Last First Kiss (27 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

BOOK: Last First Kiss
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Sophie had a thumping head. She felt giddy
and she couldn’t breath
properly because a rag had been placed inside her mouth and her hands tied behind her back.
Her shoulder muscles ached
and she felt sic
and she’d been put into the back of a van. She’d guessed the same one that had followed her.

She’d been kidnapped
but why?
Grans wasn’t well off,
neither was Wade
so money couldn’t be a motive.

Unless of course, this had something to do wit
h Michael Ambrose’s murder and maybe they
were going to kill her
too. But wait a minute
wouldn’t they have already done that?

She heard something now.
Voices, a man’s voice talking. She remained quiet and still, hoping to figure out if she recognized him or not.
a woman’s voice was talking back to him.

“Just what the hell have you done? He’s going to come looking for her. They all will.”

“She’s our leverage.”

“Well you better be sure she is because I’m not going to take t
he fall with you over this one. Kidnapping can bring in the FBI.”

Sophie heard footsteps
around the back of the van and then the catch on the back door being released. Dear god
he was going to kill her. Tears ran down her face as a man with a mask stood there with a knife in his hand.

He jumped into the van and sat beside her. He fingered her hair
but she tried to pull away.

“I can see why you’re so precious to him.”

Sophie tried to say something but couldn’t because the cloth was making her retch. He put the knife toward her a
nd cut her cheek.
It stung and smarted
even more w
hen one of her tears slid over it.

“Please,” she tried to say. “L
et me go, please.”

“That all depends on your boyfriend
or is it fiancé now?”


e couldn’t have just disappeared
into thin air.”

Wade ran his
hand through his hair and paced
and down in his father’s house after the police officer had calle
d to say he hadn’t found her or seen any sign of her

ll find her. I bet
y morning she’ll be home and have a s
imple explanation where she’s been
all this time
,” said Bob.
“Maybe she ran into an old school buddy. You know women? They’re probably jabbering about this and that
and she’s
the time.”

Wade shook his head. “I know something’s wrong
and I’m
not le
aving Soph out there all night,” said Wade pointing out the window.

He headed to the door ready to leave,
but his dad got hold of his arm.

“And what if anything happens to you
? Then
Emily and I have lost two of our loved ones. Say
she comes back and you’re gone. Then she’ll start worrying
and we’ll be back where we started.”

His dad had a valid point

et’s both of us go back out one more time and look for her okay


He slapped Wade’s back
. “She was probably in shock hearing about the baby.”

“I was in shock.”

“She’ll come around to accepting that these things happen.”

Wade shook his head. “She thinks it’s a
omen that we’re not supposed to be together. What with Tra
vis getting her pregnant

that slipped out before
realized it.

“Sophie and Travis
had a baby?” asked Bob.

“No, Sophie h
ad a miscarriage. She was pregnant…that’s
reason she married him, not because she was in love with him like she’d made out.”

I’ll be darned.”

“Dad, we have to find her.
I’ve spen
eight long years without
I can’t do it for one single day more

b put his arm around Wade’s shoulder
. “We will
son, we will
and you two will live happily ever after.”




Chapter Fourteen


Wade hadn’t slept all night. He and his dad had scoured every part of
and the surrounding area
, even close to the canyon
but there’d been
no sig
n of Sophie. His cell phone rang
as he was in grabbing some coffee at his dad’s house where he’d stayed

He prayed it
s Soph when he saw Emily’s number flashing on
the screen. Maybe his girl was home safe and sound.

Wade, some
e sent us a box.”

He could tell she was crying and had barely managed to get those words out.

“What is it

He went cold, the most morbid thoughts running through his head.

“I think you should ge
t over here because someone’s kidnapped

didn’t wait to
the rest of Emily’s sentence because
an out of the house
as fast as he could.


“You hold still while I blindf
old you and you won’t get hurt.”

Sophie had
squinted when the back of the van door had opened up, spilling sunlight into the vehicle. How long had sh
e’d been there? It had been
dark when she’d been abducted. The man
, still masked,
jumped onto the van and placed a cloth around her eyes.

“I’m going to help you out and then you’ll go somewhere more comfortable.”

She wanted to say just let me go
but her mouth was still gagged. She almost stumbled as he helped her down. She heard gravel crunching under her feet as he made her walk.

If he’s going to kill me, wouldn’t he
have done it by now?

She fell again, more from hunger and thirst than anything else. He dragged her along and then she heard what sounded like a metal door opening. He walked her some more and then
down on
what felt like a chair under
the back of her legs.

He untied her hands and then pull
ed them behind her back and secured
them again. Next he took off her blindfold and gag.

“Drink this

He offered her
a plastic bottle of water. Sophie was
dry, parched even, but
was reluctant to do as he asked just in case he’d drugged it.

“Come on, it’s just water. I want you safe and sound
so I can assure you there’s nothing in it to hurt you.”

She would die if she didn’t drink something, so
took three large gulps, almost choking on the last one.

“Why are you doing this? I’m not from a wealthy family.”

“I know that
honey, but your boyfriend’s been snooping around where he shouldn’t
and I’ve got to show him who’s

. D
id this have something to do with her grandmother’s cas
e? Or did Wade have another one
she didn’t know anything about?

If it was the latter then maybe this guy was Michael’s Ambrose real killer
which meant he had nothing to lose by killing her

“Don’t worry,
I’ve sent th
e little trophy I took from you
to granny
and Wade Linl
ey. They’ll soon see reason
and then you can go home.”



Wade couldn’t remember e
ver seeing Emily Richardson cry this much even when she
lost Sophie’s parents.
She was a tough
and if she did cry
it was
in private. However, here she sa
t breaking her heart.

“Wade, you’ve got to find Sophie. She’s all I have left in this world.”

Wade kneeled down and took her hand between his own. “We’ll get her back.”

“Whatever they want I’ll give them.”


Wade cell phone rang out
and they both jumped.

Wade Linl

“You want to speak with your

Wade’s heartbeat picked up speed.

“Of course I do
and if you’ve hurt her I’ll kill you with my bare hands, you fucking son of a bitch.”

t that Emily was in earshot
but in all honesty she probably had the same opinion of Soph’s abductor.

just one side of
her hair is a little shorter.”

“What do you want?”

“Stop snooping and let granny take the fall for Michael Ambrose
and you can have her

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Emily looked up at him and mouthed
what does he want?

“Emily Richardson did not kill anyone
and she’s not going to jail for it, okay

There was just silence
and next thing he heard was his Soph screaming.

His went cold, his legs turning to jelly.

Emily must have heard
because she cried harder.

ell him to leave my girl alone,” she sobbed through the tissue she’d put to her mouth and nose.

“Okay, anything you want
but you hand Sophie over to me.”

“Now you promise you keep your word because you can’t keep that girl safe, can’t keep your eye on her 24/7
and if the old bird doesn’t take the fall, I won’t play nice next time.”

I w
t play nice this time.

“Okay, you have a deal.”

be on the dirt road leading to the
outside of
in an hour.”

Wade ended
the call
and looked at his watch.

“What did they want in exchange for our Sophie?”

“You to take the rap for Michael Ambrose murder.”

“Whatever I have to do.”

“Don’t be stupid. I’m going to get Sophie
and then I’m going after this son of bitch with a large shotgun.”


Sophie coughed. The warehouse they were keeping her in was stuffy
and perspiration dripped between her breasts. She coughed again and then strained her ears to listen to what was going outside. It was a woman’s voice again.

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