Laced Impulse (4 page)

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Authors: Sasha Combs

BOOK: Laced Impulse
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"Stop it!" Bianca mentally scolded herself. “Oh God.” She thought because he was doing it again. His mouth found hers, then his tongue dipped and probed; finding places even she knew nothing about. She moaned. Not a little one. A long, musical note in her throat, kind of moan. Good grief, if this man wasn’t a damn good kisser. She had to keep her focus. Hah. She would slap herself if her hands weren’t wrapped around Mot’s body like a coiled slinky. She had to remember her training but in the heat of the moment, every tactic was evading her reason.

Mot pressed his lips next to her ears, concealing his mouth behind the curtain of her hair. The heat from his breath warmed her body in ways that were criminal, yet reminded her that she was all woman.

Act the part.” He said. His hands splay wide, possessing the curve in her back. Mot swayed with intentional moves. The aim of his hip guided and directed their movements; taking them to the edge of the dance floor. She didn’t question this. Why would she, when being in his arms felt so good. She heard a woman’s exasperated gasp, but she paid this no mind. She shut out the sound, like slamming a door on the face of an unwanted visitor.

Falling into her role, like Mot had asked of her. Bianca fell in step, following his every move and his subtle directions. Hearing him speak had drained some of the woolgathering out of her. Mot was her contact. Director Vance had said that the agent would debrief her; telling her the details when she arrived. After attending the conference, then lulling around with people she’d been told to impress. The past three days had been a long stretch of nothing but boredom. She didn’t doubt that chemist had exciting and thrilling lives but she couldn’t see it. So far her experience had been hours and days that collided one atop the other. Formulas that she’d memorized and a special interest that she knew would draw out her quarry. And it had. Vance had explained that once she’d attracted the people they were after; then her agent would seek her out. Well, he had and now Mot held her tight in his arms.

Look natural.” He said. His hot breath bathed her again. This time, his lips nuzzled along her collar bone. Dear Lord...did the man know that that was her sweet spot. Natural, he’d said. Was he kidding? Sure he wasn’t. But natural what? Natural strangers or natural lovers? She wanted to ask but before she could say a word, Mot supplied...

That red head in the corner. I’m using
to make her jealous. Just be cool and follow my lead. We’re old acquaintances with a checkered past. I’m your scorned lover. You left me because I’m an asshole.”

Mot pressed his hand, guiding her body even closer to him. She’d seen this man more than a few times. Casual nods and meager exchanges of words; but never a full conversation. Quick glimpses of him but enough to imagine what his body looked like beneath his clothes. Her imagination didn’t do him justice. Every part of her felt solid coils of powerfully toned muscles. Feeling him, fueled a headiness; an emotion foreign to her. She fought to maintain control, and recall rules of engagement. Words crisscrossed in her brain. A list of do’s and don’ts. Precautions and warnings. How not to blow your cover or the other agents.

The music had changed. Now the song was a fast one. Mot’s hand trailed down her arm; clapping hold to her fingers. He guided her back to her seat at the bar. Not talking until he'd helped her sit on the barstool. Leaning in as he’d done when he’d stealthily approached her. His lips lay on her ear. He said...

Stay here for exactly five minutes. Then leave. Meet me at the elevator. If I’m not there, come straight to my room. 18th floor. Suite 348.”

Mot pulled back to stare into her eyes. Bianca had never been this close to him. He had the greenest eyes she’d ever seen. His lip crooked a smile. He was playing his part. The role of her lover. Asshole lover, she amended. He leaned in, softly topping his mouth over hers, teasing her with his tongue. When her lips parted, he pulled her in closer. The kiss was a combination of seduction and raw desire. His fingers weaved through her hair; pulling her head closer still. All calm was lost. He’d rattled and shattered her moral compass. This part that they were playing. If he was trying to show that he wanted to win her back. He had. He’d accomplished what he’d set out to do. So, why shouldn’t she respond like any other woman would. She wobbled, leaning until the bars ledge pressed into her back. They were lovers, and why wouldn't she expect anything less from her body’s response. She didn’t have to force herself to respond appropriately, because genuine feelings didn't require much acting. Bianca was besotted. Not as the agent. Her heart thrummed like Amya’s would. That’s who she was playing. Amya Arnold. A chemist assigned as an attaché, representing the North American Pharmacology Association. This year the pharmacology world conference was being hosted in Paris, France and representatives from every country had been invited to attend. Her handler TC. He'd prepared her by guiding her through a crash course in the field of chemistry and pharmacology. She was grateful she’d been blessed with a near perfect memory. Not quite photographic, but near enough. So far, dealing with the chemist at the conference hadn't presented her with any problems. But now, after meeting up with Mot; she felt like a school girl languishing over a crush. She counted down in her head, waiting for the time to expire. Vance had trusted her to succeed but his trust went far beyond this assignment. He saw something in her. Something that even she didn't see. Whatever it was; that thing that impressed her boss. Bianca would have to draw from that place deep inside of her. She would have to be the agent her mentor believed she could be.

When Mot had broke their kiss, he didn’t immediately leave the room. Following his instructions to the minute, Bianca sat at the bar, eyeing her watch. Looking at the mirror behind the bar, she'd watched Mot when he returned, approaching the table where the red head angrily sat. The woman didn’t look at all pleased with him, but Mot deflected her jealous snub. He stood, straightened his suit coat, then walked out of the lounge without giving her a second notice. He wasn’t gone for long, when the red head stood, leaving the bar in a hurried huff. Bianca watched, looking to see which way she would go. When the red head was no longer in view; she couldn’t stop herself from wondering what Mot had said or done to anger her.

When the time was right, Bianca left the bar but she couldn't recall how she'd gone. Had her paces been to long, or too slow? Did she say something inappropriate when she’d been informed that her tab had already been covered? These are things she should have known. These are behaviors that form and mold her persona. At the time, she’d not thought about this, and as a field agent, she should have considered the possible dangers. Bianca had been so anxious to be with. Too finally talk to the man that for months had fueled her dreams. How carless was that? She'd not even used her handlers advise. Words meant to cover her ass. She wondered if he knew that the red head would follow him. Then she wondered if he knew that the red head wouldn’t come to the bar and confront her.

Bianca was headed for the elevators, as Mot had instructed her. When the lift was in view, that’s when she spotted them. Mot leaned at an angle, one knee bent, with the other leg kicked out straight for balance. His shoulder perched against the wall. While the red head gripped one jetted out hip; her free hand wildly gesticulated her anger. But Mot... Well, from where she stood... And Bianca wasn’t in any hurry to interrupt this woman’s tirade. From her safe distance, Mot appeared to be... What, actually? He didn’t at all look putout or upset. He looked...amused. Fascinated by her indignation.

Bianca couldn’t prolong this any longer. She’d carried taking tiny steps to new heights, and she was sure Mot’s patience had been worn thin by the red head’s annoyance. She could hear her now. The woman was accusing him of... What? The entire exchange didn’t make a lick of sense. Before she’d been in hearing range, the woman’s words sounded like this.

Blah, blah, promised me... Blah, blah...say something! Blah, blah...and who in the hell is she!”

Then the conversation tripped over into a language that was foreign to her. The words sounded Germanic. Dutch, perhaps. Whatever it was, Mot stared at her blankly, and the red head rattled on nonstop.

Bianca was less than three feet from them, when Mot heaved off the wall to press the elevators button. He gripped her hand, pulling Bianca to his side. His eyes lowered, taking her in with his lustful gaze. When he introduced her to the red head; Mot didn’t take his eyes off of Bianca. He was deliberately dissing the woman. Pissing her off for piss sake.

Greta... This is Bianca. The woman I told you about.”

A chime rung, then the elevator’s glorious silver doors parted. Thank you God. In the next moment, she felt her arm grasped in a firm hand and herself propelled through the lifts opening. Mot’s body entered, right behind her. She stumbled, caught off guard and before her eyes regained focus; Mot was there. He was kissing her. She heard what sounded like Germanic female curses. The sound faded, until she heard nothing. It all happened so fast, she had no frame of reference. The red head had been snubbed; his attention lay solely on her. He nudged her back in the corner of the elevator; no brakes in his sensuous kiss. The way his lips tempted her, he was deliberately urging her on. She didn’t get it. The red head was in the lobby and they were alone. She was sure of this. Or, was she sure of anything?

When the elevator doors opened, it was then that she heard the sound of feet shuffling on the carpet. Then the ding, ding signaled the closing of the doors. Now they were alone. But if that was true... Why was Mot passionately rocking her world; kissing her as if his life depended on pleasing her? Before she could train her mind on this query; she heard the chime, then the doors slid open again. When had he pressed the button to his floor? Dear Lord, she needed to get a grip, and grip it fast because, she felt like a dizzy kid who’d spun around goggle eyed, one time too many.

He pulled back, steadying her as he did this. Thank God he realized that all this patting and kissing had overwhelmed her senses. He caught her hand, leading her off the lift, then down the hall; to his room. If anyone were too peer out their door. Too them, they would look like to love sick honeymooners. Sweet, she thought. When they were midway now the hall, Mot stopped in front of his suite. There was an 18 on a black plaque to the side of the doorframe. On the door, she read in her mind, the numbers, 348. Mot fished his key card from his pocket, refusing to release her hand. He turned back, smiling at her he said...

I’m glad you decided to come.”

She didn’t know what to say. So dumbly, she said...

So am I.”

He lowered his head; passionately kissing her for saying the right answer. She heard a clicking sound. That noise metallic locks make after accepting a coded card. She didn’t know how this man did it but he was beyond masterful. Pressing elevator buttons, without her noticing. Then kissing her, while unlocking his door. Mot lifted his head, nodding for her to enter first. It was dark. He reached his hand in, pressing a button located along the side of the doors entrance. She turned to thank him, but she noticed his strained expression. He was staring down the hall, looking at something that had captured his notice. When he turned back seeing her, he looked in that direction once again. Making a clear decision, he stepped inside, closing the door behind him.


Now that they were alone, Mot's eyes did a quick up and down appraisal.

"Nice dress. Remind me to compliment your handler." was all he said. Go figure. Just seconds ago, the man’s tongue had literally been down her throat. His hands had groped and felt her up, more ways than one. Now, like the toss of a coin, it was all business from here on out. Damn and shake it off, she thought. After that mental slap, thankfully her brain was working again. Bianca heard the count down in her head. Foot one, foot two, foot three. She was counting the paces as she crossed the room. Anything that would help her recover. She was trying to imitate Mot’s brisk transformation. His brilliant chameleon performance. Her brain had been so focused on this one thing. She didn't even realize it when it happened. Mot had poured himself a drink. No, she thought to herself. When she'd finally turned to face him, she saw two drinks in his hand. He'd poured them both a drink, now he was motioning for her to sit on the sofa away from the window.

"You needn't worry." He smiled, attempting to allay her fears. "I swept the room. It isn't bugged. You can feel free to say anything."

Good, she thought. Not about the
talking freely
stuff because frankly she had not given that a moments worry. But Mot had and in his professional way, he'd assumed, so had she. He'd given her a plausible excuse that would explain her silent fumbling. And in his own way, he’d cleared up her confusion. The kissing on the elevator and in the hallway. Cameras. In places like this, film was always rolling. You could never be to careful and assuming people aren’t looking when they are... It’s slip ups like that that get agents killed.

Bianca crossed the floor, saying....

"I wasn't given anything to check my room for bugs. Should I be concerned?"

Mot handed her the glass and she took it. The aroma of rum tingled the hairs in her nose.

"You didn't become a target until today, so there was no need to sweep your room. Don't worry. When you leave here today, I'll instruct you on how to use the devise. I mean to say, I’ll show you if your handler didn't cover its use during your training sessions."

Debugging equipment had not been a part of TC's training.

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