Last Hope (22 page)

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Authors: Jesse Quinones

Tags: #jesse quinones, #last hope, #mre380, #x project

BOOK: Last Hope
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Maxim gave Andrea a little visit down
over by the training room, upon which Andrea was practicing
fighting moves. “So this is where, the might Andrea goes to hide
from the world.” Maxim said in the doorway.

What the hell do you want?”
Andrea ask as he stop his training to face Maxim.

Maxim shrugs his shoulders. “Can’t two
soldiers have a nice and friendly chat with one another

There is nothing to talk
about.” Andrea told him in a cold tone.

Maxim just smirk a little. “I may need
to turn up the temperature in this room with all of those cold
stares you have been giving me here.” Andrea just ignore Maxim and
try to continue to focus his training again. That was when Maxim
continue to walk forward towards Andrea. “I was hoping you could
help me out here. I am in a tough spot, I just don’t know which
girl I want to fuck here. I have been thinking about Zoe, Everyone
already know that Adam had his way with her. She is quiet so I
won’t wake up the neighbors.” Maxim chuckle a bit. “I don’t want to
wake you up or anything. Or maybe Maire, she has been flirting with
me for a while now so I think she is doable.”

Andrea stop his training to turn around
and Maxim was right in Andrea’s face with his little smirk. In a
whispering told, Andrea told Maxim to back off. “Don’t you dare lay
a hand on either one of those girls, or any girl in this base. You
don’t deserve any of them.”

Maxim just smile. “How many girls have
you had sex with, Moletta.” When Maxim said Andrea’s last name,
Andrea got i rage and tackle Maxim to the ground. Maxim gave a head
but against Andreas head which made Andrea flinch backwards a
little. This gave Maxim a chance to strike at Andrea’s chest which
the impact made Andrea fall backwards and Maxim got back up as if
nothing happen. “That was refreshing don’t you think?” Maxim told
Andrea with a chuckle. “You know, good talking with you, I think I
am going to do both, save me the time for picking.” Maxim left the
room and stumble upon Adam on his way out. “Morning Brown, going to

Just checking, is Andrea
inside there?”

He sure is, infact we just
finish some basic combat. He still needs work.” Maxim said then
walking away.

Adam continue to head into the room
where he found Andrea who was holding his chest, taking in deep
breaths. “You never learn do you?” Andrea was already angry with
Maxim, he did not had to hear Adam words as well. “I see you have
taken my advice and learn how to fight, however you still need to
train on something else. Your mind Andrea. You can have the
toughest body in the whole base. You still won't be good in a fight
if you can’t get your head straight.”

I will be doing a lot
better if Maxim would just die in the field.”

Then kill him, friendly
fire. Tell Commander that is was an accident.” Andrea was confused
at what Adam was trying to say. “The reason why Maxim was able to
beat you in a fight was because he uses mind games. He gets inside
your head, and he lets you fight against yourself for him. If you
can’t even beat him in a fight, then you are useless out there on
the field.”

I would take a bullet for
you Adam, for everyone in here, but I will not take one for

Better be careful out there
Andrea. Sometimes the person you are willing to take the bullet
for, is the one who is pulling the trigger. I already know that
Maxim is willing to take a bullet for you. I just would like to
know if you are going to be pulling the trigger or not?” Andrea did
not answer the question right away, when his pager went off. “Looks
like you are needed. If you come back, then I am looking forward
with chatting with you in the future, that is, if you survive that

On the aircraft, Andrea was with Maxim,
Zoe, Maire, Boris and Jay. As they were getting close to their
destination. Maxim spoke. “Who is going to be the leader for this

Why you ask?” Maire said
with concern.

Every squad needs a leader.
Someone who calls the shots.”

Andrea interrupt Maxim thoughts. “Would
you even listen to whoever the leader is?”

Of course.” Maxim said with
a chuckle. “Are you volunteering?” Andrea says nothing.

Boris came into the conversation. “I’ll
try out the leader role for you if you would like? I have been
talking with Adam and how he leads his squad.”

Any objections?” Maxim ask,
but no one came in to object. “All right Boris, our lives our in
your hand now. Take care of us.”

As soon as they land Andrea waste no
time and rushes ahead, to save someone. Jay moves to cover, spots
two drones and a mech. “Hey everyone, I think I found that Mech.”
Jay told everyone.

Boris look to where Jay was and found
the mech. “Well then, no need to hold back on this one. Let’s just
hope that this mech also malfunctions just like last time.” Jay
rushes forward, save a person, then toss a grenade destroy both
drones and hurt the mech. Boris moves closer, shot at the mech. The
mech starts scanning the ground, people scream in the distance.
“Looks like we got more Sons in the area.” Boris told the rest of
the group.

Maxim was confuse on what he should do.
“What’s the plan boss? kill the sons first or save as many people
as we can?”

Lets take out the Sons that
we see, and then focus on saving the people. Can’t save anyone if
we are all dead.”

Jay retreats inside a building, save
someone, found three swords. “Guys, we got swords.”

Maire fire at mech with a pistol. Boris
fires a rocket at the mech. “Still alive!” Boris said with a shock.
Maxim shot at the mech. Andrea shot at a sword guy. Zoe shot at
Andrea’s target, killed it with a headshot, the mech fire its
missiles at Boris but miss. One sword guy ran out into the open,
Jay fire at him but miss, then the mech fire a missile at Jay,
almost killing him. “Are you alright Jay!”

Jay, who was in great pain pulled
himself back together. “I’ll be fine. Don’t let that Mech hit you,
they hurt worse than a tank missile.” Maire shot at the sword guy
that Jay miss, killed it with a headshot. Jay fire a rocket at the
mech, destroys it. “That is what you get for being a giant
asshole.” Jay told the destroyed mech.

Andrea shot at the other sword, hit no
kill, Zoe shot at same target, miss. Maxim shot at same target,
hit, no kill. Boris moves forward, toss a grenade killed the sword.
“Are we clear?” Boris ask in confusion as he looks

Zoe got up from her sniper position
then walk over to Boris. The air is not making any noise at this
time. No Sons are in sights. I believe we are clear, for the time

Good.” Boris says with a
sigh. “Does anyone have any medictis on them? Jay is in real bad
shape. Everyone shook their heads no. “Great, and why did no one
brought and medikits, I will never know.” Boris said talking to

After a while of saving people Boris
order Jay to stay back, and let the rest of them finish clearing
out the building that they were in. Maire moves forward inside a
building, found a brute and a heavy, the brute comes rushing in,
Zoe fire at it with a pistol but miss. The heavy killed a person
right in front of their eyes. Maxim fire at brute it gets mad and
while it was running Boris got a few shots off of him. Andrea came
rushing to help, shot at brute. The brute starts to chase after
Andrea. Zoe fire at the heavy, but miss. The brute stop running
after Andrea and instead starts to beat up Maire who was a lot
closer. It did not take long for the Brute to beat up Maire upon
which she almost has an entire broken body. Boris kills the brute
that was on top of her then quickly ran over to her. “Maire, are
you all right? How you doing?” Maire could not speak. She was in a
daze and when she open her mouth, blood just comes out. “She needs
a hospital, she does not have long. This area is not safe until we
kill the last Heavy.” Boris told everyone as he reloads his

Andrea rush into another room, save
someone and found the heavy. “Contact!”

Jay moves forward. The heavy kills
another person. Boris order Jay back. “Jay, what are you doing? Get
back there, I don’t want to have two dead soldiers!”

Don’t worry sir, you are
not going to have two dead soldiers, just one.” Jay says with a

Andrea moves closer, shot at heavy, did
not kill it Maxim moves forward, shot at heavy but miss with a
pistol. Zoe moves forward, shot at the heavy, miss with pistol. The
heavy kills another person. Boris was confused at what the heavy
was doing. “Does this heavy not care that we are trying to kill

Andrea fire again, almost killed he
heavy Jay moves forward, shot at the wall destroying the heavy
cover, Zoe took a shot at the heavy, kills it, headshot, Maire was
able to get back to B.A.S.E alive. Eleven people we're saved out of
eighteen. Maire is wounded for five days, Jay is wounded for nine
and got the nickname Nero. Zoe got the nickname ghost, Andrea is
septic, Maxim is vampire, Boris is doomsday. All those soldiers are

Maxim was in the bar drinking with Soto
and Gary. Soto was talking about Maxim nickname.

Maxim was drinking some Bloody Mary
before answering Soto. “Yep, I guess people around here know I love
to suck on my girls, and leave marks.” He says with a

Gary just roll his eyes. “Bragging
about how many woman you sleep with will not make your dick

A man has to brag about
something right?” Both Soto and Gary just look at eachother then
back at Maxim. “This could be the alcohol talking but I just don’t
get you two.”

What’s not to get?” Gary

Why are you two friends?
Soto, he knock up your sister!”

She is old enough to do
what she want’s to do Vampire.” Soto told him in a cold

I just don’t understand
friends.” Maxim told both of them while he take another sip of his
drink. “I find it easier to live alone. If you do that, then the
only one who can let you down is yourself.”

Gary rebutted his conversation. “That
also means, that no one will help you back up.”

Maxim thought about that for a little
bit before saying something. “Point taken. Alright, I see your
point. Have a good day gentleman.”

Mission 29 A Promise

Kato and Gary were both in Kato’s room,
upon which Gary was rubbing Katos belly. “I am glad that Commander
has not been making you go into more mission.”

Kato let out a small sigh. “It’s not
going to last for long. Sooner or later people will start to ask
question, why I am meeting more. Getting fatter.” Kto says with a

Gary only let out a light smile. “That
means there is only more of you to love.”

Kato just chuckle at Garys joke. “You
dork.” Then she gave him a kiss.

How are you able to keep
this away from the others? No offensive Kato. There is a difference
then being fat and having a child’s belly.”

Kato just let out a sigh. “I have been
getting twice the size I am supposed to wear, and I hardly go
anywhere anymore. I go just enough to make sure the girls in here
don’t think I have depression and will come in here.”

Gary only let out a small smile. “How
long has it been?”

Kato thought about the question for a
bit. “About two months. I got pregnant around mission twenty. The
last one was number twenty-eight.”

Gary’s pager went off interrupting
Kato’s train of thought. “Looks like its about to be mission
twenty-nine today.”

Kato gave Gary a small kiss. “Don’t get
shot out there, this child needs a father.”

A father our child will
get.” Gary got up and was about to leave when he remember one more
thing. “We hope that this war will be over before you give birth.
If that does not happen, then what?”

Commander already knows I
am keeping the child, and his word is the only word we should care
about.” Gary thought about it and gave Kato a nod of agreement.
Kato smile back and wave goodbye to Gary.

When Gary reach the aircraft. there he
found Andrea, Zoe, Maxim, Afam, and Chang waiting him. Maxim spoke
first. “There he is, the only guy who actually love someone on this
base instead of just fucking her.”

Nice to see you two Maxy.”
Gary told him as he gave Adam a handshake. “What’s the

Simple one.” Adam told him
as everyone got into the aircraft. “There are sighting of a few
Sons in a certain area. It’s going to be our job to kill them all
and go home.”

I like it, simple

Maxim raise his hand. “I got a
question.” Without waiting for someone to call his name he, look
over to Gary and ask him his question. “How come you have been here
longer than us Gary, yet you are a lower level than the

Gary was taken back from Maxim
question. “What do you mean?”

It’s right on your uniform
Gary, you can’t hide what you are. Why are you still a

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