Lady Harriet's Unusual Reward (9 page)

BOOK: Lady Harriet's Unusual Reward
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Chapter Twelve

It had been a good day so far. William had won the race—though only just. Then he’d had breakfast in White’s with Charville and his friends, who were now
friends it seemed. When he had got home, he’d sneaked upstairs with Mary and into his bedchamber. They had hugged and kissed and he’d tugged at her gown. He’d wanted to tup her but Mary kept saying if she was going to be a countess he could not tup her any more in the middle of the day. She had used her mouth on him till he had spilled his seed. She said he deserved it for winning the race for her honour. That had been very fine indeed. He had offered to do the same for her if she pulled her gown up but she’d said no. He didn’t really understand what was going on with her except she had said she wanted to wait now until they were married.

The day before they had been to see the stuffy old Archbishop of Canterbury. He had hummed and hawed and suggested that William did not know his own mind. Stephen had been very calm but William could tell he was angry inside. Once he had said about the baby, the Archbishop had looked disapproving but had decided to give them the special licence, muttering something about not being responsible for another bastard on his watch.

Now Mary and Harriet were out shopping. William had just gone to the necessary and was re-joining Stephen and Whittingham in Stephen’s library for brandy.

“To be honest, Whittingham, I shall be glad when William and Mary are married. I cannot bear another sodding week of trying to keep them apart. They were at it this morning as soon as our backs were turned. Oh I know the horse has bolted as far as any babes are concerned but it’s what it looks like. Hopefully a few weeks of marital bliss and they get all the bed sports out of the way. Poor Mary will be walking as if she’s ridden astride from John O’Groats to Land’s End a couple of times and William’s lust will have been slaked. The sooner the better for my money.”

“Oh you poor devil. It must be a trial, especially with the delectable Lady Harriet so close.”

“Watch what you say about Harriet, Whittingham. She is my intended and I shall have no salacious suggestions about her from you.”

“Come now, Charville. You know what I meant. It must be difficult to know he is getting exactly what you want. That is all I was suggesting.”

“Ah yes. Lucky beggar.”

So Stephen wanted the wedding over and done with as quickly as possible. Well it could be done straight away. He had the special licence. He just needed Mary. He would go to Scotland. Everyone went to Scotland to get married, did they not? It could not be too far away. They’d be there by nightfall. Once Mary got home they would go to a coaching inn in London and hire a coach and driver… and horses of course. That would solve the problem. Then Stephen and Harriet would not have to worry. It was a perfect plan.

He turned from the library and made his way upstairs. They would have to stay a night in an inn. He would need to pack a bag. Then he would go to Oldbeck house and collect Mary for their great wedding adventure.


“Are you sure about this,” Harriet said as she held the flimsy transparent nightrail up to her shoulders and allowed it to hang down as she inspected it. She turned towards the Duchess of Halimead, who, having insisted Harriet call her Elizabeth, was sitting on the bed, brimming over with glee and clapping her hands.

“Oh yes, Harriet, he will love it. Any man would. And Stephen is such a virile specimen. And you are so curvy. He shall practically spill in his dressing gown. Not that we want that of course.”

“Spill. Oh Elizabeth, you keep talking of things I do not really understand.”

“Spilling his seed, from his member. His manhood?”


Elizabeth proceeded to sit Harriet down and explain in quite graphic detail some of the things that went on in the bedchamber between man and wife. Some things seemed a little too unbelievable or intimate for Harriet to fully comprehend but she was willing to keep an open mind.


“William, I think Scotland is farther away that you think,” Mary said, her face screwed up with concern.

“You do?”


“Maybe it will take a full day to get there?” He didn’t want to put her or the babe at risk.

“Perhaps, I don’t know.”

“All right. We shall leave at dawn.”

“William, are you sure that is what Lord Stephen meant?”

“I want to surprise him, Mary. I want him to see that we won’t be a burden to him.”

“I know. Once we are back at Oldbeck estate we can show him properly.”

“Yes. Now lift you skirts so I can do for you what you did for me this morning.”

“No, not until we are married.”

God, he wanted her so much. He was hard as a rock. Why was she being so difficult? But he knew no means no and if a woman says no then you do not press her or force your attentions on her. These were the rules. Just like you do not hit girls, you don’t show your cock in public and you don’t talk about pissing or shitting in public—oh yes and the new rule of not talking about tupping in public. He had to keep reminding himself of that.

“Mary, do you think you will ever want to do it again?”

“Yes. I do want to do it. Nearly all the time. Especially when we are together. But I’m trying to be a lady and ladies do not do it before they are married.”

“I do not see the difference now the babe is on the way, but have it your way. But you need to be ready to leave at dawn. We shall walk to the coaching inn and hire a coach from there. I shall have the marriage licence and a valise of my clothes. Will you be all right to carry a valise with your clothes downstairs?” He stared at her belly which did not seem round yet. He wondered when it would get round. He had been told that ladies had to be careful about carrying heavy weights and over-exerting themselves when they were increasing.

“Of course, William. Please do not fuss.”

“I shall of course carry your valise to the coaching inn, for I am a gentleman. But you cannot let the servants know. They would tell Harriet and she would cause a fuss. I do not think she would be pleased.”

“Perhaps not.”

“Well, she will just have to like it. I am sick of Harriet telling me what to do. I am the earl and her title is a… what is the word again…c…curtsey… no no, that’s not it. But it’s like that word. But you know what I mean. Stephen said I must act like an earl and from now on I am going to be in control. You must leave this letter on the desk before you leave in the morning.”

“I will,” Mary answered, placing a delicate peck onto his cheek. Sometimes it seemed she did not want to kiss him on the mouth for fear she would make him want more—which of course he would.

“Soon we shall be a family. You, me and our babe.”

“And once we are married we shall even see each other without any clothes on whatsoever.”

Heat rushed up his cheeks and into his breeches at the thought. She’d be like some of the paintings he had seen in the art galleries. He had probably seen every part of her at some point while tupping her but they had never, ever taken all their clothes off. It seemed almost sinful. Like Adam and Eve.

“I need to go.” Why was his voice all squeaky? It was as if he was ill and was unable to speak because he had just had a coughing fit. Mary’s cheeks looked very pink too. Was she imagining him without clothes too? Oh he had to go. He would have to hide in an alcove for a few minutes before going down the stairs to allow his cock to go down but he had done that on many an occasion since it had first seemed to gain a life of its own when his body changed from that of a child into that of a youth. “Be outside at dawn. I love you, Mary.” He dared not touch her again. He left, found an alcove and breathed deeply until he would not get into trouble for upsetting the maids or his sister. Then he hurried down to convince Stephen to leave. He had packing to do.


Harriet scowled at her coddled eggs and toast, wondering where on earth Mary could be. Since Mary had been in service for years, it was usually she who was up with the lark, and Harriet who wandered in as Mary was finishing her last sip of tea. Had the girl taken ill in the night? Was there something wrong with the baby? Perhaps she should send a servant up to check on her.

Just at that moment the door opened. Unannounced by the harried butler whose head she could see just behind her betrothed and his daughter, Lord Stephen Charville stalked into the room. Phoebe seemed to be panting, her delicate brows furrowed and her pelisse buttoned up wrongly. The poor child did not even have on her bonnet. She was dragging it behind her like an unwanted toy.

“My lord, what…”

He looked around the room then speared her poor footman with a stare.

“Take Miss Phoebe to the nursery, make sure she is given breakfast and ask Miss Paton to begin her lessons for today whether Miss Callahan is in attendance or not. We shall ring for a servant when we require anything else.”

“Yes, my lord.”

The footman glanced at Harriet who nodded her assent at the boorish behaviour of her intended. Really it was rather beyond the pale for him to march in here, bypass her butler and start ordering her servants about. He then dismissed the butler with a nod.

When they were quite alone, he ensured the door was shut, then he turned the key in the lock.

“Good morning, Phoebe. How is my step-daughter-to-be this fine morning? I see your father forgot to dress you properly, you poor child,” she said to the closed door, the sarcasm dripping off her tongue.

“Do not start this morning, Harriet. Your tongue is too sharp for a man who has not yet had a cup of tea or a slice of toast, far less a kiss from his favourite lady.”

“My tongue is sharp because you barge into my house, order my servants around and lock my breakfast room door as if you are… going… to…”

“To what?”

He advanced, taking her hand and drawing her to her feet. Then he tilted her chin as one hand moved around her waist and settled on her bottom.

“Ravish me?” she said on a shaky breath.

He pressed a delicate kiss to the side of her neck as he pushed his long, fingers into her coiffure.

“Not today, my Harriet.” He kissed again, lower this time. “Not that I would not want to.”

“I would allow you to ravish me,” she admitted with a little laugh, surprising even herself.

He kissed her collarbone then ran his tongue along the little indentation.

“I know. But we have only a few more days to wait. And then we can take our time and savour one another, slowly.”

“It may sound silly but I wish we could do it now and get it over with.”

“Why?” He lifted his head and gazed into her eyes, his darting about as he tried to discern the meaning behind her words.

“Elizabeth said it would hurt.”

“The first time—a little. I hesitate to mention Sarah again. I do not wish you to think I compare you to her but she is the only virgin I have made love to. She said it hurt for only a minute or two. The first night we could not make love more than a couple of times to stop her getting sore but we found other ways to appreciate one another. You and I shall too.”

“I do not mind you talking of Sarah. She was your wife and she was Phoebe’s mother. She was as much a part of your life as I hope I shall be.”

“Good, because while I still hold her in my heart, there is plenty of room for you both.”

He pressed his lips to her neck again, moving them up towards her ear.

“Stephen, is it… is it hard just now?”

“Mmnh? Is what hard just now?” He bit down on her earlobe as he moved one hand to cup her breast. Just as he was starting to pepper light pecks along her jaw he stopped. “Oh that! God, Harriet, you are the most vexing yet delightful creature I know. Why do you ask?”

“I want to touch it.”

“Oh you do. Well for your information, my lady, it is getting there and no, you are not touching it.”

“Oh.” Well that was rather disappointing. Elizabeth had said that when a man started kissing and fondling a woman, his member became hard and Stephen’s was merely getting there. Perhaps it was memories of Sarah that was causing the issue. Elizabeth had said that being upset or worried could cause a problem and not to nag him about it. “Well, not to worry. We really should…”

“Not to worry about what, Harriet?” He lifted her chin and caused her to make eye contact with him but his eyes gleamed with merriment and a smile tugged the corners of that delicious mouth.

“Nothing,” she said, as brightly as she was able.

“What else did Lizzie say?”

“Oh, lots of things.”

“I suspect your education on the male anatomy is incomplete.” He leaned down to whisper in her ear. As his breath brushed across the small hairs, she shivered slightly. “Worry not, Harriet, my love. When I was imagining you in my arms last night and I was unable to sleep, everything down there was in perfect working order. Today however I am concerned that your brother sneaked out of my house either in the night or at dawn and is currently warming your charge’s bed. My daughter is in your nursery and the servants shall be wondering what exactly we are doing in here. All these things make it difficult for a man to fully concentrate on what a beautiful and sensual woman he has in his arms.”

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