Lang, Chloe - Wilde Nights [The Brothers of Wilde, Nevada 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (2 page)

BOOK: Lang, Chloe - Wilde Nights [The Brothers of Wilde, Nevada 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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“Sugar, that’s a demonstration by one of the resident Doms.” Denver’s words were just loud enough for her alone to hear in the clatter of the club.

The instructor lovingly kissed the woman on the cheek, and then turned back to the audience. “Any Master who wants to incorporate the single tail with a sub must practice very diligently before attempting to use it.”

Jessie whispered, “Sir, where are all these people from? There are more people in here than can possibly live in Wilde.”

“It’s the second biggest money maker next to the mine around here. Members come from everywhere. We’ve even had people from around the globe, including dignitaries.”

That shocked her. “Who owns the club?”

Denver’s face darkened.

Her gut clenched. She knew her mistake was not addressing him with his title. “I mean, who owns the club, Sir?”

A faint smile creased his cheek. “You’re a fast learner, sugar. Actually, Austin founded the place five years ago. Dads put up the funds, but he paid it back to them in less than eighteen months. It’s been making money ever since.”

Though she’d only met Austin once, she believed that he’d likely built the club less for the money and more for his own use. She looked around for the eldest Wilde brother but didn’t find him. She was glad. She needed Denver’s training before attempting time with Austin.

Jessie leaned into Denver. “Sir, please show me more.”

He nodded and led her to the right, to smaller platforms that looked like minisets for a play. One looked like a doctor’s exam room. The other could’ve passed for a medieval dungeon.

“These are used by members for public demonstrations and training.” He pointed to the trio in the medical scene. Two women in skintight black latex paddled a naked man on the exam table. “Does that surprise you, sugar?”

“Yes, Sir. A bit.” Jessie’s pussy dampened when she saw the look of pure pleasure on the man’s face as the women continued slapping his ass with the rubber club.

“Dominance comes in both genders as does submission.”

“Do you ever like women to be dominant in the bedroom, Sir?” she asked, hoping he didn’t.

“Not my thing, but there’s all kinds of kink tried between these walls. As long as protocols are followed, the club doesn’t give a damn what happens between consenting adults. Neither do I.”

As if on cue, they came to the next stage where an interracial gay couple was getting ready for some play. She was intrigued and stood watching them for several minutes. The white guy wore a collar and black shorts, but nothing else. He was on his knees. The black man wore leather boots, blue jeans, and a black T-shirt with one word in white lettering. “Dom.” Both were sexy as hell.

Denver’s gaze didn’t leave her. “Master Burke and Ray, his sub.”

A small crowd gathered for the demo that the two gay men were about to give. Ready to see more, she looked up at Denver, imploring him to continue the tour.

He nodded and led her away.

“What’s that for, Sir?” she asked, pointing to a cage in the center of the room.

“Do you see the people dressed in white?”

She spotted two massive men wearing all white, who looked like they could lift a bull over their heads with one hand. “Yes, Sir. I see them.”

“We call them angels. They’re the club’s bouncers. Every Dom who is a member here agrees to submit to the rules. If they don’t and an angel witnesses an infraction, the offending member is sent to the cage if the violation is not too egregious. If it is, they can be banned from the club for a week, a month, a year, or even for life, depending how serious the offense is.”

“That happens?”

“Rarely. To become a member requires some hurdles to clear. Most have been through training provided by senior club members or resident Doms. Some come through references.”

“So, someone can’t just walk in here and start whipping on a girl.”

He laughed. “Jessie, The Masters’ Chambers is very exclusive. We like our place. No one is going to fuck it up. If they try, they won’t be welcome here again.”

He guided her through another hallway. There were several closed doors on both walls. On each door was a number. Jessie thought about trying one of the handles, but she was sure they were all locked. Tank had asked Denver if he needed any other keys, but he’d declined. Did Denver mean to splay her out on one of the stages for everyone to see? Fear and a stabbing heat shot thorough her. Even with the powerful need awakened inside her, she wasn’t sure she would be ready for that.

A door on the left opened, and a man walked out wearing a brown uniform. On the lapel in black letters were the words “Dog Catcher.”
In his right hand he had a large net. In his left hand he held a leash that was attached to a woman dressed as a…
Jessie’s jaw dropped.

The man tugged at the leash. “Wilde.”


When the odd couple were out of earshot, Jessie asked, “What were they doing, Sir?”

“Puppy play.” He moved her forward to the large room past the hallway of doors.

She took a hard breath.
What the hell have I gotten myself into?
“Sir, I–I couldn’t—”

He laughed. “We’ll never do anything like that, sugar. Again, not my style.”

As Denver continued the tour of the club, Jessie was amazed at how large it really was. This second public room was more like a nightclub, though the people on the dance floor were doing a lot more than dancing. The lasers shot through the room, and the music blaring from hidden speakers vibrated against Jessie’s skin. In one corner, a naked woman had two men scrubbing her with wash clothes in a fully exposed shower. A crowd stood around the half wall taking in the steam the three created.

In the opposite corner, a man placed clamps on the nipples of another nude female who was chained to the wooden
. Unable to look away, Jessie watched him shove a dildo into her pussy. The woman’s lusty scream could be heard over the music for a moment. Jessie squirmed, wondering how the woman felt being so controlled and exposed. Her mind twirled that single thought like a quarter in a gambler’s fingers.
What would it feel like to submit to Denver on one of the club’s stages?
The more she toyed with the idea, the more her insides melted with arousal.

“So, what else do you have in store for me, Sir?” she asked shakily.

“Don’t you worry about that.”

She looked around the room. The women were exceptional. Great figures. She couldn’t compete with them. Perhaps Denver liked sharing her with his brothers, but now that he was alone with her, he didn’t care to move things forward. Was he only pacifying her with this tour?

As if reading her mind, he grabbed her hand and placed it on his crotch. She felt his cock swelling under the leather. “You’re perfect. Don’t doubt that.”

She bit her lip. “Could I have a drink, Sir? I think I need some courage.”

He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in tight. “You don’t need courage. You’ve got buckets full of that. Also, there’s no liquor on premises. Juice and water only.”

“That seems odd.”

“Not really, sweetheart. Strict rules are enforced about conduct here. No drugs. No alcohol. Everyone is here willingly. Besides, dominance and submission is about getting to a state where your mind and body merge. Awareness is a key component.”

“I think I’ve got a lot to learn.”

“You do. And I’m glad to be your teacher.”

“Then may I have some water, Sir?”

One of the club’s male angels walked by and looked at her and Denver, and then he raised an eyebrow before moving on.

“What was that about, Sir?”

“You’re the first tourist I’ve ever brought to the club.”

“What’s a tourist? The guy at the front called me that earlier.”

“Someone who is a guest of the club but is only here to observe.”

Instantly disappointed, Jessie pushed her lower lip out. “B–but—”

“You’re not ready for the stage, sugar. Not tonight. But I do have plans for you later.”

“Please, Sir.”

In clear view of the couple just passing them, Denver pinched her nipples through her shirt. She closed her eyes, enjoying the tiny sting. Her pussy ached, soaking her panties.

He released her bits of flesh and pulled her in tight. “I’m in charge. Don’t forget that, Jessie.”

* * * *

The damning photos would work perfectly, though the person uploading the images to a laptop wished there had been one with the woman and Austin Wilde, too. No luck.

The final photo popped up on the screen. It was Denver Wilde kissing the bitch in the parking lot of The Masters’ Chambers. There were other snapshots of the cunt embracing other Wilde brothers.

With the other photos from the whore’s first night with them that had been copied from the hijacked camera of a clueless Jackson, there was enough.

Time to turn up the heat on special investigator Jessica Greene.

Chapter Two

“We’re here,” Denver stated flatly.

Jessie opened her eyes and gasped. Through the truck’s windshield she saw a two-story white neoclassic home with a portico held up by six columns that went the full length of the front of the building. Four enormous six-paned windows, two on each side, flanked the double-door entrance.

The ride from the club had lulled her to sleep. She’d leaned into the sexy cowboy dreaming about the experience at the club. Now, she was fully awake and amazed by the beauty before her.

“Your home is amazing. I can’t believe you built this.”

“Sure did, sugar.”

“It’s so big. How did you do it?” Jessie knew that all the Wilde brothers built their own homes. They started the building when they were only sixteen. Once they turned eighteen, they were required to move into the place of their own making.

“When I decide to do something or have something, I don’t let anything or anyone stop me.”

Denver fascinated Jessie. His quiet confidence and strength got to her on a deep level. The more time she spent with him the more she felt changed. “May I see inside, Sir?”

“Sure, Jessie. I want to know what you think of my place.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

He kissed her cheek. “Outside the club you may call me Denver, unless I decide to run you through some training. I’m not twenty-four-seven.”

The idea of being instructed by this cowboy excited her. “Okay, Denver.”

He opened the door and motioned her inside. The interior entryway had a large stairway that led up to a landing. The walls were big and broad and, like the outside, were white. All the trim was fluted and terminated at the corners into gorgeous square blocks that were carved in bold relief. The rooms were not isolated, but opened into each other. To the left was a dining room, formal but inviting. To the right was a large living room that was composed of straight, severe lines with heavy detail. Symmetry prevailed throughout. Every window and door was organized in pairs. The maker of this house had a meticulous eye. If she had to describe the feel of the place in a single word, it would have been “stately.” The dining room and the living room had matching fireplaces with black marble surrounds and bulky mantles that could be seen from the entryway.
A large mirror hung over the dining room mantle, and a large painting of three men and a woman hung over the living room mantle.

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