Lady Elsa Takes a Lover (2 page)

BOOK: Lady Elsa Takes a Lover
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God, woman. You are a saucy vixen, aren’t you?”

a gasp, I glanced up at George, mortified by having been found out. But how
could he possibly have known what was going through my mind or that my nether
regions were slick with desire?

eyes looked darker somehow. His lips were parted and curled up ever so slightly
into a wicked smile. It took every last ounce of restraint I possessed to keep
from flinging my body at him.

was busy congratulating myself on exhibiting such admirable self-control when
George proceeded to turn the situation on its ear. He reached over, took both
my hands in his, and with one swift move he pulled me onto his lap.

did not resist.

I knew what was happening, I was sitting astride on the lap of the handsome
young man in my drawing room. I’d looped my arms around his neck, he was
running his hands up and down my back, and we were kissing with a ferocious
intensity. I opened my mouth, inviting him to slide his tongue in, to explore
every little nook and cranny, which he did wholeheartedly.

that was not shocking enough, I began to rock my hips slowly back and forth
against him. It wasn’t long before I felt his manhood start to stiffen beneath

what I would have given for the chance to feel him inside of me! If only I had
the power to stop time, I would have given anything to feel his manhood tearing
its way through my tunnel.

this was not to be. After a mere two minutes or so of passionate kissing that
was tantamount to bliss, it all came to an abrupt end. The moment I heard the
faint sound of Caroline’s boots tapping along the floor outside in the hallway,
I sprung away from George and reclaimed my spot at the opposite side of the
sofa. I avoided his eyes, of course, as I made every effort to gather my
composure and ensure that things between George and I would not seem amiss when
his sister came to rejoin us.

entered the room with a smile, evidently none the wiser. I couldn’t be sure, of
course, but it would seem that she hadn’t the foggiest idea what had just
transpired. Perhaps it wasn’t so much the fact that George and I were clearly
skilled at deception as it was that Caroline simply could never have imagined
that we would indulge in such scandalous carrying on.

thought that two individuals who were little more than strangers would have
engaged in such an intimate act was probably beyond Caroline’s comprehension.
The fact that one of these individuals just happened to be a widow in mourning
was beyond the scope of decency.

felt very ashamed of myself, indeed.

yet… At the same time, I felt emboldened with desire. It had been far too long
since I’d felt the thrill of a hard male body against my own. What’s more,
there was a unique sort of excitement that comes from having got away with
performing a naughty act without being found out.

to say, I avoided making eye contact with George for the first few minutes
Caroline rejoined us in the drawing room, focusing the majority of my energy on
her. After a bit, I started to relax and found myself able to include George in
the conversation without becoming terribly frazzled.

for him, he seemed remarkably relaxed for someone who had only just committed a
scandalous act. He leaned back comfortably against the sofa as if he were in
his own home. There was, however, a mischievous twinkle in his eye, and more
often than not, he appeared to be holding back a smile.

another hour or so had passed, Caroline mentioned that the two of them ought to
be making their way back to the manor house so they would arrive before
nightfall. I cannot express how saddened I was by the thought of them departing
so soon.

do hope you will come to call again soon,” I said as I escorted the pair of
them to the door. “I have enjoyed your visit so very much.”

would be delighted to,” said Caroline with a smile. “Perhaps we can arrange to
return in the following week?”

would be lovely,” I said with a bow of the head.

see to it that we do,” said George, flashing that cheeky smile of his at me.
“Thank you for a delightful afternoon, Elsa.”

pleasure was mine, George.”

nearly burst out in laughter at that, for no one could have imagined how true
that statement was.

the pleasure I enjoyed as I rocked my hips and rubbed my slick nether regions
against his manhood…

without any further ado, Caroline and George departed the manor house, leaving
me all on my own. I was saddened to see them go, but I looked forward to seeing
them again.

fortunate I felt to have welcomed the two of them into my home! Not only did
their company serve as a remedy for my crushing loneliness, but for the first
time in so many months, I felt a spark igniting inside of me.

terribly sensual and lovely, I made my way directly upstairs to my bedchambers,
whereupon I promptly shed each and every layer of clothing that I had on. I
then got into bed to caress my bosoms and fondle my slippery folds as I thought
of George’s cheeky smile, his penetrating gaze, his muscular thighs and of
course the glorious rock hard wonder that nestled between his thighs.


* * * *


that evening, I was sitting in the drawing room, reading Flaubert’s daring
Madame Bovary
, when I heard a
tapping on the glass panel of the French doors. It was late; it was nearly half
past ten, and I had been meaning to retire to my bedchambers soon, but the
novel had me engrossed. And it was a good thing it did.

whipped my head around, half expecting to find a scoundrel or some other
unsavory type, but to my relief, my surprise and indeed to my delight, I found
George Chatham staring back at me.

Madame Bovary
fell to the floor as I scrambled up off the sofa and hurried over to
open the French doors.

I exclaimed. “What in Heaven’s name are you doing here?”

thought perhaps you might want to finish what we started,” he said with a grin.

wasn’t sure how to respond. It all seemed terribly surreal to me, as if I had
imagined the events unfolding. Because, to be quite honest, I’d been hoping
that such a thing would occur. Up until I became engrossed in Flaubert’s
engaging tale, I had been unable to think of anything but George and the
passionate moments we shared earlier that day.

your mother aware that you’ve come to call again?” I asked.

haven’t the faintest idea why I asked such a question, but nonetheless, that is
what I said.

you mad?” he said with a laugh. “Of course I did not inform my mother of my
plans to return to Hollingsworth Manor, to tear off every stitch of your
clothing and to roger you six ways to Sunday.”

to think of a single, solitary way to respond to such a remark, I simply stood
there, gaping back at him.

I come in?” he asked.

yes, of course.” I stepped aside, ashamed of having forgotten my manners.

came into the drawing room and shut the door softly behind him. And then,
before I even knew what was happening, he gathered me in his arms and started
to kiss me.

I responded
immediately by winding my arms up around his neck and melting against his hard,
muscular chest. Oh, it felt so good to be pressed so firmly against him! His
tongue stroked the inside of my mouth, his fingers unbuttoning the back of my
dress. Within moments, he had my dress unfastened and he drew his lips from
mine so that he could pull my dress up over my head.

there I was, standing in the drawing room in my undergarments, which George
wasted no time relieving me of. First he unfastened my petticoats and let them
fall to the floor. He picked me up easily with one hand on either side of my
waist and swung me round. He then unlaced my corset, tossing it carelessly to
the carpet, and then he lifted my chemise up over my head and discarded it as

then paused, gazing at my bosoms as if he were mesmerized. With a moan, he
lunged forward and wrapped his lips around one of my tender pink nubs. I arched
my neck and released a low moan of bliss myself. George alternated suckling my
nub and stroking it with his tongue, and he was quickly driving me to a
frenzied state.

raked his scalp with my fingernails, tugging at the roots of his thick, lush,
dark hair. He reached out to cup my other bosom, pinching and stroking and
fondling one pink nub as he suckled the other.

nether regions were slick with desire and desperate with need. As glorious as
it felt for George to be pampering my bosoms, I longed for more.

did not have to wait long.

one final swirl of the tongue, George drew his lips from my bosom and proceeded
to unlace my drawers. In no time at all, he pushed the undergarment down over
my hips, and with the exception of my boots and my stockings, I was completely

grunted, falling to his knees, and then he did the very thing I hadn’t even
dared to hope for. He buried his face between my thighs and proceeded to lick
my nether regions.

God!” I cried out.

reached out to prop my arm against the back of a chair, in the hopes that it
would help keep me from toppling over. George’s tongue swiped up and down my
pulsating pink folds with a relentless sort of determination. His hands reached
around to cup my bottom cheeks as he feasted upon everything I had to offer.

chest heaved with desire as he ran his tongue up and down and up and down
before zeroing in on that magical little nub nestled towards the top. I sucked
in a breath and squeezed my eyes closed tight as he swirled his tongue round
that mysterious little treasure. As he circled faster and faster, my entire
body started trembling and I felt my extremities start to go numb.

cried out again, like a wild animal in heat, as I gave myself over to absolute
pleasure. Oh, but it was spectacular! Thank heavens the servants’ quarters was
at the other end of the house. If anyone were to be within earshot, they would
surely come running, under the assumption that I was in grave danger, so feral
were my cries.

barely had time to gather my wits together as the pleasurable sensations
started to ebb before George carried on with his erotic agenda. He rose to his
feet and gazed at me with a cheeky grin.

George,” I whispered, reaching out to stroke his neatly trimmed whiskers.

enjoyed that, did you?” he asked.

couldn’t answer. He leaned forward to kiss me, and I pressed my body firmly
against his. I got a bit of a jolt when I tasted my own natural juices upon his
lips, but after the initial shock, I was able to relax and enjoy the kiss. It
felt so strange to be completely nude and to be pressed up against a man who
was fully clothed! The rough wool of his suit jacket scratched at the tender
flesh of my bosoms, and of my sensitive pink nubs in particular, but it wasn’t
an unpleasant feeling at all. Quite the contrary, as a matter of fact.

within moments, George took a step back. His lips didn’t leave mine, but it
seemed he was preoccupied with another matter, and it soon became clear to me
what that matter was. I heard the telltale sound of his belt being unbuckled
and sensed that he was fumbling with the opening of his trousers.


how I longed to behold George’s glorious unclothed body! He slowly drew his
lips away from me and I feasted my greedy eyes on his manhood, which was
emerging proudly from his trouser opening. Both the girth and the length were
remarkable, and I could hardly wait to have that glorious muscle inside of me.

I had assumed that there would be a bit of a delay. I fully expected George to
take a moment or two to shed his clothing, but he evidently felt that there was
no time to spare.

my surprise, and also to my delight, he proceeded to bend his knees ever so
slightly and then positioned the tip of his manhood up against the entrance of
my nether regions.

then he was inside of me.

gasped. Despite having seen the size of it with my own eyes, I wasn’t entirely
prepared for how it would feel to have such a massive member inside of me. I
closed my eyes, savoring the sensation of having the walls of my tunnel
stretched to their absolute limits.

leaned down to give me a slow, sweet kiss on the lips. I opened my eyes and we
exchanged a smile before he proceeded to plunge in and out of me.

what a strange and exciting experience it was to be enjoying marital
relations—well, not
relations—whilst standing erect! I would never have guessed such a thing
would even be possible if I hadn’t experienced it myself. And to be engaging in
such an act in the middle of the drawing room, no less. I felt delightfully
naughty as George pierced me again and again with his glorious manhood.

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