Laird of the Game (15 page)

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Authors: Lori Leigh

BOOK: Laird of the Game
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Chapter Sixteen


Laird MacKenna has found and removed two photographers from his camp. It appears Prince George had his spies taking photographs of MacKenna’s camp and his hot new sweetie. They do look cozy on his horse, don’t they?

On the Streets, with Rosabel


As he spoke, Yorath was brought up to him beside the loch. Alex smiled. “There’s a lovely little Inn no’ too far away that has wonderful food.”

He mounted and Robert lifted her to sit in front of Alex. The warmth of his arms was a sweet temptation. Yorath picked his way up the side of the glen to the ridge. They were guarded by a dozen warriors, who also kept a discrete distance.

Excited, Melissa said. “This is wonderful. I can see everything from up here.”

Alex pointed out the cottage. “This is the
.” He told her stories of ancient wars and mighty battles, and the sensuous trill of his accent woke every never in her body.

He spoke softly, with reverence for the battles, and then would laugh and tell her a story about his ancestors that fled a revolution to find freedom amongst the savages. An hour later, in the midst of a glorious sunset, they arrived at an Inn. Alex took her hand and led her inside the deserted Inn to a private room.

“Have I told you today how beautiful you are?” He pushed her inside the lovely private room before the press found out they were there. The management at the Inn was expecting Alex and his guest to arrive and had everything ready.

Alex had used the medical necessity loophole to get Melissa out of the camp and some food that she would eat. He was worried about her pale complexion and knew she was at her physical limits from their harsh lifestyle during the game.

Their dinner was waiting for them. There was also a large four-poster bed in the room. She eyed the bed and then looked back at him.

He tried to look innocent, but his wicked smile gave him away. She nibbled a piece of rye bread while she walked around the lovely room. The heavy blue velvet drapes gave the room a feeling of opulence as if it were meant for royalty. The lavish marble and oak facilities made her eyes go big.

“Alex, there’s a bathtub in here.”

“For you, love. We’ll have to try that out later.” His voice didn’t sound at all serious. “Let’s eat. I’m hungry.”

There were lovely buttered vegetables and succulent roast beef. Ten minutes later they both came up for air, and Alex opened a bottle of wine. He poured two glasses and handed one to her before sitting back in his chair and pulling her onto his lap.

“Right where you belong.” He stroked her back and sat back to take a deep breath. He was worried about her. She had slept the day away, and he thought twice about bringing her to the Inn. His fears were set aside when he noticed she did eat dinner and looked like she felt better. There was color back in her cheeks again.

Melissa sipped the wine and leaned back on Alex’s warm chest. “Now, this is living.”

She wound her arms around his neck, and her lips found his, warm and inviting. His arms held her very close. He explored and teased her sweet tasting mouth. He could excite her with a look, and when he touched her, she melted into sizzling flames. His hand cupped her breast, and she softly moaned against his lips.

Alex quickly lost any sensible thought about taking his time to seduce her. He liked the way she felt in his arms. He untied the tunic, but she didn’t notice. He smiled in the kiss, and she pulled back.

“What are you smiling about?” She knew all too well but wanted him to admit he could undress her with not much more than a flick of his wrist.

“Ye make me smile,” he teased. “I love tae touch ye.” His hands moved over her body, and her breathing became erratic.

“How do you always get my clothes off before I know what you’re doing?”

“I distract ye with a kiss.” He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers. She gasped and clung to him. The affect made her feel dizzy it was so intense. Her eyes closed as the warmth spread through her.

The tunic was in his hand.

Melissa smiled and held up his belt. That got him to laugh. She slowly unbuttoned his shirt and slid her hand down his muscular stomach. The tub came to mind, and she stood and pulled him with her.

Hot water filled the old-fashioned claw foot tub, and there was a lovely scented milk bath potion in a stone bottle to put in the water. The water turned a milky white, and the aroma was of clean air and flowers on a summer morning. Alex leaned back against the door, watching her. She tested the water and satisfied, turned off the tap.

Alex was grateful she didn’t ask him about the modern plumbing at the Inn. He didn’t want to lie to her but didn’t want to ruin the evening either.

He was getting seduced, and she took her time doing it.  She took his shirt off and kissed her way down his stomach to undo the tuck in his plaid. She took him to the tub and made him get in first.

“You’re being very agreeable.” Her hands moved up to his shoulders and started massaging the strain away.
So he liked the attention.

She took off the dress and hung it on a hook. He held a glass in one hand, keeping the other was on the rim of the tub, totally relaxed. The warm water was soothing. Melissa went back into the bedroom and lit a candle in the fading light, giving the room a warm inviting glow.

She was humming to herself and couldn’t help but dance a little wiggle of her hips while the slip came off.

“Nice touch,” he said with a growl in his voice.

She slid into the water with him and leaned back against his chest. His arms closed around her, and he held her. The water relaxed her in minutes, and she reached for the soap and turned around.

His free hand caressed her while she soaped down the rippled muscles of his chest. She leaned up against his soapy chest, and her arms went around his neck.

“Your eyes are beautiful in the candlelight,” he said softly. Alex was relaxed and smiling.

“You look different today.” She looked into his eyes, seeing something new and exciting there. They always had a sparkle of mischief, but now there was also a light that shimmered in the depths. “You’re so handsome. You take my breath away.” The astonished look on his face made her smile. “Do you know how beautiful you are?” she asked, and he shook his head slowly.

“No, darling. Ye’re the beauty. Those blue and violet eyes can drop a man tae his knees and beg for ye just tae look at him.”

“You’re changing the subject,” she reprimanded. “I get lost in your jade eyes. They take me to eternity. And that smile—” she traced a finger down his cheek. “You smile at me, and I forget to think.”

“Is it working?” He smiled ran two hands over her backside. The feel of her soft skin was like velvet to his callused hands.

“Yes.” She turned over, leaning back against him again. His fingertips brushed against the side of her breast, and she gasped.

Curious, he thought and tried the action again. He touched the side of her breast with the back of his fingers and noticed the change.

She had lost some weight in the past few weeks. Her clothes didn’t fit her as well as they had when she arrived, but this new delight got his attention. He made a mental note, and his hands caressed her arms.

The water had cooled, and he wanted to take her into that wonderful bed. He rinsed off and got out of the tub. His hips were wrapped in a bath sheet of soft wool when he ordered her to stand up.

Melissa stood, and he lifted her out of the tub, carefully drying her off. He liked taking the time to notice every inch of her body. He could tell she was still a little shy around him, but for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why.  But he liked the way the blush gave her a rosy glow.

He took his time to reinvestigate the delicate curve of her leg and the sensitive backs of her knees. He kissed her there, and her eyes became round with desire. His hand moved up the inside of her thigh, and she trembled. He knew where to touch her to build the passion and ignite her into flames.

Alex dropped the sheets and picked her up. In his arms, she was such a little lady. He took her to the bedroom and pulled the covers down.

He brought the candle into the bedroom and put it down on the table. The dishes had all been cleared while they were in the bathtub, and a midnight treat of warm blueberry cobbler was waiting for them.

Melissa sat on the edge of the big bed, facing him, and her gazed drifted over his beautiful body. He didn’t have a shy bone in his entire body. Alex could walk around naked in front of her as if it was nothing unusual. What an actor, she thought to herself. His men feared him, and only she knew how tender and loving he truly was when they were alone. His lean and muscled body had an elegance that came with total control of his enormous physical power. She had witnessed his strength in battle, and it amazed her. He was graceful, and yet could exude fear in any opponent with a change in his stance or a fierce look in his eye.

Alex reached up and removed the pins holding her hair up off her neck. The golden cloud spilled down over her shoulders. She leaned forward to kiss the ticklish area inside his hip, making his breath catch in his throat.

He brushed her hair back over her shoulder and leaned down to kiss her sun golden skin. A soft moan escaped his lips as she closed her small hand over his arousal.

“Melissa.” His voice was already ragged. She kissed him there, taking her time to please him. And she pleased him so very well. Alex wound his hands through her golden hair, and all reason and thought escaped him.

She had discovered on her own where to touch him to please, where to caress to torment him, and where to kiss to take him to ecstasy.

He trembled as she took control of his body, and he fought the intense desire to throw her down on the bed and take her fast and hard. Her hot little body was already aroused, and he wanted her beyond sanity.

Alex pulled back and lifted her in his arms to kiss her. Her lips were even softer and hot against his as he sank his tongue inside her mouth, claiming that territory for his own.

They fell back on the bed, and he covered her body with his. Then he sat up on his knees and turned her over on her stomach so he could kiss and explore every inch of her. She had taken command of his body. Now, it was his turn, and he wasn’t going to miss an inch of her luscious feminine form beneath him. He kissed his way up her warm and inviting legs and gently eased her back over.

“Alex…” Her body arched in delight as he kissed her belly, and his hand moved to rest on the soft mound between her thighs.

The anticipation nearly drove her insane. He could torment with his touch and his warm mouth. His head bent down to her soft mound, and she cried out. The pleasure was so intense it racked her body with shivers and left her breathless.

Alex took her all the way to heaven in a heartbeat. His body joined hers, covering her on the soft bed. She held on to his shoulders as the dizzying feeling spread over her body. The rhythm of their mating was demanding and fierce.

He tasted her, licked, and demanded more of her, hungry for all she had to give. She ran her tongue over his, and he moaned deep in his chest. Her gaze never left his until he could feel her tremors begin, and her eyes closed in the rapture. He spilled his seed deep into her velvet heat and trembled in his own ecstasy. They were both panting and gasping as they rolled to their sides to face each other.

“I can’t seem to get enough of you. I want you again,” he said with a wicked smile.

“Right now?” she asked, still panting.

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