Larue Donavon 3 - The Ghoul Next Door (21 page)

Read Larue Donavon 3 - The Ghoul Next Door Online

Authors: Rose Pressey

Tags: #rose pressey, #paranormal romance, #Romance, #larue donavan, #paranormal mystery, #ghosts

BOOK: Larue Donavon 3 - The Ghoul Next Door
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Matt played back the recorder. “There
are voices on the recorders. Did you hear the

The angry male voice over the recorder
said, “Danger, Larue.”

Ben said, “Now I have something to
back up what I’m hearing.”

That was the angry man,” I
said when I heard the voice say my name across the recorder. “Did
you hear the deep husky voice? It is very creepy.”

Matt played the next recording. “Get
out of my house,” the male voice said again.

As we sat around the table, Cooper’s
EMF detector began beeping wildly. “It’s trying to communicate with
us through that.”

The heavy feeling had

Mindy had been quiet for the whole
investigation and rightfully so. “I am freaked out. I can’t believe
something was standing there in that room. It kind of looked like a
man, but I couldn’t see its face clearly. The rest of the thing was

Ben shook his head. “This explains so
much. We’ve heard footsteps and seen doors open and close. We’ve
had people get scratched.”

While he talked, I noticed movement
out of the corner of my eye in the living room. The creature
growled, so I knew it was in there, but I wouldn’t give it the
attention that it so dearly desired.

We saw something dark in
the bedroom upstairs,” I said.

Cooper stood and hurried out of the
room as if he’d sensed something, but he didn’t give us an
explanation. I focused my attention on Jennie again.

Jennie nodded as she stared at us. “I
stopped sleeping in that bedroom because the activity was too
strong. I always feel uneasy when I go in there. One time, the
dresser was pulled away from the wall, blocking the door. I refused
to stay in that room ever again. When the lights are out, it is
darker than dark.”

Cooper returned. “There is a vortex
here. It’s an opening to the other world and we need to close it.”
He pointed toward the door.

Wow. Had he found it while outside?
Everyone stared at him but didn’t say a word. What could they say
to an announcement like that?

This doorway is allowing in
the spirits,” he continued.

Ben shook his head. “I used to think
that spirits moved on, now I know they’d don’t. Can you get them to
leave and get out of our house?” He looked at me with a pleading

Jennie offered more information. “You
can hear people talking but never quite make out what they’re
saying. A chill runs down your spine every time you walk into the
basement, too.”

Well, basements can be very
spooky places so I’m not surprised that that happens,” I

No, this is different. I
know it’s a creepy space, but you feel it down there. It’s a
heaviness in the air. It’s difficult to even breathe.”

Another day in the life of me. Seeing
and speaking to the dead wasn’t so glamorous when they spoke

As we stood waiting for the producer
to announce that we were wrapping for a break, a plate flew off the
wall and zinged by Mindy’s head. The homeowner had removed most
everything off the walls by this point, but apparently she had
missed a few things. I should have insisted because I knew things
would get bad with us there.

Mindy had ducked and missed the dish,
but what would happen next? Maybe next time we wouldn’t be able to
avoid the flying demonic weapons. This thing certainly was

Matt’s eyes widened. “I guess that’s a
wrap for now.”

You think? Mindy almost
lost an eye. I think that deserved a break,” I snapped. Wow, was I

We’ve got some food
coming,” Matt announced. “If you’d like to recharge.”

I wasn’t sure I felt like eating, but
I knew I needed to keep my strength up. I needed all the energy I
could find. Everyone moved about the room and I stared, kind of in
a daze. It was as if I was outside looking in the window at them.
The whole situation was surreal. The spirit was talking in my ear,
but I couldn’t see him. He was hiding. Just like a

Why don’t you show
yourself?” I called out.

He didn’t answer. He liked to play
games, but I was determined to win this one. I felt a stare on me
and glanced over to find Mindy watching me.

She moved closer. “You okay?” she

My hands shook from the adrenaline
rush. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

It’s been a long morning,

You can say that

Chapter Thirty

After filming, I was almost afraid to
go back to the bookstore for fear of what I’d find this time. More
vandalized books? Would the whole store be burned down? Everything
was irritating me and I had no idea why. The letters hadn’t helped
my feelings. I could almost feel the anger coming off the pages and
seeping up from my purse. I had to know what the new letter


You may think this letter
is a joke, but I can assure you it is not. As long as you leave
Callahan alone, nothing will happen. I warned you yesterday, but
apparently you didn’t take me seriously. I’m working with Callahan
now and we’re spending a lot of time together. There is no room for
you in his life.

Best regards,


Best regards? What would she have said
if she’d sent bad regards? Ginger wasn’t even afraid to sign her
name. That was crazy. I had to know who this woman was. Maybe I
needed to pay her a visit. But if she really was crazy that could
be dangerous.

I stuffed the letter back into my
purse and hurried out of my car and toward Book Nook. I looked over
my shoulder. I never knew when some crazy would be following me.
Apparently I attracted all the crazies now.

Oh, you are popular. Ghosts
hate you and so do the living.” Candy Cherry floated behind me. The
venom oozed out of her words. Why did she hate me so

Don’t listen to her, Larue.
She is being nasty,” Elvis said from over my shoulder.

With my hand on the door, someone
reached out and grabbed me. I whirled around with my fist in the

Whoa, Rocky, take it easy,”
Mindy said.

I clutched my chest. “Oh, my gosh. I’m
so sorry. I’m just a little on edge.”

I reached in my purse and handed Mindy
the letter, then motioned for her to follow me inside.

Beth looked up when I walked through
the door of Book Nook.

This came for you today.
It’s marked urgent on the envelope.” Beth waved the envelope in the

My heart rate spiked when I recognized
the cream-colored paper. Two in one day? This was crazy. Mindy
stood behind me, leaning over my shoulder.

I didn’t speak as I snatched the
letter from her hand. Beth frowned.

I’m so sorry. I have no
idea why I’m acting this way.” My hands shook.

Larue, are you okay?” Mindy

Am I acting strange?” I

Um, just a little.” She
pinched her index finger and thumb together.

Without offering a response, I ripped
open the letter.

I told you that you are
popular. Another lovely letter from your new friend,” Candy Cherry
said snarkily.

I didn’t give her the benefit of a
response. She didn’t deserve one. All she wanted to do was make me
angry—I had to fight my anger.

You should confront
Callahan with this. Ask him what’s up,” Mindy said from over my

I know,” I said while still
reading the letter.

I couldn’t believe this woman had sent
another letter. She was crazy. I was seriously worried about
Callahan’s safety… not to mention my own.

In case you didn’t take the
other letter seriously, I thought I’d send another. I meant what I
said: stay away from Callahan. He doesn’t want to be with you.
Typical guy, I know, but he doesn’t know how to tell you that he
isn’t interested in you. So do yourself a favor, and leave him
alone. Got it? Good.

Best regards,


Again with the best regards. What a

Do you think he knows about
the letters?” Mindy asked.

I rubbed my temples. “Honestly, I
don’t know. There has to be something going on, right?”

Usually there is.” Mindy
clucked her tongue. “We could go kick her butt.”

Oh, please. He is with his
are not the girlfriend. Callahan is playing you,” Candy Cherry

Mr. Fine laughed, but the chuckles
stopped when Elvis approached Mr. Fine and Candy Cherry. It looked
as if he’d had enough of their taunting.

I hate this relationship
junk. Why does it have to be so difficult? Why can’t you just meet
someone, you get along, do things together, have fun and live life.
Why is there so much freakin’ drama? I don’t like drama. I like

like quiet?” Mindy snorted. “You never get quiet. You have
dead people talking in your ears constantly.”

I sighed. “Don’t remind

You need to ask him though.
If he doesn’t know about the letters, then he needs to, and if he
does know, then he needs to come clean with you. He can’t play two

I guess technically he
can,” I said.

Well, you’re not going to
be one of those two women. Period. I’ll see to that.” Mindy placed
her hands on her hips.

I’m supposed to see
Callahan tonight. I’ll have to tell him then. I just hope I get the
answer I’m searching for.”

Mindy hugged me. “Let me know if
anything happens. I’m going to teach a class. The women are going
crazy without me there.” She stared at me when she pulled

Mindy studied my eyes, but didn’t say
a word. A look of fear spread across her face and she hurried out,
the bell above the door jingling in her wake.

Thank goodness Mindy hadn’t asked me
to go. I didn’t have the energy to hang on to the pole. Not to
mention that the anger inside me mounted. I hated this feeling and
it wasn’t like me to feel this way. I pulled out the mirror from my
purse. Blazing blue eyes stared back at me. I slammed the mirror
down. I didn’t want to see it.

The day couldn’t go by fast enough. I
found myself watching the clock and unable to concentrate. I paced
the length of the bookstore so much that I even got on the ghosts’
nerves. Not that it would take much to annoy nasty Candy or Mr.
Fine. But I was even making Elvis nervous. He paced the floor
behind me.

After I closed for the day, I hurried
home, showered, changed into a little black dress and waited for
Callahan to arrive. I’d show Callahan the letters and hope for the

Are you wearing that?”
Candy Cherry asked while she picked fake lint from her red

Yes, I’m wearing this,” I

You look gorgeous,” Elvis

Normally, I would have swooned at the
fact that Elvis Presley had complimented me. I mean, Elvis Presley!
But my heart just wasn’t in it. The black feeling inside me made
feel like the Grinch, minus the stealing Christmas gifts

When the doorbell rang, I almost
couldn’t breathe. I had no idea how Callahan would act when I
showed him the letters. With heavy feet, I forced myself to walk to
the door. Sucking in a big breath, I swung the door open. Callahan
stood in front of me with a giant smile across his face. Damn, he
looked good.

You look stunning,” he

Okay, he chipped away at the blackness
with that comment—only a little though. “Thank you,” I squeaked

Are you ready?” Callahan

I nodded. “Yeah, but first, there’s
something I need to talk to you about.” My stomach turned. I hated

It sounds serious.”
Callahan’s brow furrowed.

I nodded. “Yeah, it kind of is
serious. Why don’t you have a seat on the sofa.”

Chapter Thirty-One

When Callahan had settled on the sofa,
I handed the letters to him. My stomach turned at the thought of
him coming clean with me. I wanted the truth, but I wanted it to be
positive. The answer I wanted to hear. The last thing I needed
right now was bad news from him. Would I let Callahan go without a
fight? Probably. I never wanted to be anyone’s second choice. No
one ever wanted to be the second choice.

Callahan took the letters and stared
down at the pretty linen envelopes, then looked back up at me. He
opened the first one, read it, then slipped open the next. When he
saw that it was more of the same, he placed it back on the table
and looked up at me.

I have no idea why she
would have sent these letters. Honest, I would tell you,

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