a little walk?” Gaëlle enquired

Maya raised an
eyebrow. Gaëlle felt herself flush. Maya took pity on her.

“Give me five
minutes,” she said. “Mademoiselle Maurer will get you a coffee if
you want one, won’t you. Clothilde?”

“No coffee,
thank you. I’m fine,” Gaëlle said. “I’ll just sit and wait.” The
expression on the secretary’s face had revealed that she was
probably working out whether to put two doses of cyanide in
Gaëlle’s cup rather than just one. When Maya emerged, she led
Gaëlle out of the building and along the road towards the centre of

“Now, what’s
this all about? I imagine it isn’t just a social call,” Maya

Gaëlle took a
moment to think about how to phrase her reply. What had appeared so
simple at home now seemed self-indulgent as well as complex. Maya
interrupted Gaëlle’s train of thought. “It’s sex again, isn’t it?”
she asked.


“Well, get on
with it, then,” Maya said firmly. Gaëlle cleared her throat and
explained that she’d been thinking about what Maya had said,
regarding Gaëlle’s reaction to attractive women. She held out the
remote to Maya.

“What I’d like
you to do for me, is to watch as I go for a stroll through town,
and turn it to green, amber or red, any time that you observe the
phenomenon that you told me about, and according to how noticeable
my reaction is.”

“So, if I see
you taking a sudden, conspicuous interest, I do this, do I?” Maya
asked, turning it on to full power. Gaëlle’s insides lurched as the
vibration pulsed through her vagina. Maya looked at her.

“You’re somehow
wired up to this, aren’t you?” she said.

Gaëlle nodded

“I won’t ask
exactly how…or where. Right, then, here we go,” Maya said. “And
behave yourself properly, or I’ll do…this!” She turned it to
maximum and kept it there until Gaëlle begged her to stop.

“If you do
that, I won’t be able to walk at all,” Gaëlle gasped.

“Just walk!”
Maya instructed her. “I need to know what range this thing

They rapidly
worked out that Maya could afford to be a few steps away from
Gaëlle. They set off towards the centre of town. Offices were
closing and the streets were gradually filling with workers on
their way home. Gaëlle was very nervous at first, but after a few
minutes, she did her best to forget the egg inside her and strolled
along, looking in shop windows from time to time. The egg buzzed.
Gaëlle hadn’t been aware that she’d looked at anyone in particular.
She paused and waited for Maya to catch up with her:

“What did I
do?” she asked.

“You didn’t
realize? The girl getting into the taxi and showing a lot of rather
nice leg?”

Now, Gaëlle
recalled. Her interest level had been raised so marginally that
she’d already forgotten the moment. “Wow,” she said. “You’re really
sharp, aren’t you? I wasn’t aware that I’d noticed her until I got
your little buzz.”

“That was why
it was only a little one,” Maya said with a grin. “On you go! I’m
starting to enjoy this!”

continued her walk, trying to ignore the egg. It was five minutes
before Maya surprised her again, but this time, Gaëlle didn’t need
to ask why. The young woman bending over to adjust her shoe had
revealed a push-up bra in the opening of her blouse, and Gaëlle was
almost sure she’d caught a glimpse of nipple. Again she waited for

“I know,” she
said. “I’m behaving like a dirty old man, aren’t I? Does it

Maya laughed.
“Don’t worry,” she said. “I only notice where your eyes go because
that’s what I’m looking for. Onwards!”

For over half
an hour, Gaëlle criss-crossed the centre of Strasbourg, registering
little bursts of pleasure every so often, as Maya buzzed her.
Mostly, it was a green pulse, which made Gaëlle aware that she must
be spending most of her life at present in a state of slight
excitement. She felt another quick green buzz. Gaëlle stopped and
waited for Maya to come up to her.

“What was that
for?” Gaëlle asked. “I was looking at cakes!”

“That was just
to get your attention,” Maya said. “And speaking of cakes…Let’s
find a café. I want to sit down, I’ve been on my feet all day.”

“I’m sorry,”
Gaëlle said. “I was being selfish. Come on, I’ll buy you a

She led Maya to
a café by the cathedral, where she’d had an exciting experience a
few years earlier. They sat on the terrace, watching people walk
across the square. Now, Gaëlle was able to concentrate and
gradually the little bursts of green pleasure became easier for her
to predict. However, she almost shot out of her seat when Maya gave
her a sustained, red-light throbbing. The woman who had provoked it
was walking their way from the other side of the square. She was
fully dressed and had done nothing to reveal thigh or breasts.
However, she was very attractive—that was clear, from the heads
that turned her way.

“All right! I
confess! She’s lovely!” Gaëlle gasped. Maya smiled, but the
vibration continued. Gaëlle wanted to writhe in ecstasy, but fought
to maintain some degree of control, given that the café and street
were full of people who would notice if she gave in to her

“Maya! Please
turn it off, I’m going to come.”

“In a moment,”
Maya said. As the young woman came nearer, Maya waved to her. She
changed course and came towards their table. Gaëlle panicked.

“What on earth
are you doing, Maya?” She gasped. A moment later, the vision was
walking up to Maya and kissing her on both cheeks.

“Séverine, meet
Gaëlle,” Maya said. “Séverine teaches at my school.”

“Pleased to
meet you, Séverine,” Gaëlle managed to say, relieved that Maya had
moved the control to green for the moment. The young woman was very
tall, with long black hair. Her skirt and jacket had a designer
label, and her crisp white blouse showed just a touch of cleavage,
hinting at beautiful breasts. The urgent buzz in Gaëlle’s vagina
made it hard for her to make intelligent conversation. For what
felt like an age, Gaëlle sat trembling on the brink of orgasm,
while Maya and Séverine exchanged politenesses. They behaved quite
formally, which made Gaëlle feel that her turned-on state was even
less appropriate, escalating her excitement. Maya released the
control, and Gaëlle breathed deeply. However, as Séverine was
shaking Gaëlle’s hand in farewell, Maya went up to red again,
making the waves in Gaëlle’s sex attain tsunami proportions. She
barely managed to say goodbye and restrain herself until Séverine’s
back was turned, before she doubled over and came.

“That’s for
taking advantage of me with the dress!” Maya declared.

Gaëlle couldn’t
speak for a moment. When she got her voice back, she said, “That
was amazing, but I was terrified, too! It would have been awful to
disgrace myself in front of one of your staff. I hope that makes us

“All square,”
Maya assured her. “But now it’s time for me to go home and for you
to go and lie down, from the look of you. By the way, you aren’t
the first to have ogled Séverine. I suspect that most of the
adolescent boys in her Human Biology class spend their nights with
willy in hand, imagining what she must look like in the nude.”

“Some of the
girls will be fantasizing, too, I bet,” Gaëlle said. She cast a
quick glance at Maya. “And maybe even a few of the staff…and their

“I’ll see you
Monday evening,” Maya said firmly. She handed the remote to Gaëlle,
kissed her, then turned and walked away.




“Have you
recovered from our stroll through town?” Maya asked with a twinkle
in her eye, as she parked herself on Gaëlle’s sofa the following
Monday evening.

“I didn’t need
to recover, but it took a while for me to calm down,” Gaëlle told
her. “I don’t remember if I thanked you for your help, but if not,
I do thank you sincerely. The world isn’t full of people who could
be trusted to do what you did for me.”

“When I first
agreed to listen to you, I didn’t realise I was going to be
involved quite so…shall we say, intimately,” Maya said. “But it was
fun and it did allow me to get you back for the dress you sneaked
into my bag for Eric.”

Gaëlle laughed.
“So we’re even. Where had we got to?”

speaking of Eric, he and I were discussing you a few nights ago. He
was surprised you’d been such a late starter. He was wondering what
triggered this urge to test yourself to such an extent.”

Gaëlle thought
for a moment. “Well, meeting Jérôme was the most important event in
my whole life, not just the erotic part of it, but the specific
spark for the exploration came from a book.”

The Story
of O
, I suppose?”

“No. I’ve never
been a fan of pain and humiliation. I love sex, but that book left
me cold, well, mostly. The book that got to me was

“I’ve never
read it, just seen a couple of the films. I didn’t find Sylvia
Kristel particularly sexy, I have to admit.”

“She didn’t
look as I’d imagined Emmanuelle from the book, that’s certain.
There’s a lot more to the book than was in the film, too. It was
how they set about visualizing what happened to her that was
interesting to me when I saw the film.”

“I can just see
you in the cinema, nudging Jérôme and saying that isn’t right, or
they’ve changed that bit. So, what was it about the book that set
you off?”

“It was the
idea of trying out all sorts of erotic experiences. As you just
said, testing myself to discover what excited me…and Jérôme too, of
course. The first time I read it, the book blew me away. There was
one moment…” Gaëlle paused, deep in recollection. Maya sat looking
expectantly at her and waiting for Gaëlle to carry on.

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