Read Last Chance Online

Authors: Christy Reece

Last Chance (22 page)

BOOK: Last Chance
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Christy Reece

knowing, as opposed to her skills being less sharp. Staying aware had kept

her safe from Damon for eight years and had saved her ass on numerous

occasions during ops. She couldn't afford to lose her advantage.

"Are you all right?"

He had drawn closer to her, and without even knowing she was going

to do it, McKenna took a few steps forward, rose up on her toes, and pressed

a soft, quick kiss to his beautiful, masculine mouth.

Delight gleamed in his eyes. "What was that for?"

"For everything and for nothing. You're one of the finest men I've

ever known, did you know that?"

Something like guilt flickered in his face. She told herself she was

being silly. Guilt for what? Maybe her instincts
getting dull. She used

to be able to read people very well. Though Lucas was one of the few people

she'd had difficulty reading from the beginning. He was so controlled that

few emotions were revealed in his expression. Until he she

loved his smile.

"Your words almost sound like goodbye."

"You've been so generous with your hospitality. I don't have to leave

yet, but I will soon."


"Because I have a job and you have a life that I can't be part of."

"And why can't you be part of my life?"

She held back a huff of exasperation. The man wasn't dense. He knew

exactly the reason she couldn't be part of his life. But she gave it to him

anyway. "Because you're a high-profile businessman and billionaire. You're

in the news all the time. I can't even be seen out in public."

"So you're going to be on the run for the rest of your life because of

one prick that you don't even know is still alive?"

"He's still alive, I'm sure of it. And the last thing I'm going to do is get

anyone else involved in my problems. I'd like to stay for a few more days, if

that's okay with you. Or I can leave now."

Lucas snorted. "But either way, you're going to leave and you don't

plan on coming back, do you?"

She wrapped her arms around herself, a defensive move she

recognized but couldn't prevent. Lucas had never really questioned her or

argued with her. She wasn't afraid of him, but neither did she want anger

between them. Yet she wouldn't back away from his statement. She couldn't

because it was true.

"That's right. After I leave here, I won't be coming back."

His face was harder than she'd ever seen it as he stared at her for


Christy Reece

several seconds. Unflinching and resolute, she returned his stare. He might

not like her words, but she wouldn't lie to him. If he wanted her to leave, she

would. The thought wrenched her heart, but she refused to put him in any

more danger than she already had.

It had been selfish of her to come to him when she was sick; it was

even more selfish to stay any longer than she already had. Now it was up to

him to decide if she would leave even sooner.

His face relaxed into the beautiful smile she loved. "Stay. I'm sorry

I'm such an ass. I know you're doing what you think is right. I have no right

to question you."

The relief was overwhelming--so much so, she feared she might cry.

To prevent that, she said, "How about that run? I'll go upstairs and change.

Be right back." And run she did, up the stairway before he could see how

much he had come to mean to her. How much it was killing her to know she

would soon leave him for good.

Lucas watched her disappear up the stairway. Part of him wanted to

shake her for being so damned stubborn. The other part wanted to hold her

and tell her she never had to worry about Damon Hughes or anyone hurting

her ever again. That he would slay every dragon that threatened her safety

and happiness. He hoped, one day soon, to be able to give her that assurance.

She would be furious when she discovered his plan. McKenna might

have many vulnerabilities; she also had many strengths. One of those

strengths was her determination to not involve anyone in her problems.

Lucas had tremendous admiration for her courage, but damned if he would

just sit on his ass and not help her. Not when he knew he could do

something to stop her pain. McKenna had been running from the bastard for

eight years. The man had to be stopped.

Opening the French doors, Lucas went out onto the patio. While he

waited to be able to implement those plans, he had one other plan. And that

was for McKenna to enjoy her time here. Not only was she still recovering

from her illness, but he wanted to see her face light up with happiness. The

constant worry and sadness in her eyes tore at him. Had she ever taken time

off, had a holiday? He already knew the answer. Hell, she refused to go out

in public except to get from one place to the other. No way would she go

someplace to actually enjoy herself.

He was limited to entertaining her here at the estate. Yesterday they

had gone horseback riding. The day before they had played tennis. Today

they would take a run and have a picnic on the grounds. Tonight he planned

a romantic dinner on one of the private patios facing the lake. McKenna had

mentioned it was one of her favorite spots.


Christy Reece

They had talked little about her past since she had revealed

everything. He had a vague suspicion that McKenna actually knew Damon

Hughes's location but hadn't told him for fear that he would hire someone to

go after him. He wouldn't do that. McKenna didn't yet know that he didn't

need to send someone to do the dirty work. Lucas was more than capable of

taking care of the dirty work himself.

Minutes after she had told him that Hughes was still alive, Lucas had

called his investigator. Myron Phelps's previous assignment had been to

investigate McKenna; his new job was to find Damon Hughes. Once he

knew his location, Lucas would then introduce himself to the bastard who

had made McKenna's life a living hell.

Lucas would deal with McKenna's anger once Hughes was no longer

a threat to her. What he absolutely refused to do was sit on his ass and wait

for the bastard to finally make a move for her. It was way past time for the

stalker to become the stalked.

She took one last bite of her sumptuous dinner, then leaned back into

her chair with a sigh. "That was the absolute best meal I've ever eaten."

"You're sure you're through? You've only had three servings of


McKenna laughed. "You're only jealous because I took the last of the


"Not true. I'm upset because you took the last piece of chicken."

"Hey, I'm still recovering. I need to get my strength back."

He smiled. "I'd say you're well on your way."

She looked out at the beautiful night, the lake gently glittering under

the bright moonlight, the soft sounds of nature in the background.

Everything was lovely. The man across from her made it all the more so.

She turned back to him and asked, "Why are you so good to me?"

"Because you deserve the best of everything. And because you're very

easy to be good to."

"How so?"

"Simple things please you. A good meal, a walk in the rain, a warm

fire, and a challenging game of chess."

She laughed again. "You've just described the most boring person in

the world."

"No, not boring. You like the simple things in life. You take joy in


"Tell me about growing up with this kind of wealth. Is it difficult?"

"That's another thing I like about you. Most people might assume that

since my family was wealthy, things were easy."


Christy Reece

"I don't think anyone gets through this life easily. Some might have

more advantages here and there, but we all struggle in our own way."

"You're wise beyond your years."

"And you're prevaricating."

Accepting that she wouldn't let it go, Lucas sighed and began

speaking in a reflective tone. McKenna couldn't help herself--even as she

listened to his words, she had to close her eyes and enjoy his voice. How she

loved to hear him talk.

"I loved my father. He had his faults, but he was a good man. Losing

my mother was difficult for him. Even though she died long before I was

even aware of anything, I sensed a deep loneliness in him. We were close,

but I always knew there was something missing in him, an emptiness I

couldn't reach. A void he could never fill. There were so many times I'd find

him in his study just staring at her portrait displayed over the mantel."

McKenna had seen the portrait. Merry Kane hadn't been a beautiful

woman so much as she'd had a liveliness about her. Her name had been apt.

Even though it was a portrait, the artist had captured the mischievousness

and love of life in her eyes. She looked not only spirited but also as though

she would have been a delight to know.

"Do you think that's why your dad married so many times?"

"I actually think he was looking for the exact opposite of my mother

because he knew no one could ever replace her in his heart."

McKenna sighed. That was just about the most romantic thing she'd

ever heard.

"You're not going to sleep in the middle of one of my stories, are


She blinked her eyes open. Too embarrassed to tell him that his voice

made her want to melt onto the floor in a pool of sheer want, she shook her

head. "No, just feeling extremely relaxed."

"Take a walk with me?"

"Only if you don't mind if I take my shoes off."

"Are your shoes bothering you? Did I get the wrong size?"

Lucas had not only taken care of her and fed her but clothed her. She

had arrived with a pair of jeans, three T-shirts, underwear, and running

shoes. That was almost three weeks ago. After much haranguing, she had

agreed to let him get a few things for her. And what had he done? He had

bought her a new wardrobe. Dresses, skirts, blouses, and pantsuits. And

shoes, all different styles and kinds of shoes. McKenna hadn't been this

dressed up in years. She felt so feminine, so girly.

"The shoes fit fine. It's just been years since I've worn anything other


Christy Reece

than sneakers. I think my feet are in shock."

"Then take them off. We'll just walk along the path. If you stumble,

it'll give me an opportunity to carry you."

Her heart turned over as another body part throbbed in anticipation.

After everything she'd gone through with Damon, never had she thought to

feel desire. But with Lucas it was a whole new day, a whole different way of

looking at life. He made her feel like a beautiful, desirable woman. And he

made her feel normal. When was the last time she'd felt even the slightest bit


Slipping off her shoes, she took the hand Lucas held out for her.

Instead of moving away, he stayed still and McKenna found herself within

inches of him. His expression revealed admiration, desire, and affection. All

the things she felt herself. Afraid she'd blurt out her thoughts, McKenna

leaned into him and wrapped her arms around him. He took it as the

invitation she meant it to be. Lowering his head slowly, his lips touched hers

and the world disappeared.

She allowed him to devour her mouth. When she opened to him, he

plunged inside; McKenna moaned at his taste, groaned at the desire

throbbing for release. Lucas pressed his hands on her hips, pushing her

against his erection. His desire should have scared her; it didn't. She wanted

him as a woman wants a man, in every way, in every form. Her body didn't

care that they had no future together. Her heart didn't listen to her warnings,

either. She was in love with Lucas Kane, forever. And despite the

knowledge that forever couldn't be in her vocabulary with this man, she

ignored those warnings and let nature takes its course.

Lucas lifted his mouth slightly and whispered, "I want you,


Emotions coursed through her: pride, gratitude, desire, and an

incredible, life-altering need to know this man in every way possible.

"I want you, too, Lucas."

Letting her go, he took her hand and led her inside the house.

Lucas fully acknowledged he'd never been more scared in his life.

He'd lost his virginity at the age of sixteen and had had more women throw

themselves at him than he liked to remember. Without ego, Lucas knew he

was attractive and because of his wealth was sometimes considered even

more so.

None of that mattered right now. He was about to make love to

McKenna for the first time. Once again, he felt like that sixteen-year-old

virgin who'd almost exploded at the first touch of soft, supple skin under his



Christy Reece

"You don't have to if you don't want to."

Hell, for a man who had trained in hiding every thought from others,

she had read his hesitancy. Except she'd read it all wrong. It wasn't that he

didn't want her...he wanted her too much.

"You won't laugh if I tell you something?"

"I don't laugh at people and I especially would never laugh at you."

His chest tightened at the sheer sweetness and honesty of that

BOOK: Last Chance
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