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Authors: Lori Leigh

Laird of the Game (14 page)

BOOK: Laird of the Game
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Chapter Fourteen


Prince, darling, London is so lonely without you. Do hurry back! The Laird and the Prince are even for points. It’s still anyone’s game.

On the Streets, with Rosabel


Amber stopped at the grocery store for supplies for a party she was having that evening. She looked at the tabloid stand and let out a scream that nearly brought the Boulder Police Department out to investigate. Amber held the tabloid in one hand and speed dialed Sarah again.

“Sarah! Go get this paper. You won’t believe it. Melissa is topless! That barbarian has her swimming half-naked in public.” Amber paid for the paper and walked out into the Colorado sunshine, still talking to Sarah.

She put in a conference call to the Embassy and ranted at the man for nearly an hour, stating it was their duty to rescue their sister from those wild barbarians. Poor, innocent little Melissa was probably being held against her will. Amber demanded an answer from the Constable, who had apparently forgotten to find Melissa and speak to her. They were leaving in a few days, and it was apparent this trip was necessary. It was all Amber could do to hold her temper back and speak nicely to the man who was obviously a blithering idiot!


Gideon made Melissa what he called his special tea that was laced with vitamins. He also ordered her to bed for rest. The dark shadows under her eyes were from worry, and Iain was beside himself with anxiety to get her to eat something. After three days of bed rest, Melissa was getting cottage fever and begged Alex to take her out for a ride.

Alex had his horse brought up to the cottage. He left instructions where he would be if he was needed, but otherwise they were gone for the day. He reached down and caught Melissa around the waist, lifting her up into his lap. They walked the horse out of the camp, and then Alex turned Yorath loose in a valley. They ran with the wind.

With Alex behind her, she could lean back and relax. Alex laughed and hugged her tightly to his body. The horse gobbled up the earth as long strides turned into distance.

It was a sight of Scotland she hadn’t seen until now. The area around the cottage was very rocky with hills in every direction. The rhythm of the horse was magic as emerald green vales and hills blurred past her fingertips. Melissa forgot she was on a horse and not just floating on air. Her eyes closed for a few moments to mentally earmark this moment in time as one of the most exciting things she had ever done.

Her long golden hair wrapped around his arms, and Alex felt free and alive. He slowed Yorath to a gentle pace. Her face glowed in the late afternoon sun, and her deep blue eyes took on a new sparkle.

“You have such complete power over my body. You only have to look at me in that sexy way, and I want you. When you touch me I go crazy with desire.”

“Ye have the same affect on me.” He was happy he could bring the smile back to her voice.

“What are you thinking, Alex?” She stroked his muscled chest, curling the wavy dark hair around her finger, and peered up at him.

“I was thinking I should take ye riding every day.” He kissed her fingers. “I don’t think I ever knew what happiness was until ye dropped into my life.” He held her hand up and placed his palm against hers. He noted her delicate fingers and brought them to his lips again.

“But it almost seems unreal, Alex. There is a world out there, and while we are here, it all seems so different, almost as if that world doesn’t exist.” She sighed and looked up at the blue sky. “I am so happy it almost hurts to think about that world. I don’t ever want this magical one to come to an end.”

She couldn’t tell him she didn’t want to return to the future. He would think she was crazy, and her stomach was in knots thinking she would ever leave him. It was as if the past, present, and future all melded into one agonizing thought. Would she be able to stay, or would he ever ask her to leave?

“My sweetheart,” he said against her ear. The ride back was much slower so he could kiss her again and they could have some time alone. He lovingly caressed her body, amazed at the perfection at his fingertips. She always responded to his touch and with such abandon it made him smile. When they were together the rest of the world went away. Her gaze was magical and held his heart with wonder. Her touch could make his mind go completely daft, he thought, before bending down to kiss her again. The warmth of her mouth beckoned him, and he explored, ravaged, and claimed her for his own.

Three riders approached, and Alex didn’t raise his head from her tender lips until they were beside him.

Melissa was startled to find out they weren’t alone. Her cheeks flushed hot, and she nudged Alex’s hand from her breast. Her face was buried against his shoulder; she was too embarrassed to look at the riders.

“Nice day for a ride, Alex,” The man on horseback said in greeting.

“Aye, John it is.” Alex acknowledged with a smile.

The riders moved past them, and Alex hadn’t taken his eyes off her beautiful face. They heard the men laugh as they rode away.

“Who was that, Alex?” Melissa asked.

“John Stewart, Laird of the Stewarts.”

“Do you think we should stop and talk to him?”

“No.” Alex bent his head again, and she forgot the question. He growled in the back of his throat and tormented her lips with hot kisses. She never noticed the Stewart Laird was dressed in modern day clothing.

She groaned defeat and slumped back against him panting. “Alex, I want you again.”

He started to laugh, thinking about taking her right there. “We’d probably fall off Yorath. But I’d be happy tae accommodate your insatiable desire,” he said softly against her ear.

“I tried to warn you. When you smile at me like that, I go completely crazy.” His arms wrapped around her tightly, and he slipped down from the horse.

Melissa finally noticed they were back at the cottage and were surrounded by a hundred warriors. The riders who were guarding the Laird also entered the camp, and discretely disappeared from view. It suddenly dawned on her they had been followed.

They walked back to the cottage and Alex stopped to speak to the warriors with instructions not to be disturbed for the rest of the afternoon unless the camp was on fire.

The cottage was cool and quiet. Alex stripped his clothes off and sat on the edge of the bed. He pulled her toward him and took his time taking her clothes off, kissing her soft body as each piece of clothing fell into a pile on the floor until she stood before him flushed. Her eyes had a glow that he knew very well. Alex reached out and ran the back of his fingers against the swell of her breast, and she gasped but stood still with a glow of love in her eyes.

Her arms wound around his neck, and she pressed up against him. Alex wrapped her in his arms and pressed her down in to the bed. They held each other tightly, afraid to let go even for a moment. Their lips touched, and their gazes warmed, touching each other’s soul. She was as lost in him as he was in her.

The impact dazzled Alex, and he was afraid he was crushing her, he held her so close. She was his safe haven, and he wanted everything she had to give. She gave him so much more. His eyes closed in complete surrender. He let her take him to ecstasy. She matched his rhythm and demanded more. His body became hers. Alex had never felt anything so powerful in his life. He had set aside his busy schedule with board rooms, and running the vast business holdings that consumed his time, for a summer of personal enrichment. He had found so much more than he had ever hoped, that his modern day business world seemed as if it were centuries away. If only he could get Starbucks to deliver, his life would be complete, right where he was.

Physical pleasure was very different from where she took him. She opened her heart and wrapped him in love. He had faith in her, and she pleased him in ways he never knew possible. The intense love she gave him soothed him and made him whole again.

He could feel the tremble deep inside the hot center of her and she called out to him. Alex fell endlessly and trembled in his own release, spent and exhausted from the experience. He collapsed, and her arms held him tightly to her. She spoke softly against his ear and caressed his back, telling him over and over again that she loved him and he was safe.

He rolled to his side and took her with him. His lips still touched hers as he whispered her name and then fell sound asleep.

Her eyes closed, and she, too, drifted off to sleep, too exhausted to think or feel anything else. She dreamed about the flower beds that surrounded her small home in Minnesota, and about her position as a graphic artist. It was as if she was looking at someone else’s life.


Gideon entered the cottage shortly before dawn to wake Alex. He put a hand on Alex’s shoulder and said his name. Alex opened his eyes. Melissa was curled into his side sleeping peacefully.

“We need you outside,” Gideon said very quietly, trying not to wake Melissa.

Alex moved quietly away from her warm little body and stood up. He tucked the blanket around her to keep her sleeping peacefully. He wrapped his plaid around his hips and found a clean shirt to wear. Splashing cold water on his face, he reveled in the lingering joy he’d found in her arms. He looked different, he knew, because he felt very different.

Alex covered her shoulder before he walked out of the cottage. “What’s wrong?”

“Daniel found one of the photographers, and the warrior has been sent home on a personal emergency.”

“What was the emergency?”


 Alex nodded in understanding.

“It seems there is a second photographer yet to be found.”

“Then let’s give him something to photograph to draw him out.”




Chapter Fifteen




Iain brought Melissa toast, coffee, and fresh wild strawberries for breakfast. She didn’t wake when he entered the cottage. Iain suspected she was exhausted and served her breakfast in bed. He left then and she was alone in the tiny cottage.

Alex was already up and gone. The aroma of the toast and coffee filled the room. Her stomach wrenched, and she ran for the facilities, glad Iain had left and she was alone. She stepped into the bath and hoped Robert had fixed the heating stones, and there would be hot water again. Steam drifted up, she smiled, and silently thanked Robert. A hot bath was exactly what she needed to feel like herself again.

She scrubbed her hair clean, the rose scented soap feeling like velvet against her skin. She noticed her body was a little tender today, no doubt from the wild afternoon they spent together. She wrapped her hair in a towel and put Alex’s soft woolen wrapper before she went to eat her breakfast. The wild strawberries were delicious and she finished the coffee and toast. Her stomach settled down and she felt better.

Melissa thought back to the night with Alex and how he hadn’t wanted to let go of her. She had guessed correctly. Falling in love was terrifying even for a man. She drew from his strength and had finally been able to give him back some of her own.

She crawled back into bed and was instantly aware of Alex’s scent. It surrounded her, and she closed her eyes, just for a minute and fell deeply asleep. Her dreams were vivid and sensual, of a man who swam naked in a warm turquoise sea. She could feel his power and longed to reach out and touch him. The desire was so strong; it caused a moan from her lips.

Melissa didn’t hear Iain walk in and pick up the tray. He noticed she was back in bed, heard her moan, and went to find Gideon.

Gideon and Alex walked into the cottage. Melissa could sleep through a tornado, they were certain when she didn’t budge as they spoke to each other. She peacefully slept through Gideon putting a hand to her forehead and taking her pulse.

“She appears tae be fine, Alex. She’s just a little feverish, anemic, and exhausted. I’m going tae have some more tests run from the blood sample we took, just tae be certain we didn’t miss anything. I’d say the drastic change in her diet might be contributing tae her pale complexion, ye ken?”

Iain stood in the doorway. “She hasn’t been eating much lately and was throwing up this morning.”

Gideon frowned. He would contact his office right away and get those tests done immediately. “Let her rest for awhile, and see how she feels later.”

By mid afternoon, Alex had checked on her seven times, and she hadn’t moved. He insisted that Gideon examine her again. The news that she was ill raged through the camp until all the warriors were concerned.

Melissa woke to find five men looking down at her. She smiled at Alex and tried to sit up.

Gideon gently pushed her back down and told her to open her mouth. He stuffed a pill soaked in honey between her teeth and told her chew and swallow it.

“I’m fine.” She was wide-awake now and looked up at Alex.

Gideon loosened the wrapper so he could listen to her heartbeat.

“You’re not going to stab me with a dirk again?” she asked him.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” he teased.

“Alex,” Melissa pleaded.

“I’m no’ going tae give in tae your whimper.” Alex wouldn’t budge until he knew she was going to be all right. Iain had told him she didn’t eat her breakfast until after a hot bath.

Gideon put his hand on her forehead and diagnosed a slight fever, but nothing serious.

“I told you I was fine. I slept in today.” Melissa smiled up at Alex who looked vastly relieved. “What time is it?” she thought to ask.

“Four o’clock in the afternoon,” Gideon said concerned. “You’ve been asleep all day, and we were getting worried.”

“She’s very pale,” Robert noticed. “I think she needs some ale.”

“If I had tae wake up next tae Alex, I’d be pale, too,” Iain concluded.

She combed her fingers through her hair and was surprised to find it was dry. “What’s for supper? I’m starving.” Melissa put her head back on the pillow. Alex looked worried, and she wanted to reassure him she was fine. The warm glow in his gaze lingered.

Alex sat on the edge of the bed and covered her hand with his. “I think ye should stay in bed today.”

“Not unless you join me,” she countered, delighted when he stretched out along the wall and wrapped his arm around her. Daniel and Robert pulled up chairs next to the bed.

“Don’t you have something to do?” she asked, hoping they would get the hint.

“No.” Daniel answered and sat back in the chair. They were waiting for a signal, and he was comfortable at the moment. The frown he gave Alex was for keeping her up so much she was totally exhausted.

Iain also took up residence and sat on the foot of the bed, looking at her with concern. “If ye went a little easier on the lass, Alex, she wouldna’ get sick.”

Alex already felt guilty enough and didn’t want to upset her by pounding on his brothers.

Daniel got up and went over to the table. He brought over the package he brought for her. “Consider this a get well present. Ye don’t have tae wait.”

Melissa sat up and leaned back against Alex. His arms closed around her, and she sighed. He felt so good. She slowly opened the package and noticed they watched her every move.

“You must be a nightmare on the holidays,” Robert said, annoyed it was taking her so long to unwrap the package. She was thinking about all the holidays with her sisters and the elaborately decorated gifts. It was such a drastic comparison to the plain brown paper and twine tied in a bow that held the package closed.

“I don’t often get presents so I cherish the moment.” The package opened to reveal a long sleeve, full-length dress made of soft ivory colored wool and a MacKenna tartan tunic that had ties on the side and was the same length as the dress. She ran her hand over the blue and red tunic with gold threads and looked up at Daniel. “The plaid is your family tartan. Thank you. It’s unbelievably beautiful and very thoughtful.”

“There’s more,” Daniel prodded her to look further and she found a lovely heart shaped ruby pin. “That’s also from Alex,” Daniel assured her.

“It’s a Luckenbooth pin,” Alex explained. The pin had far more significance than he admitted. Their father had given it to their mother when they were engaged. Later Alex could tell her what it meant to all of them to have her wear it.

“It’s beautiful.” The pin appeared to be antique and very rare. She was overwhelmed at the gift and lovingly ran her fingers over the ruby stone.

Iain brought coffee, and they sipped while she enjoyed her presents.

“Are you going to let me out of bed to try on my new dress?” She gave Alex a hopeful look.

“No,” he stated and pulled her back against him. “It will still be here tomorrow, and Gideon said ye needed a day of rest.”

“If Gideon had his way with me I’d never get out of bed.” Melissa looked upset. “He thinks just because I look a little pale one day that I will fall over. I’m fine.”

Melissa crawled out of bed. “I’m going to the water closet.” She tossed the covers aside, grabbed her new dress, and closed the door behind her.

She looked at her face in the mirror and was surprised to see how pale she had become. Melissa did feel a little dizzy but guessed it was because she hadn’t eaten much in the past few days. Their diet was primarily roast mutton, boiled mutton, mutton kabobs, braised mutton, and baked mutton with cheese. She decided she hated mutton. She felt a pang of homesickness when she thought about chicken and fresh vegetables at her favorite restaurant.

She dropped the wrapper to the floor and tried on her new dress. It was the right length and touched the top of her feet. She had lost a few pounds during the past few weeks, but the dress snugged up nicely with the tunic. She brushed her teeth and combed her hair. Still pale, she pinched some color into her cheeks and put on a sheer red lip-gloss to bring some color back in her face. Her bare feet were cold, and she stood on the wrapper to keep from getting chilled. The dress was soft as flannel, and she wished she had a long mirror to see how it looked.

Melissa opened the door and walked out. Daniel let out a low whistle. Alex smiled, clearly delighted with the results. She turned around and showed them the 360-degree view before she went over to kiss Alex.

“You look beautiful,” Alex said, and that sexy sparkle in his eyes lit up. “And don’t think I didn’t notice how ye wormed your way out of bed.” He pinned the broach on her dress.

“Thank you for the lovely gifts, Alex and Daniel. The dress is very warm. I feel wonderful.”  She closed her eyes for a moment and then looked directly into Alex’s soft jade gaze. “Have I told you today how much I love you, sweetheart?” She asked softly.

“Not before now,” Iain said and then shut his mouth when Daniel kicked him.

“Supper.” Daniel changed the subject. “I’m hungry.”

Evan stuck his head inside the cottage. He looked at Alex and said, “It’s a lovely evening for a walk. Why don’t ye take Melissa down by the loch?”

Daniel and Iain decided to join them. They walked down the center of the small village that was camped outside the cottage and made their way to the edge of Loch Voil.

“Well, now isn’t this a rare treat,” Melissa laughed when she had Alex on one side of her and Daniel on the other. She put her hand through the crook of their arms and walked down the path. “Ok, guys. What is going on? You’re acting very strange.”

“It’s his nature,” Daniel explained. “We’ve tried tae get him help.”

“Unsuccessfully,” Iain commented from behind them.

Alex covered her small hand with his. They were setting up the scene to catch the photographer but didn’t want Melissa concerned. “I’m just verra content and happy today,” he explained for Melissa. They walked slowly down to the loch.

Alex and Daniel both saw William drop from a tree and sneak up behind a man. Melissa didn’t notice, and they exchanged looks over the top of her head.

Daniel brought her hand up to his lips. “I hope ye are feeling better, my sweet. I think I’ll go see what William is up tae this evening.”

“I’ll join ye, Daniel.” Iain walked beside his brother.

Alex looked down at Melissa and smiled. “Ye are such a delight.” He leaned down to kiss her. Her eyes closed, and her arms wound around his neck. The moan in the back of her throat made his breath catch, and he gently nipped at her bottom lip. Her sigh nearly drove him to madness.

She didn’t see the man being dragged away by Daniel and William.





BOOK: Laird of the Game
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