Landon's Obsession: An Endless Series: Book 3 (Series 3) (15 page)

BOOK: Landon's Obsession: An Endless Series: Book 3 (Series 3)
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     Nodding, she moved ahead of me. I gave Todd a nod of
thanks for backing me up, which he returned, along with a sympathetic grimace in
Maya’s direction. The two of us made it half way to my car when I heard someone
yell my name from behind. I turned just in time to see Hicks hurtling toward
me. He slammed into my stomach, shoulder first, sending sharp pain into my
still healing appendix scars, but the yell at least gave me enough warning that
I was able to plant my feet so he didn’t take me down to the ground.

     He tried wrestling me to the ground but the guy forgot
who he was dealing with. He was either too drunk or to stupid to remember that
I had thirty pounds of muscles on him, and that I was a midfielder in lacrosse.
No one took me down. I took them down.

     Wrapping my arms around his waist I swung in a circle
and flung him away from me to the ground. While he stumbled up I looked around
to find Maya and breathed a sigh of relief to see she was safely off to the
side. I saw Todd, Derek, Tommy, Conner, and the rest of my lacrosse team
jogging up.

     “Maya, go stand by Todd so you’re out of the way and
won’t get hurt.” I directed turning my attention back to Hicks who was taking
forever to stand back up. The dickhead was plastered and wasn’t going to be any
fun to pummel unconscious.

     “You aren’t seriously going to fight him, are you? The
guy is wasted.” Maya yelled out sounding both worried and aggravated. I didn’t
even think someone could combine those two emotions.

     “The asshole basically instigated that little scene of
yours, and seems to want to get a beat down. I only want to oblige him.” I
yelled back.

     Hicks finally staggered to his feet and made another
run for me bellowing in rage. Giving him a shove I sent him past me toward the
ground again.

     “Landon…” Maya yelled again in exasperation.

     I looked over at Maya and smiled. It felt good to
release some of my anger. “Maya, remember what I said about fun and games?
Someone has to bleed for it to be hilarious. Just a little blood.” I brought my
fingers together leaving an inch separating them.

     The guys all hollered in agreement. Maya only rolled
her eyes and began rummaging in her purse. I frowned at her disinterest in my
avengement of her honor. I mean, come on, the douche bag totally deserved it;
for laying hands on her, and for tattling her out to everyone.

     Hicks had made it to his feet again and began
monologging. “You think you’re the shit, well let me tell you…”         

     Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement, heard Todd
exclaiming, and then a second later Hicks screamed like a little girl, dropped
to his knees, and grabbed his eyes. My head snapped sideways to see Maya
holding a can of pepper spray in her hand. The crowd of guys behind her made
various sounds of disappointment. Todd was shaking his head with a grin.  

     My hands dropped uselessly to my sides.
Well shit
“Maya.” I whined, irked that I wasn’t able to let loose my hostility.

     She returned the can to her purse looking peeved. “I’m
not going to stand here and watch you play with that guy like a cat with a
mouse. It was totally unfair.”

     I walked over to her. “Wasted…sober…either way would be
unfair.” I stated matter-of-factly.

     The guys whooped at my boost. Maya just rolled her eyes
showing me again that she was different than other girls; they would have loved
a guy fighting over them. And even though I was frustrated at not being able to
knock Hicks around, I was pretty impressed with her stunt.

     “You guys want to take care of this garbage?” Knowing
they’d do as I asked I moved in next to Maya and unable to hold back any longer
I set my hand to her back leading her over to my car. Opening the door for her I
noticed that her hands were trembling as she climbed in. My stomach bottomed
out because I knew it wasn’t because of my touch this time.

     I’d witnessed more cat fights than I could probably
count, and been the cause of a few, but I had never considered any of those
girls’ emotions…until now. Maya hadn’t deserved any of the shit she’d been put
through tonight and it was my fault. I should have realized from the beginning
that bringing her here wasn’t the best of ideas.

     Moving around to the driver’s side I slid in and
started the car. We each stayed silent for several minutes as I maneuvered out
of the property and sped down the road. During the silence I tried to bring my
own amped emotions under control.

     “Are you okay to be driving?” Maya asked softly,
breaking the silence.

     I expelled a breath and gave her a small smile. “Yeah,
that overload of emotion and energy pretty much burned up all the alcohol in

     She huffed out a small breath gazing out the window.
“Huh…I just noticed that my slight buzz has utterly disappeared as well.” Her
voice wasn’t angry or peeved any longer, it just sounded sad.

     Hearing that sadness made my stomach bottom out even
more, and I let silence prevail for another minute as I searched for words to
apologize. “Maya, I’m really sorry about all that; Crissy, and Tara, and Hicks.
Bringing you to that party was a big mistake. I’m so inured to everyone’s
behavior that I didn’t even consider it when I took you. I ended up making our
first date an absolute disaster.”

     Another sigh escaped her and I noticed that she was
twisting her purse strap around her finger. “It wasn’t all bad; the band was
awesome, and like I said before, it’s not like I haven’t come across those
types of people before. There are quite a few in my school as well.”

     Why did she seem so sad then? “I’ll make better plans
for next time, I promise.” Nothing was going to happen between us tonight, I
could see that, but tonight wasn’t going to be our only date. I wanted to go
out with her again, no matter what I’d told the guys earlier.

     Maya seemed to stiffen in her seat and her finger
stopped twisting. “Uh…I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.”

     I almost stepped on the breaks in shock. She didn’t
want to go out with me again. Besides being utterly stumped that she was
, I was also panicked at the thought. “What…Why!” I

     She began twisting again, not looking at me. “I just
don’t think I’m your type, Landon.” She finally turned toward me, but it was
too dark to see her expression clearly. “I would like us to be friends though.
I like talking with you and hanging out with you.” Her voice still sounded sad,
and stilted.

     What did she mean I wasn’t her type? I was every girl’s
type. Wealthy.

     Unaccountable anger began to fill me alongside the
panic. It was weird. “What do you mean I’m not your type?”

     Maya shook her head and looked back out the window.
“Landon. I said I’m not

     Oh, yeah, she did say that. I got befuddled there for a
minute when she said she wanted to be friends. There was no way I could just be
friends with Maya. “Okay, why do you think you aren’t my type?”

     “I just ran into three of your types tonight, and was
informed of many…many others. I think you have certain expectations from your
dates that I can’t…won’t, fulfill. I figured you were a bit of a player,
Landon, from what you told me about girl’s throwing themselves at you,” Maya
chuckled, but it wasn’t a happy chuckle, “but if what I heard tonight is true
than we are talking about a number I can’t even imagine.”

     Shit! I hadn’t even thought about Maya finding out
about my reputation. It was another thing I was accustomed to everyone knowing
and accepting because they were just as licentious as me; either that, or they
just overlooked it because they wanted their chance at me.

     However, it didn’t appear as if Maya was going to
accept or overlook it. This was another new area for me and I wasn’t sure how
to proceed. Should I lie, or try to explain? I don’t know why but lying to Maya
just seemed wrong, not on a moral level, but on a deeper emotional level. But
how did I explain my life?

     Concentrating on the road I did my best to elucidate.
“Maya, I’m not going to deny that I have slept with a lot of women.” I saw her
turn my way out of the corner of my eye. “Ever since I hit puberty girls have
been throwing themselves at me. I had my first sexual experience the second day
of my freshman year of high school. A senior offered me a ride home from school
and let’s just say that I didn’t make it home with my virtue intact. The
experience was both exciting and disconcerting.”

     I could feel Maya’s gaze boring into me as I exposed emotions
I’d never revealed before. I’d of course disclosed losing my virginity to my
guy friends, but not how I had felt about it. That girl had taken me to an
isolated place and basically jumped me. I’d had no clue what to do, so I’d just
followed my body’s desires and her instructions. The first time had been over
quickly, too quickly for her, so she’d sucked me until I was hard again—which
hadn’t taken much effort since I was a pubescent boy and anything made me hard
back then—and then she’d gotten us both off the second time.

     I continued with my story needing her to know a little
of why I was the way I was. “When she dropped me off at home she said maybe we
could do it again tomorrow. And we did, as well as the next day, and the next
week. Three weeks in I had become her sex slave and boy toy. She had me
completely under her spell. Until I overheard her talking one day with her
girlfriend about how whipped she had me and that even though she was hooking up
with a freshmen that barely knew how to use his cock she at least latched onto
the richest fool in the city and made him her boyfriend.”

     Maya gasped but remained silent probably realizing that
there was more.

     “After school that same day when Macy came to my locker
I’d already found another girl to give me a ride home, a junior that had made
her interest known to me a week earlier. Macy made a big scene and I stated
publicly that she’d been a good first fuck but she basically taught me all she

     Maya inhaled this time. “Ouch.”

     I gave her a quick glance. “Too harsh?”

     She gave a shake of her head. “No, she deserved that
and more. She took your first sexual experience and polluted it. Some people
would say because you’re a guy that it doesn’t mean as much, but I’m sure it left
a mark on you.”

     Inexplicable relief filled me at her concurrence and
insight. I’d never told anyone that entire story and it lightened something
inside me to finally divulge everything.

     “Ever since then I’ve kept my interactions with women casual.
I don’t date, and I don’t make plans with them. They want one thing from me, an
opportunity at attaching themselves to me for my money. They think they can do
that through my cock. I don’t give them any allusions to what I’m after. In
fact, I’m an asshole to all of them, but it still doesn’t stop them because all
they see when they look at me is a money sign.”

     This last part burst from me with more force than I
expected. I also realized that I spilled way more than I planned.

     Maya gazed at me silently for a several moments which
put my nerves on edge. “You aren’t an asshole to me, Landon, only a bit
arrogant at times. And this was a date, wasn’t it? Or have I suddenly become dense
on what a date consists of?” She chuckled and I could tell she was trying to
lighten the mood, but at the same time get some answers to the questions in her

     “This was definitely a date, Maya. My first in four
years, although I don’t consider those dates. I’m sure you could see the shock
and surprise on everyone’s faces tonight when I arrived at the party with you.
That was because no one had ever seen me show up with a girl before. And the
reason those girls attacked you the way they did was because they knew you were

     And she was different. Maya was nothing like the girls
I was used to. She wasn’t arrogant or overly aggressive. She didn’t try to
mind-fuck me into submission. No twisted facades or acts of desperation. She
didn’t seem to expect anything from me. It set me at ease, but then also had me
second guessing what she was trying to pull.

     Too many years of conniving females had fucked-up my
perception of the female species.

     However, I was beginning to realize that Maya had a
part of me that no other female before her had ever come close to owning. She
seemed genuine and I wanted to believe in that genuineness with everything in

     I finally admitted that I wanted more from her than
just a fuck. And it was liberating. I could literally feel a heaviness lift off
of me at my acceptance.

     “But am I really different, Landon? What are you
expecting from me? I can tell you that I’m not going to fall into bed with you
anytime soon. I’m not like that. I will admit that you are the first boy that
has woken my body to those types of needs, and I tell you this because I know
you’ve already picked up on how my body reacts to you.”

     I hid my smug grin at her piqued disclosure even as she
notified me that I wasn’t getting her body anytime soon. “You are different,
Maya. I actually like talking to you, and want to get to know you more. I know
you aren’t easy, but I have to tell you that although I may have slept with
numerous women I have never felt for them the degree of desire I do for you.
Just looking at you makes me hot and hard in a way I’ve never experienced, not
even with Macy. I’m willing to wait, because it’s not just your body that I’m
interested in.”

     We’d arrived back at her place of work. It was
eleven-ten at night giving Maya plenty of time to make it home before her
curfew. Maya directed me toward where her car was parked. It was an older
silver Chrysler Sebring.

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