Lovers Unchained

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Authors: Siren Allen

Tags: #Erotica/BDSM/Paranormal/Voyeur Erotica/Exhibitionism

BOOK: Lovers Unchained
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Table of Contents

Title Page

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8



Siren Allen


Published by
An Imprint of Whiskey Creek Press LLC
Whiskey Creek Press
PO Box 51052
Casper, WY 82605-1052

2013 by
Siren Allen

Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 (five) years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

ISBN 978-1-


Cover Artist: Gemini Judson

Editor: Dennis Hays

Printed in the United States of America


This book is dedicated to my wonderful husband, Dempsey Allen. Thank you, Mr. Allen, for believing in me and putting up with my late night writing.

It is also dedicated to my family, who stands behind me and supports me, no matter what crazy adventure I decide to go on.

Lastly, to my parents, my nephew Carlos and my aunt Mae, who are watching over me from heaven. I love and miss you guys. I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it wasn’t for all of you. Thank you!


The Dark Witch stared into the seven mirrors decorating her wall. Each mirror offered her a glimpse into the Seven Realms of the World. She stared into the mirror showing
her the
Realm of Mist
, her sister, Elder Delilah, known to Mortals as Death, ruled here. Only those with pure spirits were allowed to enter the Realm of Mist when they died. In the span of five years, the Realm of Mist doubled in population. This fact both saddened and frightened the Dark Witch.

She turned her attention to the mirror containing images from
the Realm of Dreams
. Her sister, Elder Sandai, ruled this Realm. Dreams of sleeping Mortals and Immortals floated around in the mirror, but none of them was what she was looking for.

Turning to the mirror which
contained the
Realm of Mortals
, she smiled. The Mortals were allowed to govern themselves. No Elder ruled over their Realm. She loved the Mortals. Their innocence tugged at her heart strings. Though they sometimes irritated her with their selfish and violent acts against one another, it was to be expected. Mortals were unaware other Realms existed. They didn’t have any powers and were considered pets by most supernatural beings. The Elders expected them to be a little more…uncivilized.

The Dark Witch turned away from the images. She walked over to the mirror containing images of the
Elder Realm
. She stared at the faces of her brothers and sisters. None of them knew she was the Dark Witch and hopefully they never would. Her siblings thought of her as the baby of the family. She hoped they didn’t banish her once they found out what she did. Everything she did was for the benefit of all, Immortals and Mortals alike. One day they would realize this.

 She moved on to the mirror showing images from the
Immortal Realm,
and sighed as scene after scene of Immortals battling with each other flashed before her eyes. Their ignorant grudges angered her. Couldn’t they sense something bigger than all of them was coming? Didn’t they feel the hatred seeping from the earth, filling her nose with its putrid smell? Unlike her, most couldn’t see the future, and those who could, couldn’t see as far into the future as she could.

The Dark Witch turned away from the Immortals mirror and turned toward the mirror of the
Dark Realm
. The Dark Realm was once ruled by her brother, Elder Gaston Moarte, but now he was dead and his children ruled the Dark Realm, and a dark place it was. The Moarte siblings and their minions found a way to keep the Elders from entering the Realm, but with the power encased in her Ring of Protection, the Dark Witch was able to travel there. However, any time spent in the Dark Realm weakened her.
The Moarte’s must have a powerful witch on their side to have such a potent weakening spell protecting their Realm
. They were turning the Dark Realm into their own personal cesspool. Murder, sex, and misuse of power unfolded before her eyes.

The scenes from the Dark Realm made her heavy heart even heavier, but there were a few small rays of light still in the Dark Realm. Those lights were in the hearts of five Immortals trapped there. Four of the five were there because of her. Two were there to claim their destiny. Two of them hated her with a passion, but everything she did, every curse she uttered was done out of love, love for the future of the Realms. The Dark Witch turned to the final mirror,
The Shadow Realm
. No one had been there in centuries. The older Elders refused to tell her why the Shadow Realm was no longer accessible. However, she had a feeling something horrible took place there, causing the Elders who came before her to close the portals leading to the Shadow Realm. Images of the Shadow Realm were the ones she sought.

The only thing the Dark Witch saw in the mirror of the Shadow Realm was black smoke, but she knew something lurked there; something which could destroy all of the Realms. Unless they united, Mortal and Immortals alike, they wouldn’t stand a chance against what was coming. The Dark Witch leaned closer to the mirror, examining the dark fog obscuring her view. She sensed something powerful was there. She dreamed about the Shadow Realm every night and couldn’t shake the feeling something dreadful was coming.

The Dark Witch closed her eyes, placed her nose against the cold glass and chanted. She recited a spell to make the fog disperse, to see what was hidden within the Shadow Realm. A cold chill crept over her. She opened her eyes to find a gnarled hand reaching through the mirror. The contorted fingers grabbed her by the neck and pulled her forward. She braced her hands against either side of the wall trying to break free. The clawed fingers dug into her neck, the creature hidden within the fog trying to drag her into the Shadow Realm. Continuing to struggle, she raised her hand and punched the mirror as hard as she could. The
Ring of Protection
she wore cracked the glass and the clawed hand released her. Shattered glass fell to the floor.

The Dark Witch stumbled backwards, her hands going to her throat. Warm blood trickled from the deep scratches on her neck. She stared at the broken glass on the floor and each broken piece of glass showed the same image, swirling black fog. She knew behind the fog lived her worst nightmare, their worst nightmare. The Dark Witch kissed her R
ing of Protection
; she would need its power if she wanted to survive what was coming. Finally, she’d gotten a glimpse of what was hiding in the Shadow Realm and in that glimpse her worst fears were confirmed. They didn’t stand a chance.

Chapter 1

Jude closed his eyes trying to pretend he wasn’t enjoying what was being done to his body. He focused his thoughts on everything else going on around him, like the sound of water splashing from the marble waterfall on the other side of the room.

His tracker senses picked up each droplet falling into the pool of water at the bottom of the fall. If he wanted, he could count each drop splashing into the pool before it became a part of the collective, but even this didn’t help him take his mind off the things she did to him with her tongue. Taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes.

Jude stared past the fall, through the sheer curtains covering the windows, into the outside world. The Dark Realm stared back at him in all its horrific glory. He couldn’t tear his eyes from the window; the outside called to him. Maybe it was his need to be free which kept him glued to the window, or maybe there was someone out there, waiting for him, calling to him. Jude felt the pull of something powerful beyond the building he was trapped in, but he couldn’t answer.

A loud scream ripped through the night, ceasing as quickly as it began

another night, another death. Jude turned away from the window, shutting out the sounds of the Dark Realm and the creatures lurking there. The muscles in his tattooed stomach tightened and his body tingled with pleasure.

Tilting his head upward, he stared at the artwork on the ceiling. Blood-red images of vampires feeding on innocent mortals stared down at him. Some of the victims were full grown and some were children. His captor was known for her cruelty and these images represented the many victims she had killed over the years.

Jude closed his eyes against the depictions of death. How could someone, as petite and beautiful as the vampiress who had captured him, be so sick in the head? The same mouth she used to drain blood from her captive’s bodies was the same mouth she used to bring him pleasure regularly, like right this moment.

Jude fought the urge to clench his fingers and jerk his hips. He didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of knowing how aroused she made him. Instead, he silently counted backwards from one hundred to one, while the vampiress in front of him sucked him in deeper. Jude forced his body to remain still, refusing to push forward into the warmth of her mouth, although his body screamed for him to do so.

He didn’t want to give her any signs of encouragement thus prolonging their encounter. Jude was still pissed at her for the stunt she had pulled at their last meeting, yet every pull of her mouth, every stroke of her tongue sent tingles down his spine. He had gone twenty years without this. Even though he despised his captor, he couldn’t deny his body needed her.

Jude continued his backward count. Just as he reached three, he felt his orgasm approaching. He gritted his teeth as his body jerked. His juices poured into the mouth of the woman he hated the most in both this Realm as well as his own, Lana. She swallowed every drop like the greedy bitch she was. When she finished milking him, she got up off her knees, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

“The more I drink from you, the more addicted I become to your taste.” Her voice was deceptively sweet.

 “What would I do without your tangy nectar morning, noon and night?” Lana licked her lips.

Jude ignored her; he knew to engage in conversation with her only kept her around longer. Now that he was sated, he wanted her gone. Lana slung her red, waist length hair over her shoulder; and placing her hands on her slender hips, she gave him a heated look which would have brought a lesser demon to his knees.

“Nothing to say today, Juju,” she purred, using her nickname for him she knew he hated. Just another way of reminding him who was in charge. Jude continued to ignore her. He closed his eyes and thought of a happier time in his life; a time before he was captured by the vampire who refused to release him. He sensed Lana leaning in closer to him, examining his face.

“You really are not going to talk to me, are you?” she whined.

He pictured her pouting prettily. She always pouted when she didn’t get her way.

“Are you still mad at me for bringing another man into our sex room?”

Jude suppressed the urge to growl. He was sure she already knew the answer to the question. Hell, yeah, he was still mad about the man she had
to force on him. The man whose neck Jude ripped out when the bastard tried to use force to subdue him.

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